November -23, ;1838 nnt arrived in the city .Catala last night from Van-' . inin the staff of the r ui filan National Railways city . . J f T T-t office nerc, aucicvumg j. c. tt who nas Deen transierrca bcouver MADE IN CANADA a. A. Cowan, commercial repre- ..v.,v ui uicjuaicuni uo. irom Montreal, arrived In the city from the east on yesterday morning's ftraln In the course of a trip to the racmc uoast Mr. Cowan comes from Montreal. Look for the name "Ediion Mazda" on. the lampj you buy. This name .ensures good light at low coit D fO IITTI LIGHT SETTER SIGHT-USE EDISONMAZDA eaters anu iurnaccs. Phone us for prices. lump J PAN AD IAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. Limited 'urs! Furs! Furs! Furs! re buy furs and pay cash for them more cash, than nyone else can give you. Ship what you have and we will do the rest. iOLDBLOOM the Old Reliable MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Solid Walnut Tea Wagons. Solid Walnut Hope Chests with Tennessee Cedar Lining 127 Third Ave. Phone 775 I Winter ip again with us and as usual we are at your service to assist Jou solve your fuel problems. "We have coals for aj stoves, Winter JSH winds acam ArechilliTtg Ana your- co&l bin needs 0 rHILPOTT- EVITT & Go. Ltd. 651 PHONE 652 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Norah," Nov. 3rd, 19th, Dec. 3rd, 17th. To Ketehlkan, Wranfell, Juneau and Skagway ! SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 30th, Nov. 15th, 29th, Dec. 13th. WINTER EXCURSION FAKKS rQO 00 TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN uUU Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th, 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937. For information nnrt Reservations V. L. COATES, Gen. Aeent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Basketball tonight, Moose Haitf Steve Pmdhomme has returned Jo the city from a two weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver. '' Miss Brenda Allen, who has beri on a vacation trip to "Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. Mrs. A. E. Perry was passenger aboard the Catala last evening, returning to. her home In Port Simpson after a brief 'trip to Vancouver; 'Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Moody and eon, St. John, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Catala last 'evening returning to Stewart. P. W. Racey, superintendent of the Princess Royal mine at Surf Inlet, came north from Vancouver to Butedale on the Catala :yester-day, proceeding to Surf Inlet by gasboat. Mrs. w. Middleton, wife -of Constable Mlddleton of the city 'detachment of the provincial police, returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a trip to Van- icouver. Night Coughs 9i Jt fr Quickly checked without "dosing." ..Just wirtfc rvionW VapoRub John Mathers, well -known pioneer resident of Sandsplt, left at the nd of the week. on the Prince John returning to his home on the Queen Charlotte .Islands after Shav ing been here to receive treatment at the- Prince Rupert 'Oeneral 'Hos pltal. The Rotary Club Is postponing Its luncheon this week from Thurs day to Friday in order to avail itself of the opportunity -of 'hearing an address by Commissioner John McMillan, head of the Salvation Army in Canada and Newfound land, who 'will be n visitor In the city at that time. Louis L. Wick, who arrived in the city at the end of the week from Petersburg, Alaska, is leav ing on this evening's train for New Vork where he will embark Dec-, ember 9 on 4he steamer Stavang- drfjord for a winter visit to his native home In Nordjvaagen, Nor-; way. Ranee & Hardy's SERVICE PECIALS om Tuesday to Saturday CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS per lb, DATES Bulk Pitted per !lb. GLACE CHERRIES per lib SHELLED WALNUTS Broken pieces, per lb. 29 c lie 40c 29c WHOLE MIX PEEL Citron Ca Hpo n rr a T amnn nOr 'IK 'mA9Wf CURRANTS Cleaned per lb. ' BUTTER Sunnybrook per lib EGGS Brookfleld Grade 'B' .per doz TOMATO JUICE Libby's 10 Vz oz., per tin SARDINES Brunswick per 'tin KETCHUP Ashcroft 13 oz., 2 bottles Mcintosh APPLES F & F., 5 lbs GRAPEFRUIT 0 for TERRACE .CABBAGE per lb. TERRACE CARROTS 10 lbs TERRACE TURNIPS 10 lbs 13c 30c 33c 6 c 6c 25c 25c 25c 5c 24c 24c Try Our Own Blend Tea It ,i Delicious RANCE & HARDY ORANOE fCs, PEKOE TEA, -per lb. ,.TV' PHONES-55 and 56 DAILY. KSvTsl JPAQS -THHE2 efc LOCAL NEWS NOTES Nice new line of bed lamps for $1,00 fi the Dollar Store. tf . Ole Strand returned to the city on the Catala last evening 'from a trip 'to Vancouver. William Goldbloom, who has been on a business trip'to the"Namu dis trict, returned to the city on the Cardena Saturday afternoon. Hon. H. H. Stevens came north from Vancouver'to Butedale on the Catala -yesterday, being on his way to Khutze Inlet where he is interested in a mining property. Shane Murray returned to his home 'in town at the end of last week after having ieen employed at the -Big Missouri mine at Stew art. R. M. Winslow, assistant mana ger of the 'Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., will be the speaker at the Regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club on Rt. Rev. Q. A. WellsC.M.G., MA., D.D. of Kamloops, Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Cariboo, will ar rive in Prince Rupert at the end of this week for 'the purpose Of 'conducting a special mission here. Bishop Wells is at present In Smi thers. He will be heard at a number of gatherings -under church auspices while here and has also accepted an invitation to address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. R. E. Hardcastle, agent for the Canadian National Railways at Ketchikan, was here aboard the Princess Norah at the end of the week going through on a trip to Vancouver. Mr, Hardcastle stated that there was no very serious ihortage of food as yet at Ketchikan as a result of the shipping tie-up due to the longshore strike, although supplies of very perish able articles such as butter and greenstuffs were becoming somewhat low. CONDITION OF HALIBUT FISH EttV REVIEWED AT COMMIS SION HEARING Continued frontpage 1 ground. Illegal ftshbig was not good for Area 3. The commission's expert said they welcomed a showdown on the facts. The. commission was work ing under a blaze of "publicity not only on this coast -but elsewhere; The people of Norway and Eng land and Japan were" watching the work they were doing. Questions were asked by G. P. Lyons, Wt H. Brett, Trevor Wll ttams, George Anderson and Cap' tain Tony Martlnusen, and an swered by Mr. Thompson. Dr. Thompson, In theorizing on why halibut did not seem to bite at Goose Island during the winter, stated that this was .possibly due to the fact that they were not eating. When water was cold, It was found that fjsh did not grow much and did not eat much. This was.possibly why Goose, Island ciUckens did :not take kalt much in winter. George Anderson asked why then had halibut taken bait at Goose Bay before there had ever been a close season. If the fish would not bite, It was not neces sary to have a close season. In closing the public hearing, Mr. Alexander thanked the rep resentatlves of the industry for. coming. AH suggestions which had been made were appreciated and would receive full consideration from the commission. Announcements Entertainment Cabaret Style, Catholic Hall, November 25. ' . Cathedral Christmas bazaar, Nov. 26. . C. C. F. Bazaar, December 2. United, Church ber 3. Bazaar, tDecenv Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole Hall. December 4. Presbyterian tea, December B. Cambrai Christmas 8plruters' Spree. Dcctmber 11. - ncraWon 'dance, Oddfellows' HiU, Dtcembtr 18. Thomas Anderson, "superintendent of Nelson -Bros. ."Fisheries reduction plant at Tucks Inlet, returned to-the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver, John L. "Frank arrived ln the clty on the Princess 'Adelaide on Saturday from Ketchikan. While flying in the north, Mr. Frank was a passenger aboard a .plane .piloted by Jimmy Rmehart which sprung a leak in a pontoon In Zenovia Straits near Wrangell and .sank. W. Gibbon and E. Gibbon, who have been prominently Identified with recent mining development In the Omineca district north of "Van-derhoof, arrived In the city from the interior at the week-end. They are planning to proceed to their native home in "Wales for Christ mas. They leave on this evening's Vanderhoof enroute to Halifax train and will visit at Smithers and where they will embark. Synopsis of Land Act rmiiMrncma VACANT, anreaerved. survsjed : Crown Undi may. to. prt-tmptm bjr Brltui) ubjecta ever II ;iui f 'ace, and bj aliens en declaring intention to become British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation -and Improvement. VMU Information concerning Pre-emptions Is lrn 'In Bulletin No. 1, Land Series. "Ho to Pre-empt Land,- coptet el which can be obtained tree of charge by eddreeilng the Department or Landl.-Vlc-torla. B.C.; Bureau of provincial Information. Victoria. Of bj Oottrnment Agent. Records will be . granted covering . oolr land 1 suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable lnce ( road, school and marketing (acuities and which Is not tlmberland, Le earrrlng ?er JOO board feet per acre east of the Coast Range and 1000 feet' per acre west of that Range. Applications for pre-e mptloni 'are to be i addressed to the Land Commissioner of 'the Lend Recording Division In which the land applied for Is . situated, on printed forms obtained from the -CommlMloner. pre-emptions most be occupied I Tor five vears and tmprovrmcnU laade to valvie of 119 per acre, Including clearing bd cultivating t least five acres, before Crown 'Grant can be received, Pre-emptions' carrying part time coudl-tlsns of oocupatloa are lo granted. FLKCHASt OK UAH Applications -are received tor purchase iot vacant and unreserve., down lands, 1 not being tlmberlanl, for agricultural purposes. ' If lnlnraas price tt first-class (arable I land Is II tier acrs.i and second- ictaas (grlng) land, I1H -per acre. Further Information Is glvem tn Bulletin No. 10. Land Series, "Purchase -and Lease 'of Crown Laads." ' As partial, relief 'measure, reverted lands may be acquired by purchase la ten 'equal; Instalments, with the. first payment suspended for two years, provided taxes are paid when due And improvements are made tf urine .the first two years of not less -than 16 f Ue appraised value. 1'JU, factory or Mduatrtal 'sites -on limber land, not exeeedtng. M acres, may be purchased or leased, tin 'conditions 'Including, peyment'ot ttumpage. .-Tjnsdrveyed areas, not eseeedlng S I acres, may: be. leased as ,bomesltes, eondi- itlonal upon' a dwelling 'being erected in the first rear, tlUe 1 being - obtained after recldence and improvement, conditions are f ultlUsd; And land has . bea surveyed. Per' grasing 'and saduMrlaT fwrroos 'areas not eiceedlog 'wH acrtd leased by one; person or a wmpany. Under the Orsitrig Act the' Province ts divided into grazing, districts and the range administered under 'grealng' regulations amended from tUM'to time to meet varying 'Conditions. AnaaaJ 'ranoc permits -are Issued baaed "ew, eertela taoothlr rates per head of rloek.. Prjorlty.'aa.tTaa-ing privileges U ; gives to resident stock owners. Btoek-owners may form associations for range .management.. 'Pree or partsaUy tree permlU available for settlers, campers and uavaUors, wp to torn head. JONES Family Market PHONE-H95'? Pot 'Roastr- 4-..lbsa:..:.!.'. Corn Beef ' 6 Short Rib-' 3. iibs; Specials . i BEEF , $1 : PHONE 957 Hambu1-rr3bs:ii ;' ;; . ' ' 2 lbs.' Onions... Sirloin .Steafe , ! ' ' 3 ibs. Round Steak per lb - VEAL Shoulder of Veal per lb Leg of Veal per lb. Veal Chops-r- 2 lbs. Stew Veal 3 lbs '. . LAMB & MUTTON Leg of, Lamb s per lb; ...... Lamb Chops per lb. Shoulder of Lamb per lb. Shoulder of Mutton per lb. Loin of Mutton per lb. . Sausage, 1 lb. St Vi lb. Uver 35c 30c 25c 25c 50c 15c 10c 15c 35c 25c 25c 25c 15c 10c 15c 25c NOTICE The Knox Hotel. is under new ownership. "Come up ami see us some time?; It. BRASELL N. M. BOASEIX Now on Display The largest Assortment Of Christmas taxis We Have Erer Stocked NEW ASSORTMENTS NEW DESIGNS Cards from 2 for 5c to 35c each Boxed Assortments from 25c seals - tags - ribbons - encdogurer . cards - Wrapping tissue - Come in and see our complete assortment , REMEMBER Voting: isinovv on for the Rexall Boys and Girls' Contest OrmeslMis Vhe Jhonecr Drtqe?ists 1 he BexaUl BUn f hones: 81 ft Ox ' Open Daily From 8 twn. tin 0 m. . Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2,1Mn, 1 pja.'fll S .m. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF-CANADA, LBIITEI) TKA1L BRITISU COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Urand Chemical Fertilizer w 'Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers ' . Producers & Refiners of Tadanac'Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. We loan you free a complete i Home permanent Wave Machine for 3 imonths. . All you need,' do is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping "and the oil for 6 mplete permanents., Will -not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No, electricity or experience needed. " When you have' used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents, a permanent. , ' . Marvel Wave Factory Used 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C, Goods" . ";v..'V.(f ' ' ' . . ,'. . : t . ' . ''.i' Picture Frames,.price , . ,. ..... .' . vSce'SOca&Sc Wringers .uhf. , ,f ;$10;&2.00 Hand Sewing Machine . :.u$lfc00 Badminton Racket, Slazengers ,;,;.. . , v.'.V.0 Violet Ray ......... .....,'. , , . . ,.... .'j,.'. 5.0, Vibrators . . . . V" , IivS2.5b $5.00 Radios, Battery "Sets 4..; ..; .,. vflO.OO-S2500 Violin, full size ,.".,..Ve'A .'... . ... ;$12.50 Tenor Banjos .'. . 1 . .VXv:. , . .$6.00. $18:00 Flute . . ... .;,;".t. . ,$12.00 Clarinet '. .v..-i. .. . The above mentioned are on display, at D. E LI O FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy Used Goods of Any Description Yor Cash .'Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Business Hours: Trom 8 ajn. to 5 p.m. Thursday half holiday as usual. , mi .la 1