March 13. 13 DAILY NKW Enjoy the Best Tea LOCAL NEWS NOTES i Attention, everyone. The Museum Charles Letts will sail tonight on I campaign Is on. Join now. the Cardena for Campbell River. ! ; i NOTICE Opening Saturday, 14tl n 1. M roiton m 9 saia eat mar lid. JJip. Pioneer Druqrjists It. Kciall KUn Phones: 81 & 82 Onen Dallv From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Union Steamships, Limited S t P n Tnn t-o Inn, a n t n nima, fni Vnnpnuver! I'-S. CATJli . - 10 ket (Formerly Joslin! Meat Market) Specisiliinin Fresh Meats and Fish every 50 cents purchase, 1 pound Ilaiuhurer Kivcir free-opening: day Pork Sausages a Specialty 'H0XE-fi83 DELIVERY BRUSHES MAYING BRUSIIES-A large assortment to sel- , eet from ; good quality, excellent value. 35c, 75c, $1.00 and up AIL SCRUBS AN I)-I IAN D 'HRUSIIES Mostly Kent's, made in England. Priced i (if to C- tZ(i from ,uu Handy Whisks !5c 30c 35c Clothes Brushes 50c t0 81.25 Bath Brushes $1.25 Razor Strops 50c t0 $3.50 ESundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., J p.m. till 9 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10.30 p.m. Canadian National Steamships ., r.vwu TUliSllAY, 1:30 l".ai. " UUS Vanpnnvn. rvu. 1... ir0n ""'Mr muiauuy p.m. il!S. CAItiii-tr. iviuuuay a.m. - - sa m i-ori mmpson, Htewari, Anyox unu RnnHfiv ft nm V8-36 lt.MUe.r lnformatlon regarding sailings and tickets from "'SMITH . . . . . Dhnnr MM -..ii, irince uunert Aecnt. Third Ave. I lf ' Vftll ... -.7 .... 1 .l .tinnmnnf th Z vu Bomething to sell, a classmen auvw e city j l,on ici yon Know u uwiv " v You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a! ' mile. j Tonight "Ylmmy Johnson'; Yob," I.O.O.F. Hall, 8 o'clock. Adm. 50c. Refreshments. G2 MISS Phrlcelo Mn! onrl night on the Prince Rupert .'or a trip to. Vancouver. Edward Pierce and Morris Holm-berg, local halibut fishermen, returned to the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Ketchikan. Meeting of halibut fishermen and vessel owners with Dr. Bed I D. W. Reeve of Vancouver, who i came here as an exprl valuator i i In connection with the local as sessment appeal in Supreme Court this week, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return south. Kenneth B. Hanah, an for the Yukon and hlte Pa?r Route at Skagway, and his son, John, were passengers aooard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver whenca they plan to proceed on a trip to the West Indies. Mrs. MacLeod White and two children of Atlin were passengers aboardt he Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. Mrs. White's husband is In charge of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co.'s operations in the Atlin district. Announcements "Ylmmy Yohnson's Yob," comedy drama. Luther League, March 13. Oddfellows' Hall. St Patrick's Day celebration, Catholic Hall, March 17. Eastern Star dance, March 20. Basketball Championship series March 20, 21. United Church Tea, Oddfellows" Hall, March 26. Boys' Band Bridge and Whist, Hall, March 26. Anglican Pageant, March 27. Presbyterian Sunday School Con cert, March 27. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April ?. Baptist sale, April 8. Orange Ladies' Spring Sale, Oddfellows' Hall, April 9. Queen Mary Daffodil Dance, Eas ter Monday. St. Andrew's sale. April 16. Cathedral Easter Catholic Spring Sale, April 23. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 7. Moose Hall TONIGHT It's a Real Old Time Barn Dance You May Win a Prize for an Old Time Waltz Farmers, 40c; Milkmaids, 35c PKEMipil ORCHESTRA NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY I'llOM HOME" Kates $1.00 up M Rooms Hot it Cold Waler Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O, Box 190 We need a Museum. Give it a ; boost and have one. Join now! Carl Kirmis of Massett, after, a brief business vlsitl to the city will j sail by the Prilice; Jwml tonight on his return- to the. Queen Char- ! lotte Islands. , The regular monthlyi mee' m g vl the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council, scheduled loi last night, was postponed - until next week. , ! ford of the Fisheries ExDerimentn I plan to reside. Station tonight" at 8 in Fisher- ' l. I men's Union Hall, postponed from 1 last night. Harold B. Thomas, who has been in the'butcher business In Skagway. and Mrs. Thomas were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday bound for Seattle where they MtKS COUGH DR0p Medicated with ingredients of Vicks VapoRub The regular monthly meeting1 of the Prince Rupert Shrine Clubi was held in the Masonic Tempje last night. Business was of a routine nature. President J. S. Nelson was in- the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. John Q. Garrett, well known Atlin merchant, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon to pay a brief visit with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett, after which he will proceed to Vancouver. The Rotary Club, at Its luncheon meeting yesterday, decided to join with other organization! in an ef fort to raise money forthe Boys' Band which for the first twp years of its existence had b'eertl SDottsored . . f by the club. The form dt effort will be decided at a central meeting of organizations. A large carnival has been proposed. ; ... ...f-W Hotel Arrivals Savoy John A. Ferguson, Lewis Island: C. Olsen, city: C. Kirmis, Massett; Mr. and Mrs. N. McCartney and Dan S. Hill, Porcher -Island; Mrs. Iverson, Oona River. Royal H. Ness, Bruce Webb and A Woje, city. Prince Rupert Mrs. T. H. Evans, Hyder; J. Garrett, Atlin; G. Woodall and family. C.N.R ; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Thom-is and Mrs. V. Glass, Terrace; H. Radcliffe, Milltown, N.B. STEER BEEF Rump Roast ""fl'j5(f 1U Prime Rib per lb Pot Roast per lb Short Ribs 3 lbs Comet Butter 3 lbs Pork Butts per lb. Butt Chops 2 lbs Loin Pork Roast per lb. Diamond A Bacon, per lb. Pork Tenders per lb 18c 12c 25c 85c 22c 45c 27c Ayrshire Bacon 07f nm. IK d AX, JIjI. lUt ..... Swift's Picnic Hams, lb 30c 21c Fresh Whipping 'OA a Cream, pint . . AVI Leg of Lamb per lb Shoulder Trimmed, per lb. . . . 27c 17c Lamb Stow 2 lbs. OAp 1 tin Peas IS' 1 The weekly laundry including household linens ashed for 10c monthly. Anglican Tea j And Sale Heidi noon at Home of Mrs. Neal Carter Despite the inclement weather, a very successful Anglican tea was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Neal Carter, Fifth Avenue East, the hostess being assisted in receiving the many callers by Mrs. C. V. EMU, president of the Woman's Auxiliary. The tea table covered with a lace cloth and attractively decorated with pink antirrhinums and green tapers was presided over by Mrs. W. H. Tobey and Miss R. M. Davies O.B.E. The tea room was in charge ,of Mrs. Thomas Andrew and Mrs. W. C. Asplnall with Mrs. F. A. MacCallum as cashier. Acting . as serviteurs were Mrs; George Cripps, Mrs. J. G. Johns, Mrs. J. P. Tinker and Mrs. J. Wil son. A well patronized home cooking table was in charge of Mrs. W. J Nelson, Mrs. J. H. McLeod and !Mrs. C. Ellison. Try a Dally News classified ad vertisement for best results. SPECIALS Mi Lady Beauty Shop J Offers Beautiful Permanent Wave We are noted for our lovely curls j Free Facial with Rose Marie j B.- C. PRODUCTS I Phone C55 71 TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKUATS 5,000' HEAVER Wanted at once for Immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market Value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter TKINCE GEORGE, B.C. The wringer attachment saves time and lahour in washing and drying. TERRACE F. A. MacCallum, Bank of Montreal manager of Prince Rupert Successful Affair Yesterday After-'Paid Terrace a visit this week, ar rivlnz Monday and returning to Prince Rupert yesterday. Fred Nash, B.C.LJS., is away up, the Kalum Valley to look over the damage done during the winter I to the main road, parts of which have been completely destroyed and where a new road may hav;? 1 to be surveyed. CLASSiHtO FOR RENT FOR RENT Five-room furnished house Eighth Ave. East. Call 741 after 4 o'clock. (63) FOR RENT Modern four-room flats, bath and Monarch range, Clapp Block, $12.50. $15 & $17.50. Helgerson Ltd. (Ap 3) FOR SALE FOR SALE-Enterprise cabinet cir-' culatlng heater, perfect condition 'and four-hole Justrlte range. ' Phone Black 923. (62) FOR SALE Gas Boat, cheap for . cash. Newly rebuilt. Length, 40 ft. Beam, 10 ft. Horsepower 16 Imperial. Apply W. Singer, Massett, B.C. 6S GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Del ivered, 15, for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver, LOST LOST Black kitten about 7 months old, Phone 580. (tf) FOUND FOUND Qdd gloves, one yellow pigskin, other black, lined. Apply Dally News, (tf) WANTED WANTED Export quality hemlock logs. For further Information In- qulr Geo. W. Nlckeraon Co. (80) Enjoy More Leisure; with an ELECTRIC LAUNDRY There is no need to let big washings They save time, fabrics, money, sap your strength; undermine your With them, washday is no longer health. Have an ELECTRIC LAUNDRY! An electric washer with wringer attachment and an electric irdner cut washday toil to a minimum. a day apart. You have plenty of . time for other things. Give YOUR home an electric laundry. It's smart; -it's modern; and it's so easily done with our convenient payment plan. ' The ironing all done electrically for only 30c each month. The family wash! Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ROYAL LUNCH The best place In (own io eat WHITE COOKING HOME BAKING- Try our Sandwiches & Coffee Phone 807 719 Third Ave. Beaver Pelts UP 20 I have large orders for Beaver Skins at highest prices. Also I am buying Rats or any other furs. Ship them In and cash will come baqk on next mall." GOLD B IO 0 M The Old Reliable Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office. 315 Second Avenue I . A