News - w t iiiiiin - I'l l jv - J Operation Owing To Head Injury TirtbON, tec. 10: Larry Gains, Cinadiari nero heavyweight boxer underwent art operation !n LONDOS FINDS "PROSPECT" CAPETOWN, Dec. 10: (CP) - Jim Londos, Oreek wrestler who and Views " " - 1 Close Play Featured Last Nlirlit's Games in National Hockey i League ! London jesvT.uay jor a in- NEW YORK, Dec. 16: (CP) jury, n is possioie m ne may) New York Rangers and Montreal have to cancel rns next bout. I Maroons played a two all ovir t time draw In the National Hockey i DONATES OPERATING TABLE League In New York last nlriit NEWMARKET, EHfi;., Uzs. 10: As ft TPSIllt. tJhp ftAnaphs Aran im (CP)' -Sir Abe tialiey, noted race- j into a tie for leadership of the rorse owner wnose i;an uuiger American section standing with con the Cambridgeshire this aut-1 Detroit Red Wings who were de-umn, has glVen an dperatlng tablt i feated 4 to 3 by the Canadlens at to the Rous Memorial Hospital .Montreal. The point credit for the here- SOCCER CLUI1S FINED STOKE, ting., Did. 10: (CP) - Southend United, Southampton tie brought 'the1 Maroons up to even terms for second place in the International section with the Nfew York Americans who 16st five to three ao the Boston Bruins at and Nottingham Potest, English .Boston in overtime. football league cluUs, were each lined JlO at a league management committee meeting for playing" non-refilstered players. REALISES GOLFER'S DREAM BIRMINGHAM, Eng., Dei. 16: (CP)- -Playing at Cocksmoor Golf Club during a recent wetek-ettd L PaHow twice holed out In one. Using the same ball he turned the trick at the fourth and tenth 'holes, both 101 yards. Detroit 3, Canadiieris 4. Maroons 2,. New York Rangers: 2 (overtime). New York Americans 3, Boston1 5 (overtime). Hockey Standings International Section W. D. L. F, Canadlens - .7 2 Americans .5 3 Montreal 4 5 Toronto 4 1 American Section hai been appearing in South Af- Detroit 7 rlca. believes Johanens van drr Rangers ...,..,.-.,.....7 Walt, South African niatman. Boston ..l....,6 haj the qualities of a world-titlist. Chicago .... ....,...,..! 3 3 2 5 Sir Robert BURNETT'S London Dry Gin - SEAGRAM'S u83" Rye Whisky SEAGRAM'S - - ; Soecial Old Rye Whisky TMi odvtrtlitmtnt U not publiihed or C4 1 "TILLIE THE TOILER" si o r- m '.'iii':' THE dREAT MYSTERY TILL! B'S SSES ON MAC'S DOME RESPONSIBLE FG WIS HAIR-GOVJIMS" OUT ? A. P. 5 31 31 16 5 30 29 13 5 27 26 13 i Here is a list to choose from - Brands noted for their . quality and value wherever the ring of true hospitality- Cheer campaign: 7 30 35 9 ing 4 32 26 17 4,34 24 17 4 30 32'' 14 senior Regiment vs. City League All Stars. . Intermediate Scythians vs. All Stars. Ladles High pchool vs':. All Stars. . Junior game as yet Undecided. The Senior and ladies' teams have not yet been selected, but the Tn4nV,A!A(). '.Jlt Uti tit. 9nUn..,. Suehlro Blake, Eby, Husoy, Cromp, Drown. Palmer, yiereck, McMeekin. Teams will : practice Friday and Sunday, the Write to be announced later. AFTER FEATHERWEIGHT TITLE LONDON, Dec. 16: (CP) Johnny McGirory, British featherweight champion, has failed for. South Africa where he wijl meet Willie Smith for .the British Empire boxing title at Johannesburg, probably December 26, Boxing Day: PROTEST CORONATION RACE LONDON, Dec 10: (CP) Wish- to be in London on corona workers at the Donlngton Road Speedway, are opposing Junior Cait Club's plan for an interna - 7 22 23 . 7 ttenal trophy race, May 12. is known. At this holiday season select your requirements -from this list, knowing that your friends will endorse your choice, for each in its price range is an outstanding favorite. Ancient OLD PARR Scotch Whisky - - fiANDY MACDONALD Soecial Liaueur Scotch Whisky-26 Finest London Dry Gin - 26OZ.$3 i3 oz$Z i6 ozn 25 ozS&J 25 oz. dhplayed by the Liquor Control Uoara or ny in. ""' " - 25 VkJAl-t-V MHPPLE STILL MAC'S (21VA1- FOI2 TtuUlE'S HAMD,RflD -THIS TO "SAV AlL "THIS "TALK ABOUT TILHE'5 KISSES (SfcOVMIWS HAIR ON "WAT SHORT wave's dome is ctAzy-- MAC S TlLL As e.Ai-D a's A DOORKNOB AND I'i-t- PR CMC of th m& mm Kt: ,m ndr He, 1m , World Hhfl Moose Six Five .... e RANGERS 'Basketball Card fFAXi TAKES IN LEAD Being Arranged gQWLS LEAD Teams Which Will Monday Ni Play at Armory ;if.feitcd Moose Last Night While Night I riLntfti Wan rtnwiilnir flvpi-unilfra The fololwlng teams will play In ther special basketball card at the Armory next Monday night In aid cf the Salvation Army Christmas Six Five Taxi defeated Moose "by, scors in Unx? games to till in' City Ten Pin Eowllrlg League .it night to take" exclusive pos- . -ssk)h'' of first place la the .Stand-! g in the second .llxture of th! ..enlng Grotto won over Ovtr-j valtea ito gantes to one. Th3 Mghest aVcrags M far made in the; league" cbrrfpetitiorl Wa? turned in: by BIKi ScHfiaberg M F.vjj Taxi whose" mark Was 216. Individual scoring was as follows: GROTTO . 1st Mcintosh. 1G4 Comadlha -- 172. Coverdale 1&0 Bury ... . .212 Moran 133 Hhdicaji Total bVERWAiTEA Joy 32 Thompson .....t'.....l58 Mehzles '. ....150 Veitch 105 SUles 191 Handicap 52 tion day, mechanics and other I poster Rorvik Gunderson Handicap 65 TAXI Arriey ....... Shrlibsall . French Schrlaberg Handicap 1SS 1 Grotto' ......;.5 Power Corporation Armour Salvage ...A Printers 1.1 Overwaitea v...l 2nd 152 103 148 171 160 32 3 0 4 2 2 5 8 NEW KENT CAPTAIN LONDON, Dec. 16: (CP) R.- T. Bryan, one of three brothers who play cricket for Kent County Cricket Club, will captain the county I next summer in succession to A. F. Chapman, who has resigned. ARRANGE TESTS FOR 1938 LONDON, Dec. 10: (CP) While 3rd 144 163 143. 163 183 32 868826 835 1st 2nd 201 147 1st 184 154 .r 167 145 60 - 148 158 170 1S9 52 2nd 126 139 164 181 60 ,.710 670 lsm-'zna 133 179 154 169 177 192 221 130 40 40 Total ..L:...JMm 810 The Ltarue tandin? The City CLeaguei standing ..rt..jLr"-"3 3rd! 131 147 153 154 17-3 52 Total . .....:.... 857 872 815 MOOSE-:- Royer 3rd 120 153 181 15(1 63 685 3rd 183 1331 150. 196 40 70! fo- the second block of: the season Is now as ioiiow3: icam English cricketers. ore battling for; p honors in the" Coramonwealth, arrangements have been made fo: Australia's visit to England, ln 1938. Tests will be played at Lord': and -The Oval hi London. Nottlne- 1 hairiTManclreSter' afrci Leeds. RUGGER STAR RETIRES LEICESTER ( Eng.; Dec, 16: (CP C, Beamish, Irirish International has defclded to retire from first-class rugby. He also played fdi Leicester and Royal Air Force. BECOMES PRO At HOYLAKE ; ROMFORD, Eng., Dec. 16: (CP) J. Adams, rbnner-up in the. British Open Golf champlbnshlp this year, Is leaving Romford Golf Club, BsSekj to take up new dutla at tlie Royal Liverpool CJlub, Hof !ake. A Diff eirence of Opinion Dfc. BONTrvAMOOS SCIENTIST ian&! wants ..something done about It. The Swiss will ask that ail Cana- jdian players living in Great BH- aln' be declared professionals. Should the move succeed) England would have outright professional hamplons from British Columbia, ' rftl represent Canada ln the world I ournament and Percy Nicklih, 'vne-tlme coach, of the famous Moncton Hawks, will handle Eng- land's team of Canadians. Nicklln, No. 1 coach here, has scored his greatest success. After building Richmond Hawks Into one of the strongest teams 6f last season, he left to take charge of the newly-formed Harringay Racers who moved Into a new Lon don rink'. The Racers have becorhe a popular team and the new rlhk and utaAUiS'r.ixjpfebiTooT-rHiswy M i THE IDEA OF A KISS MAKING HAIR GfiOVU IS AE.'SURDJ THE RoCT THAT MS, MACDOUSALL. HAS THE SAME HEAD OF HA112. M APPEARANCE THAT HE HAD BEFORE He was &opposeo Tt Have G.eeM Bau PRCWES THAT ACT OALUV HE WAS KEWCR Al-DBUT THAT A CERTAIM DVP MADE HIS HAIR IMVISISIH the Racers is Wembley Ll6ns,-fed- turlng doalle Roy Musgrpve of Hockey here no she has possibly . Wto8 pelencemg Lou Bates ISSSS'SSS; wlf Js Canndlan'P' Orabmvskl J Oslmtra ike a Tmo Who-' ot f hockey. A good part of Canada's, " .. -8y Wstover TV.LE IS BEIMfi SWAMPED M1TH. Letters from bald waded admrerS LISTEN THIS; MAC AM A MILLION AlfeE 6X VEARS OLD AND HAMS BEEN BALD SINCE CHILD-, hood vjonj't yoj re- sTbw vdob: MaQC kiss on My DOME SO t WON'T; pvs. ON M I HOU I fri0-t0 .THATSj SOPPOSED TO BtSf A QAQ-1 THE NMHOLE THINKS IS A CANTTAVSB rr so StRKHiSLy HEiP. HEiRT-HESPELLBO V VM-'E -fti half British team at Qarmlsch-Parten- ,;4 "'3 v TV- ' I , .irchen. is here how. These stars 't in hT; More tlun 5a,0OO ,pSrs6ns watch aclude 'Hughie :Farquharson ot each wek" Mdntreal arid Jimmy Haggerty, , Jackie Nash. Alex Sinclair and llAS 1LL.TIMED WINDS McCranorof Port Arthur liobby FNCISOJ. 18: 1CP) KimDeuey uynaaiiwrR., Aiiai,,. oftn ftl4ilfi. ftsav thi- nlff . breeze svciypln In- uirqugii , ne. Golden Gate .but complaints vooic another tack orii the bccaildn of the. Pacific" Coast, clrarnplon ehlp;. regatta wherl. of 50 "yachts that started only two' could catch tndugh .wind to finish. tilVEN CIVIC RECEPTION NOTTINGHAk. Eng., Dec: i; (CP) James McMullln, former Scottish' Interhatloh and Astoii Villa halfback, new manager, of Notts County fooJoall team,, was accorded a .civic reception here. SPORT CHAT Fielding was kept at a high standard of excellence during the IBS'- TAmerlcaaXeaaue. seasons the cir- .iAl'dlliiS.IffiK NfiftVB AND SKILL AGAlKST 3U SwA'fhf Pifctured in her raclngcar Jdst a lew minutes before the whistle blew to start her on her way,on the Mountain Handicap at Brook-lands, Mrs. A. C. Dobsori, British wofnati autd race driver, ..proves that women have invaded even the speedway to compete with men. Mrs. Dobson drives regularly In .the races at Brooklands, .taking' her place on an equal plane with men even In this hazardous sport. SWISS ARE has become chief rival for "famous Wembley. While wn p the i.iif. Richmond ixiciiiiiuiiu. elub uuu is Aj. get- iguit, and only two under tne ai,-itiihe major league high. Detroit U935 leader, held its place at tt. 'top of the list, though dfoppim from .$ .675. The calibre of tl league's "performance, is furtlif exernpjin?d by a survey of depar mental figures fehich reveal 'ti: tad itriit; one majoiif league recon and five AtneHfeah League mar', were broken ddtlns the year, th-. tiiajor league standards bei. failed h, addition, There was al-one noteworthy performance in department for, which no recor appear to exist: 24 unassisi double plays were turned in t first basemen. It was' in this d partment that the major leagu mark fe)l which Indicates that th.-league total may well be a peak u atcbmpilshment. Jim Bottomley, o Stl'Liiuis, topped by one the bid rf pord when he completed the seaso-with eight unassisted double play at first, tie was co-holder wlt.1 three' others of the old mark saveri. The American's total of sever. Irfpie plays ties the all-time stan dard set by the junior loop in 192? and equalled by the National Li .1929. Zeke Bonura of Chicago participated in 150 double plays from his first base post, tying the majc: league record set In 1935 by Jo KUheli The third major league re cord was tied by Billy Rogell, wh went without a chance at shortstc - ....... i AMlSllIUUO in he j?g5.5a offered Af the opportunity tt . . .8t4ndlR8 W'1-1; sfYen Ji'twbhIlea-gw marks, .the ch Will Seek Hockey Clean.up i Old , starts. Harringay .seatsjnore ,than; fe$ y wnole, ;turilln ln 12sr (Country 10,00b tiilt when the Racers play 1W illlli "I Vin rJA VI.. hundreds .re uHableto buy tickets, SS nd LUL, LtNDON,;: 16: Appling of Chicago thrc, International' ice iiocKey t eaera- " Ul iT over Rogell's i old record for doub.' . ttorf. with a motlonTiefofe if U" ;rppm, Harringay has one.whlch the & a shon ...... u rioniorf nlavers visit between periods to .r.-f,aK- ; ':r-..; tuare proieiuiuu.,.Mt a... j -- . , i stop; US), againsv U playing in England. -wm come wj -f- , " " 0f H6 this, newest hqtbgd bl the sport ln Uve-smofaut: of; their lungs,whlch - riu.....i .'iHMiial mPttlno- ;,is.ennait;u-.wiw.ii u uwu auuM.a The? world's amateur championship tturin the game, AndvGoldie, AndvGoldie, i Sf 1933 tot i ,1 - formerly -of Toronto. - . , , . . r Germany and Switeerlandthay'playso?!. former, behjwl.0 had th? 400-marlt. He hn, ...nfinn, ort. filP demahdinE :a defence composcsd of Len Burrage, jrWii. tUil- mht.W sharr. !if so-caUed National: ome Monctorr Hte - ; &, tar?l? -- S? rnAwS 'MlSS ' the oadruple-centurymark Cha . i r 1 1 1 Trt k n n l'j n n TL'nir'n uuii inn - . r- : t930 orymplc championship with a ! There afeh.t many defend Sam Wesfcot.St3,Lbil$: created - J.z:.f J.jr ft-j: l I.Y-ri" Ann ... . . low- hpnrcrf nf Cleveland broke tl league marK lor uic-hjo'si puiuu composed largely of Cana-, a.vgooc! in, Wv. . cre'dlbfl ' to a,catchet;.,in: a slftt- Switzerland, o,it,oriH In In particular, T,rMiil9r. Forwards: Include Bill Pee.Orik-1 . ;.;- & Ai'U S'retoML . He retired it in.. the sccbr. and Archie Cl-elghtoni Winnipeg, -x d. Pari Heximlr Marn only, finitely .trpnger tha ' - Tm: 16: had been shared byy. three pk ers. The other record .shattered w In, leagu? assists, only 14,215 assl hav'Uis bach scored ..'last Seas, against the former league; mark o 14,247,-posted In 1030. Among individual leaders, Simmons took major honors topping the outfielders with a pr. cehtage of .986. He also led ln lt'v and 1930 and how heeds butt' . more ...annual titles . to equal t - league record for domination bi iihgle. piayer. Bonura topped' t first basemca with a percentasf ;996,. wttH only seven etrors agai-hlm;.lh 1614 chances. Charley G; ringer of Detroit led the seco basemen with a mark of .974. Ofc Bluege, taking part ln only . games, for Washington, turned ln prilliant string by going 37 garr. at second base without an erf-j handling 91 putouts and 114 b: slsts, a total of 205 chances, pti fectly from June 4 through July ' . Red Rolfe of New York paced t third basemen with a mark of .S3 and Rogell topped the shortstti. with a figure ot .965. r Seventeen pitchers, all worklt 13 or more games, turned ln perfev., records afield, with Jed Lyons Chicago leading. He. appeared : -. 26 games and handled 50 chancj. Catchers were led by Rick FerreM of Boston, whose average was .93 ' Gehrlnger, Rolffe and Rogell a- repeaters, but the crowns ln at other departments changed hand, Fotoc led the first basemen ln 19 West the outfielders, Auker tl -pitchers and Dickey the catchers. KENT OFFICIAL DIES LONDON, Dec 16 f (CP)-Ar thur James Lancaster, serretar of trie Kent County pricket C from 1885 until the end of la year, died recently In the Ken and Surrey Hospital.