Mrs. Wallis Simpson in Court Dress ARCHBISHOP IN CONFERENCE LONDON, Nov. 18: The Archbishop of Canterbury was reported to have had a secret meeting yesterday with the House of Lords to discuss the friendship of King Edward and Mrs. Wallis Simpson. White no official Information was given out, It was understood that nothing was done to approve or disapprove the friendship. (Though never formally presented at court, Mrs. Wallis Simpson, American society woman and close friend of King Edward, Is well known in court circles and this picture shows her attired In court dress. Mrs. Simpson recently divorced her second husband, Mr. Ernest Simpson, In London.) Fishing Trouble at Rivers Inlet During Summer is Re-echoed; X Small Fine Imposed Upon Ori'crMan While Other Is Acquitted in County Court At Vancouver. (Canadian Prru) VANCOUVER, Nov. 13: Edward Lloyd Horn- brook, fisherman, was found guilty of intimidation during the fishermen's strike at Rivers Inlet last July, and fined $50 in County Court yesterday by Judge J. N. Ellis. Axel Eric Anderson, charged with Hornbrook, was acquitted. N. U. Johnson alleged Vin urnc fnivmrVh-V Hnm- viiuw mi; It o A V v. v - - I brook to dump a load of sal-J mon overboard trom nis boat "West Coast" in Schooner Passage during the strike last July. W0RKLESS" ARRESTED Welit Men Taken Into Custody Following Parade in Calgary Yesterday Afternoon CALOAHY, Nov. 18: Following a parade of two hundred unem ployed which obstructed down town street traffic for a tune yes tcrday afternoon, eight men were arrested by the police on charges of unlawful assembly. They arc wAd to have created considerable disturbance as ithcy were being Wascd In Jail. Today1 the. men, .,wl)l appear In city, police court. Public Hearing Will be held by International Fisheries Commission 2 p.m.. Friday, November 20, 193G, In the Moose Hall. ORE PLANT IS COMING l'rovinclal Government to Establish $30,000 Sampling Estab-lishment Here VICTORIA, Nov. 18: (CD-Establishment of two mineral sampling plants in mlnin; districts to assist lode miners by purchasing their ore will be carried out by the government next ycai under a bill Introduced In the Legislature today by Hon. John Hart. One of the plants it Is proposed to locate at Prince Rupert to serve Portland Canal, Stewart and other northern districts and the other at Nelson io serve the Slocan and southern Interior. Appropriation of about $100,000 for the plants Is provided for In the bill., WHEAT LITTLE CHANGED WINNIPEG, Nov. 18: (CP) Winnipeg wheat prices yesteraay were V4c lower to Voc higner, no- vpmber closing at $1.08 and De- rpmb'er at ,$i.063,i. Chicago prices were V-c off to 'oc up, DecemDer closing at $1.08'4. ciFrisco Boarding House Destroyed One Man Ills Life While 3J( Others Forced to Flee SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18; One man was burned to death and 35 oereons were forcca io wb building early yesterday when a . McAllister Street room lieved smoking a cigarette. Tomorrow's Tides mm mmln High 4:23 a.m. 18.0 ft. 16:00 p.m. 19.4 ft. Low 10:15 a.m. 9.3 ft. 22:53 pjn. 5.0 ft. NORTHEUN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., No. 270. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1936 TRICE: 5 CENTS PATIULLO Madrid In Bad Shape Streets Filled With Dead and Dying Last Night Alter Day of Heavy Bombardment Civilians Die Non-Combatants Suffer Equally With Actual Fighters in Fierce Struggle MADRID, Nov. 18: (CP) The capital of Spain was a scene of horror a nl;ht fell Tuesday after the most bloody and heaviest death-dealing day so far In the civil war; Streets were filled with dead, dying and wounded. Thousands of civilians were huddling In basements At least two hundred non-combatants were behoved to have b?en killed by the bombardment both jfrom, land and air as the city was ikept under almost continuous lire. i Five hundred or rnore wjere woun Granby Reduces - . a - fc a a a a a a a a a a a a a ded. Fighting was' continuing, by the light of burning buildings, and JyomesQ JtrathearWP the city. last, night as the" rebels continued o .penetrate, further, into the city. There was machine gun, bayonet and rifle combat throughout the, day in the city. Thf Duke of Alba's famous ; palace was a fiery furnace last j nl'eht after a direct hit by a cal cium bomb from an aircraft. The , Savoy Hotel, once treat hostelry, was but a blackened shell. The American Telephone and Telegraph Co. bulldln?, nerve centre , of Madrid's communication system, was being made the target ; of aerial bombardment. i It is estimated that 200,000 person.? have teen killed since the civil war commenced. Italy Alarmed MILAN, Nov. la: The newspaper Vox Popolo expressed fear yester day that general war was Inevitable In Europe If Russia conunirea to tend arms and assistance to the Spanish government Jn the civil war. It charged that the aim of a a a a a a a a a a Capitalization Private Rills Committee of Lcgis-V- latiirc Approves Drop From Fifty to Two and Half ' Million VICTORIA, Nov. 18; (CP) The nrlvate bills committee of the I a In the capitalization of the Oranby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. Ltd. from $50,000,000 to $2,500,000, Huge Octopus Is Killed by Hunter Fred Schwartz of Albernl Shoots Monster With Shotgun ALBERNI, Nov. 18: (CP) Fred Doaiuu'6 . - . h . hunter, had an cn- HpstrOVCu oy le. "s u,ovuiimiii . T k hf to io .i have started In the counter with a huge octopus, dls-thougnt ..hlnlf thB is.fnnt. monster with of the deaa man yayvmut hivp fallen asleep while four loads of buckshot from a shot- gun he was carrying. DISCLOSES Post Office Site to Face Third Avenue Announces Olof Hanson Here Today The ricw federal building here will be facing on Third; Avenue, the federal government having taken tire half of the old Court House block facing on that avenue with an option on the other halt should It be desired to make an extension within a reasonable time, according to Olof Hanson M.P., who returned today on he Prince Rupert from a trip east, and south.. He did not know", exactly how the building would be placed,, that being a matter lor the architect aiter getting the .results of the sur. vey of the property. The b'ullding will be of modern fire-proof material but it had not been definitely decided whether it would be faced with rock, with brick or simply with concrete. Mr. Hanson a'o said he expected' to hear any day that the contract for the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve building was let. There were a few minor details to be settled In connection with it which had to be-taken up with Ottawa. The member for Skecna seemed quite pleased with the result of hi? recent visit to Ottawa in company with O. W. Nlcker-son. He had nothing to add to what had already bren said in regard to' port development as, he thought the Ics publicity given the imatter the better until some definite announcement was madei He' exnects to be In Ottawa a?an early In the new year, possibly getting away during the holidays for an early session cf 'parliament. This- was for the "urnoe of allowing, Ihe Prime Minister an opportunity to go to England for the coronation. ; Sikorsky After A SEATTLE Flying Boat Turns Up Trincc Rupert-Seattle Flight . The Sikorsky seven-passenger amphibian flying boat, which left here a week ago yesterday for Seattle in the course of a flight BYLAW IS 4- :r . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 Further Consideration of Licence Amendments Postponed Until . December 2 Further consideration of the amended Trades' Licence Byl.twt piovidlng for an increase In the basic six-month rate from $10 to GOVT from Anchorage, Alaska, with pilot, $15 and the .dividing of the trades storm. The barge Is wallowing in mechanic and five passengers on Into classifications for licensing board, landed at Seattle last night, purposes, was deferred until De-The plane had not been reported cember 2 by City Commissioner W-; since It left here and some anxiety J; Alder sitting in his capacity as a ' was being entertained as to Its My council this morning. "There safety. It had been detained at was no discussion of the matter, i Alert Bay whence it hopped via The following sales of cUy pro-Vancouver to Seattle yesterday, perty were authorized t r j Thnu mi hoard nn leavine here l ot 3. block 8, section 5, 0. K. . were Pilot Don Glass. Air F.nglneer Falconer, $155.60. nnrHnn MpKenrlR and F. Silver- Lot 5. block 15, section 6, (Sol sides. Al Jones. A. G. Woodley, A. dlers' Housing property). John and! Wright and W. E. Havenstrlte. pas- Janet Gibson, $2500. sengers. Moscow was to set up a new Soviet Republic In Catalonia so that It aJ.esV, Vancouver anuC0" C might more readily disseminate Police Prorw lo communist doctrine and propa- Start On Friday ganda In Europe. i VANCOUVER, Nov 18: Ap- ! pointed a commission by the city council to investigate charges made against the attorney general's department, the police commission and Chief Constable W. W. Foster In regard to Vancouver police affairs. Hon. W. A. Macdonald. for mer Justice of the Supreme Court MONARCHY RESTORATION IN GERMANY IS MOOTED; ITALY IMPRESSES HITLER MANCHESTER. Eng., Nov. 18: The Manchester Guar- 1 Lot 41. block 3, section 7, ,Mary A. and S. G. Ayres, $125. Old city bonds totalling $1450 were exchanged for new Issues. German-Jap Pact Denied Berlin Says Report of Joint Mili tary Agreement Is False j that' BERLIN, Nov. 18: Reports of British Columbia, will open his Germany and Japan were planning; hearings on Friday. VANCOUVER WHEAT ' 1 VANCOUVER, Nov. 18: (CP) were Legislature has reported favorably Wheat was quoted at $1.08 2 oh the false upon a bill to empower a reduction! Vancouver marKei yesieroay. . . A I J 1 a new miniary pact, proviomg iur Joint action in the event of' one or i the other becoming involved In war described here last, night as Weather Forecast (Furnished through the courtesy o! t!. Dominion Mrtorotoglct Bureau ' Victoria jkI Prince Rupert. This tore-oet 1 compiled from observations l-ken at S a.m. today and covers th 30 hour period 'ending I o pan. tomorrow). "Pressure reinalrfi v low , on th dlan reported yesterday that , north cnastj i UrtifetUed andnrainy nolehsfuehrer Adolf Hitler was with mild weather. High winds tald to be arranging a monar- will continue rhtnl form of eovemment for Prince Rupert District Fresh to Oermany and would offer the strong east and south winds, un throne to Prince Freldrlch, 't'.ea wun ram. second son of the former Kaiser, Hitler Is said to be impressed with the manner in which the monarchlal system Is working out In Italy. in danger. but- is not believed FRENCH MINISTER SUICIDE LlLLE, France Henri Salen-gro, brother of Interior Minister Rojrr Salengro, said today the minister, had committed suicide. Last week Salengro was criticized in a stormy session of the . House of Deputies over his war record. ENGLAND BEATS IRELAND STOKE, Eng. A two-goal assault in the second half enabled Enjland to defeat Ireland 3 to 1 In an international soccer battle today. FRANCO RECOGNIZED ROME Italy and Germany, the world's great Fascist powers, formally recognized the insurgent regime of Dictator Designate Francisco Franco today. KING'S BODYGUARD ALERT BOVERTON, Wales King Ed-ward's alert bodyguard today seized and hustled away a middle aged former soldier who placed his hand on the monarch's arm in the course of a trip to Welsh mining towns. The soldier, apparently, only wanted to talk to the King about his wartime experience in France. FavWebbls Feared Dying Former Wife of( Rudy Vallee Critical Condition and Hope Given Up For Recovery SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18: Fay Webb, former wife of Rudy Vallce, PLANS tf Land Settlement Scheme For Okanagan Projected; Financing Public Work Late Telegraphs t PILOT IS KILLED DAWSON Pilot Ed. Dorrance, 48, died here yesterday from injuries sustained Monday when Ids damaged plane fell one hundred feet while taking off at Jack Wade, Alaska. Dorrance, who had been flying' in commercial air service In the north for the past two years, was brought here by Pilot Dick Haw ley after the LOCAL MAN SAVED WHANG ELL Pilot Jimmy Ulnchart and passengers, Fred J. Ilotes of Portland and J. L. Frank of Prince Rupert, escaped ashore Tuesday when their plane sprang a leak in a pontoon and sank in Zinovia Strait. They were en-route to Juneau. Rinehart later succeeded in beaching the plane. BARGE GOES ASHORE VICTORIA Capt. W. Bllllng-ton, Roy Larkin and Allan Heater, members of the crew of the barje Dunsyre, which broke her towiine yesterday and went ashore on Kains Island, are safe in a lighthouse on the island, according to word received here fiom the tug Anyox which the barge broke loose from during a heavy water Provincial Government Has Decided Upon Extensive Campaign to Relieve Unemployment and Create Work. ' ( CaiudU.ii Press) VICTORIA, Nov. 18: The government plans a land settlement project at Oliver in the South Okana gan districj, highway construction and a general pub- I! 1. A i' i; lie worKS program to relieve unemployment'' and create work, Premier T. D. Pat- tullo told the Legislature last night in the debate on the $5,000,000 public works loan bill which passed its second reading without divi sion. Hon, John Hart, minister of finance, said he and Mr. PattullO' would be, leaving as soon as the session ends for the east to negotiate the loan which would be used as Mr. Pattullo had indicated. SHIPS IN TROUBLE One British Vessel Broken Down In Atlantic With Captain Dead NEW YORK. Nov. 18: (CP) Two ', British ships, one with her captain Jead, were reported; In distress yes-cerday as another storm raged on ihe Atlantic Ocean, ; The vessel with her captain dead was the Tweedbank, 825 miles out-; side of New York. The captain was-killed when Ihe vessel was struck by an enormous wave. Two seamen were also swept overboard. The other vessel In distress was the Sheafspear which late last night was reported limping towards Berr muda with her engine room leaking badly. 'Calgary Civic J Election Is On Alberta City is Voting Today Record Number of Ballots Expected hai-OARY. Nov. 18: Today Is civic election day In Calgary. A record vote Is expected. There were 612 ballots cast at the advance poll as compared with 352 a year ago Voting Is by the proportional representation plan. Todqyts Weather (Government Telegraph) Prince. Rupert Raining, wind. 18 miles per hour; barometer, 29,74. lnl ' Victoria Barometer . 30.36; clear, ; northeast wind, 8 miles. Estevan Barometer, 30.20; rain, southeast wind, 30 miles. Prince George Barometer, 29.82; southeast wind, cloudy. Queen Charlotte islands Stronjc crooning orchestra leader and Vancouver Barometer, du..ju; winds or moderate galosj oat and J daughter of Former Police Chief, southeast wind, 4 miles, cloudy, i.outh, unsettled with rain. Clarence E. Webb of San Fran Langara Island Light south West Coast Vancouver Island--' clsco, Is ciltloilly 111. She Is belnujwlnd; barometer, 29.55; tempera-Strong winds or moderate gales, xept alive by oxygen Inhalations ' ture, 51; moderate swell. cn:l and south, nnsetlcd with and little If any hope Is held out Triple Island-Overcast, showers, rain. for her recovery. moderate swell.