PAQE.TWO JCP Mr Use Storm King THE ELGIN PAltY KDITiON '. !?: " v Boots !r..''f iV"".i-l6ngth rubber boot, shiny finish,' that will protect you. from the weather. Sizes 11 to G I Where .Most .People Trade TV AMILY SHOE STORE ITU. PHONE 357 (EStab. 1008) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PIIINCE UUfElCT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Eyery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily Neyvs, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor AQVERTISINp HATES Transient display advertising, per lncji, per Insertion ... Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion; Member of Audit Bureau, ot Circulations J .40 02 2i SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ........... $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, th.e BriUsh, Empire and United States, yearly perjod, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all otter countries, per year 9.00 Advertising and Circulation Telephone , .. 98 News Department Telephone 86 Tuesday, November 24, 1936 Halibut Fisheries Commission It is difficult to argue with the International fisheries commission because its chief scientist, Dr. F, Thopip-son, has facts and figures to meet every case. When, speaking he is rather dour and not over eloquent but ask a question and his eyes begin to sparkle and he smiles and looks as if he were about to have a good time. Then he proceeds to knock the props put from under the argument of any who offer to crjticfce the commission or to suggest anything new, Evidently the fishermen at the meeting Saturday afternoon approved the work of the commission while objecting to some of the detail of administration., It is certain that the story as told by the scientist was plausible and well backed up by actual infqrmation of a practical nature. He has been, all over the fishing grounds himself. ne nas pursued the halibut from the time the egg is laid to the time it is caught on the line and sold. He talks to the fishermen in their own language and they feel that' he knows wha.t he is. talking about. Dealers in Dope One of the most despicable ways in which a person can 'make money is by selling (lope to those whq crave it. Even in Prince Hupert there have been dope peddlers and possibly there are today. They carry on their nefarious traffic under cover and often it is difficult to con vict them of the crime. Mr. Justice Manson is making it uncomfortable fqr the dopesters in Vancouver since they have been convicted. Imprisonment, fines and lashes were handed out to the ringleadrs and it is to b hoped that the authorities will see that the sentences are properly carried put. Years ago the Paily News had a cripple doing a little part time canvassing. Qn'e day he was approached with a sufftrestion that he ponUl jwM vpw m-oaiUr t uia innnn by carrying dope while canvassing. A list of names qf people to call upon would be provided and the canvassing would lend a good cover so that police would not suspect , i.w Miutu it, uuyh wits an iniucauqn qf what was gqincr on in the citv. : It is not only in the underworld that drugs are being used, People in many walks of ljfe 1)86 it; especially women. Gradually it gets the better qf them and they find it impossible to stop unless they break right away and get the help qf a physician. - The Paily News. ja A member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, qf the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north' of Vancouver and west of Edmpnton holding membership in these organizations. ! Gotham Chuckles I Over Old Bylaws : Pattlr 'on-York Streets .Should i Still Carry ,G,reen.. and. Ked i ?Lithti? " ' NEW YORK,; Nov. 24: (CP); Lawyers thumbing - through city records dating back to 1787 have discovered on the statute books many ancient ordinances which would surprise New Yorkers If invoked today: Bulls wandering about New York must carry green lights on their horns artd red lights on their tails,' Dead horses left in the streets must be lljujrdnated at -night and must, bear tags giving the name and address of the owner. 'Janbark tq mutt the hoof-beats of horses and cattle may be placed on the streets by any householder dedrhig a quiet night. To fly a kite a permit must be obtained from the Borough Presidentas also to Hde a "bicycle, tricycle, boyte wagon, scooter or roller skates," or to walk on stilts or Jump on a pogo stick. The law-makers of 1886, with an eye on. the railroads and pos-sjply foreseeing the advent of the automobile, decreed that no veil cle "propelled by steam" should be allowed the use of the streets unless "a mature penqn" preceded It by at least one-eighth of a mile to give warping to all of Its approach. Another ordinance forbids the narking of Long Island Railroad cars on city streets for more than 1Q minutes unless they are connected to an engine. All of these laws are still theor etically- enforceable. They were discovered by research workers for the Board of Statutory Con solidation which is preparing a new administrative code for the city. i i DATLT NEWe y-uay, November 24 HE DARE NOT ! MOVE IN BED' Nights Were Torture Lumbago Through I dnly those who "have suffered 1 from lumbago know;, how exceed-' ingly painful' It can be. And when! they dlscoyer a remedy ror mis complaint, Jthev are1 anxious to pass on the gpodtnews to other I . itfirer. Let this man tell you h,;w KtH-chen brought him relief: 1 ? "I had a bad attack of lumbago. When I got Into bed I had to stay hi that postlqn I could not move for pain, I didn't knqw what to take qr what to do. I was advised to try Kruschen Salts and I am very grateful I did so. After taking a few doses I felt relief, nd after taking one large bottle, ' am slid to say that my lumbago bad entirely gqne, and I have ' ' ha.i the slightest trace of it coming back.'1 Q.A.V. Kruschen 1$ a combination of numerous mineral salt1! which as- Tist In stimulating your liver and k'dn?ys to healthy, regular activity. They emure internal cleanliness, md so help to keep the bloods stream pure. PICTURE WORTH '2 FREE A handsome gravure photograph of H.M. King Ed ward VIII i s waiting for you at your druggist's a pictureevery . home will proudly frame. Free with the purchase of a bottle of Kruschen Salts. Supplylimited get yours now. Who Wants an Ocelot? TORONTO, Nov. 24: Wanted a buyer or buyers for a wart-hog, a wombat, a phalanger, a young emu and a white pelican, for sale by the Toronto parks committee. At the zoo there are also some raccoons, black bear cubs, ferrets, gophers, ganjnets, turkeys, geese and an ocelot awaiting purchase. Twenty -Five Years Ago NUVertiber'.'lOll" that, should the $75,uw Bewer bylaw he appyped .-by- the ratepayers, he. ' will apply to ;.Sth courts for an Injunction, to re? strain the Issuance pf bonds for th financing. ox we Brpjeci; iwnicn: election in January. Mail Schedul For the East ' Monday, Wednesday, and Friday S p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:JQ pm. For Vancouver Tuesday 12:30 p.rr Thursday 9:3Q p.m. Friday 8:3Q p.m. Nov. 3 and 19 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday .... 4 p.m Wednesday 10 a ni Friday f. 4 p.Jrj ; Noy. 15 and 29 aiirf. 1 For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday I p in ' Wednesday 3 p.m. From Anyox and Stewatt I TMCsday 11 :3U arr i Thursday 8 pro.' For Naas Riyef and Fort Simpson . Sunday " nrn From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 6 and 20 ... .9 p.m. Keep Faith With General Search Rupture of Jap. for North Shore ' Kss Relations Girl Conducted Is Moscow Fear ; MQSCQW. Nov. 23 (PP, NORTH VANCOUVER, Nov. 24: Wet rovnmpm ,tp,--Thj . A. search -party .of .fifty persona t the end of thn , ,. ,...." ' 1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 t 1 ;' 1 1 j 1 nun rr nrnv iipiu rw 1 inu 1111 j i ,1 . a. 1 tnink' Sherman who wasllast 171 a 1 ti . iff . ti 11 c.v I'f.i-i.' . jv" -'at it con. Aid. D. Y wornssey announces , been looking for 33-Jyear oldiBeuy Wcbl bstweerr Jnr-.n we" seea -'unarsiooa to be an kii:1 ii:3Q last Friday, morning when uaet. n .f.r,i ?.. v,,wn she left her home, in North Van- JAnat.Ihflons, W m5aW- ruws bridge. he claim? would turn Jlays qreek n,,,.,,., UlSt nf 1 i.x. . into a;"mlcx6be tatehenrJ- ; ,. . : : jlluron Disaster ! AlTC:-step-ar'beW'-in!tii.;l8 No.t Known foim a mtenayers' association 111 24:' QWEN SOUND. Nov. The People of Canada hajd-worktng, conscientious citi-zeni THRIFTY, are the backbone of Canada. They are the real owners of the bonds. that finance the Governments of the nation federal, provincial and municipal. It is their savings that are invested in the mortgages that build the homes and develop the farms and industries of the Dominion. Three and a half million of such citizens have banded themselves together as policyholders in. the great co-operative business of Life Insurance. Through their hard-earned savings, these policyholders have built up an insurance estate of over six billion dollars for themselves and their dependants. To protect this estate, they have two billion dollars invested in the best securities that Canada, its governments and municipalities, its farms and industries, have to offer. h Guardian of Every section of the Dominion has, its share of -these millions of dollars that policyholders have invested in bonds and mortgages. Other millions have been similarly invested by trust, mortgage, loan and banking institutions, whose fundi aUq represent the savings pf millions of individual Canadians. On behalf of its policyholders, and other institu' tions and organizations whose investments repre sent the hard-earned savings, of thrifty citizens, Life ' Insurance expects that the terms upon which these bonds were sold, and these mortgages accepted, shall be observed. Where the borrower is wjljipg but unahle to pay, a policy of adjustment shojild prevail. Such" adjustments have been made again and agajp-during recent years. Legislation that cancels public and private debts, regardless of the debtor's ability to pay, i$ not in accqrdance with British tradition, which ha, always, afforded an equal meajue of justice, to both creditor and debtor. Life Insurance .i:iil'iHrO H i'' ( Canadian Hows 'v. I r I-;'- C (CPJ two J T hundred A prospective fwnIr. members. Cause of the disaster of the sink- jng Qf n ' A move Is on foot to establish Georgian Bay near here at. the end a Camegle Library here. A pdebLs- Vhe ek has not yet b deter-clte may be held at the municipal mlned- veSsel san a" uuer leaving pon, lamng aown , with her the master, Capt. Norman McKay, and Ml.s loria )ohFon as. ' well as five others, COAL ro Pj.KAHk gvphjYiiooy Sitlat.!H miufunli-l t'AAKIIIS EUSON AI.HKIli'A COAL HtlLKl KV VAM.KY CUAl, VAMJfHfVKR ISMMl (,1A IMtlNCU ihjim;rt FEKI) 'lO.MMAJVY I'lll INK: SN tiiil .MM HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli Proprltoi "A HOME AWAY FROM JIOJK, tates J1.00 up 5Q Robm.i ifot & Pq14 Water Prince Rupert, B.O. Phonp 2K P,0. Rox 19; r MacKENZIE'S FUKNltl'BE A ReJl uristnias Gift Sound, refr ,hm . c , u yea; :iiunu. ; tn Tirl Avr I'hnne 1 111:1. icons In ii-(iallun .t 1 1 it (..iiiuiit VALENTIN OAlin niiiVK ns; FOR Phpne Red 608 Produced from our own cows daily You can whip uur crnm but you can't beat our milk. Dominion Dairy ' PERFECTION IN CANNEJ) SALMON seal mm IWv Red Sockeye PINK SEAL l-'inest Pink Salmon Packed by tne only Salmon Canning Company with an a the year round payroll in prince Hupert Hyde Transfer Quick Delivery GOAL WOOD Chairs & Tables For Rent phonTS Office 315 Second Avenue