PROVINCIAL LIBRARY ' VICTpRIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light High .v.. 2:14. am. 21.9 ft. outherly wind; barometer, '30.0- 15:10 p.m. 19.9 ft. temperature, 6', sea smooth. Low 8; 55 am. 0.7 ft. A a 21:05 p.m. 6.4 ft. re. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV.. No. 145. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS SOUNDNESS ADVOCATED Sound Financing Is Canada's Need, Jasper Convention Hears Progress Made Industry Now Moves Ahead Rap-idly President Tells Investment Dealers JASPER, Alta., June 20: (CP) Confidence In Canada's future was never more justified than at the present lme J. E. Savard of Montreal told delegates to the annual convention of the Investment Dealer's Association of Canada In his presidential address here. Industries throughout the Dominion almost without exception have moved ahead with rapid strides. In many cases, he said, they are operating at all-time peak levels. Continuation of easy money conditions n bond markets and strengthening of equity and earning power behind corporation securities were cited as favorable factors. Agriculture reflected the upward movement with prospects for a more normal wheat carry-over at the end of the present crop year. In mining, Canada had advanced within five years from an unimportant position in - the. gold Industry to the world's third largest producer. Hydro-electric industry and the newsprint output, he said, were running at high levels. Sounding a note for careful financing and cconbmy in governments the president referred to 'unfavorable factors experienced In the past year" as "chiefly of a political nature of which Canada had more than her share." "The year 1936 has been far more serene as far as political distur bances are concerned and I think we can look forward to a period irom now on in wnicn ineie win be a greater understanding of the far-reaching effects of even a suggestion of repudiation." Money rates in the Dominion have followed the world downward movement, In evidence since 1932. Bank Interest on savings deposits declined from three percent, In May, 1933, to Vz percent In June of this year. The decline, however, coupled with the federal government's "easy money policies" had proved a good foundation for an extended period of easy money conditions in Canada Development of a loan council for the western provinces, expansion of private enterprise In the construction industry and solution of unemployment through the National Employment Commission were referred to as problems pressing for Immediate solution. The low level to which commer-1 . I clal loans have fallen and the hlgn "vei 01 deposits incutuica ",UU01' 'ner leaving the city aner many has been well supplied with undsjyears residence In Prince Rupert to carry on business, he said. Com-1 durjng most of which time she was merclal loans in April totalled J725.425.000, lowest level In years, Demand deposits Increased to $2,-157,900,000. Gambling Ban On Mexican Resorts Now 'Being Lifted LOS ANGELES, June 20: According to word received here President Cardenas of Mexico within a few days will lift the ban on gambling which has closed the resorts of Tla Juana and Agua C.-Mente, Just ncross the border from California, during the past year. Hope of Ending Ottawa Session Tonight Fades OTTAWA, June 20: (CP) Hops of ending the Parliamentary session tonight ceased at noon today wheri a long debate on farm implement tariffs took up several hours in the House of Commons. Franc Will Not Be Devaluated New French Ministry Will Try To Get Back Gold and Other Exported Capital PARIS, June 20: (CP) Vincent Aurlol, minister of finance declared yesterday In the Chamber of De puties that the French franc will not be devaluated and France will strive to recover a huge amount of gold and other capital which has been sent abroad. HEAT WAVE IS SERIOUS Drought, Duststorms and Grass hoppers Taking; Heavy Toll In' Middle West KANSAS CITY, June 20: Drought, duststorms and Insects arc taking heavy toll of the crops df Missouri and Kansas. The rain fall deficiency is becoming serious and hot winds are burning up the grains. There Is a plague of grasshoppers In Kansas and Nebraska which Is proving ruinous. In one Kansas field, the grasshoppers devoured a scarecrow. Sanity of Solon Playboy Doubted r Representative Zioncheck of Sa.SJ uequirea 10 rrovc ne i Sound Mind WASHINGTON, D.C., June 20: The courts ruled yesterday that Congressman Marlon Zioncheck ol Washington should appear June 26 before a Jury to show cause why he should not be declared insane. Presentation To Dr. Lenox Tea Held Yesterday Afternoon By Ladies' Music Club to Honor Departing- Member At a tea held at the home of Mrs. W. L. Stamford, Fourth Avenue West, yesterday afternoon by the Ladies' Music Club, Dr. E. 0. Lenox was presented with a beau-i t.. 1 frornoH nirtnre of a Prince lllUi unitivu - R ert sunset on the occasion of n member of the club The presentation was maae Dy Mrs. Shelford Darton, the new president, who spoke of the interest taken in the work of the club by Miss Lenox, the latter making suitable reply. tpa was served with Mrs. Darton and Mrs. C. E. Cullln pouring and Mrs. W. Crulckshank and Mrs. E. j. smith serving. Miss Lenox announced mai sne would not be leaving the city until her successor arrives, probably In September. MRS. K. P. DAVIS DIES vampoUVER. June 20: (CP) Mrs. Adella Louise Davis, aged 78 wife of Edward Pease Davis K.C., died here today DIRECTORATE APPROVED fr THIRTEEN CHILDREN ARE DROWNED DURING MAINE SCHOOL PICNIC MARION. Maine. June 20: An outboard motor boat, con- taining fifteen children who were members of a nnhlle - school picnic party, upset when caught in a sudden squall on a lake and all but two of the children were drowned. All were less than fifteen years of age. SAYS CHINA ISJNITED Occupied With Reconstruction De spite Pressure From Outside WINNIPEG, June 20: (CP) De- plte exterior pressure from Japan seeking control of five provinces south of Manchuokuo, China was .lever more united than 'today In the opinion of Captain A. J. Brace, explorer and missionary. The 60-year old Ontario-born adventurer passed through here on furlough ifter 21 years' Intermittent service n the Orient. "To weaken the moral and physical fibre of China's downtrodden population Japan has 400 narcotic itatlons In- NorthernjChina," he aid. "These'dlstrlblftepium and jther hablt-formlng drugs. If you :annot pay for the first few doses they will give it to you free Just to get you started." Short, stocky and ruddy of com-jlexion Captain Brace has been a physical instructor all his life. At Chengtu, where he was Young Men's Christian Association secre tary, he has been teaching pupils in I 30 government schools the rudl- ments 01 swimming, wrestling ana boxing. Born at Markham, Ont., he is a ;duate of Victoria College, Toronto, was mde ya Fellow of the Royal Geographical So'Clety for his exploration work . Tibet, and organized a battalion? pf rslx-footers from Shantung province" for service In France during the world war. He Is the eldest of five living brothers Including Phillip Brace, D.D., retired United Church minister of Toronto and Dr. Wm. D., of Blggar, Sask. Just now he Is on a year's furlough but would like to go back next month. He speaks Chinese fluently and often studies In that language rather than English. China Is "breathlessly" going ahead with a program under the leadership of General Chiang Kal Shek, nationalist army chieftain, he said motorizing its army and building new airways. The country, however, Is being stampeded out of Its pacifist policy." Chief Seegay Has Accident Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s Packer Now on Dry Dock At Vancouver The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s1 fish packer Chief Seegay, Capt. Fred Walters, was ashore at Sechelt, north of Vancouver, Wed nesday night, in the course of a fish packing trip, and was towed back to Vancouver where she is now on dry dock for survey. Da mage to fthc vessel Is reported not very serious. Dr. E. E. Lucas, nrlnclual of Klne Edward High School, sails Monday afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver to spend the sum- iner, vacation In the south. Trading Light And Prices Sag NEW YORK, .June 20: With trading light, the stock market sagged yesterday. The industrial average at closing was off .85; rails, off .44; utilities, off .51, and oonds, off .04. , Arbitration Plan Is Being Adopted Settlement of Dispute in Auto Mechanics Line' in Seattle Hoped For SEATTLE, June 20: The local In the grip .of speculative fever, Auto Mechanics' , Union yesterday wneat prices, advanced anew to-accepted the proposal of Mayor day. Values closed lc to l'fcc John F. Dore for a board of arbi- higher July at 82T8C, October at tratlon with the auto dealers to 83c and 83 '8c and December at settle a dispute which threatens to 83 tie up the trade. DECORATION at DAY PLANS - War Dead Will be .Honored Here On Sunday . J Co-operating with the Queen Vlary Chapter, Imperial Order of the' Daughters of the Empire, the .nembers of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League ind., the Women Auxiliary and x-service men and their- friends generally will take part in Decora-ion Day observance tomorrow. The ceremony will be impressive ind simple. Meeting at the Cana- ilan Legion clubrooms the party will proceed to the Cenotaph where wreath will be placed. They will ',hen go to the cemetery where t short service will be held at th soldiers' Plots, of France's Decision Made Conditional ccepts Cancellaton of Sanctions ' Against Italy Subject to Stand Of. League sL PARIS,' June 20: (CP) The Fiench cabinet agreed yesterday ,0 "accept" cancellations of sanctions against Italy, as proposed by 3reat Britain, dependent upon any decision adopted by the League of Vatlons. IS LAID AT REST The funeral of the late Martin Letnes, pioneer Skeena River can-neryman, whose death occurred by drowning this week, took place this; afternoon from the chapel of B. C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev, Canon W. F. Rushbrook and Rev. Capt. W. A. Delap officiated. Miss E. O. Lenox presided at the organ. Pallbearers were Robert Gibson, Joseph Naylor, Oeorge Frlzzell, W. Hall, A. Main and P. W. Anderson. There were numerous beautiful floral offerings. Pacific-American Fisheries Making Dividend Payment SAN FRANCISCO, June 20: The Pacific American Fisheries Inc. yesterday declared a dividend of ! 25c per share on common stock and $1.25 per share on prefererd stock. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, June 20: (CP) Bar silver was unchanced at 443,ic oer ounce on the New York metal mar ket today. BIG JUMP IN WHEAT Bullish Crop News and Brisk Foreign Demand Forces Prices Up Generally WINNrPEG, June 20: (CP) Bullish crop news from the United States and brisk foreign demand for wheat Induced speculative buying that sent futures prices soaring on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange yesterday. Values closed 2V2c to 234C higher. July closed at 81 Vic, October at 812c and December at 3l7ec and 82c. Vic, Chicago Strong CHICAGO, June 20: (CP) Wheat prices soared 43,ic a bushel Chicago yesterday, September reaching 93'8c Just before tht close. Vancouver Price VANCOUVER, June 20: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 79c on the Vancouver Exchange yesterday, ad- vanclng to 80c today. COUGHLIN'S NEW PARTY . Radio Priest Makes Announcement Of Interest in Regard to U.S. Election NEW YORK. June 20: Father Charles E. Coughlin, Detroit's radio priest, endorsed a third party in the nresldential election this vear with ths announcement last night the entry into the field of what will be known as the Union Party comprising progressive factions of the two old parties ' and groups seeking to work for the interests of the common people. Representative William Lemke of Fargo, North Dakota, elected as a Republican in the last election, Is jut forward as the presidential andidate for the new party with Representative Thomas J. O'Brien, democrat of Chicago, as his vice iresldential running mate. "Union Party of the United States is the official title. In a nation-wide radio speech, Father Coughlin denounced President Franklin D. Roosevelt as having failed to make good his election promises. Turning to the Republicans, he dubbed tlwlr 1936 program as "hypocritical." Comedian Still Getting Better W. C Fields, Suffering From Pneu-monla, Expected to be Out Of Danger Soon HOLLYWOOD, June 20: W. C. Fields, the noted stage and screen nmAHIan nrVtrt Vi q e Kaon cofti i el if ill with pneumonia, continues to make satisfactory progress and within a few days is expected to be out of danger. American Merchant Marine Enlarging Policy of Direct Government Sub. sidles Agreed Upon by United States Senate Today WASHINGTON D.C., June 20: (CP)- Congressional action was completed today on legislation (.0 enlarge the American Merchant Marine through direct government subsidies. Measure Eliminating Present Trustees Is Put Through Senate lit. Hon. Arthur Meighen and Some of Associates Oppose It Although Vote Not Recorded Hungerford Is Still Head OTTAWA, June 20: (CP) directorate system for the was adopted without recorded vote m the Senate last night after Senator Arthur Meighen and several of his associates announced their intention of voting against it. The legislation will remove the three present trustees and replace them with a board of seven directors, leaving the operation of the road in the hands of President S. J. Hungerford as at present. TODAY'S STOCKS yourtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .33. Big Missouri, .57. Bralorne, 8.10. B. R. Cons .073A. B. R. X., .14. Cariboo Quartz, 1.60. Dentonla, .18. Dunwell, .03. Mlnto, ,6&y2. Meridian, .07. . Morning. Star.02V?t tV, M Noble Five, .0254. - . Pend Oreille, .76. Porter Idaho, .04 'A. Premier, 2.42. Reno, 1.22. Relief Arlington, .34. Taylor Bridge, .11. Wayside, .11. Toronto Beattle, 1.50. Central Patricia, 3.95. Chibougamau, 1.70. God's Lake, 1.13. Inter. Nickel, 49.25. Lee Gold, .04V2. Little Long Lac, 6.50. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.97. Perron, 1.44. Pickle Crow, 6.25. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.60. San Antonio, 260. Sherritt Gordon, 1.03. Slscoe, 3.63. Smelter Gold, .08. Smelter Gold. .08. Sturgeon River, .49. Ventures, 1.92. MacLeod Cockshutt, 3.70. Hardrock, 2.60. Oklend, .46. Mosher, .58. Bousquet, .14. Bldgood Klrkland, 2.08. Ollbec, .06. Jowsey, .27. Madsen Red Lake, .56. . May-Spiers, .53. Wendigo, .16. Wlnoga Patricia, .35. Aldermac, .22 Compromise Tax is Passed Important Washington Measure Senate Today Following Ap proval by House WASHINGTON. D.C.. June 20: The House of Representatives yesterday, by a vote of 221 to 98, passed the $800,000,000 compromise tax bill which goes to the Senate today. DOMINION REGISTRATION KENTVFLLE, NS., June 20: (CP) Unanimous endorsatlon of a scheme for Dominion registration was given by delegates attending the annual convention of the Reg istered Nurses' Association of Nova Scotia, A bill for the return of the Canadian National Railways WORD FROM USK IN CITY People Getting Along O. K. There Despite Hardships Many Suf- -fered Real Loss ' "We are all O K. although wj lost everything except trunks, clothes and valuables," says a"'! letter which has Just been received hlMrs .Thornas , Boulter J1 thls. cuy irom irienas at usk wno sui-fered In the recent flood there. The letter says that four houses went down the river from Uslc and practically all the others of the community were filled wit.h mud and silt. Thirty-two people were cooped up temporarily in (he schoolhouse at Usk at the time the letter was" written. While there was plenty of damage, the letter observes cheerfully that there was no loss of life 01 injury. Giggey Coming In C. L. M. Giggey of Terrace is expecting to make another trip down the Skeena River by flat-bottomed boat this week-end and may be here Monday. There has been no word during the past few days from Corp. Harold Raybone, provincial police, and Game Warden Ed. Martin, who have been endeavoring to maintain a temporary service between Kwlnltsa and Terrace. NEW CHIEF APPOINTED Sergeant J, II, McClinton Named Head of Prince Rupert District Detachment of Provincial Police , Announcement Is made by Inspector John A. Fraser, officer commanding "D" Division of ths provincial police, of the appointment of Sergeant J. H. McClinton as chief of Prince Rupert district detachment In succession to Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill, who re- from the force some tlme In,slBned ago. Corp. Robert Gibson, now dis trict clerk, is promoted to the position of divisional clerk In succession to Sergeant McClinton. Halibut Arrivals Summary Canadian 28,800 pounds, 6 2c and 5.2c to 6.3c and 5.3c. American none. Canadian Minnie V., 8,000, 6.3c and ;' 5.2c, Cold Storage. " Tugwell, 2,800, 6.3c and 5.3c, At-lln. Mary F, 18,000, 6-2c and 5.2c, ' Atlln. '