PAO$ SIX TET PULLET NANAIMO. Oct. 30: (CP) Hugh Allen's pet pullet Is domesticated j pius. ins cnicK insists on llTlng lnj the house. When evicted It create; a noisy disturbance at the "windo.? unttl It Is brought Inside. It takes a nap pn Allen's knee, and ride on his head while he feeds thi stock. mm FOR SALE FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461 FURNITURE Factory sampler, must go this week. Three-room groups, 60 high-grade pieces, guaranteed the most sensational bargain ever offered In Western Canada $160.00; 10 - piece Chesterfield Groups $65.00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms II desired. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 801 Bekins Bldg., Vancouver. LOST LOST Chl'd's green rain cape, or. Saturday. Finder please leave at Dally News Office Reward, tf. WANTED WANTED Piano for cash. Must be cheap. Box 4, Dally News. (255) AGENTS WANTED TRAVELLERS who can sell calendars for a couple of month: or more, starting toward end. of ytnr. Oood men can earn very large lnccme. Write for particulars. Tell about yourself and state" ground preferred News publishing Co. Ltd.," Truro, Can. ada. (255 PERSON A I MEN'S Homespun work socks tor all out-of-door usj. Olve the maximum In warmth and we? r Yarn re'.l-JhTunk, homesp'i-and knit. 75c per pair. Mrs. Fostc Stillwater. B. C. tf GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary SupplU:.' highest grade 15 for $1. Pacif;. thence three chalni North-Eatt: thenci fifteen chains East thence five chalm south, thence fifteen chains West thence Northerly to the nearest pain at low water, thence following U water to a point opposite the Initial post and containing five acres, more or less. HANS HANSEN United 13th dT of October. 193A ' It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 TO MOP UP SEA FLOOR Plans to Clean Hoary Millions From Bottom of Ocean Strange Hunt To Such Up Sunken Treasure From Scores of Gold-Strewn Wrecks NEW YORK, Oct. 30: (AP) A iea-oing vacuum cleaner inten ded to scoop hidden fortunes from the ocean floor has been oiled for one of history's strangest hunts for sunken treasure. In this great gadget men walk down stairs to the bottom of the sea. They will walk to a heavy- timbered hulk in the East River.i timbers bulled In the silt of 15d years the hulk of the British frigate Hussar. Deep in the Hussar's hold, under vhe captain's cabin (so read the Colonial Records) He old iron jhests bursting with millions In silver coins Intended as pay for British soldiers during the Revolu- ionary War. The frigate foundered n a reef in 1780. Since that time he supposed millions -have lured hunters almost ceaselessly and always unsuccessfully. Those millions fascinated Simon Lake, 70, Stratford, Conn., pioneer In submarine boat cpnstructlon, for 52 years before he finally set fo work a year or so ago to plan the salvage of the wrecked frigate. Today the Jolly, white-haired in ventor Is about ready for his try it the treasure. Hi? unique device has completed rigorous tests In Long Island Sound, and needs only 1 last overhauling before going into action. He has a contract and the jlcsslng of the U. S. government. Romance played as large a part is. money in the venture, Lake de- lared: the romance of Inventive -lumph. "I think the treasure is there," to said, "but I'd reach the Hussar If there wasn't a penny lboard her. If I can succeed where others hive failed, people will be rvc in my mw invention " He was talking about the sea-going va ruiim cleaner. It was an odJ-looking contraD' tion, a barge with two long arms n front, and between the arms a T small ' metal JVf' lozcng. The e lozenge l0Zenge Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver ,? !---. - - -iibmerg-2d by filling ballast, tanki MEN-Ocl viKor at once New O trex' Tonic Tablets contain ra oyster lnvigorators ana otin stimulants. One Jose peps up u gans, glands If not delight.' maker refunds few ceni pa. Call ur write. Oruies limited. 1 LANIl ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Ltar Land In th Prlnoe Rupert Land Recordlr.' District of Range 4, Coirt Land District" and situate approximately one mile In . ftmif.hsrlv rtliwrtlnm alnnir triA no line of Prlnpcss Royal Island' from Rco Porn Point, said Red Fern Point bcl.-approximately lour mUea In a Westerly direction trcra Barnard Cove. Take Notice that Hans Hansen ol Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation FU'a Packer Intends to apply tor a leaae of the following described lands -Corr. menclng at a post planted at hlgi water mark on tha shore-line In tli middle of a bay being approximately one mile Bouth of Red Fern Point prith water, permitting men inside lf-o step out and walk on the ocean ! floor. A lone, telefconln tnhp Hni the barge on the water and the lo- engg below. Men can walk down. as easily as on a stairway. Air pressure in it can be Increased to equal that of the water, so, doors can De opened on the bottom without water coming in. From this tiny submarine, three divers plan to go out in three hour relays to the Hussar's hidden hull, -weeping away 12 feet of silt with powerful water jets. What happens after that de fends on the Treasury Department. It will take a week. Lake said, to dynamite the docks and siphon out the hold with the vacuum cleaner, with three weeks more, he added the shins cnnld be emptied and raised to the sur face Intact for exhibition at the 1939 World's Fair In New York Pump Out British Silver The treasure? Tht will end nn (n a sieve on the barge. All the silt in ana around the Unswr -min k mwvu A U V pumped into this screen to ratrh the thousands of loose coins Lake expects to find. How much the treasure totals no one knows. In American money It is variously estimated at $1,800.- 000 to $4,800,000. That the Hussai entered New York harbor loartprt with silver there was no doubt She carried sterling currency for me unusn soldiers, and her fleet- mate, the Mercury, carried more wnen the two frigates came In the English were evacuating New i one. ine Hussar was ordered to take on the Mercury's silver, pick up 45 American prisoners and 14 carloads of specie from the paymaster's office, and make for tile British fleet's protection at . The soldiers never got paid The East River pilot was away 'from home when the Hussar set sail. Hts TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy a. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .35. Big Missouri, .46. Braiorne, 8.90. B. R:'Con, My ' 1 " " ' , b. r, x.v .11 '2- 1 ;' Cariboo Quartz, 1.70. Dentonia, .10li. Dunwell, .03. Golconda, .11. . Minto, .202. Meridian, 102. Morning Star. .02. Noble Five, .02. . -V Pend Oreille. SI. Z Porter Idaho. .0iY2. - Premier, 2.95. Reeves McDonald, .07. Reno. 1.24. Relief Arlington. .37. Salmon .Gold, .082. Taylor Bridge. .06. United Empire, .02 2. ' Wayside.- .09. Toronto Beattie,- 1.35. Central Patricia, 3.78. , God's Lake; .84: Inter. Nickel,- 61;50. Lee Gold, .05?.. Little Long Lac, 6.60. McKe'nzie Red Lake, 1.72. Pickle Crow, 6.30 Red Lake, Opld Shore, 1.78. Sari Antonio, 2.40. . '" ' Sherrlt't Gordon, 220. Sisco; .4.40. Smelter Gold, M. " . Ventured 2.59. McLeod CockshuU, 4.30. -. ' " Oklend, .46;. . Mosher, .54. Bosquet, .09 12. , Gllbec, .03 V2. Lake Rose, .48. Madsen, .88. ' . May Spiers. .45. Winoga Patricia. .28. Sullivan, 1.92 -f; Stidacona, .62. J Green Stabell. .47. Frontier Red Lake, .17. Francoeur, .82. Manitoba & Eastern,: .13 2. Perron 1.65. New Augarlta, .40. South Keqr Moneta ' Porcupine, 1.77. , Bouscadillac, .53". Lapa Cadillac. .?4". ' . . Old Diamond, 29. Gold Eagle, s77. !to Vancouver Wheat Vancouver" Oct. sa- ippi. TBS DAILY NKW8 nisiinp IIIX EXPECTS TO SEE HIGHWAY COMPLETED SOON Continued trom Page 1 he erected a church In memory of his girls. Rkhnn piv was not enthused over the Aberbart schemes in Al berta. He said the debt cancella tion act not orilv was a on those who hart saved a lars and Invested it by loanln a'anln" to people who needed it on on mort gage but it tended to set class against class, those who had nothing against those whD had something. It divided the people In " two camps A month" stent In Ontaiia Droved very Interesting. The Bish op attended the Rotary Club at a meeting at Peterborough, the horn of the Big Ben clock and Quaker Oats. He addressed the luncheon on the fisheries of Prince Rupert He came home feeling that the potentialities of the whole Dominion were very great and In this he included Prince Rupert. He urged the people here to "Be strong and of good courage." If they continued to hold up their heads the reward would come. It did not require, a large place in which to be happy. With Its present population it was possible tc live In such a way as to have all wants supplied. Tne people had v good water, light, streets and entertainment. Pebole always com plained everywhere, no matter how much progress they made The great thing1 was to be stron.r and of good courage. : What Would You Like? .... . . IT tUI boys UUJfO Jack rfrltlt MUVK v?hn,,WaS -qU w f $l-6 n U,c ys P-n.s pencils, jnacicd Prisoners Hmwnpri Th iiunt for the sunken silver opened -1 years laten Two British bris orked fof -wp years with a diving jell. The'y' foUnd nothing, and tne mer1cani gp'verrime'nt 'chased them out.. . ' jBo Deep for Millions But Lake's dreams for his sea- ijolrig vacuum cleaner go far be-yond the Hussar's treasure, which only "chicken feed"- comoarcd to the dazzline wpaifh ven tor believes he can bring up from other wrecks which dot the ocean floors of the world Hf map of the world is pocked with oiora than 7,000 circles. Varh Circle a shirwreck with nmm of burled precious cargo. One circle marks the hulk of the most famous of, all sea-buried itreasurea; the Tobermay galleon une or the defeated Snanlsh nr. mada, she sank at the entrance to the Sound of Mull in lsaa Close to the town Of TWrprmnv For years divers have sought the oot she carried below decks All they have got so far are a few Spanish, swords. Another circle, the Spanish armada's flagshlu. the FlnrpnM which legend said held untold for tune as well as a woman who was be Queer! of England and the crown she was to wear; Then .there Is the Snanlsh fw which was speeding across the Atlantic With $100,000,000 when sir George Rooke sank It in Vigo Bay in uvz. The Turkish-Esvnttfln fipf sunt by Sir Edward Codington in the name or Navarlno, south of Oreecs In 1827, Is another circle. Loade 1 with pay for the Turkish soldiers she was sent to thp hnt.hnm u British, Russian and French fleet? wlthta reported '$50,000,000 aboard' A quarter-million ' - ...4i-.i rv ij 1 tLU V CI cU rCrrrt .HCHefnnt . n . . .. .. . . . . wwv.w.vfc nTW . me ingate,jana salvagers still work around rui Kowt m ueu aate, and and tne wreckage jiunpea overooara in terror. The Brltbh sailed upstream alone. They dropDed anchor at what were Another circle: The Lusltanla, Off th rrvaof n't whose Ireland slnkih in 1915 lS nOW 149th StrpPl snH (hroilirht V. tr-it.j B.i!.a . . vnru mi u tezi uj ny me. nic me war war. Th. ine AraDic, AmKI. with ,hu $5- strong ebb tide. It was mid-after-1 000,000 1H' Its' holds and the "Black nwn, me weatner was calm, but prince," lost In Balaklava Bay most of the crow and all of the 1854; In Christmas. Hre is a brief list of articles but we want sug- gestlons so will place any suggested article in the next list published. Possibly these susi-estions may be an aid to retailers: , For men -r.Ties.. handker- chiefs, socks, slippers, cigar- ettes. . 4 It Is time lo think about what you would like for For ladles Handkerchiefs, 1 ,'Price Goes Down IsHOW BOAT On Lincoln-Zephyr Latest Ford Car S. E. Parker Ltd., local Ford dealers, have just juoi, received icvicu very v4jr In- Ask Recognition ,n ine oallv News pers, stationery, silk stockings, new novels. For knives, ler- .... slip- 1 pers, bicycles. , . For girls Candies, boxes of t stationery, perfumes, lingerie, i new books, manicure sets. Write to, "Smta Claus." ! care of this paper and sug- gestlons made will .be Included 1 In the next list. Your friends wilt see It and It may be a hint to them to 'give the right thing. B.C. (255) For Fish Rescue Superintendent of Bridge River Mine Deserves Recognition GCLDBRIDGE, B. C, Oct, 30: (CP) Employees of Pilot Go'd Mines, Ltd., believe their superintendent, Fred Bradley, deserve rccogn'.tlon for the rescue of hundreds of .stranded, fish frn-n shallow pools In Walker Creek, near here. The creek became shallow clue to heavy frost and snow and Bradley went up the stream to Inspect the dam. He found lake trout stranded in pools with scarcely enough watn- to cover them. Helped by the mine crew he scooped no the fhh in gunny sacks and rushed them to Blt Gun Lake, into whhh the ireek flows. Reach the must people in city and district with an advertisement The only couch drop medicated with the throataoot hlng Ingredients of Vlcks VapoRub. 11 VERY FINE Great Picture on Screen of Capitol Theatre This Week-End A great picture has come to the screen 01 of the me uapiwi Capitol Theatre ineaire here nere i-'screen lordship few dol.jteresUng information relative to for a special long engagement 1 lIFord Motor Company'8 Pns for, this week-end It Is "Show mort- tne Uncoln-ZePhyr for 1937. . , Boat" in which mu:ic, romance and me zepnyr was piacea in pro- drama are delightfully combined duction In 1936 In one model only with a notable cist headed hv to test public opinion and get the Irene Dunne and Allan Jones. Spe-1 puDiic s reaction 10 a car duiu Clal arrangements have been made upon entirely new lines. That the to handle capacity crowds, car proved both popular and satis- The love story of Magnolia, and factorj' is proved by the announce- Ravenal Is thrlllingly portrayed by ment that for 1937 the company is Miss Dunne and Jones. An out-making the Zephyr in four models standlne feature is the xnlPtirfirt ana, inrougn larger production, is robust baritone of Paul Robeson' enabled to announce a price reduc- supported by choruses numbering tion of from $210.00 to $250.00 per as many as two nundred. Helen! car- Morgan also does somp Imnnrtnnt! The price reduction will make singing bits. Charles Winnlnger uiis a very popular car in tne me- plays the important part of the dium priced field. Popular also are show boat captain with Helen the economy and comfort of the. Westley his sharp-tongued wife car; front seat is 50 inches wide. Qucenie Smith and Sammy White rear seat 53 inches. Owners report do some smart HanM S' a-nM 10 OA 11 A i 1. 1 AO lu U nuu-s 10 me ganon xnose who saw the ordinal with the V-12 110 ' h.p. motor. "Show Boat." one of thP fi-.f talkies, had Friday, rvtov.. lence and still Z,,1' recall ' it ' new "Show Boat more finished picture sesses a wide mP. .4Iso UlC QJ TONIGHT and SATIrtu? Last (mplctSRy Edna Ferber's Great Story Now a Great Mn.i Coiredy-Drama IKENE DUNNE - In - "Shov Boat" With Allan Jones Paul Kobosnn (The Great Colored Singer of ounuers 0: the R(ver. (At 7:22 Sc 9:39, ALSO News anil Cartoon i Hallowed Saturday, October 31st We Arc Headquarters For Hallowe'en Requirements MASKS Of every description, 2 for 5c to 15c FIREWOUKS-r-A big variety of loud and co'orlul fireworks. Sparklers, Rockets, Roman Candles, Flales and Bombs Irm 5c to 10c DECORATIONS Streamers, Cutouts. Skeletons, Etc. LANTERNS Black Cat. Ghost. Witch. Pumpkin and other novel designs ....... ioc to 25c PARTY GOODS Paper Hats, dozen tOc, 50c and ik Horns and Noiscmakers, dozen, up from .. 10c Balloons, large size, dozen .. c (Special low prices for. large quantity) Tally Cards and Table Favors Hallowe'en Napkins, pkg 10c Halloween The Best Time For a Celebration CLOTHIERS Ltd. Real Bargains For a Few More Days Only. There are still left hundreds of Bargains at great savings. Ladies' Bedroom Slippers I CQ I Ladies' Fine Oxfords I O 7Q Sellings I tJJC I Selling at Boys' Solid Leather Boots I O 7Q I Ladies' Suede Pumps and I n A Selling at V I dB I O.IV Ladies' Pumps and Ties I 1 7f I Ladies' Overshoes, brown I QQ Selling at 1 J I and black I l .tjl " f.A - Pumps, broken I . I Lades' nQ j Men,g - Qff Selling at A,lJ Now Men's Knee Rubber Boots CO Q ' " Now ?&.Vt Phone Black 324 Third Ave