tA3E FOUR PREVENT MANY COLDS a Ai That First Sniffle or inei ilgm that a cold may b taming on , . . Quick! A Few Drops el Vickt Va-tro-nol up eoch nostril EH It S-p-r-e-a-d-s h scientific medication swiftly spreads through nose and upper throat-where 3 out el 4 colds start Mother relies on Va-tro-nol for help in preventing her own colds, too. She can feel the tingle as this scientific medication spreads through the trouble rone in her nose and upper throat. Va-tro-nol is. specially prepared to stimulate Nature's defenses in this area. Used in time, Va-tro-nol helps to prevent many colds . . . and to throw off head colds in the early stages. Quickly relieves "Stuffy Head" Mothers! Look In your Va-tro-nol pack, gc for full details of Vicks Plan a practical home (tilde to greater freedom from colds. In clinic tests amort it 17.353 people, this Plan cut sickness from colds more than ha.1 Follow Vkls Plan for Belter Control of Colds HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our store is a store you can call your own because it is operated on a co-operative system whereby we share the profits with you. When the purchase is made and the price is paid you receive tokens which entitle you to FREE PREMIUMS In return. So make our store your store, MUSSALLEM'S . 317-319 Third Avenue West Phone 18 P. O. Box 55 IX THE fl TKKMK (OIKT Of I1HITIM; COM Mill A In Probate In the Matter of the ".IdmlnMratim Art" And In I lie .Matter of the KM air of Malcoli-MHlu). Itet-eaM-d TaJce notice Qm. by order of H. Honor w E. Father, th 23rd da c. April, int. I wa appointed Executo ct tfce CttUte of liiloolm Minor, de wd. and all panties baring claims the aaid entaAe are hereby re qutrd to furniah aatrae. properly Ten fbtL to roe ou or before the 27th da ol March. A. D. 1837. azxl all parttc Indebted to the oatate are required U. par tbe amount of thlr lndebtcdneat to toe UjcthvULh FRANK PEABCE. Port Clameau. B.C Dated the 26th day of Fnbruary, AD 1B37. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Sees More Taxes EDINBURGH, Scotland. March 9: CP) Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking In Edinburgh, warned of possible extra burdens for taxpayers. Referring to the rearmament plan, he said that, instead of reductions, the taxpayers must prepare for further sacrifices. Sir Thomas Inskip gave warning that, in view of the mmament manufacturing pro-fci-am, a suspension of building onstruction and other civil industries might become necessary. CONSTIPATION IS A MISERABLE THING! It takes the pep right out of you makes you feel tired and irritable ready to worry over the slightest thing. Yet it can be corrected in most cases so easily. Common constipation is usually caused by lack cf "bulk" in the foods you eat. Millions of people have learned that Kellogg's All-Bran ends constipation by putting "bulk" back in the diet. Within the body, ALL-Bran absorbs twice its weight in water, forming a soft mass ani gently sponging out the system. Kellogg's AiXtBrax also furnishes vitamin B tc tone the intestines and iron for the blood. Two tablespoonfuls daily as a cereal with milk or cream, or in recipes, are sufficient Three times daily in severe cases. Sold at all grocers and guaranteed by Kellogg in London. A T 171 SUGGESTION 0 Gold Seal Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Trappers and Buyers I have to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 More From Me I am strong on everything. Make your shipment. As soon as I receive it I will send your? money. G0LDBLG0M Premier King At Washington Details of Week-end Discussion With President Koosevelt Not Disclosed WASHINGTON. D. C. March 9: Premier WiHiam Lyon Mackenzie (King of Canada concluded his i week-end visi to President Frank lin D. Roosevelt at the White House Saturday night and left fo: an Atlantic Coast resort for a brief I vacation before returning to Canada: The nature of the discussions between the Prime Minister and the Presidsnt were not disclosed although Mr. King said trade matters had not been taken up. The Imperial Conference at London lr. May will hear some of President Roosevelt's views from Premie King. The Letter Box SIGNING LETTERS In connection with the discussion of the hospital question through the Daily News Letterbox, iwo letters have been received at the Daily News ' office obviously written by the same person and on the same water-marked paper. The signatures were, however, different and the names used In either case ere entirely strange in this office. If the person writing the last of these letters Is willing to establish identity without question, there is no objection to publishing it. We must insist that all letters on this subject, bear the bona fide signature for publication of those re-snonfible for same. Those having i views on the subject should not wish to engage in public discussion and at the same time conceal their identity. Ed. HOURS ARE LIMITED Editor. Diily News: In Monday's issue of your pape there appeared a news item to Ifect that "in the interest of bet ter fire protection. City Commis sioner W. J. Alder has decided fci lugment the staff of the city fire department." The truth cf the matter Is that jat the last session :of the1 legisla-i ture an amendment to the Act wa passed which limits the hours or duty of firemen. To comply with tfce Act as iamended the Commis. sJoner has to employ more fire men or find volunteers for the fire department. C. D. CLARKE 'In justice to the commissionei it might be explained that he intimated at the time of making the announcement in question that the hours of work for firemen hai been limited to sixty per week Due to other demands on space and time yesterday, this explana tion was omitted from the brief announcement Ed. ) LANK IIt:ilSTItV ACT I MiTiri: I Re: Ortirioate of Title No. 22300-i .to let. Twenty-two (S2). Block Elevc-jlll). Village of Stewart. Map 9"5. I Wrvertna aattsfaotory proof of the los' : of the atme Certificate cf Title. wui c ;ln the ruwne of Rows Moore Cnmraji' LmKl rats (been filed la thi offi nrt.lce l hereby given that I thai! t the expiration of one moir.n from t the date ctf the first publloatlvo her of. dfwue a Provisional Oea-tilir-atf. 0i iTtt'e In !k-u o tile n-l ice CerUflrate urJes meantime valid objection s mxdK to me ta writing. Darted a the Lend RitnF'ry offlrr Priiioe RuptK, B. C. tbis, 12ti, day of rbruar ' 1937. A. THOMPSON, Deputy Reii,iiar Sjwa i vu u tm f bh b 1.1 rE tMtm 'iiiciiiiitiiiiijitii i mm 21 : ii h u 11 m 19 S s h i: 2 v i c 10.,7 DELUXE 'HEATED CAKS 35 TAXI "Our Motto" Prompt and Courteous Service Koss Mazzei Opposite Itoyal Hotel 24 I O K AI French j. S B h v P I m 1 wn us mtm u,i mmn mi mm mx ms m mm$Z TRAPPERS! Attention! Uriiij? Your Heaver to Frank Lockwood Phone Blue "29 P.O. Box 200 COAL IX) PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 rri.. . . . THE DAILY NEWS Jimmy Parker Moving South Transferred, to Vancouver in Service of Home Oil Distributors Jame Parker, who has been ac- icountant here for the Home Oil Distributor Ltd for some time, Is being transferred to Vancouver as waterfront salesman for the company and, with Mrs. Parker and child, will be leaving lor the south aboard the Pnnce George on Thursday rjlit of next week. His successor tierai w.ll be Arthur Sloan of Vancoutfjirwho is expected to arrive next week, accompanied by Mrs. Sloan. Departure of Mr. and Mrs. Parker from Prince Rupert will be regretted by many friends. Mr. Par ker was born-and raised here, be ing the son of Mr and Mrs. S. E. Parker. Mrs. Parker, formerly Miss Phyllis Lamb. I equally well known and popular, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lamb of Cassiar cannery and a former member of the teaching staff of Booth Memorial School. Surprise Party Was Delightful Miss Al-rfa Johmon Honored Priot To Departure for South A delightful -arprise party wa- held Vast evening at the home ' Miss Bess Campbell in honor cf Miss ASeda John?on. who is leev ing shortly for an extended visl? n the south. During the 'course of the eve 'ng Mrs Johnson was presented with a lovely travelling case and dressing gown, a gift from her ftl low workers of the telephone of fice. At midnight deVrMous refresh ments were served, the dair.tily sol tlh a hA n AnfMul ..-1.1. J T : Thov present to wish Miss Changed Her Shoes Five Times a Day Suffered For Twenty Years With Rheumatism Try and picture the life this woman led for twenty years changing her shoes several times a day in a vain endeavor to attain some relief from the rheumatic pains that were constantly' troubling her. Then imagine her Joy when :he found that Kruschen was diving away the rheumatism. This is what she writes: "I have been using Kruschen Salts for four years. For twenty years previously I had suffered with my feet, sometimes changing my shoes five times a day, and frequently sitting without anv as J the pain was so great. Now I can wear the same pair of shoes all day with comfort. I cannot speak too highly of Kruschen Salts. Only those who had been in constant pain with their feet for years can realize what It is to be free." (Mrs. I EA. It is deposits of excess uric acid, lodging between the joints, which are frequently the cause of rheumatism. Kruschen Salts contain two ingredients sodium and potassiumwhich are effective solvents of uric acid. i 1 Johnson Bon Voyage were Mis-3j Campbel'. Stalker. Colusrl, Astoria ; Owens. S:hrrk, Peachy. Eastman and A. Johnston (Drayton, N.S.)., Mesdames Wefr. Anderson, Lemon ! Sherman and Grlmble Miss Johnson of Drayton Ni5 vlll accompany her sister as fsr I as Seattle. ' i FOR SALE Moriprn hrl Uv4or nn - i .jun, u.v, UUUU ! opening for building up fine busi ness at small cost. HOTEL FKAZEi: Hyder, B.C. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles Capt. Edward Mabbs, is due In port tomorrow or Thursday from Vancouver via the Queen Char lotte Islands. The vessel was tied up last night at Sedgewlck Bay Moresby Island, on account of a southeast gale. Union steamer Cardena, Capt James Flndlay, Is due in port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Stew art, Anyox ana omer norcnemi points and will sail half an hour! later for the south. The vessel Is! delayed In returning here today through loading canned salmon at Wales Island. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Lm perial was In port at the week-end from loco with a cargo of gasoline i for the company's local tanks. ! Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp liner Northland, Capt Len Williams, was In port yester day momlng southbound from Ketchikan to Seattle. The vessel! WALLACE'S March Clearance Sale Starts Wednesday Overstocked and Discontinued Lines Clearing at Lowest Possible Prices HOUSE i -v h'Y Phone J All fast color prints, assorted sizes, each, 69c Women's Silk Knit Pyjamas Watson quality, values to Ci Q $2.93; for A.iJ Suede Taffeta Dance Sets 7Q white or peach, set C Crepe de Chine Panties Lace trim, white only, pure silk 7Qr per pair Bloomers, Panties or Briefs Asor-ted styles, values to 85c C-f A A 2 pairs tJH.UU Women's Rayon Silk Slips Assorted colors, values to $1.50 OQ 5Jc and OViZ Children's Silk Nighties 7Qo Assorted colors, to $1.50 . . Gossard Corsets and Corsolettes Odd lines, values to Q4 rA $1.50, for tlt)U Suede Doe Short Jackcts-In tan only. lull zipper front, regular $7.75 Qa nr to clear J) Hit DO Women's Skirta-Plalds, checks, cords and plain colors qj-each ?) Women's Sweaters Assorted styles, values to $3.50 q-each M7t) Children's SweatersAssorted colors n(n and styles, each tils Ladles' Dressing Gowns-In beacon blanket cloths, values to $4.50 $2 95 Moire Silk Klmonas Assorted colors, values to $5.95, for $3.95 Women's Cloth Spats-Fawns and nfn greys, values to $1.75, pair .... 'St SEE OUR WINDOWS I 1 . I J l I 11 LAST TIMF tv.;,T.? - 4vr.lll.IlT Last Complete Show at 20 ONLY ONE COAT NEEDED Anyone can apply ALABASTINE with ease. One coat makes beautifully-tinted walls. Goes on smoothly. Will not rub oB or show bcush-marks. Many atlrac-live tints to choose frora. Sold by dealers everywhere. Gypsum. Lime and Alobdstiue. Canada, Jjmitrd Head Office PARIS, Ontario, Canada STRANDED IN MtUm WITH NO PI lyu it. jPlOTlHErttMUrTsoS Plus George Halt, Dolorw Harry-more In "Vours For the Askinr" (At 8:36 onlyi World News iAt 8; 20 orjr Cominf Wednesday GKOKGE AKLISS in "East Meets West" brought three carloads of frozen i Tonight's tram, due frra the fish for transshipment East over east at 10:20, was reportej r Canadian National Railways. ' morning to be on time AUDI ' ' m m I I m m m W A 1 JH mm i n Gossard Brassieres and Lace 10p Uplifts, each Kiddies' Flannelette Bloomers Sky, pink or white, 2 to G years 2flC u per pair Children's Pure Wool Vests and Bloomers Small and 79 C large sizes, each Babies' each Pure Wool Vests Qp d9t Women's Union Suits-Values to $1.75 95c Women's Pure Wool Vests and Bloomers Values to $1.50 7QP each Women's Union Suits Aborted styles, fleecy finish IQC per suit Ladies Raincoats Rose, blue or CO 95 green, all cemented seams Umbrellas 10-rlb bakelitc ferrule (21 QQ and tips, stub handles, each , Felt Hats Assorted styles and colors QfiQ each Women's Full Fashioned Silk, Hose Values to $1.25, pair Women's Silk and. Wool or'All Wool gg Hose, new shades, pair Women's Lined Kid Gloves In black oi brown values to $2.25 CI 45 per pair Women's Silk Dresses In plain or figured styles, values to (29 Q5 $1.95, for W Better Dresses Values (24 Q5 to $12.50, for $W Pulton and Third