vraunued on Pae Two) t- -c:"V. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) She Rupert Part cloudy, Prince High . 5:26 a.m. 18.1 ft. south wind, 2 miles per hour; barometer, 30.32; temperature, 46 18:45 pm. 17.8 It. Low 4.0 ft. sea smooth. -.12:03 p.m. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVI., No. 113. MAY 1937 PK1CE: 5 CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, 15, oyaSfts Are Slaughtered in Spain Jonservatives Open In Prince Rupert; Candidate And Vancouver Man Are Heard The provincial election campaign for Charles V. Evitt, fonservative candidate, was opened last night with a liblic meeting in the Moose Hall. Mr. Evitt gave an ad-fress which was featured by a sketch of his own personal Ireer and a review of the Conservative party's mani- sto. The principal speaker of billips of Vancouver wno aeau to flarge extent with the financial Rsltlon of the province. He charg- the Pattullo government with ana incompetence Elravagance d predicted Its defeat on June 1. C, H. Hankinson occupied tne Ealr, Thcre was a very good atten-ince at the meeting, possibly ne three hundred, and it was friendly gathering. The candl- te received a very cordial recep-in. There were no disturbances fcatever and the only speaker not the program was Charles Chaplin, United Front candidate In e last provincial election, who ought permission to ask a ques- n which turned out, however, to i t ifntmpnf In rwiiH fn tt-nrlr- ten's compensation. Mr. i;napman ileged that the government ln- mded to reduce allowances. (The meeting, which lasted about hour and a half, opened with singing of "O Canada" and ;ed with "God Save the King," Maureen Klrkpatrlck presid- at the piano. - - Dr, Hankinson paid tribute to r, Evitt as a citizen and friend, fc was one who was known to all "H one whom anyone could ap-iroach. He was a bona fide resl-fent of the city and one who un- ferstood local problems. He would lalec an excellent representative Sir. Evitt I Mr Evitt, at the outset, wished make It clear that, In anything K might say. he did not intend to klUclzc Premier Tattullo pcrson-Py but tire government of which the head. "I like Mr. Pat-llo Ewas personally," declared Mr. ltt, "and we are friends." The Conservative candidate be- leved that experience in a variety If things should be possessed by jr.y person who sought public of- . He. therefore, thought It fit- pg that he should briefly review 6 own career. At the age of six- Fen he had been placed by his lather In. a ship broker's office in tondon, After three years there, he ame to Canada In 1007 to join a Brother He landed at Dolsscvaln. n., where he worked as a farm and for $10 a month and board, n November of that year he ar-ived In Vancouver and had walk- Id the streets for two weeks and almost broke when he went to i;'s wk at 30c ah hour wheeling coal, hen he went rough carpentering no dolne odd Inhs Including a pll as a bartender, pickund sho-M2; Inline and (hnvullnrr nlnp.4 Then I secured a position in the Nor - pm Crown Bank and in April di'.crkeeper for the old UWon wnk. Later he had worked In real plate offices here and for the city i"r a time. With the execution of leven years- -three of which were Pt the Georgetown sawmill and ur in France eight months "n he had been a prisoner of1 r -he had llvprf rnntlnuouslv P'nce then In Prince Itupcrt. I Mr Evitt staler! thnt. lust, heforo OnCllllltr nf Ilia n.ntln tin hfirl RelVCd a nilMtlnnnlrro frnm Ihfi Pradcs and I.nhnr rnnndl He POUld later ovl M nnnnr in fame. ! Th Candidate I lion nrnrnrriprl to: "lew the platform of Dr. P. P.' '"Ulersoil. lrfirW nf tUn nuno. lve Mrtv . nf ririii vr WtUiOU VU1U11ILIU) V f ch he subscribed. ' .instead of surpluses as had been pimcd. uie Uberai government Campaign the evening was A. B. Mc- JUBILEE OF KING Topular Christian X Has Been On Throne For 25 Years COPENHAGEN, May 15: (CP) Tall King Christian X of Denmark and Iceland celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his accession to the Throne today as thousands massed in Copenhagen's flag-decked streets to cheer the popular monarch. The King, resplendent in a scarlet uniform of the Royal Life Guards, rode with Queen Alexandrine in an open state carriage drawn by four black horses .to the Cathedral of Our Lady for commemorative services. Today's Weather Terrace Part cloudy, southeast wind, 4G. Aiyansh Cloudy, .calm, 48. ' Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 47. Anyox Rain, calm, 45. . Stewart Cloudy, strong soutri wind, 41. Hazclton Cloudy, calm, 60. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Iake Clear, calm, 31. Victoria Fair, west wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, 30.30' Kslcvan Clear, calm, buro meter, 30.30. Digby Island Fair, west wind, 1 miles per hour; barometer :;o.nc Prince George Fair, wul" wost wind, 8 miles per hour; barometer, 30.22. Vancouver Calm, clear, barometer. 30.32. Alert Hay-Clear, light west wind, temperature 40; barometer 30.40; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Clear, light wes' wind, temperature -10; barometer 30.40; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Clear, calm, baro meter, 30.28; temperature 45, sea smooth. Triple Island Part cloudy southeast wind, 8 miles per hour nca smooth. Langara Island Showery south wind, 4 miles per hour barometer, 30.28; temperature eca smooth. Head Tree 1 oint Overcast lm! barometer, MM ".' Ii.niiiir:i ture, 47; sea smoolh. Engagement Mr n ml Mrs. Charles M. Iou announce the engagement of theii laiiirhter. Lillian Marguerite,, in of.Ceorge llduanl Peters, only Hon of Mrs. I. 1'eters, Victoria, Il.C. and the late Mr. Peters, me wedding will take place on June 10, at 8 P.m. in First United Church. , Hon. T. D. Pattullo Will address a Public Meeting MOOSE HALL, 8 p.m., Saturday Everybody Welcome DEAD MAN'S TESTIMONY Evidence of Late Peter Salice, Principal Witness in Arson Case, Transmitted to Assizes A Trial Continues Accused Arraigned on Two Counts And Pleads Not Guilty The only direct evidence at the trial of E. G. Belllclni, charged at the present session of the Supreme Court Assizes here with arson in connection with the burning of a partially completed hotel at Hous ton In the Bulkley Valley on August 22, 1929, was that of Peter Salice, who died while in custody at Smithers two weeks ago following the preliminary hearing at which he was the principal witness for the crown. Sallce's evidence was transmitted to the Jury at the Assize trial today before Mr. Justice Denis Mumhv by counsel. The stenographer who took down the evidence at the preliminary trial and Constable C. F. Oland of Smithers also were witnesses In this connection. Sallce's story was that he had been asked by Belllclni to burn down the building In return for which he (Belllclni) would' release a mortgage wmcn ne neuron aa- UceJarra..SaUwar4cordlng,io:his evidence, at nrst reiusiea vue piu- Dosal but later agreed. Belllclni himself prepared three fire sets in the partially completed building and then left for Smithers to at tend the fair. Early on the morning In question Salice got up and, following Belliclnl's Instructions, sat the fires. There was complete destruction of the building and !ater Belllclni congratulated Salice on the "excellent Job" he had done In order that there should be nc undue suspicion, the mortgage wai not to be released until six month? after the fire. After the six month? was up, Salice called upon Belllclni to release the mortgage but accused refused to do so, saying that he had not yet received the insurance money. Things went on unui isj when Belllclni went to Salice to offer him a new mortgage agreement which was eventually signed. Belllclni Is charged on two count first, arson with intent to defraud the Insurance companies; second counselling Peter Salice to ".ommlt an Indictable offense, to wit arson. On being arraigned yesterday. Belllclni pleaded not guilty and the empanelling of a Jury proceeded. There were numerous chal lenges, H. II. Griffin, defence coun- seel, using his full twelve, ana many stand asides by T. W. Brown, crown counsel. By the time the nanel had been drawn up, con slstlng of eleven men and one. wo man, all but one of thr entire list summoned for service had been called. Witnesses heard yesterday af ternoon were Harvey Davies, for mcrly of Houston', and his daughter, who lived nearby the Belllclni building at the time of the fire and told of certain tilings they had' ob served about the time. SUPPLIES INDIANS George Bird, for supplying liquor to Indians, was 'fined $200, with option of two months' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court Thursday after noon, it being his third offence. Erllng Nlckleson, also for supplying, was fined $50, or one month's Imprisonment, it bclnt? his first offence. Bird ts doing the time. Nlc-kolson paid the flue. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. May 15: (CP) Wheat was quoted at $1.251b on the Vancouver market today. Late Telegraphs STRIKE IS SETTLED PITTSBURG Settlement of the strike of 27,000 Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation workers is announced by the steel workers' organizing committee. temporary agreement lias been reached under which work will be resumed almost immediately. There are no details. PEACE IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD Peace in the film studio craftsmen's strike appeared near as union leaders weighed a new proposal by the producers. Union conferees admit that a quick end of the two weeks' walkout is virtually certain.' FLIERS BACK NEW YORK Dick Merrill and Jack Lambie landed here at 3:35 yesterday afternoon, completing their return flight across the Atlantic Ocean with Coronation moving pictures. BALDWIN' CHAIRMAN LONDON The Imperial conference continuesPremier Stanley Baldwin is chairman on motion of Premier King of Canada and Premier Lyons of Australia. COURT BALL LONDON Dignitaries from all parts of the world attended a Grand State Ball at Buckingham -Palace . last, nightwltlr King ifieorgeSn'fS Tfueeh 'Elizabeth as hosts. ' MATIIESON LET OUT VANCOUVER J. K. Mathcson, general manager for years of the Vancouver Exhibition, ' has been notified by the board of directors that his services are dispensed with. BUS STRIKE CONTINUES LONDON Striking bus workers voted overwhelmingly yesterday to continue the bus strike. Election Fight Is Livening Up Busy Week-End With Two Meet ings Activity at Campaign Headquarters The provincial election campaign i beginning to liven up in Prince Kupcrt. With the public meeting ,or u. v. isviu, ionscrvauvc can-Udatc last night, and one fdr Premier T. D. Pattullo, the Liberal, might, this is a fairly active week-end. On Thursday night here was a rally of Liberal workers In the committee rooms to get he routine campaign activities mder way. At Conservative, Co-lperatlvc Commonwealth Federa-Mon and Social Credit headquarters there is also activity. SN0WDEN IS DEAD Noted Former Chancellor of The Exchequer Succumbs Today To Heart Attack Was Laborite Moses of British Socialist Movement Had Dynamic Career Despite Being Cripple. LONDON, May 15: (CP) Vis count PhillD Snowden, former hancellor of the Exchequer, died suddenly of a heart attack today. The Labor peer was 72 years of ae. Viscountess Snowden explained the day before the Coronation that her husband was not well enough to attend but the Illness, apparent- j ly. did not seem critical. The Vis-: countess was in London whea she learned of her husband's death. Snowden, as Chancellor of the Exchequer during the financial irlsis cf 1921. Introduced the bill suspending the gold standard. A Tew weeks earlier he had brought lown the famous "axe and tax"j )udget which sought to arrest the light of the pound. He was Chan-Mlor in both the Labor govern- jmcnts and followed Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald Into the Na tional government in 1931. He re- latncd,ae.Treasnjjiauring.the financial crisis but did not seek re-election to the House of Com mons that year. He accepted a peerage and remained in the cabinet as Lord Privy Seal until the 'ummer of the following year when he resigned over the government's tariff policy and the Ottawa agreements. He was raised to the peerage as Viscount Snowden of Ickornshaw in the west county of the riding of York. He leaves no heir and the title becomes extinct, Weather Forecast General Synopsis Ilijrh pre sure ,is now over Vancouver Inland and showers have occurred on the north coast and also in tht interior of British Columbia. l'rince Rupert district ' lilid Queen Cliarlnttu Islands Moder ate variable winds, part cloud and cool at night. West Coast of Vancouver Is! land Moderate to fresh north !;in,j oast winds, pan cloudy witl, ' liltlc chantfc in temperature Today's Baseball National League , Philadelphia 6, New York 2. Brooklyn-Boston, postponed, wet grounds. St. Louis 4, Pittsburg 2. American League New York 6, Philadelphia 5. Three-Quarters of Fairbanks Is Under Flood Waters Today; Half of People Flee Homes FAIRBANKS, Alaska, May Id: (CP) The Tan-ana and Chena Rivers rose slowly today and sent combined waters through three-fourths of the city of Fairbanks. At least half of the town's two thousand persons have fled their homes. Persons used rowboats and canoes to save their most valued pos sessions. . Apprehension is felt lest a sudden rise in temperature melt snow on the hills of the Upper Tananii Valley and increase the volume of the flood. Government Column Almost Annihilated Close By Toledo Defence of Bilbao Continues Doggedly Premier Cam-ballcro Resigns But Later Agrees to Try And Form New Government TOLEDO, Spain, May 15:. (CP) A column of government troops south of Tajo River was reported virtually destroyed with bombs and machine gun fire in an insur-?ent air attack. The government's desperate attempts to vrest Toledo from General Francisco Franco in a week of fierce combat caused its forces to sustain what insur- '. , gents described as "Unprecedented TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. JonnBlon Co.) Vancouver II. C. Nickel, .24. Bit; Missouri, .44. Ilralorne, G.55. D. It, Con., .01. Aztec, .08. Cariboo Quartz, 1.C0. Dentonia, .14. Punwell, .03.V2. Golconda, .07. Minto, .14. Meridian, .03. Fairview Amalg., .09. Noble Five, ,0GV2. Pend Oreille, 2, 83,. . Pioneer, 4.05. J'rtcr Jdahp.05 Premier, 2.fii Reeve's McDonald, .80. Reno, .85, Relief Arlington, .20. Reward, .08'2. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .07. Hedley Amalgamated, .06. Premier Border, .02!'2. Silbak Premier, 2.50. Congress, .03. Silver Crest, .07. Home Cold, .02. Cm nd view. .1.1V2. Indian, .02l.. Oiintsino Copper, .01V2i Quesnelle Quartz, .0!). Oils A. P. Con.. .!52. Calmont. .5:1. C. &. E 2..T2. Freehold, .08'2. Hargal, .18. McDougal Segur, .18. Mercury. .2fi. Merlniul, .l'2i. Okalta, 1.31, Pacalta. .12Me. Home Oil, 1.00. Weymarn, '. 13. Toronto lleattic. 1.22. ' Centrnl Patricia, 2.00. Cods Lake, .48. !? Gold, .03 Ms. Little Lonir Iac, 5.00. McKonzir Red Lake, 1.21. ''i':kl. Crow. COO. Red I,ak. Gold Shore, .10. S;in Antonio, 1 .50. Shcrritt Gordon. 2.25. Snii'lterH Gold, .05. M'Leod Cockshutt, 1.70. OVIrnd, .18. Moshcr, .37. ni1.ee, .01. Mndnnn Red l.ike. .75. Shiltrona. 1-1. I'Vannn'iir. ,H2. MitniJol.M & Kastcrn, .03. Mnwt.n Porcupine, 1 .32. Rit1.ee, .01. Thompson Cadillac, .77. Bailor. .02'. Bank field. .85. Kast Malartic. 1.02. ' , Preston Kast Home, t.00. Hutchison Lake, .10. Dawson White, .15. JMsh Red Lake, .22. Aldermac. 1.00. Kerr Addison. 2.00. Uchi Cold. .75. Martin Bird, .78. NEW YORK (CP)T-Bar silver was unchanged at 45V4c per ounce on the New York metal market slaughter." Meanwhile It was reported from Bayonne that the Insurgent cruiser Almirante Cervera had shelled the slopes of Mount Sollube as Basque defence troops desperately attemp? ted to block the way to Mungaia, seven miles northeast of Bilbao, A spokesman for the Basque govern-jment reiterated' the government's I determination to defend Bilbao tc the death and declared flatly: , "There Is no possibility of medla-j tlon." Francisco Largo Camballero resigned this morning as Premier of Spain. Later he was asked by President Manual Azana to form, a new cabinet. The Premier anr nounced he would try to form a overnmeht' With" 'tHf same' poll tl&l' orientation as previously but . would base it more on political parties than trades union organizations. WALLIE'S RANKING Will be Eighth Lady of Land Royal Family Demands Fair Treatment For Edward LONDON, May 15; (CP) The future ranking of Mrs. Wallis War-field Simpson as the Duchess of Windsor has, apparently, been definitely fixed, Informed persons disclosed yesterday by changing the Duke's Order of the Garter banner to a position behind that of his three younger brothers. That, it was stated .with seeming authority, would make the future Duchess of Windsor eighth lady of the realm. There arc believed to have been differences of opinion between the Royal Family and the government, both King George and Queen Mary demanding "fair treatment" for Edward. The former King Is still in seclusion at Chateau dc Cande in Mouts, France. Halibut Sales American Wizard, 31,000, 8.10c and CeK Booth. j Sherman, 17,500, 8.c and Cc, j Pacific. Canadian IJiurn J., 1,000, 7.3c and 5c, 'Atlin. 25 Off Regular Prices. Cleaning and Pressing Ladies' Apparel Latest equipment for finishing Installed. Silks, satins, velvets and suedes cleaned and finished to perfection, Furs that have ' become lifeless, restored to their natural lustre and softness. Provo our statement by phoning 8 pr 118. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries & Cleaners