WASHINGTON, U-C, July 8:-John L. liewls is in conference with representatives of leaders or twenty-three maritime workers unions here with a view to enrolling their entire membership of some 300,000 men under the Committee on Industrial Organization. Card of Thanks Stiles and family, Mr. and Mrs. F.J M, Crosby, Ingward Wicks, warren Scott, June Munroc, Marie Nicholson, Arlene Walker, Mr. Brand and Bud, Ned McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Duhamel, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Ross, Mr. Bill and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Dude Robertson, Friends from the boat Johanna, Felix Rcda, Charlie Atkinson and Archie Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jack and family, Pete Lorenzcn, The Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, Howard Stccn, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Byrne and family, Marguerite iJurant, Mr. and Mrs. M, P. McCaffcry and family, Mr. and Mrs. a. Clccone. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stcgavlg and family and Olaf. Blanche Hartc, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fraser. Rtenvln nnH Mac. Nell and Joe Kllby, Ivor Martcnscn, Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh and Mary, Prince UUDert Plnnpprn' Asxnplatlnn. Al' Wm. Millar. 5.5c. ment had no intention of offering any new proposal as an alternative to non-intervention at the conference of the 27 non-intervention nations called for tomorrow to consider the Spanish civil war situation. Fearing political character of Italy's assistance in the Spanish war, General Francisco Franco, Insurgent commander-in-chief, is seeking British help. He desires to maintain his country's independence, he says. KILLED IN CALGARY, July 8: .Mr. him) .Mrs, Kdward Wales and two daughters of Auburndale, Massachusetts, are dead as a result ol ah automobile plunging off an Irrigation ditch bridge on the Chestcrmere Lake Highway neai here. Neither Germany Nor Italy Ready For Heavy War VANCOUVER, July 8: Speak of lron ore and timber properties Tlie uroijosal whereby v. Yukon ,rninirfiinent have been made Territory should be annexed to the j to export both commodities froml province of British Columbia seems thc quet,n Qharlotte Islands. I to be most unpopular In the tcrrl-1 tory and all people mere aPPearji , r "n to be opposed to it, declares Rt.nOtel uCOrgia Rev. E. M. Bunoz, Roman Catholic . Bishop of Northern British Colum-. ntriKC IS UVCr t,ln nnH the Yukon, who reiurnea to the city on thc Princess Louise vpsfprd.iv afternoon from a trip to Yukon on ecclesiastical duties. Bishop Bunoz visited among other places Dawson, Mayo and wnue- horse. Halibut Sales American Majestic, 35,000, Booth, 8.7c and Agreement Reached and All Em ployees Who Walked Out Arc Reinstated VANCOUVER, July 8; The strike of employees of the Georgia Hotel here ended yesterday rouow-Ing the reaching of an agreement. All strikers have been reinstated by the management. VANCOUVER, July 8: (CP) Wheat was auotcd at $1.39'4 on the Vancouver Exchange yesterday. Today's price was 51.40 'j. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I AM.) ,-,v- Ik High 1:35 a.m. 225 ft. prince Rupert Raining, northerly 14:25 p.m. 20.8 ft. wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, Low 8:15 a.m. -0.1 ft. 30.18; sea moderate. 20:26 p.m. 5.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVI., No. 157. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 PRICE: 5 CENTS EDINIRGH r rwi Pi. $ftb. Mis Majesty-High U ? y Queen Eliiabe r r-nmnunail, July 8: The his .m-i reremony of presentation of v nf Edinburgh Castle to Witt JK-j- - - King George VI was carried out with due formality yesterday by the governor of the castle. Queen Elizabeth was Installed as a member of the Order of the Thistle, It being the first time that a woman has been so honored. Their Majesties are accompanied on their visit to the ancient Scottish capital by Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. CLASH At PEIPING Chinese Soldiers Alleged to Have Attacked Japanese Tokyo Thinks It Serious TOKYO. July 8: The Japanese government was Inclined to look gravely last night upon a reported Mash of Chinese and Japanese troops Just south of Pelplng. The fighting was continuing at midnight, It was reported. The Chinese. It Is stated here, attacked the Japanese and a considerable number were killed. An immediate apology will be demanded by Japan. Japanese reinforcements have been ordered nortli i, of... Pelptng. The Chinese' are' "defying' the Japanese despite the Lewis Lining Up Maritime Workers Is in Conferecne with Lender Of Twenty-Three Unions In Washington OFFENSIVE INJPAIN Government Forces Reported To Have Made Decisive Advance Yesterday IIENDAYE, Franco - Spanish Border, July 8: (CP) Spanish government troops pushed ahead yesterday in one of the heaviest offensives of the civil war to shatter insurgent lines on the western side of Madrid. Military sources at Irun confirmed dispatches that insurgent lines in South Escorial had' been broken. Twenty-five thousand men participated in the government offensive near Naval Carnero. Several strategic villages were reported to have been captured by the government forces. NO NEW PROPOSALS LONDON. July 8: British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden stated yesterday that his govern Giant Flying Boat Tests New Raft For Landing Passengers A new type of raft, especially constructed for landing passengers from Empire flying boats, Is beln ? tested by Imperial Airwajs at their landing base at Southampton, England. The flying boat shown above at one of the new an. ling rafts is the type which The huge flying boats are expected to have a will be used by Imperial Airways for the trans-Atlantic air service to begin soon. landing base In Eastern Canada and the rafts may be used at U-e base. READY FOR EMERGENCY British Prepared to Meet Any Situation Following Report Publication JERUSALEM. Julv 8: (CP) ' Over eleven thousand troops and j police prepared yesterday to meet I any flare-up of smouldering Arab'-! Jewish strife which might follow ' last night's publication of the British Roval Commission plan to PAD CM A Oil 'partition the Holy Land int0 an l.fI ill?IiiniArab state, a Jewish state and a TODAY'S STOCKS (Courteay S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver 1J. C. Nickel, .18. Dig Missouri, .45. Dralorne, G.'JO. IJ. II. Con., ,04. (ask). Aztec, .0D'-j. Cariboo Quartz,, 1.10. Dentonia, .13. -Dunwell, .02';.. Golconda, .OG'i. . Minto, .132. Fairview Amalg.,'. .07' 3. Noble Five, -.05 . Pioneer, 3.85. Porter Idaho, .OlVt. Premier, 2.40-Reeves McDonald, .70. Reno. l.UllW, . .80. OU . .iilfc.on VJl.v. w .... v. ' r I 1 1.1. .1 tlnHiil..' fti i . . . 1 ' 1 i . 1 I Members of American . Fnnulyl .0 e Los.. Lives When Aulo P unae ",cu " "a"u - . uewuru , .vo. Inl Irrigation Ditch Near droops and four thousand Calgary police are on hand. er. Today's Weather lOovernmnt Telgra.iluil Terrace Cloudy, calm, 55. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 5". Stewart Raining, calm, 50 Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 52. Smithers Cloudy, calm, warm 1 T ,.l . lTi'itrlif nnltn fid. miliia LiUivt: ...ifc.... ....., . Victoria Barometer, 30.02;' southwest wind, 20 miles; clear. Estevan Barometer, 30.08; Northwest wind. 16; cloudy. Prince George Barometer, 30.00; calm and cloudy. Vancouver - Barometer, 30.02; northeast wind, 4 miles; clear. THnlp Island Overcast, show ing at a luncheon given in ms, hour; ! honor here yesterday, the mayor of smooth , Melbourne, returning from a trip LanKara-Showers, calm. 30.04; 10 t.urope, cxprcaocu uic "'"-u. iEht swell b neither Ocrmany or Italy were pre- j pared , to engage In a protracted i mi-i nrn war. Conditions were iar "om I I Li V I 'happy among the people of either .1 ,c, Howard Kcefe and family ".rountrv. the oromlnent visitor .. t 1 l,nnl-Jl ' w convey ineir sumjcu-si. said, for all of the- kind aucnuons aim services received during their recent sad bereavement and also for the beautiful floral tributes. Those sending flowers were: Ills Loving Son, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wing-ham and.Oscar, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitch, Bulklev Market. Mr. and Mrs. L. Annexation Is Unpopular Idea Everybody in Yukon Appears To Ue Opposed to Joining Up With n. C. and Pat, Harold and Pete Fisher, 6.5c. Ti,- ...j t.i I Canadian Your FrienH .Tank vtownt sr.. and; Thrasher, 8,500, Atlln. 7.5c and II til EXPORTS Canadian Legion Opposed to Iron Ore and Timber Leaving Hritish Columbia For Japan VICTORIA, July 8: The Canadian Legion has sent a protest in nttawn nt Jananese purchases Salmon Gold, .00. Taylor Ilridge, .1)1. Hedley Amalgamated. .01. Premier Border, .02' 2. Silbak Premier, 2.05. Congress, .03. Silver Crest, .01. Home Gold, .02'. Grandview, .18. Indian, .02. (Juatsina Copper, .OlVi. (Juesnelle Quartz, .07. Oils A. P. Con., .12. Calmont, .85. C. & E., I5.10. Freehold, .12. McDougall Segur, .'Jo. Mercury, .KG. Okalta, 2.1G. Pacalta, .21. Uniled, .21). Toronto Reattie. 1.18. ! ' Central Patricia, 2.75. Lee Gold. .52. Co.ls La"ke. .0:5'-j. Little Long Lac, 5.10. McKenzic. Red Lake; 1.20. Pickle Crow, 5.70. Red' Lake Gold Shore. .11. San Antonio, 1.1:5. Sherritt Gordon, 2.52. Smelters Gold. .0:?. McLeod Coekshutt, 2.05. Oklend. .17. Mosher, .27. Gil bee. .01 M... Madsen Red Lake, .75. Stadacona, 1.25. Frontier Red Lake, .08. Francoeur, .75. Manitoba & Eastern. .02 'a. Moneta Porcupine, LIS. Rubec, .02. Thompson Cadillac, .50. Railor. .02. Rankfield. .80. East Malarlic, .1)5, Preston East Dome, 1.03. Hutchison Lake, .20. Dawson White, .12. Rajah Red Lake. .18. Aldermac. 1.07. Kerr Addison. 2.18. UchI Gold. .85. Martin Bird. .GO. Margaret Red Lake, .27. WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEO, July 8: Wheat prices went up lBic yesterday, July closing at $1.488. Tonight's morning to be on time, DYEIt SHOUTS OUT JT McMaster In -TW0 LADS GUILT CONFESSION LOS ANGELES, July 8: Al- ravish. murder nf three little girls In a ravine near Beverly Hills. "I plead guilty." Dyer shouted. After being advised that his plea could not be ac- cepted. Dyer collapsed. Former Powell River Head Ilf comes Identified with Nootka Wood Products Limited VANCOUVER, July 8: A. E McMaster, former managing director of the Powell River Co. has been named general managu of the new Nootka' Wood Product? Ltd., a concern being formed with a view to establishing a mill on the West Coast of Van touver Island. An early official of thp Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in Trinct:. .Rupert, it had been reported heic recently that Mr. McMaster might Ik. identified with the projected local pulp mill undertaking. MORE REDS executed; Sixty-four Alleged "Wrecker" Are Put to Death in Siberia MOSCOW. July 8: CSP) - Consular reports from Khabara-hovsk, Siberia, to the Japaneru embassy here said that sixty-four more alleged wreckers 01 jsowci railroads had been executed in Svobodny. Alberta Visitor William Ellis of Three Hill. Alta. Struck by Automobile In Vancouver DROWNED me ncau ui ,wc uiiv niuwi taken as an indication that he had Governor General of Canada and his party are here today in the ourse of their western tour. Dentist of Peace River Loses Life Dr. W. T. Ilalncs Instantly Killed! Near Windsor, Ontario, Yesterday automobile accident near here yes-j terday. Seriously Hurt Weather Forecast Fiirnlnhcd tnrni.: the courtenj 01 I. Dominion Mrtoroloelcl Burwu f-Vlctorl una Prlnc Rupert Thl fir capt In "omplM fTn observation tf-rn t S .m tndv nnd powr tn SI hour period, endlnj 5 p.m. tomorrow). vAMrrmvtrn Julv 8: William noniml Rvnnmls Pressure re- .- V.V..V.M. "J ..u.- ... . Ellis, a visitor here from Three mains comparatively high off the Hills. Alta.. Is In hospital here suf- toast and unsettled weather con-! WEAK RADIO SIGNALS-IN Is Amelia Still Alive? Search Of Coral Beefs Continuing SAN FRANCISCO, July 8: (CP) Weak radio .signals, which might possibly have emanated from, the missing plane of Amelia Earhart Putnam, were again reported to have been picked up yesterday. An amateur operator at Honolulu last night reported having picked up a message, possibly from Mrs. Putnam's navigator, Fred Noonan, saying "All's Well" and giving position, j The United States battleship C61orado reached the area of tho-Phoenlx Islands yesterday and catapulted three planes to search the coral reefs for trace of the missing plane. After being out for two hours, they returned without finding trace, resuming the search , this morning. The aircraft carrier Lexington and three destroyers were last night nearlng Pearl Harbor from San Diego to refuel before taking ud the search. The mighty general peacetime search will continue at least another six days In the hope Ithat the couple may be awaiting rescue on I ZvTGrlTlZ "e Fourth of July Darkened by Double a reef southeast of Rowland Island. tne urana jury lor or u e t day by ,.,,, nem-ire Oeoree Palmer Palmer Putnam, Putnam, husband husband nf thp nvlatrl. was still honeful last nfght that his wife might be Double tragedy came on infle- safp Qn a coral ,sland near How. pendence Day to Walter Helsel, j d He admltted however, the well known Juneau customs of- pJ,sslbluty 0f disaster. "If she Is fleer, according to word received dead he (lt lhe wa she in the city yesterday afternoon on wou,d haye chosen gQ . 1 T ai.Im trm Yo Alas- inc rillitca uuuiot. itiiu - ka CaDltal. The two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Helsel, one 17 years of ace and the other 15, were bathing SCALING t in Mendenhall Lake. The' elder boy j TITTir' 1 CP NeW tOmpany dived into the lake and talledaol INLKtA JL ' 1 . wm- ,.m. n thp surface. The vouneer : went in after hlnvand also . failed yance fehown Their bodies were later to come up. p0lesPiles, Etc. . .. . found- found-and and there there was' was' a a bruise bruise bnl on I. struck sometnmg in owing, xne e amounted to. 17.884, belief is that the other probably boardJfeet 794 m board feet as as compared compared wiU with reacuea mm auu was musm m death grip. The tragedy darkened the Fourth of July for the Alaska Caoltal where the youths were both widely known and popular. 1 Tweedsmuir And Party Today In Saskatchewan AI.SAS1C. Sask.. Julv 8: The Timber scaling in Prince Rupert foicstry district for the ;month of 17,130,207 board feet hi the same month last year. This brings the scale for the present year to date up to 37,646,828 board feet In comparison with 36,409,323 board feet In the first half of 1936. Scaling figures for this June per species were as follows, the returns for 1936 being also shown for comparison: 1937 1936 Fir ' 512.5i0 963.443 Cedar 2,575.204 . 1,785,667 Spruce 9,584,532 6,136,347 Jackpine 82,251 117,623 Hemlock 2,914.298 7,034,466 Balsam. 2,130,703 703,428 Miscellaneous 85,296 339.233 Totals 17.884,794 17,130,207 Forest Products Scaling of poles and piling In the district this June amounted to 26,-770 lineal feet of which 24,740 lineal feet was cedar, 1,944 lineal feet hemlock and 86 miscellaneous as compared with 113,731 lineal feet In the same month last year. a total of 15.466 ties all Jack- l nine were recorded this June as wiNnsnn nnt Julv 8: Dr. W.I pieces i.ct last June. inno T. Haines, dentist of Peace River,! Alta.. was Instantly killed in an' aealnst 3533 The cordwood count this June was nil whereas last June 142 cords were counted. Fenceposts this June amounted to 54 cords in comparison with 78 cords In June 1936. Vancouver Bakery Robbed Wednesday liandit Scoops $28 Out of Till And .viakex lieiaway in nailing Automobile ferlng from serious Injuries in- tlnues in the Queen Charlotte and VANCOUVER. July 8,: A eluding a compound fracture of prince Rupert districts while ,amjjt entered the Golden Rule the leg, head wounds and shock as warmer weather Is reported from Bakery on Granville Street yea-a result of being struck by an auto- the interior. j terday, scooped $28 out of the till mobile yesterday on Nelson Street prince Rupert and Queen Char- anj escaped In a waiting auto-near. Granville. lotte Islands Moderate to fresh tnobile which was later found to ' . ; shirting winas, mosuy ciouay wmi j,ave been stolen. i little change In temperature and CANADIAN ,v.mAV nmn GOLD viurv ritlCL showers BAR S,LVER I IvlUN lTtEiAJj, July lO.-iilv UU WV UUUOV Ui ilU" AWlit lrnln ln from the liadian gold price was down 2c at Moderate to fresh northwest continues unchanged at 4434c per I"' 0 Willi. 1IVIII lull? ... ...... 1... ..! -.lit. lllll .. 11. XT-... V.l. mntnl east ;st at at 10: 10:45, was reported this $34.77 per ounce un lueouuy uuv wmua, nnwj i.. ic 'went up 7c yesterday to $34.84. j change In temperature. jmarket.