f A32 rOCTl THE DAILY NXWB Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 Gold Seal Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK G0LDBL00M THE OLD RKLIAISLE Fur Buyer Wants Furs and wants them badly Ship what you have to : me: and cash will he I wired or mailed you immediately. We guarantee more than anybody else. Don't delay market is liable to change. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareli: Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. CLEANING UP SEED Final Shipments of Timothy .Made Troni Bulkier Vallfy SMITHERS. Feb. 2: The last of the Bulkley Valley timothy seed was shipped from the seed cleaning plant of Jack McNeil and Emery Barger at Smithers when to carloads rolled out on Wednesday last. This plant has handled murh more seed this year -than it did 'j&sX and the test shipment was the end of 160 tons for this season Most of this seed was sold at a price of 54 which was quite satisfactory but not as good as had been hoped for by the farmers "ailier in the season, j The oo -operative seed growers' plant at Telkwa is also handling a large quantity of seed as the crop was fairly heavy in the Bulkley Valby last year and the return will mean a lot to the farmers of this district. Bii'kle'y Val'iy Umotfiy seed is In ;a cla?s by itlf and is always In 'good demand by the seed houses throughout Canada. j Man in the Moon ! There's the ancient iegend of the 'two pipe-smokers in the opium dea One dreamy gent said casually: "I've Just decided to buy all the diamrnd and emerald mines In the world." The party of the second pirt considered this seriously for a few moments, and then murmured softly: "I don't know that I care 1 to sell." - I Synopsis f Land ji ACt .Fifty Natives From Kitwansa Ami Improvements on Steamer Car- Kitzegukla Pay Visit dena Steamer Prince Rupert on . Pontoons Alberni to be Com-1 During the past vreek the in-missioned in Two Weeks. iterior native village of Kitwanga was visited by about fifty natives Union steamer Cardena, Capt. from Kitwariccol and Kitzegukla James Findlay, taking the place of The visitors were met and es-the Catala which Is off for two or corted to the Church Army Hall three weeks in Vancouver for an-: where the official welcome took nual overhaul, arrived in port at place. Addresses were given by sev-7:30 last evening from the south -ial of the elders, and sailed at 9 p.m. for Port Simp- On Sunday a special service was held in St. Pari Anglican Churclv son. Stewart. Anyo and other nor- them points whence she is due The church was so crowded that had to sUnd- Members o W back here Tuesday morning south- the Kltwanccol Army were enroUed bound. The Cardena is just fresh ... bu bv Rov Rev. Tl B. Shearman. Iiiwrm!n Th? Th: Kit- Kit jweek week and and is is now now undergoing undergoing ,Pairs ht:re after being salvaged, PRE-EMPTIONS 7ACANT. nreserttd, summed Crovn 1 land mtl ba nrcemntMl hv Krltt.H subject! otcr It jetri ol a(c, and by alien on declaring Intention to become Britub lubjecu. conditional upon residence, occupation and Improvement. Pull Information eoncernlnf Pre-emp-tlona la riven In Bulletin No. t. Land sariea, "How to Pre-empt Land." eopiea ( which can be obtained free of charge by addrewinr the Department of Lands. Vic nrla BP - II i ... i n t nm.tn.i.1 i.n.M. tlon.' Victoria, or any Oorernment AjenL Record will be (ranted cover urn only land suitable for atrlcultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing facilities and which is not tlmberlaad, It., carrying o?er J.090 board feet per acre east of the Coast Range and 1 004 feet per acre west of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be j addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division In which the land applied for Is altuated. on printed forms, obtained from the Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of tit per acre, including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. Pre-emptions carrying part time eondl-lions of occupation are alio granted. PURCHASE OB LEASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes. Minimum price of first-class arablei land la 15 per acre, and second class igrs'lng) land. Hit per acre. Further information la given tn Bulletin No. 19. Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." As a partial relief measure, reverted lands msy be acquired by purchase tn ten equal instalments, wltb the first payment suspended for two years, provided taies are paid when due and improvements are made during the first two yesrs of not leu than 10. of the appraised value. Mill, factory oe industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 44 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment of stumpage. Dnsurveyed areas, not eiceedlng It acrra. may be leased as bomesltes. conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year. tlUe being obtained after residence and improvement conditions art' fulfilled and land has been surveyed. Por grating and Industrial purposes areaa not exceeding MO acres may be teased by one person or a company. Under the Orating Act the Provlnee Is divided Into grating districts and the range administered under grating regulations amended from time to time to meet varying conditions. Annual grating per. mlts are issued based on certain monthly rates' per head of stock. Priority tn gras. ing privileges la given t resident stock owners. Stock-owners may form associations for range management. Pree or partially free permit available for settler, campers and traveller. V kaa head. Hwrnt noik i: lhrrlcui and I se TAKE NOTICE ttot Jthe Grand Trunk rpclflc Railway Company whose ad-'dress In c-o. Division Engineer, C. N. Blys.' Prince Rupert, B.C . will apply for a licence to take and use 25.00) .gallon of water out of No name cheek, I which riowi southeasterly and drains Into Skeena River about 250 feet south of Amsbury 6taUon Building. i The water will foe diverted from the stream at a point about 700 feet up- l stream from point where creek Intersects the main tine of Can. Nat. Rlys. and will be used for Industrial-Railway purpose upon the land described a Timber Limit No. 7032. This notice was posted on the ground on the 2nd day of February 1937. ' A ccpy of this notice and an appll-' cation pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed in the offlc 'of the Water Rocrder at Prince Ru-' ,Frt. B..C. I Objection to the application may b filed with Ute said Water Recorder or wtth the Comptroller of Water nights. Parliament Buildings, Victoria,' B.C.. within thirty day after the first abearance of this notice In a local newapaiper. . THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO.. AppUcant. By M. A. Burbank. Division Engineer, . Agent. Tlk! date of hi' first wiblloaUon of. P Uils ixsUce J., February. 8.037. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront from her annual overhaul in the course of which a notable Improvement to be made was in the first class smoking room which has been completely repanelled in lighter woods, windows being eniargea 1 and lowered and handsome new furnishing installed. Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, C. P. R. steamer Prin cess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 3:30 yesterday afternoon from the north and sailed at 5 pjn. for the south. The vessel had a total of 54 passengers. Four disembarked "here and six took passage at this port for the south, j With the American boats back In service to Alaska again following the termination of the' maritime workers' strike, the pressure of passenger business has been relieved as far as the Princess Norah is concerned. The passenger movement south Is also falling off. The princess Noran win oe nere rxiaay morning on her next northbound voyage. C. Clarke and W. Hussey, members of the crew of the Vancouver halibut boat Western Fisher, which sank In Grenvllle Channel last sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Vancouver. Capt. Robert Hobbs, owner and skipper of the Western Fisher, Is staying here with the vessel while (repairs are In progress, Capt. W. H. Barton, who has been jin command ,Of One Of the United .ciolo States - lighthouse ll,4hn.,& tJentjefc U 'U. operating .,i,i. i oui oi iveicniKan, was a passenger. day afternoon going through: to' San Francisco, having been trans ferred to that port. C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert is now on the pontoons at the lo cal dry dock for usual hull work In the course of her annual overhaul. Repair work on the vessel's engines Is also proceeding and she will be In the yard for several weeks. Expectation is mat the new lighthouse tender Alberni will be ready in about two weeks to be commissioned In her service out of this port. Overhaul of the vessel following her long voyage out from the Atlantic Coast Is now proceeding. Making her first call here since last October before the long maritime workers' strike, Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Northland, Capt. Len Williams, ar- rived In port at 7 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging eight carloads of frozen halibut and salmon for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways, sailed this afternoon In continuation of her voyage to Seattle. The motor vessel Elnar Beyer arrived In port Saturday afternoon from Ketchikan and, after discharging one carload of mild cured salmon in tierces for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways, sailed in the evening on her return to Ketchikan. TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 72!) P.O. Ho fcoo KITWANGA REUNION wancool Ladles" White Cross members were then enrolled. FolkrvlrK, '.he enrollment Mr. Shearman gave an inspiring address. Mr. Ryan and ..... ., ... Aq. .WW - " " Th ab,e i. ship of Solomon Bryant, rendered in a decidely efficient manner the inthem "O Praise God in His Holiness." Mrs Sampare was a capable organist. Following the service, several Kitwancool child ren were baptized. A large Bible was presented to the iKtwancool Church officers for use In the St Mark's Church at Kltwancool. In the evening the Church Army Hall was crowded, when a special service was celebrated. A visitor from Kitzegukla gave an address also Mr. Bright of Kitwanga. Mr Shearman spoke on the alphabet A to Z. Then anthems were sung by the local and visiting choirs Again SoComon Bryant Yielded the baton cleverly. Each time the choir sings there is Improvement to be noted. Mrs. Sampare was at the organ. On Monday the Kitwanga White Cross Society entertained the visitors to a banquet prior to thcii departure on Tuesday. On Sunday (yesterday) the church council met under the presidency of Rev. B. Shearman to consider the matter or adding a vestry to thehurch and other ad ditions. Lately the accommodation has been altogether inadeuStej The British Color Council has adopted 10 special Coronation col ors, thp chief of which are Corona tion Red and CoronatibrF blue. Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone 813 FREE Large Teapot with the purchase of 1 pound of Overwaitea Tea at 55c Heinz Oven Baked Beans 9c per tin, 11 oz Macs Best Peas Choice OQp mmlltv Vs 9 tine . . mO l ----- j f v wi a Mac's Best Peas Choice 29c Quality, 2's, 2 tins , Potatoes Good CJ PC j quality. 100-lb. sk. VtOO ; Saanlch Red Pitted Cherries -f Cn per tin J.OI Queen's Royal? Peaches -f H 2's, per tin A I Pure Loganberry Jam 4-lb. tin tUl, ' EGGS-Grade A large 97p per doz. Overwaitea Butter Q?r 51 Ol First grade, ? lbs Swift's Cottage Rolls OQn per lb. . -"Ol Australian Lunch Tongue OCTn 16 oz., per tin Crosse & Blackwell's Tomato Catsup 9c per bottle White Spring Salmon 25c 3 tall tins Del Maiz Corn 25c 2 tins Llbby's Sauer Kraut 2'2's 15c per tin Aylmer Assorted Soups iCn 6 tins .... 101 Carrots 25c 7 lbs Parsnips 25c 6 lbs Head Lettuce- 15c 2 heads Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over mm mMr, S Junior Moose Has Initiation Meet i Jock Bremner and Evan Love Ini-tiated as Members Saturday Night Jock Bremner and Evan Love were initiated as members of the Junior Moose Lodge at. a meeting Saturday night with Dictator Ned McLeod presiding. There were five visiting Senior Moose members and speeches were made by William Bacon, Cecil Morrison and Fred Scadden. Refreshments were served with Floyd Eby, Jim Schubert. Russell Cameron and Martin Erick-son in charge. Russell Cameron provided piano-accordlon music. BOOKINGS OF FILMS Unusual Conditions .Make Complete Announcement For Month Impossible At the present time it Is only possible to announce Capitol Theatre bookings up to March 10 as. due to bad weather conditions and rail transDortatlon. distribution of films in other parts of the province I has been somewhat disorganized. Bookings for the next two weeks are as follows: February 22 and 23 "The Green Pastures" and "Bulldog Drummond Escapes." February 24 and 25 Warner Baxter and June Lang In "The White Hunter" and Robert Montgomery and Betty Furness In "Three Wise Guys." February 26 and 27 "Ramona" with Loretta Young. March 1 and 2 "Piccadilly Jim," with Robert Montgomery- March 3 and 4 Double bill, "My Man Godfrey." with William Pow- 211 and Carole Lombard, and "The Invisible Ray." March 5 and 6 "Swingtlme." with Fred Astalre and Ginger Ro gers. March 8 and 9 Double bill:. "Oo West Young Man." with Mae West, and "Yours For the Asking ," with George Raft. March 10 and 11 "East Meets West," with George Arllss. Coquahalld Pass Is Blocked up By Heavy Snowfall VANCOUVER. Feb. 22: Traffic on the Kettle Valley line of the Canadian Pacific Railway out of here is still tied up on account of heavy snow in Coquahalla Pass. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Spokane 1, Seattle 0. listen to this - - "Rlghtncss express of actions what straightness does of lines; and there can be no more two kinds of right action than there can be two kinds of straight lines." This was not said bv a moralist. but by Herbert Spencer, the sclen tlst. And there Is Albert & Mc Caffery's coal! Fpr the last twenty years. Albert & McCaffery's coal has been the best available. It is the best today. It gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you want. And besides giving you the most heat, It is the most economl cal because It lasts! Next time you need coal, Just pnone lie or 117 to Albert & Mc-Caffery and order Nanaimo-Wel-llngton for furnace and heater. For the kitchen range, ask for Egg size Balkan Mlnehcad Alberta sootless. It's trade name Is "Inferno"-Ifs hot! And It lasts, too. You deserve the best! It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rocers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE THIS FILM SPECTACLE 'The Green Pastures Coming; To Screen of Capitol Theatre At First of This Week Said to be one of the most ln-sDlrlne sDectacles that has ever been screened, "Green Pastures," plcturlzatlon of. the stage play of the same name, which has been called "America's best loved drama," comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre as the feature offering at the first of this week. The story, replete with gigantic sets and beautiful backgrounds, presents a primitive conception of the Bible and Ita characters and is romethlng dis tinctly novel in the way of entertainment. Although there is due reverence, there Is also said to be delightful humor. The characterizations of Biblical figures and the secenlc effects are enriched with the singing of melodious spirituals by a choir. The cast Is a tremen dous one. some of the actors hav Ing been taken from the stage pro ductlon with others recruited in New York and Los Angeles. The other end of the first of the week double bill is a brand new nlcture "Bulldog Drummond Es capes" with. Ray Mllland and Heather Angel in the leading roles Buddy Rogers And Mary Pickford To Marry Next Month NEW YORK, Feb. 22 Buddy- Rogers, moving picture actor and orchestra leader, sailed from New York for Europe aboard the French liner He de France Saturday. It was announced that his marriage to Mary Pickford. famous Cana dian-born film actress, would takc.1 place next month in London. At the Coronation service the Lord Mayor of London will carry the city's crystal mace: the Duke of Newcastle will provide a glove for the King's right hand. E A S Y on the clothes EASY on (he housewife May be purchased on EASY monthly payments Monday, February VACUUM CUP WASHERS $103.25, $169.00 GYRAT0R WASHERS, $65.00, $86.50 Ourco w ftdfe you very we We ? Art out wnotf VOU'U LIKE IHEWav THEYTREATyou) to iu.Mi.iu and Tirer... LastComplete Show at 8: The Most Amazing Show Novelty of All ume The Green Pasture 8 A Fable by Marc Conntll, susRcsteil by Itoark ford's novel "()!' Man Adim An' His Chillun'" Highly humorous. yt tenw ly reverent, it outlines tht Folklore, Fclk mus;: and i ,dltlonal beliefs ansi pucto of the primitive dwellers In the Deep South of the United aiaies. With REX INGRAM (as "l)e Lawd") and cast of 800 Including The Famous Hall Johnson Choir NOTE C.Mtl'.Fl'LLi For proper enjoyment urge you to see it from the start 'Starts at 7:00 it 9: 5Si - PLUS Kay .Mllland, Heather .n;M " "Bulldog Drummond Escapes" At 8:49 once only NEWS At 8 33 only Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized .Milk VAI.KNTIN DAIRY PHONE 651 3i Treat Yourself to a Happy New Year by having your Coal bin full of the best coal in I town. EASY WASHERS The Washer that does' the CLEANEST WASH for the LEAST money PH1LP0TT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements