r Ly February 22, 1937 TH2 DAILY N2W3 1PAOB rsaie FOR SALE 0 fx nr.ii i-"nccii iiiuiii iiu . - i nn m t so r n v a no n 1 1 a urn n 11 rira ruiuaijr niJiiur umii, uanj WANTED n 1 r ii- 1 1 1 1 1 in Kciiriiii imuc" 1. t-U j71 tin MTTn-.-Smn11 rnnk tivp rhMn INTED - Immediately, female took, must be oodat bread and pastry Apply E. Foriar, noiei fort St. James. (46) PERSONAL J.TLEMEN'S. Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific upply, 751 Granville. Vancouver V-Get vigor at once, New Os- irex Tonic Tablets contain ra lyster lnvlgorators and other itlmulants. One dose peps up cr- im, glands. If not delighted, refunds few cents paid falter ll or WTlte. Ormes Limited, tf jUns George Sixth's will be the fet Wednesday Coronation in 210 Rrs. since King George II was Rwned October 11, 1727. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Special Unemployed Mass Meet,, Louis Leroux returned to the city ing. C.L..D.I. Hall, Tuesday 8 pan.;on the Cardena last evening after l4 a visit to Seattle. ou ck saie. u." m. jMicxerson returned 10 tne Mr arH Mr n.v mv vmintr 'tchert shop with refrigerator city on the Cardena last evening, son. sailed yesterday afternoon on ould consider c v wv-Trom a trip to Vancouver and Seat- the, Princess Norah for d trlD to nnv qui i iaai .n. i SALE- -Furnished house on, ... .tnn Rpfil UOVC. ADD1VI F. E. Scott of the Bank of Mon- ILL'lllU!- ' 1 . . . : , ceni rnvK (tfi .eai sum returned 10 me cny on SALE- Two library tables, 4 .1.1.. x kiii ii 1 1 iiuir.v ..ji. A.iKe niimhpr rf fmmpfl 1 111 3 vA - f lUi. Jl.l.l.i mm vT .trjn in mils fii.xi.ru-:. :i: mi v s.. - - UIIV4i"( SALE- $100 cash 10-12 h.p cyl. 4 . cycle gas engine.. At- i lit ri..fi.. tl. - -o aw.i trolling or gin netting. $150 ash- -o n.p. reu-ers uiesei, uer- nnarv or marine. Box 10, Dally ews. (48) nk..i.fiM nn,is ten cn n.niece loose muuw arm gruuns t?9;n' in-n ppe hedroom suites ...1.1. .J.a . n W . .. T..11... FOR RENT the Cardena last evening from vacation trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hunter, who have been on a holiday trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Cardena last evening. Concert, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Wednesday, 8:15 p.m. Collection at door. Refreshments. Everyone Welcome. (46) Mr. and Mrs. Nelson I. Beers and ) child of Juneau were passengers I aboard the Princess Norah yester-i afternoon going through to' Seattle enroute to Connecticut for a visit. Mrs. R. E. Hardcastle, wife of the Canadian National Railways agent at Ketchikan, was a passen ger aboard the Princess Norah yes- Dr. J. E. Snyder, Dawson dentist, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon jjolng through for a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the Uf) M. H Sides, deputy collector of customs at Juneau, was a passen ?r aboard the Princess Norah" yes terday afternoon bound south en-route to Connecticut for a visit. Mrs. Sides and child are already in the east Mrs. Simmons sr. and Mrs. Simmons Jr. of Whltehorse were pas sengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. The latter Is the wife of Aubrey Simmons, customs-officer at Whltehorse. Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Haldane, havine been in the city since !last October on account of the ill ness of Mrs. Haldane, left this morning by gasboat for their home at-Klncollth on the Naas River. They expect to reach there tonight. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, will be the speaker before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regular weekly luncheon on Wednesday of this week. At next week's luncheon, the speaker will be Col. J. W. Nlcholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. ltB:iJCl;i WIXTElt FAIIKS to VANCOUVER CmIIIdk "1 Oroa. Fall anil Towell Hjfer IV2 "etiirn Mrnls tmtl llcTlh Included THURSDAYS 1'rlinf It u perl Hate effective now ami until Frli. 28. Return limit, March 31. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS BLACK COD aT-a, aaw a VTfa rreparea uauy oy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. vn TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Co., Ltd. Vancouver. Mrs. William Inglls returned to the city on the Cardena last eve ning from a brief trip to Vancou ver. Special Unemployed Mass Meeting. C.L.D.L. Hall, Tuesday, 8 pjn. (44) Mrs. J. D. Thurber arrived in the city on the Cardena last evening from Vancouver to spend a few days here on business. Mothers! In treating your family's colds, don't experiment IIAIC and don't take chances... use W VapoRub T. W. Hall, Inspector of schools, sailed last night on the Cardena for Alice Arm to pay a visit to the terday afternoon going through for school there In his official capacity. a trip to Seattle. W. M. Watts, who has been on a vacation trip as far south as San Francisco, will be returning to the city towards the end of this week. Miss Muriel Vance, who has been on a two months' vacation trip, visiting Vancouver, Seattle and Portland, returned home on the Cardena last evening. Neil Grant, Wrangell shrimp can nery operator, and Mrs. Grant were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to California. The dramatic recital, which was to have been given last Friday night In First United Church by Mrs. Evelyn Bagshaw Hewson of VanarsdoJ, was postponed until date tq be set later. , ,,. Mrs. W. Holzhelmer, wjfe of the district attorney at Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle from which city she will proceed by plane to Coro- nado Beach, California, to pay a visit with her daughter. Major O. Keating was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon returning to San Francisco after having made the round trip to Alaska on organization work in connection with the forthcoming San Francisco exposition. W. S. Hlckey. who for a number of years has been with the Capitol Barber Shop, Is leaving this week for Burns Lake where he will take over the barber shop which has been conducted by William Burken. He left last night on the Catala for a brief visit to Stewart. iRev. and Mr?-.. E- J.. North returned to the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan where they have been for the past two weeks conducting a Pentecostal evangelical mission. A dinner was given in their honor before they left Ketchikan. Mrs. J. Llnney, who conducted services at the local Pentecostal Assembly during the absence of Pastor and Mrs, Norm, will be nere ior an other week conducting and assist lng in locdl services. Announcements Presbyterian Tea, February 25. Mrs. P. Lakle, High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 28. Baptist March 1st Tea, Mrs. Dert Morgan's. St, Patrip s Tea and Entertainment, March 17. Unlveiklty extension lectures, iMarch 17, 18 and 19, City Hall- Dean Buchanan., Hebekah .Fashion, Show,' March -:-.':tT. 18. Junior April 2. Chamber Dance. Friday, Well known Port Simpson Girl Is Dead Suddenly Miss Myitle Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ross of Port Simpson, passed away on Friday In the Port Simpson General Hospital after a brief illness with influenza A native of Port Simpson, she was nineteen years of age and was well known and highly esteemed throughout the village. Her demise Is generally regretted there. Three sisters and two brothers survive. The funeral took place at Port Simpson Sunday afternoon. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy H. Nilsen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Jo- hanson, R. Roll and E. Karlson, city: J. Stark, George N. Kirk and Dlna Stewart, Vancouver. Royal D. Zille, M. Medynskl and W. Turchlnskl, city; J. H. Graham Premier; H. Loakes, Digby; R Hobbs, Vancouver; John D. Galloway, Vancouver. Prnce Rupert P. H. Diwson and R. J. Cummins, Vancouver; J. Milne, Edmonton; A. Watt, C.N.R.: E. M. Haynes, Victoria. Central F. J. Hipp and J. Bowman, Bill-mor: H. Taton and C. Johnson, city; P. Kady, J. B. Gibson and E. C. Anderson, C.N.R.; J. Bojak, Re-mo; A. Christemson, Skeena. Heavy Snow At Smithers Not Much Frost in Ground So It Should be Absorbed Nicely SMITHERS, Feb. 22: A new fall of snow came down Saturday mornln? to be added to the al ready fairly heavy supply received during the winter. Snow ploughs have been kept busy on the dte- rict roads and In the streets of the village and traffic has not yet been very much1' inconveni enced. There is very little frost in the ground so that, when thft snow starts to melt, a great deal of It should be absorbed Into the. soil Vhich should meanrlarge crops and real money for the Bulkley Valley next year. After the Coronation the King and Queen will be presented with copies of the service bound in purple morocco with the Royal Arms within a heavily tooled border. Other members of the Royal Family will get less expensive Bruce Love Jr. sailed last night on the Cardena for Stewart. "Ituild It.li. Payrolls" REPEATING GOOD WORDS 1 pr'obabiy no words about Pacific) Milk have been used as frequently as these: "It is an All-Purpose Milk" The phrase appears In letter after letter and means that in every way In which milk is used Pacific has been tried and gives satisfaction, Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE CLARK'S STORE Cut Flowers Fancy Work Wreaths made up PALMISTRY Evenings, Wallace nik. Suite 7 rhone Illue 995 530 3rd Ave. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PUONE: 58 and 551 Mrs. Wrinch Of j HazeltonDies Wife of Medical Superintendent Of Hospital Passes Away After Lengthy Illness The death occurred at Hazelton on Saturday of Mrs. Leonard B. Wrinch, wife of the medical superintendent of the. Hazelton Hospital. She had been ill for the last few. years and recently all chances of her recovery had been given up. Mrs. Wrinch, a former well known. Victoria girl, was the daughter of the late A. M. Johnson K.C., for many years crown prosecutor :or the province of British Columbia. Mrs. Johnson had been called north some time ago and was present when her daughter passed away. In addition to the widower, there is also a young daughter, Mary Wrinch. Mrs. Louisa Tait Of Simpson Dies Well Known Native Woman Passed; Away Yesterday After Lonj Illness The death ccctirrei yesterday afternoon in Prince Rupert General Hospital, where she had been a patient for only a couple of days, of Mrs. Louisa Talt of Port Simpson. Owing to her illness, Mm. Tait had been living in Princ? Rupert for the past year. Forty-seven years of &e and born in Port Simpson, Mrs. Tait is survived by one daughter arid two sons. She was a widow. Funeral arrangements are in the hand? of the B. C. Undertakers. E. M. Haynes, Post Office in specter, arrived In the city on last night's train from Victoria, belngj on a visit to the district on official! business, LEAPS OUT OF BED EACH DAY Learns bow to get primitive health. Now bound with energy. No more slugiJlsh, tired mornings. BanUh peniltlea of modern living. Grtrld of tired, (lutitUh, bad-ta(e. headachy mornlngi. Wake up pePP7 "nd ,u" of energy, ll'a eaiy, you'll think It miracu. loutl Follow lb elampU of thousand who hare regained full health and energy with Frult-a-tle. The prescription of a famoua Canadian doctor, Krult-a-tlf e contain extract, of fruit, and herba and act to bring normal, healthy lirer action, tlmulating the flow of bile, helping four other rital organs ... cleanse the elimination tract of wamesand poisons . . . tend to the blood of poisons and acids, Purify rutt-a-tives' unique tonic effects bring new energy, new health. So try Frult-a-tires todav. For sale everywhere. Cost Is low, 2Sc, fiOc. For your own protection re-fuse substitutes. Insist on "Frult-a-tives". Break that Cold DOMINION C. R, Qi TABLETS The little red box used the world "over per box REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP A safe healing preparation for. the relief of bronchitis, coughs and colds, guaranteed by Rexall; per bottle .v.......... Chesterfield Suite Baby Carnages Baby Crib, Baby Swings For the Children 25c ORMES HOREIIOUND & HONEY With white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant to take and soothing for old and Q( young; per bottle ... Ormes Ltd. TZhe Pioneer Drvtqgists The Itexall Store Phones:, L-&. 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 pjn., 7 p,rn. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. , Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERT TUESDAY, 1 :30 VAX. Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn., T.SJ5. CARDENA FRIDAY, iO :SI TM. Due Va&souver, Monday am. If convenient pleasn purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Ilupcrt Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 USED FURNITURE Dining Room Table and Chairs 6-Piecc Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Girl's Bicycle Singer Sewing Machine 8-Tubc Battery Radio Kitchen Ranges Phone Green 421 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers . Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. ELIO'S FURNITURE Beds all sizes Blankets , , ,; Suit Case and Trunks Folding. Metal .Bridge Table Linoleum Rugs ; Congoleum Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yard Store Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.1 ELIO'S TRADE IN OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW D. Elio Exchange Prince Rupert, B.C.