ft 1'T 1 PAQK TOUR THE DAILY NBW Monday, AugUit 2, J CIMSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal Cove Post Olflce. (tl) FOR SALE Three-quarter size mattress in Kood condition, al-bo mandolin and guitar. Phone Blue 787. (170) FOIl" SALE Beautiful steel bed. Latest springs. Hestmore coil mattress. Reasonable. Nelson's Barber Shop. (179) I'MVATE SALE of household furniture at 528 8th Ave. West. All must be sold. T. J. Sher-ton leaving for the south. (182 ) ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Gyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116. tf. FOR SALE Fine quality timolhy hay and also clover hay w'th a small mixture of timothy. Some peavine and vetch with small amount of timothy. Delivery anytime. Mike Masich, Smlthers, B.C. (190) FOR RENT ANGUS Apartments, three and four room suites. (tf) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. ' (tf) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen. Daily News. (tf) WORK WANTED JAPANESE Lady wants housework ;ob. Phone Green 481. Seal . Cove Grocery. (182) LOST LOST Rubber coat, trousers and rubber shoc3 attached. Ocean Dock. Reward. Finder Phon Re"d'9U. (179) MALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE man take care store 'route, Distribute, collect. New , products:, No selling. Earn excellent weekly income. B. & W. SNtt Co.. SlTauT. JiTnnT TI78 HELP WANTED MAIL PORTER Post Office Department, Prince Rupert, B.C. Initial salary $1020 per annum. Age limits 18 to 35 years except iv the case of returned soldiers. Application forms obtainable at .r.o?tPIfic.e mustbe filed with the Secretary, Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, not later than Augusl 21, 19:57. (178: POSTAL CLERK Post Office. Department, 'Prince Rupert, B. C. Initial salary $1020 per annum. Age limits 18 to 35 years except in the case of returned . soldiers. Application forms obtainable at Post Office must be filed with the Secretary, Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, not later than August 21, 1937. (178i M Reach the most people in city and district 'with an advertisement th the T)ally New. THE SEAL QUALITY lis GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the' year round . payroll In Prince Rupert i i i .r i it VISITORS ENTHUSED Californians From Riverside Say Difficulties of Gardening Nothing, Like as Great in Rupert as in South Wonderful Coloring Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Intrigued By Huge Delphiniums And Other Flowers They Saw In Bloom The advantages of Prince Ru pert as a nlace that eouhl Iim beautified by flower gardens wilh . ... 11 i f pieniy oi color was emphasized Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gregory of Riverside, California, who spent several hours wandering around looking at the gardens and enjoying their profusion of color. Mr. Gregory, wfio had been as far as Stewart and wpnt smith Saturday night on the Princj Charles, said it was the subject of commenl everywhere on the boat what wonderful delnhinium were grown in Prince Rupert. He said the spikes were two or . 4h. t: i"iee limes as larirp as thnso in California and much finer color- Pri I hn t'Q.lnil 1 .1 1 1 1 ! ..c mncu auaues ana me size of the blooms astounded him.l He said he had thlnir li'L-u it A im. .....: i- n " i "iicisiue may could grow hibiscus, zinnias and poinsettia. He stronirlv uvued i,:.t the people of Prince Rupert snouia und out by experiment the flowers that did well heic, such as delphiniums, dahlias, nasturtiums and olher flowers that he saw in bloom here and feature them to such an extent that the place would become famous for them. The southern tourists saw plenty of zinnias and petunl-.. as in the south, whal tw nT when visitimr a ritv Jh Qa.lnteent took place in the Ter- vni aunt L n Prince Rupert was something ferent and outstanding such as the wonderful delphiniums that , were found here Both Mr. and Mrs. Gregory spoke of the difficulties they had in making gardens in California. II took them four h mil a in urriinw their garden at Riverside keenim.1 more thaV hose going Tl time and wL the water " a metered s th , ! attenlion chiefly to shrubs Snails I wa Past noble grand of and various insects wen terH 'p!M0U"la,n . V,ew Ite.bekah Lode' pests and everything had tn h. sprayed at regular intervals. To T." make a real green grass lawn such as those seen here was impossible except for one season. The grass was soon killed out by native weeds. Geraniums grew M-oll 1...1 t.t uut, me uiuums were nothing like as fine and pure colored i as those were they had seen here. Both the visitors were enthusiastic over the possibilities of gar-dening in Prince Rupert: When told the difficulties encounte-ed they said they realized there were difficulties but nothing like Ihe difficulties they had in California. There were wonderful pos-sibilities f in Prince Rupert. Weather Report Month of July The. Digby Island Meleoralogi-cal Station report on the weather for the month just closed follows: High Barometer, 30.31, July 2G. Low Barometer, 2'J.81, July 3. Highest Temnprntiirp wot July 23. Lowest Temperature, 12, July 1. j Mean Temperature, 56.8. Rain 4.25 inches. Sunshine 119 hours. "TILLIE THE vMELL . M AC. I SPP PACKAGES. AUJEAbV-3vST UKE AM 0fe f HA-HA.A 2 ADMIRAL DEAD Commander of Portsmouth naval base and former commander of the Mediterranean fleet, Sir William Fisher (above) died at a London clink follow-,ng a short Illness. In his 2nd year, he had been in charge of the large Mediterranean fleet during the Italo-Ethioplan crisis. As a boy of 13, he entered the Royal Navy as a cadet and during the Battle of Jutland was In command 'of the H.M.S. St. Vincent. .Funeral of Agnes . KlltTKntl KlTlif 11 HT Terrace Saturday TERRACE, Aug. 2: Keen re gret is felt in the Terrace com munity in the passing of Agnes Burrison Smith, wife of W. E. Smith, and a' large gathering of mourners sought to bav their tribute of respect in Knox United Lnurch on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Adam Crisp was in charge 's.sted assisted - i by by Rev. Rev. r C. C. r A. Hinchliffe! cetery, the Rebekah Lodge a K'V'ing tht'ir ,h'autlful Kweside riTn ?' 'b"re Sam KIrkaldy, Emll Haughland, El- i.e it. woou urooks, .Stanley Brooks, J. B. Agar and Jampa Smith. Mrs. Smith was born in Ontario in 1891. moved to Saskat- Van, ,.,c atJe of 15 wa3 Wi,liam Smi,h J6 ln.1919 and ha3 fe here ever since. She wad active in church and lodge af- ,?w' al'em!l? 38 wardt hi .11. nili UU- gJcUUy misrea iif'wnokiiew-hdr,t'9- pecially by her husband and fam-voted nv.Reoonxcasetaoinnunnnn ily to whom she had been a devoted wife and mother. At the funeral sen-lea In f ! church, the 121 st Psalm and "Abide With Me" were sung, Misa Janet Young playing the fundal music PARTY DELAYED VANCOIIVKn . Ant .-' 1 --au& 4t HU1U hag been received by C.N.R. of- .. , . ... 1 ! KQ 1. ltl t T ""' "t-re mai o. j. nungerioru, ' 'u ui irauc. irising irom mis Chairman and President, Canad- is ,ikeb' that some effort will ian National Railways and Presl- be made towards resuscitation of dent of Trans-Canada Air Lines,the Coaid In time for the long cmuuie to tne coast, will ar - "c "tie weeK earner than an. ticipated. He is now exnecled to arrive Tuesday, August 3. C. N. R. Trabs For the East-Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. Fridays ii a.m. From the East- Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45 p.m. Mondays and Saturdays 2:30 p.m. TOILER" Vr-, ,-,- r-Z YEAH OLD TX 3- Man in the Moon anted irom the stage Play pro- ' . Iuccd and directed by John Gold- from Alaska to Vancouver, e' Is presented once again that! star-crossed pair of lovers, Oiane 1 he packer Chief Weah In the and Chico, who lift your heart tulvice of the Canadian Hsh and Good morrow, folks! This sun shine bothers me terribly. Jake says he does not mind gardening but he hates to pull weeds, pick stones or dig. He likes doing hia gardening by proxy. Mv razor seems to bi? dull. I wonder what's wrong with it?. in quired a local citizen to his wife. llxr rpi.K- tl.t t uU right when she sharpened her pencil with it the evening before. It is all ritfht for man to burv himself in his work if he is not a concrete mixer. At the Salt. Lake recentlv a irirl fumne.l into thp water and dared her bov friend to fo low her. Hp followed, she saved him and now MlPV arp pnirnirnrl to lip mnrriml That shows thp ilanirpr of iiimn - ing into the water. There is always Ihe danger that one might be saved. Officer:' "Why were vou speed- ing?' M.m (Vlllml,l.. "I ,.....' ...l ing. I was just trying to pass the(n the huge, subterranean Paris U I LA 1J .. . t. ! I .. T 1 . man who uoukiu my oia car. "TVin nnn.;i V,..u . ooln.l 'v i i o ucnvu lull L J sit pn his right hand tonight fot dinner." "What's he gonna stir his cof - fee with?" , that " v v j y v, cake out of my best cookery book, Jlt ti uaiiuiK, t,0 uo lmg) ne nag lQ p0ge ag "You did ouite riifht. dear. H. Diane's husband, and thp i?piui. should never have heen in." Professor: "Now, at what speed does light travel?" Student: "Pretty fast, sir. Any- way, it gets here far too soon in the morning." The other day someone wrote verse for this paper about cats It'was so bad people suspected 1'iun, in uie iMoon oi wratlng ' TERRACE I! ,1: i The represfjjbiyrj-n'S .Dom in ion Parliamcni. . Oiof : ,llflni..ii has been paying ffn;a(f district visit uunng the past lew days The Terrc,and district Board of Trade came to life Monday wilh a meeting called fur tht iJurpoSe ol choosing' dele'irate "To ! attend the convention in Prince Rupert of the Associated Boards, j Messrs. Kenney, Riley and King; I llfllA Sill- . . "cm u ndiuuu. umer topics j which came in for discussion TO JlL TTL li a tirsl aid hospital at Terrace, with nurse attached': It was fell that Terrace is too far away from hospital facilities, 100 milts either to Pr(nce Rupert or to Hazelton, and second, the ob ' U vvviv i 11C uu vious desirability of reviving tht IlfilH.1 T I.. . .. .. - J ... .u - 111 cenuigs The Anglican Church Women's Auxiliary met at Mrs. Gilbert' on Friday. Mrs. T. J. Marsh and Mrs. J. Farquar of Prince Rupert were guests of honor for the te& hour. Miss McKennev. sister of Con stable McKenney, has come from uiiiiornla to stay with her brother and his family for a short holiday. Try a Dally news classified ad. vertlsement for best results. VOU'RE QBTTIN' 4 THAT BEMT-OVER.HEN-PECKED LOOK TV (A.VJ, f. Seventh Heaven Features Simone Simon At Capitol WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront As Little Waif French Screen Actress Touches Deepest Places of Heart In "Seventh Heaven." Austin Strong's immortal love slory, ad the sky Simone Simon, as the little waif, sunrasses all hopes ex- Pressed for this sensaJional rrench screen reen find, lino, who who has nas the tre!""1 "0 - ft of touching the deep- ;supiorting the rudder became dis-s ,, cnU8,n consideral 1c of your heart. Andlc,"nectei1; Stewart trwarttall l:1ni.ln.r elay owing to slow travelling. 'strange gl est places i James t ci r i 'gray - eyed shines opposite, her as vyiiico oi me vniiani spun ana me shy yearning love. For the background of "Se venth Heaven' Twentieth Cen- tury-Fox has re-created a vivid 'and picturesque Montmartre. set !fn thn tllrlmlnnt ilnva ..r 1011 viucu npunua nis worKing jdays, scornful of the Providence thnt fnilprf . . . . fivt , t, . . mnK V.i n I t - - v - p " v i muni; .11114 a street washer, and, second, to bring him a fine, intelligent wife. , Chico saves the waif, Diant, from a beating, and- also from I gendarmes who would arrest her for throwing wine in the face of " - r " 'v 114 nut; Mi ja cafe customer who annoyed hrr. ' T J 1L1. . . armes announce that they will' 'check up on him. I ' Forced to live up to his story,' .Chico lakes I)iane to his garret. i where the vista of the stars at! n'ht makes-him forget the da-1 long toil in the dank sewei.l When war breaks out. and Chico 's called to the army, he realized that he is in love with the walfi !'c befriended, and, pledges lo. re- turn 10 tier in spirit at eleven Steamer Prince Robert arrived this morning from the south with a full complement of tourists aboard, She continued later to Alaska and will be back here Sun-day. Steamer Prince George arrived .! i 11.!., .!..,,. hmi t Itl.siii ml in port this morning from forth Island aflcr a very rough crossing. Soon after leaving North Isl and on l ridav night the shoj At Williams Station equipment for temperorary repairs was secured. Just before reaching Prince Rupert one of the bearings burned out which will cause Ihe laying up of the vessel until Wednesday night. Those aboard were Alec Yoemans. Captain Eli jah Jones, and Matthew Yeomans. o'clock every day. Despite news of Chico's death, Diane continues to keep her tryst, a faith that leads to one of tht screen's great emotional momen1' in a powerful conclusion to tl.c tenderest love story of our time NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Hates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Ccld Watei Prince Rupjrt, fl.C Phone 281 P.O. Bm 16 KlDOlM"! I CERCLA The New Flat Ring Binding Every Page in "CERCLA" Hound Hooks Lies Perfectly Flat See the "CERCLA" Line at Our Store Ccrcla Memo Hooks 5C Ccrcla Note Hooks ir)C Ccrcla Stenographers Note Hooks 25c Ccrcla Exercise Hooks 15c, 20c, 30c and 35c Ccrcla Scrap Hooks Complete with 200 stickers 30c Cercla Drawing Hooks 25c "CERCLA" is the latest and best flat ring binding. For perfect utility and convenience Once you have tried ''CERCLA" you will never want old style bindings on any writing book for everyday use. GMfloeMm.Jjd Federal Block, 3rd Ave. AVJ, MACI WAS TUST "1 I NX r AGAIN , THE STORY.,, TBF PICTURE . . . ma FAMOUS BY JA GAYNOR, CHARiS x wnvr.L, - . . in tht days of silent picture a sensation... now evet more so is the talkim version with its two ntl stars . . . Simone Simon . . . v..vluu man TOt ever dreamed as tht street waif I)ianc was at raid to believe in happiness. James Stewart ...Also surpassing him. self as the valiant Chico . . . SEVEN! HEAVEN The tenderest story ol our time. . . with JEAN HERSII0LT (At 7:23 and 9:28) ADDED TREATS Metro News and Musical Tonight and Tuesday (2nd Show at 9:03) H;)JH'1I Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Try a Dally Newt, want-ad. By Westover I Vajovjit must tbs l.ojs mac A. "SOCK AT ME m t l T . r 1