Ipp.-Kiibfr 21. 1037. pads rrva WALLACES tt US solve your gift problems. Visit our store, ju will find a well assorted stock of merchandise serially selected for gift purposes, and will have I 11 1 m in ..,!.! . it.t r 0 (iiiuiiiiiy in bc:ixi.iiik huiiiciiung tor every member of the family. We Oner Tk Following Few Suggestions or Laies Charming f.llk House C6U. Quilted Satin tirewltig downs, SUR pr!.l Pyjarna Setg Velvatuede Go'xni Gloves, Hosiery, Bcarves, or for Men- Cries In gilt boxes, Scarfs, Suspender and Garter S?ts; Initialed Boys Belts with Caih Pouches, Knife and Comb Bill ,T14, Bus- mm. ft 4: Pi f I 9 m P RBoxed Hankies. Pure Llneti, Sox, Armbands, Etc; m or wris- ; ,v.i Boxed Vest and Pantie Sets, Night70wnand Pyjamas in gift m boxes Hankies In boxes, Hosiery, Scarfs, Etc. . m penders, baxed,' Belts, Belt and Knife Sets; Boxed Hinkles. etc. ( IFancy Stationery, Pnxcd Hankies in Great Arrav, Toiletries, f Dolls, Toys, Crackers, Xmas Wrappings, Etc. j 6OOCWoalCOOOOOOOOOCKiaOOOOOOOOOOOCO0SOW)iJCH5CF.'' . (J PEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK STARTING WEDNESDAY I Phone 9 Third and tulton w lacKENZlE'S FURNITURE dive a Christmas Gift That Keeps on Rivlng-Cives Pleasure and Comfort FULL VV CHAIRS Walnut -It $12.50 COGSWELL CHAIR With reclining ci back, double cushions.Special . . BOUDOIR CHAIR For bedroom ODD CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS $5.50 $30.00 COOOOOOlCH000oaOOOOOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOlOOOOlCHKiO 327 T,,,KD AVENUE PHONE 775 2f ycu w&nt ASe ana Comfort too - Oust etas we' L serve . Canadian he dtv. The month of Decemoer You all must remember It the time for rejoicing and cheer just ask for the best we'll do the rest Phone rhllpott & Evltt for COAL. We Stock the Best CoaH in T6wn WELLINGTON FOOTHILLS HULK LET VALLEY HIONE PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. I'hones 051 C52 Pacific i Trns.AtIantic Trnnrnntincntal Trans-l-aciflc I. V.nc.u,.r Wa oca- ;''" Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Jeb. 28th. 1938 31st, 1938 Rlarch Limit Final Return Services Pacific Connection at Vancouver with Canadian , trom Reservations Tickets and "i L, PDATvo r.M.Ml Apnt . -. n w n.iol ' MM M -----MMMKMW If you hnvo cnf-ncr tn tell, a classified advertisement " f V UVIIIWVIIIKM w " - 1 if there is a ouyei .. this know uatw wm Bn.n i-t vou Dlir?t?Ai n meat mm Annual Kill Start ai tValhifrlght, Alberta; Burns Awarded Coniraci Ject of the kill Is to keep the last . great surviving roamers of the prairie under prpper contol. It is estimated that two thous and head of buffalo will be killed under government supervision at the government slaughter house blown and of perfect form. Js blooming In the garden of Col. 3, W. Nichols. Fourth Avenue West. Elscwhete in the ctty- roses arc also In bloom outdoors. MODEL airplane clubs' B DRAWING The Terminal Model Airplane Club, which was organized by a qroup of young boys In September 1938, hafi held a drawing in order to make possible a Christmas Cheer hamper for some needy family. The prize-winners were as. follows: First prize $2.00, Emily Christopher, No. 127; Second; prize $1.00. Mrs. G. A. Eburne, M. 70; Third, 50c, Mrs. J. Frew, No. 32. Over one hundred and' fifty tickets were sold at 5c and the.ooys realized a total profit ot $150. Try a Dally News want-ad. -.-f.. . C LADIES' OVERSHOES Ladles' Overshoes Reg. $1.75. Now CHILD'S KUliHEIiSi Child's Rubbers Now Loading Coal At Nanaimo At Sea Re-blinkerlng Nanaimo s. Left Wingers Being United specially located for trie purpose at presjeht walnwrlght, Alberta. The choice, young, tender buf falo meat will be marketed In all parts of Canada by Burns & Co. MEXICO : . . .... . as a pre-Chrlstmas treat in tne Dei- r- - . . . ;. n ri , illlike i..w- pariyi on vnitii lie GETS CONTRACT Captain Henry Prevost announ ces that he has sighed a contrac to carry the mall between Prince Rupert and Metlakatla once a week, on Saturdays, for the next four years. CHRISTMAS ROSES IN PRINCE RUPERT A beautiful rose, almost full Increase In Population At MAVJIMn npppmhpr 21 (Rati!!. Burns & Co. Limited, the pioneer prPR.The Jananese freleh packers of the Canadian west, again ter ShunSho Maru, which had to have been awarded the contract return jr0m sea to Victoria last covering ;the annual kill of buffalo, ween on account of fire In hei at the Walnwrlght National Park bunkers', Is now here loading '25b where each year for ttiepast sev- tons of coal, it had been necessary eal years similar Operations have to remove coal from the vessel at been undertaken by authority of Victoria in order to get at the flrt ithe Federal government. The ob- and extlnzulh it Cafderias of Mexico Makes Move to Consolidate His Supporters CITY. December 21 Press) President Car- RevolutionaiJ has depended with a merger EDMONTON, December 21 R. C Marshall, president of the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mlnei predict? a spectacular growth foi Edmonton within the next fev. the mining industry, Body Of Trapper, Missing For Six Months, Is Found The six-months old mystery of th disappearance of J. Granley, veteran trapper 'of the Nelson Forks area (h, the northeast corner, of- British Columbia, has been solved witK the' arrival of an Indian at. Fort Nelson with the news that the missing man's body has be'eri found. The Imperial Oil Co.'s big tahke AlbertOllte Is In port discharging a cargO of fuel oil at the company's loca Ranks. Christmas LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Elsie Griffiths,. left on this mnrrilne's train for' '.Edmonton I whence she will proceed by alf- ijikc. fihih. whirh raiinlit Fire Plane to. tne. nortnern Aioerta mining fields to Join her husband who is employed there. the Prihcc&i Nbran. yesterday ternoon on, Jils, return south. Limited through high class butcher au'. .r . . iy 0 1 of Mexico Is : moving to re- shops and. ." as well, will be served nlnpp ihf NnMnnal Q DC OCraDDed The first consignment will reach "'"L Leviathan Sold t6 Prince Rupert Wednesday, Decern-, ,j. ... . . . . pnnlnr' Company to be Broken tlnns tri hp known Qe as t the Ponular ber 22nd, and the local ment of Burns & Co. Ltd. advise nlaclne your orders early. Your own butcher will carry supplies. ' (296) !"ai!f?I Front party. The object 14 to con- j i soiidate his supporters. c: Of Edmonton up at Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, having left here for Smithers .at tthe end of the week, is, leaving Smithers tonight for Kamlobps where he will .spend Christmas with his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. tWh Sutherland Mrs. Hanson Is already In HOBOKEN, New York, Dec. 21: ent. AtlanUe voyage.. Haying-been sold for $825,000 to a British metal company, the Leviathan will sail February 1 for Glasgow where She will be broken up for-scrap. years as a result of the develop- Aff riii mf ment of the north country, par- Ig JJJ 1 HiS I eat ucuiany in. Christinas Buying In United States Not too Late To Have a Pbbtb taken P6f Christmas Gifts BENTON STUbiO Jrd Avenue SPECIALS At Th Cloth $1.25 59c LADIES' SHOES sji Ladles' Shoes Broken lines. C Qff lers Ltd BOYS' SOLID LEATIIElt BCfOTS boys' Solid Leather Boots j2 95 MEN'S dXFORDS Men's Oxfords Reg. $4.00. $25 W '$4'00-w --- I MEN'S BOOTS and SliOES W LADIES' PUMPS rind TIES $ Hundreds of Men's Hoots and Shoes to Pick A Ladles' Pumps and Ties-Reg. $5.00. C2.95 f J"- $8.?5 l $5.50 M INOW vr I E ; . " ' M Icxt Door Rupert Butchers Phone BLACK 321 Mi's, Mandy Is SpeakerBeforc C.Y.S. Meeting 1 WASHINGTON JJ.Cw December ?1 j The United States Department of Commerce mttmaies tnai unrisi-jmas buying of the nation has fallen below, last year's; mark. The fl 'nal week may or may not ahov (ari Improvement. ' The, ho'pe Is that ;lt may. iiAk SttA'Eft NEW YORK? GPT-'Bar M) vef was Unchanged at, 44j per fine odiice'flri the l4ew York metal market JlQlay .. Kjva-a-'tt'ci-- i-j- I rL '.-"""r . - , - r- ' ' ' - : ' 1 1 trj, ett lie? The hiihlln meetlne of the Christ ie 6. Shalcross, Vancouver fire J lain Youth Society at First Baptist Insurance adjuster, after spending ' Church Sunday evening was unus- a few days in tne city, sanea dv . uaiiy interesting P. H. Llnzey led the singing of three Christmas hymns. Following this was a short musical program consisting of two clarinet selections by Bert O'Nell and Wilfrid Hicks, a song "Star of the East" by Miss Eileen Hamblin and a violin duet ibv Misses Phylis Hamblin and Kathleen Bulger. Accompanist was Miss Eileen Hamblin. The speaker of the evening, Mrs. J. T; Mandy, was Introduced by -1 I the president and proceeded to tell w. E. ooiuson, Indian. Agent, ieuja very moving story of how a man, un lias iuurinii a iium jur a unci trip to Terrace on official biisU ness. 1 Great Liner Is 1 after terrible sorrow nolntments, felt that and dlsap there was nothing worth living for. However, the Mi persuaded by a friend to .' read the Testament and gradually ' he realized that he had beeri living Just for himself Instead of for Christ. When this realization came ! through Illustrations in his daily ( uh he not onlv found Christmas for Glasgow Metai'i1? ot tht buUr CV6ry nigni. Mrs. Mandy was given a vote of thanks for her address by all pres- The once great liner Leviathan,, The president took the chair for German-built and taken Over by the a jew mmutes telling members of , united oum uitcr vnc u ui, the coinln coming holiday dance on De J1S oeing prepareu iur uei iaab uiuu cember 28 .and other events. Refreshments were served by George Madill and his committee. FOR SALE FOR SALE Marconi Radio, 1C tubes. Long and short wave. $3(? Phone Blue 469. tt 1 Till: Sl I'ItblE f'Ol'KT OK r.HITI!! (Ol.t.MltlA IX I'KOHATK lii I hp Mallpr of tlip "AilnilnMratlon And In (lip Mattpr of the Eslatp of Margaret Jaiip -.swain. lHanl, Intpstatp TAKE NOTICE tot tj crdsr :! His Hin.r, W. E. Fisher, lUie lTtli day uf Di.-smbtr, A. D 1937: I WM ;ipp3int"i AUm,:lstiratOT of the estate cf Mar-Jir. j S jln. deceased, and sll :'f haviJSg claims Bgalr.at the atd e;iaj are bttrty required furnish earn;, preperly verified, to in? on or Ibefore tlie 18th day of January. A, D. 1938. oind all TAT Ulct ;a tt tr pttats are required to pay r om;uiu tf thilr IcnebttaoJss m: i:r.own". NORMAN A. WATT, Of.: - al AanxtoH.-itcir, , Frln-p Rvoert. B. C.. Dp' id D-nAsr U tv 1I7. Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. LAND ACl Brasell Solloe o( Intention to Apply o I.ir Land In Prince Ruioert L&nd Recording DlMrlot of British Columbia, and altu Me oil Zayan bland on the N. W. point, on west side of Zayas on a reet of1 Ararazazu Point, Talc notice that Frank Waterman oi Prince Rupert. B. C. occupation Miner Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands i-l of the ree-off Ararazazu Point. Commencing .at a poet punted oi the high grasay point on the South Bid, of the we thence 1800 foul Northeast; thence 1500 feet Northwest thence 1800 feet Southwest; then-c 1800 feet Southeast and containing 35 acres, more or less FRANK WATERMAN IS THE SI I'HK.MK COl'KT OF IIKITISH IN I'ltOllATK lii 11 Matter of the "AilinlnMrntlon Act" Anil In the Matter of the IMnte of GrnM . (lYltriiiltt. OecrH-ed, Inteftate TAKE NOTICE (that ,by order of Kh Honor, W. E. FUher. the 14th day of December, A. D. 1937. I was appolntei Administrator of the estate of Ernst Oyllwifijjltz, deceased, and all partita havlna claims aealnst (the said rotate are hereby required to furnish Mime properly vcrllhed. to me on or before tne isut oay or January, a. u. and, all wtlcs lndeOited to the estate W rcmured to. pay the amount ot their hideibtadness to me forthwith. - . i. . . ...... NORMAN A WATT, Offlcilal' AdmStlstrator, li : . ,Pr)ncw jnujert, B.c Dated the 14th day ot December, A.D, 1837, THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Chrisimas Cards For The Old Country See our large assortment Of local view photo Cristmas cards and, calendars. They are appreciated by relatives and friends. WRATHALIS PHOTO FINISHING ATTENTION! Customers of Hollywood Studio, formerly of 220 Cth Street, may secure re-orders at any time by sending same to P.O. Box 25, Vancouver, B. C. TRAPPERS! Before Selling Your Furs Get Gold bloom's Price On Them I want all kinds of furs and positive can pay more than anyone else. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Furniture Moving and Storage Transfer and Delivery Quick Service Jasper Coal Bulkley Valley Coal Lump, Egg, Nut, Slack Cedar, Birch, Jackpine WOOD Card Tables and Chairs For Rent 315 SECOND AVE. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I.fase I .and In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and sltu ate t'-V of Prince Lehoo bland In Hut Bay Pass, south of Dundai Island conspicuous white rock 8V high (rrarked on chart). Take notice that Frank Waterman oi Prince Rupert, B. C, oocupatloa Miner Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: all of a con-sptcuous white rock 83 feet high and Its surroundings (Rock marked on chart). Commencing at post planted on a grassy rock 300 feet 8. E of N. W Corner on Northeast aide thence 800 feet Southeast; thence 800 feet southwest thence 800 feet Northwest; thencs 800 feet Northeast and containing IS acres, more or less. FRANK WATERMAN. Dated October 1, 1937. ' 1 I i I Ittl .1 . . i i ll H (M U- " j j t u ill . A " 1 ' 'i; , j ii i 1 ! ( i '". f. - f ! -t t !