Bt. Patrick's Tea and Entertain-Cut, March 17. (University extension lectures, IS lay, March I "3l THi DAILY N3Tf73 kire Ituptrt flentral ' A-iwH-latUm Notice TORONTO 1 OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC HALIFAX Hospital. Announcements pioneers' Banquet, 0. F Hall. March 10, I. jirch 17, 18' and 19, City Hall kin Buchanan. ?cbekah Fashion Show, March Hunlor Chamber Dance, Friday. brll 2. Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Hanquets a Specialty" LOCAL NEWS NOTES Extraordinary General Meet-,. Government Agent Norman Ai Basketball tonight, Moose Hall. t th members of the Prince Watt sailed on the Cardena last E' rt aejieral Hospital Assocla- night for a trip to Stewart on of-? ... v,o.i.i if .k rifv itnii flcial duties. In win w vrv wvj Monday, March 8th, 1937, at 8! n. to consider a propo.U respect Mrs. Reg Green, who has been r the Prince. Rupert General jseiously ill for some' time, was fcpltal. The meeting 'will be open 1 sufficiently recovered yesterday to tmcmbens only I II. W BIRCH, Secretary. leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital for her home. P. E. Paulson, official of the Canadian Fishing Co., arrived in I -the city on the Cardena last eve on company business. R. M. Winslow, assistant general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., will be CORRRSPONDINGLY LOW FARK8 FROM OT"f" WESTERN STATIONS. ALSO TO OTIIFR POINTS IN F.ASTKRM rANADA. remain In Vancouver until the end of May. "Fred M. Wells, well known British Columbia mining man and pioneer of the district, and Dr. Victor Dolmage, a prominent consulting engineer, arrived in the city on the Cardena .this evening from Vancouver. They will proceed On tomorrow night's train to Terrace to pay a visit to the Omlneca Gold Quartz, formerly Dardanelles, property on the Copper River after which they will proceed to SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling ai Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10:.'0 p.m. Canadian National Steamships Good in SUniird Slctpcn on piymnt o( regulir birth Urt. Chtldrtn, S yttt ind under 1J. Half Ftrt Excellent meals In the dining Moporr. auowra mnniprs; r.... at moderate prices V-12-37 AU'eiie . ... . mm m V S 1 1 tV Idaily FEBRUARY cU M AKLnp RtTUftN LIMIT 4S DAYS IN ADDITION TO DATE OF SALE From PRINCE RUPERT and Return Coach Tourlst iStandard 56.50 70.50 84.45 57.20 71.35 85.50 60.45 75.45 90.45. 72.40 9040 108.35 I TheFxsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson and daughter, Dorothy, who left here last fall lor Scotland, have re turned from the Old Country and are now In Victoria. the speaker at the regular monthly Speedy trial J ! - 1 t . I t I unmet uiccuiig ui nie junior Chamber-of Commerce on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zeffert and son, Anthony, of Stewart will be here on Thursday evening; of this week on their" way to Vancouver for a trip. Mr. Zeffert is going south on business. Mrs. Zeffert will Children's Colds Best treated . , . . without "dosing" VICKS VAPORUB 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartlett and son, who have been on a vaca tlon trip as far south as Los An geles, returned to the city on the Cardena this evening from the south. Mr. Bartlett reports having encountered much rain In Call fornla with snow In the rnoun HER DEATH IS SUDDEN Mrs. Esther D. Sinclair, One or Leading Women of Kitwanga, Passes Away trTTUriMriA Mnivh 1 mm D. Sinclair, passed away a week Mr.and Mrs. John Mellor, for- aeo last evenlmr at the Hazelton merly of Stewart, who have been Hospital after a brief illness. Her on a uip to south Africa, are now demise followed an operation fot in uuirornta and are expected tc appendicitis. The funeral took arrive In Vancouver at an earlv niov. Iwa Thursday oaie. BVvlln-irtncr rip-at.h t.hp- rpmalns were taken In charge by the White rne case of Dennis Adams, Mas- cross Society and Women's Auxil- set Indian, charged with breaking !ary of Hazelton and rested ovcr- and entering Carl Kirmls store ai night In the Gltan-Max Hall at Massett is being Heard toy Judg Hazelton. A brief service was hall W. E. Fisher in County Court thli there with Mrs. Charles Clifford 'afternoon. Adams has elected foi reading the scripture, there alrc being a hymn and prayer. The husband spoke brief -words of an preolaUon for the sympathy and comfort whloh had been extended On Tuesday's train the body was brought to Kitwanga,, accompanle: by the husband, Harold D. Sin clalr, and Peter Brown. Member? .... x... U4 M JCU1 auu uuuu.c and funeral marches were played "lc wnuie normal by the Kitwanga Band. year Insurance Rate Has Been Raised COAL Nanaimo-Welllngtpn for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootless, for the kitchen range. Albert St McCaffcry, Phone 116 or 117. (tf) must FUBNITURE, Factoryjamplesm go go"thfs this " ' weeK: weeKfG rjuarameeaviu u'a'ftriteeti piece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165 Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, (tf) FOR RENT CLEAN. Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (60) FIVE Roomed cottage, 9th Ave. E $15 Der month. Phone 74. tf PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Paclfln Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver, MEN Get vigor at once. New Os trex Tonic Tablets contain raw ovster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, iaker refunds few cents paid all or WTlte. Ormes Limited, tf 473 VACANCIES IN THE POSTAL- SERVICE to be filled bv ADril 5th. Full infor mation and booklet "How to get Into the Canadian Civil Service" free from The M. C. C. Civil Service In Canada. (52)lvcr On Thursday the funeral service I was conducted by Rev. B. Shear man. The church. choir sang "Hear My Prayer, O Lord and the Kit wanga Band played "The Dead March in Saul" and other selec tions. Almost the entire population Now Costs Shins Three Hundred pf the village was In attendance Percent More to Pass Through With Chief Harry Lelt, Paul Ben- Supervisors Of Boys' Club Meet Sew Local Organization' is Going Ahead jr.. . i-'i-. "r- '.-,. :? -5 rThe rsuoervlsors or .the Boss Clup held tnoir Teguiar montniy meeting last Thursday evening when accounts were settled and suggestions for improvements made. Owing to tlie epidemic of influ enza and the inclement weathei canvassing for annual dime sub acriptions was practically nil. How ever, $1.94 was collected even un der these conditions. The attendance for the month was good, there being an average of fourteen per night. The club was not held while the schools were closed. Expenses included coal, ping- pong balls, Valentine social, be sides rope for climbing and tug- of-war. Thanks Is extended to Little's News Stand and H. Robb for boys' papers and reading material, also to Mrs. Jones, for National Ge graphic Magazine. A number of mounted prints placed upon the walls has greatly Improved the appearance of the room. Games, reading material, small tables or chairs would be HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Angus Macdonald, P. E. Paulson, i A. H. Garland, M. ft. Benlschke, V. ' Dolmage and F. M.'Wells, Vancou nnrr-frnriA Terrace : J (by "Otto Know") J This town Is not so bad, In fact It's quite a pleasant spot, In summer not so very cold, Esther D. Sinclair, wife of Harold In winter not so hot. Not too much snow or wind or rain, And we're not cursed with fogs, But we have one big healthy curse, You guessed It, Mlster--dogs. There's quite a dearth of cattle here, Of poultry, sheep and hogs, But it's the truth, not poetry, The town's going to the dogs. ' You go to bed, you try to sleep, But Lord I Lord I What a sound I It's not your dog, of course, that howls, It's that danged neighbor's hound. Yes, summer's coming mighty soon, We'll hear the birdies slug,. But that strange scent that's In the air Is not the breath of soring, of the Church Army. White Cross it-s dogs doing this and dogs do-' and Women's Auxiliary met the ine that train here as well a$ Lay Reader Dogs hl!re dogs everywhere. James Ryan and UMathlas II Bright. A hymn "Safe In the Arms of Jesus" was sung and the casket was then removed to Moses Talt's They're round my car, , round my feet, They're getting In my hair Spanish Waters n Chief Matthias Bright, Charles Terrace, B.C. LONDON, March 1: A thre? hundred percent Increase In Smith, R. E. Redman, Peter Brown Chief Phillip Ryan and Chief Stan ley Williams acting as pallbearers urance rates on ships passtnz the remains were carried to th through Spanish waters is an- cemetery lor interment. There was nounced an aaress over tne grave by cmei Wallace Laknits. TALK DECIMALIZATION " mnerai jeasi was nem in tns RHFFPiF.i.n Rnir . vrnrrh l rnpf evening Dy ine iagie urest or -tip nhiimhr of nnmmprPA haihVhich deceased was a member referred to committee for recom- enure population oi tne vn- mendatlon the approach of the Decimal Association regarding dec-malizatlpn of ths pound sterling and adoption of the metric system if weights and measures In CUssiFiEO FOR SALE were suitable prayers and the widower gave a speech of apprecl. atalon, There were letters of sympathy from Mrs. E. Cadwallader of Cedarvale and Mrs. F. D. Sampan; Mrs. Sinclair Is survived, besides the widower, by two daughters-Ethel, aged threek and Beatrice seven months. She was chief heart of the women of the Eagle, Crest and Is succeeded by Mrs. Matthias Bright. they're rtalHnir wVtoro In tVla eiranlMn'c CPP In t what thp r!fv TnnlfP.Q floral tributes were delivered. On The statement's now In print. Wednesday evening an anthem was With all these dogs to pay the tax sung by the choir of St. Paul's The town must be a mint, , CP n f AT" ,r.r" P. F- P- - or Just twenty-ni be blessed. , Mi,tnft . J Z l Rerfeshmenis were served If there's just twenty-eight dogs here What do they call the rest? Now I don't mind a few good dogs, But here's so. many kinds, To classify them all, I'm sure Would puzzle even Heinz. The signs all show the coming year Will be a bumper crop. Hey, Mister, do you mind If X Present you with a pup? QUICK RELIEF! INDIGESTION! Constipation cleared up, too, after taking "Fruit-a-tives" short while, Mr. Jamri Chalmrra. of Falkrnburth, Ontario, nayii "For o?r a Jrnr 1 troubled with Indention broujht on bT ccntlptlnn. I cnultl acarrrl; rat or drink thing without aevrre ftaa paint and aorc nous In my atomach. I tried many remedlra before 1 rult-a-tlnea. After taking Krult-a-t lra a very ahnrt time, I was able to eat and drink anything without unpleasant after-effects. My constipation cleared up quickly and I hate never had It since." J-rult-a-tlves, the prescription of a famous Canadian doctor, are made from eitracts of fruits and herbs. They act to atlmulat the ller and flow of bile; cleanse th elimination tract of wastea and poisons and tend to purify the blood of harmful poisons and aclils. On sale everywhere. 25c and 60c. insist on Fruit-a-tlves. Just Arrived Easter 1937 Novelties . and now on display Easter Eggs, Rabbits, Chickens and the latest designs in Easter Novelties Come in and see this grand assortment We will hold any article till Easter Place your order NOW J Items from . 5c to $1.00 OrmeslM. "Jim Pioneer DrvtQtfists The Uexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:50 PJVi. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Urand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. BBS ELIO'S FURNITURE Beds all sizes Chesterfield Suite Baby Carriages Baby Crib, Baby Swings USED FURNITURE Dining Room Tabic and Chairs 6-Piccc Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Girl's Bicycle Singer Sewing Machine 8-Tube Battery Radio Kitchen Ranges Blankets Suit Case and Trunks 2JingjJVletipridge Table Linoleum Rugs Congoleum Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yard ELIO'S a - :di ii"t'. TRADE IN', ' OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW D. Elio Exchange Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Store Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. S