rst Round .1 1 U b. T 27- Kr leers Winners in last Jrtjht's flay rst round ganjes for the Hp Tailors' Cup were played by l ho minprT Wrlirra gut last night, resulting as fpj s: 1 1 r Iam 1 a o 1 e . T-i fuckpi.eers. 13.261: Sons of Nor, , 139. - i ..j.. . p same of Canadian National .An I (All A COM'IC Unn Iff Dnm. ilkiavii f ' - - . ill innprs In a Chrstmu rnfflo ductM by the League were: urkey J. A. Teng, No. 197. garettes, Suzanne Anderson, 342. 1 w m m iii iiiiii v i iiiiii . iirtfi jiiid Lii nrv Miiiir inic iiiiiK v r uiu auuiriHC. Miitinir rn nrpn Bridge Party Is Enjoyable AffaJf Held Last NlgliJ by Hoys Band Parents' Association An enjoyable bridge party was hejd by the Prince Rupert Boys' uand Parents' Aoscslatlon In Eagles llall last night. There were seven tables of cards and prize-winner were; ladies' first Mrs, A Norton;- second, Mrs. Peter 6o. lemr men's first, Jack Joy; second C. R. Blggart; consolation, W. Wil-llngtori. After cards, delicious refresh. enjtsr.,were servad And drawing for raffle,? took place, resulting as follows: tray, Mrs. James Simpson. Np. 10;. pljlowsjlps, Theo Fortune 196; handkerchiefs, Miss Lyd'a Pettenuzo, No. 183. The drawing for a luncheon set was held ovei -until a later date. Arthur Phillips was master of ceremonies. Mrs. J. Vereck presided at the door, Mrs. Q, W. Rudder-ham and Mrs. H. Perkins were in pharge of the kitchen. Phyllis Hamblln emphasized the Christmas spirit of kindness by the tale "Oeorge and His Guinea Pigs." Mrs. Carter led to the climax of gift presentation by the staff to the through the story "A and "Come All Y Faithful;' the program next Saturday for by Mrs. Bernard Lundahl. Local children hetwpen th nf in diiu iiuniui wne wrii :ui i ui.r'ii ;inn fiuni a l i i rui in tnnrna r r n i-p mts. jweai uariers tening ,oi Trevor Johnston and Dr. and Mrs. Ml If I H IMI I I II hS ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL .(Church of England) Very tttr.j. B. Gibson, Dean Preacherr-The Dean .AD.VE.fT ML ll:00,a.rnMrnJnt Prayer and Sermon 12:30-7Sun4ay School 7:30 p.m, Evenlne Prayer and Service of Praise OHDER OF, tsKRVICE Processional "On Our Way Ucj;o!(flng,' Mithem, MLeap Kindly Light" Onward Christian Soldiers.-" .,- ;' ' . - Xr,hem (a) "Bro.thet James" v ifcl "Into the Woods My Master Came." i l Heard the Voice of Jesus Say,"" ..... . . . - - i. .IT- 'Sat Hark, Wy Souir ' "Glorious is Thv Name-" from' .TweltlV Mass by Mozart. BvmsIimVoI ."Riiti nf. Mrf Rnill:! Pughe-Evans George B Jacob Nevln TO RAISE BUILDING- FINANCES (Continued from page t ward by Dr. J. H, Carson. , Dr. J. H. Carson .reported to jthe board on behalf of a committee consisting of himself, II. W. Birch, managing secretary, ao4 Miss Jean Harrison R. N., lady superintendent, which had been delegated to "bo in to the new provincial hospital legislation. New forms , which it was now required to fill out would involve pxtra work In the secretary;? office but more Information would have to be obtained before It was deter mined just how much-. There were certain features of the new legislation which it was felt might prove impracticable in .smaller httsplhtts.' The report of the fire chief for the month. stated that the fire alarm .system in the Nurses' Home was In satisfactory condition. Fire-rooms in both hospital and nurses' home were clean and orderly andj housekeeping conditions were satisfactory. In attendance at the meeting were G. p. Tinker, president, in the chair; W, M. Brown, Dr; J. II. Car-' Sim. P A. MacPallnm n 117 Wlltil inson and Mrs. II, L. Landry, directors; Miss Jean Harrison R;N.'. lady superintendent, and II. Birch, managing secretary. ' " Hotel Arrivals . Royal W. Johnson, Oslahd. Central M. Haapala( city; Francois Lake. B. Hougen; KITCHENER, Cult:. Dec. 11; (CP) Two men living with six monkeys and two dogs in one roont have been ordered to move: . The menagerie formed part of a carnival awaiting the spring season, . , MWTFJH 'fiOTlCK Dlvrr.slni) t and X't'e TAKE NOTICE. THAT liaac Mat;, thewi v)iO address ta.Allln, B.C, vlll aDDW (or a ilcmlce to take and U 2 cubic leet ct winter bTtt.cX Bpruce Creek. which flows East to Wert and jra?B lato Phve Crerk about thif mil V Christmas Cards Tags, Seals, Gift Wrappings There are over 300 boxes of Christmas Cards containing 12, 15, 18 and 21 cards to box. Each card ts different, some are ribbon tied, all are smart and attractively designed. priced from 33c, 75c, $1.00, $155 and $1.50 pei- Box Individual cards priced from 2 for 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c,& 35c each CELLOPHANE and TIN.4I1L RlBBON-7-Gay Christmas ty-lngs, .red; 'green, -gold 6rrs0yer'. .' l"c TAGS and SEALS Flneasortment of .tags and seals add just thc.rljht; tou'eh cf;:y6yr parcels. 01 FT UTtAPPINGT5aflcrii4 wrapping paper that will glvyoW'paf Besner Block Third Street "TILLIE THE TOILER" ovje pam;in6 r TIUUE cua, out rATC; LLL ZJ, , . Rose p&aii & Latta Li mited SIT DOVvlSJ,MACr MUCH OF MOO v The -water will be diverted &l a point absut 400 It upstream, from, the Crotn lease Poet rtYonO and be ufd lor Mining and pswer purpoee upon ti hoei Oroup leases 'and- cold etorif ri -rthrd . crokfr Lmiw No 378. This, notice ,was pouted i?n the groilrie on Ihe 8 day cj Novemijer, .l37. A copy of Uils noittoe .and an apjll- cation purauanit thrtito: and to tpe "Water Act" will be filed In the orne of thp Water Recorder at Atlln, B. C. , Objections tp the 'ppiiatoa- niajrbe lira wiui ine mra vvaier ixjjuTrtvi with the Camparoller of. Water Rights Parliament Buuamga, ;Vtona. a. vu; within thirty days alter. he first "ari-pea I ranee of this notice. In .a local newspaper. t ISAAC MATTHEWS. Apblica!. Early History Radio Subject InWesting Address To Be Given Next Week by Railway .WINNIPEG December 11 On Tuesday next from 7:30 to 7:45 p m: (Pacific Standard time) the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation will carry a special 13-mlnute program from C. B- C. studios Winnipeg, dealing with a most h terestlng phase of early history of this part of the country entitled The Red River Dialect". The ad dFesst .will, be given by Osborne Scott, general passenger agent of the Canadian National Railways who was born In a little farm house on the banks of the Red River which house still stands he emu FOR FOH SALE FOR' SALE Piano in good condi Uon. Also household goods. Phone Black 712. (291) FOR, SALE! 6-room house 7th Av enue West, A real snap at $350 cash, or $400 terms. Apply Col-lart & McCaffery Ltd., opposite Power Company. (290) FOR SALE Long wave Sparton Radio. Sntendid erudition, will sacrifice for $45.00 cash. Red 578. OIL Burner kitchen range. Circu lating heater. Phone Blue 514. 288 FOR SALE Sewing machine, Bed room Suite, Chesterfield, Kitch en Set, Washing Machine, Lib-! rary Table. Wilton Rug lOVairO, 2 Baby Cribs, Bridge Lamp, Trillght Lamp- Victor Radio -11 tubes, Kitchen stove with oil burner and all household effects Apply 1143 Ambrose Ave. Phone Oreen 185. (292) FOR SALE-Full size Phone Black 322. steel crib. (289) FOR SALE Upright piano. Apply Box. 25, Dally News. (292) LOST LOBT-Rowboat '14 feet long, painted, grey; Claus Peterson, Humpback' Bay, Porchcr Island. Reward. 288 HELP WANTED GIRL wanted for housework. Apply .309 2nd Ave. tf. WANTED WANTEDGood home for female kitten. Phone Green 578. (286) ZZ' BACHELOR wishes to have stove sultabie for cabin. Dally' News. SCHOOLS & COLLEGES WE HAVE. HELl'EP HUNDREDS : TO OBTAIN' positions as' ter Carriers, postal Clerks, Cus-, ' tbma Examfners, Clerks, and -Stenographers, etc., and can jielp .you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest ' Aa Canada; . . if. 0MEN VOU CAN BE FINANCIALLY. Independent. We hae helped hundreds of Canadian women earn a living by opera ting kindergartens in the'r Own homes. Illustrated booklet .free. The Canadian Kindergar ten Institute, Winnipeg. f HEUt-Q, MfSS. TOMES - hovm you VTAWD-I IMS At-tTHi Dancing tween Winnipeg and St. Andrews locks. Mr. Scott has made a keen story of early Manitoba history and Is looked upon as An authority on the: subject. He will describe the origin of the Red River dialect and give many Illustrations of the language and Its pronunciation and mean ing. The address will be of a most Interesting character, not only to the old timers, but to the younger generation as well. GIFT BOXES ! Of the finest chocolates made at prices to suit every purse? Your choice will be held till ?Cmas with ne deposit required. Come in and. look it over. SNAPW CLEANS AND POU6HCS Bathtub. Waahbatina, Wiadowa, and Jaorrora. Cannot scratch. Poker leases, WATH NOTICE' Diversion and t 'it TAKE NOTICE THAT Iiaac Mat- ', thews whose addrets 'i AUln, BjC, will 3 !444444M rnone i ac,nl 57 toTT f a Urf ItoSceV nfe ,io take take and' and' UBS use I This nctlce was .posted on the ground Krf . on Ihe 8 day cf November, 1037. K I A copy 01 Till ncsuce 'auu uyyi - q i cation pureuant thereto, and ."to . the JK, , "Watr Art." hi 1WV . In h Off lfBl VM ' of the Water Recorder at Atlln. B. C, .4 nu 1 4-n V. annllnaTlArt mow , rw - ""I rited with the said Waiter Recorder . or j ! wlh th Ocmptroller of Water, Rlghts.1 PaHlament BuUdlng., Victoria, fi. within thirty days atter the first appearance of this notice lj , Jocal . newspaper. ISAAC MATTHEWS. .t)tc.t LAND ACT Notice of Intentfon to Apply .to lm Lease Land '. pg In Prince Insert Land ; Recording IS$? (district of British . Columbia, 'tadj situ- ite on White 84nd Island. Take notice that FraWc, Waterman of Prince Rupert, occupation ' Jntaer. la-tends to apply, for' a Joe, of. the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on one of the high . jcllffs .00 White Band Island and being 300 feet, from the , S. E., corner of White Sand Itland. and on s east side, thence 600 fm 9. Wj thence 800 feet N. W.5 thence 60Q feet N. Ei thence 800 feet .8. 'E. and containing 13 acres, more, or )ess. FRANK WATERMAN , Dated AUIUSt 28. 1937;. IN THE SI PKEMt t'orRT OF HR1TISII COI.VMBIA IN' PKOBATR. In Hie Matter of the '"Administration Art" And In the Matter of the Estate of, Peter Mertley, ' Deceased. Intestate TAKE KOTICE that :by Order pf HU Iloncc W. E. FUher. the 17th day of November. A D. 1037. T Was appointed 'Administrator of tlie. estate, of Peter COOk, Merkley. deoeased, and all parties bar- AddIv lnK -claims against the said estate are erljr verified, .to 'me on or. before tb 19th day of December, AD. 1037; ana all parties Indebted toi the; estate are required to pay the . ojinount ot' the'r lndeowcmess to me lortnwitn. NORMAN A'. WATT, Official Administrator, uaiea uu ivwi ay oi Notembw. A.D. 18S7. Prince Rupert,. B.C. "OOVr.KNMENT I.HI OR,, A( T." NotltV f Apirtlratlon' fw'Hcrr Urenrr NOTICE Is heretoV, Rlten that ;6n the Thirty-First dy rf- Decmbrrnetti the undersigned intends -ecrappjj tor; lands descrlbml s Lote- Hq,l. 7, .8 and 9, Elcck 47, District Loti 746pl)uv.i 1079, In the Prtoce Jluper Mnd" Htwlstra-tton District in XM province '-tkT British Columbia, tot the .sttle,Qf,.her..j the glass or the bottle for consumption on the premises or elsewhere. Dated this 3rd day of December, AD, 1837. ADAM PYPER. Applicant. By Westoyjer Phone 9 a p..iE five Special Sale Silk Knit Pyjamas and Gowns 8 These Are First Grade Goods df the Famous m Watson Quality Pyjama Suits In a variety of styles and colors. Values to $2.45. Special for, suit ' $1.45' I Pyjama Suits In a wonderful assortment of colors signs. Rgular values to $2.95. ; , . Special for, suit ....w............:... Pyjama Of finest quality. Values to $355. Special for, suit - Gowns-In similar quality to pyjamas. Assorted colors, Values to $155. Special for ..!.!.:. Gowns Assorted colors and patterns, some lace s and and de de- S1.75 I S2.75 S1.25 A SI .45 1 (VyiTTCC All CTlit'Civ? trimmed. trimmed. Values Values to to $2.50 $2.50 for tor w 1Y1 U U O A L L i 111 U Ei Gowns-In finest quality. Values to $2.95 Q4 S rt if i S!t for U Jm oniecuonery aiore . , .. . . ... , I gfr Pure Silk Dance Sets 4. Some lace trimmed and others u daintily a embroidered In white or tea rose. Values to 04 IE ?2 , S? i.tO fa ' .J . ' I to for crt Dance Sets In suede taffeta in white, or tea rose QP embroidered motif trim. Very special, set M .Any gf the Above Will Make Vry Desirable Oifts, Make This Your Shopping Centre. We Have a Very I'leasing V-Assortment of Both Practical and Useful Articles for Every Purse and Taste CHRISTMAS CARDS, SEALS, TAGS, FANCY WRAPPING, jfo TINSEL TWINE, CRACKERS. ICICLES, ETC. WALLACES Third and Fulton 1289) cubic fert cf wa.ter out Ct. Sf ruce Creek, T- I which flows East by Weist and drains' our tHI hmt antlvo nio rtne v-Teen aoout uir FuUy equipped for trolUng with' rt te. :ai. be a ;.Potet Buiuica. )Unaill wiu be ged Xor Unlng purpose, won i- en-n if ' U nnl.M AAeAflKiwI as TfvV ..O TA ' I son. iThanEveil TOYS For Everyone KAIEN HARDWARE 'lHm &OM-T 3ET THE SHA3 SO 1 YA i AiN AJBUU . OT HOWS THIS POR Wf f m IMUMWl . k - iw-r- m l.aJtLJ. PIIONE3 i It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News hat the people of the whole district, are doine the same. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. UVM ACT Nnlke of Intention to Appl; to Lease Land In Prince Rugxrt Land Recording District of British Columbia, and lttl- , ate- East of Prince Lehoo Island In Hudson fiar Pass, south of Dundns I Island cowplcuous white rock K' high (marlbed on chart). 1 Take notice that Frank Waterman of j Prince Rupert, B, C. oxxupwtton Miner Intends to apply for a lease of the fol- lowing described lands: all of a con-( sptcuous white rock 83 feet high and i Its surroundings (Rock marked on chsrt). Commencing at a post planted on a grassy rock 200 feot 8. E of N. W. feet 6outjiwmt;' thenoe BOO feet south- I west thence 800 feet Northwest; thence 800 feet Northeast and containing 16 i acres, mora or lew. 'I , FRANK WATERMAN. I Dated October 4, 1937. Reach tlie moat people In city and district with an advertLMment Li.wwM Hri. jn the'Dally New i