THRIFT Seasonal Specials SLICED 1'INArFLk Cn liia k Label. Iff-oz. tin " itirn OLIVES -I n 5-oz tin m. TOMATO SOUP- Ofip Campbell's. 3 tins. SALAD DRESSINti JZ-UZ, jut SHKIMFS 95ft Wet or Dry. Tin UUTTKR First QOp grade. 3 lbs. IEAS Standard, 91 Sieve 5. 3 tins " ww NIBLET CORK Nia tara Brand. 10-or. Unv CHATEAU CHEESE OOn Mb. pkg. SANDWICH SPREADS OCp Hedlunds. 3 tins w' TOMATO JUICE ftp Campbell's 2Q-oa. tin vv AYLMER CHICKEN Tin 25c LEMONADE POWDER 2Q(J 0-U4. " TOMATO CATSUP Libbys, 12-oz. bottle U1CE KRISPIES Pit: cofif.i; Maxwell House. Lb B. & K. rASTKi FLOUR 10 lbs. 17c 11c 37c 43c JEWEL SHORTENING 2 lbs. 25c ICING SUGAR 2 lbs, bulk . LUMP SUGAR 3 lb: bulk CLASSIC CLEANSER 2 ins IIIEBOUY SOAP Bar .... 4 CORNSTARCH Per pkg I'hone 179 15c 25c 11c 7c 10c We Deliver ? Can You Equal This? Clean, Comfortable Rooms with Hot and Cold Water Home Cooked Meals Beautiful Harbor View Board & Room $40 Mo. and Up "All White Help- KNOX HOTEL Andrew Ferguson Is Laid At Rest Interment Takes Place This After. noon in Soldiers' Plot Friends gathered at the B. C. Undertaker's chapel at two o'clock this afternooq to pay final respects Today1 Weather (Oovornmaat "legri y I TAUNTS nitlNG DEATH GODIIRA, India, July 26: CP) ' Three youths-who attended a caste rfinnpr her were arrestee on a On The Family Budget Is it hard going to finance the last of the month? Try the Singer Plan Sew your way through. Make practical savings New fashions For You and Your Home" Your Singer summer booklet tells you how;. Call for a copy here it's free. Own a Modern Singer and Save Money We will be pleased to explain the Singer Plan of Domestic Economy and how it works .uu a month will do the trick. Phone 6 Or Call. No-Obligation The Sintrcr Shop A. THE DAILY NEWS PAflE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Richard Meadows sailed on the Prtnce George yesterday afternoon for a holiday visit In Victoria, Mrs. A. Sorensen and child re turned to the eity on the Prince George yesterday from a visit to to the memory of the late Andrew Ketchikan. Ferguson. The funeral rites weref conauctea Dy itev. n. a. Funston' Alex Macdonatd of the Ftrr llall or first, Presoyterlan Church and ..staff is saUkyr this afternoon en miss Lon juage accompanied tr.e'the Catala for a twn. ps? van ;hymns which were "Lead Kindly ! tlon trln to Vanr Light" and "Abide With Me.- In- I 1 . I- l 1 -.J in mucin wour. piuce m me sow- Constahl IT P rtfanH 1 os iers' plot In Westvlew Cemetery' thers. arrW i th. ,.t f. where William Ranee sounded the "Last Post' The pallbearers were-ILairy Smith, Swan Petersen, W. Pllfold, George Murray, Fred Godwin and J. S, Wilson. Interior on yesterdav afternoon's train, bringing in a prisoner with him. He returns to Smithers on this evening's train. PARIS, July 26: (CP) Paris sees i much navy worn for day, much Mark for nleht. The beautlfui Countess de Plas wears a navy blue suit designed for her by Moly- neux. This has an accordlan pleated skirt and a bodice of navy blue silk Jersey. The Jacket buttons alrj the way down, but the Cpuntess leaves the top open and fills, It In with an Indian scarf striped M and emeram. a crescenv-snapea diamond brooch holds thescarf In place. Black for evening, is inrice rep resented In a tulle model, ordered by the Baroness Eugene de Roths-j' child. Princess rignaiem ana vnej Marquise de Montesquiou- ezensac This dress has a flttted bodice:; with dropped shoulders ana draped decollete held by a huge bunch, of lllies-of-the-valley. The very wide skirt Is tiered with pleated flounces graduating in width. TtEFUSFl S15.64W BOULDER, Cola, July 26: CT .-Preferring tn 6Q to England as on amateur, Whlzzer White, all- round athlete going to Oxford a 'a Rhodes scholar from Colorado? declined a $15,000 offer to play football with Pittsburg Pirates, Newsies Sprucing Up ISTANBUL, July 28.-'(CP) By order of the Turkish ministry of the interior, news. yndors must wear polished shoes and shave dally. Defaulters' wilt be fined and have their licences to sen news papers withdrawn. NEWCOMER TO CAPE r.APE, TOWN. July 23: (CP) - The red and white ensign of Lat-r via was seen for the first time In Cape waters recenUy when the Ismail tramp steamer Everene docked. All but one of her crew of 34 I were Latvians. D. Zarelll and William Schriaberg returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a brief trip ta Juneau. j For drunkenness, Ernest Crowell; was fined $25, with option of seven j days' Imprisonment, In city police court yesterday. Harry. Towne and C. Charron, who have been, operating the Blll-mor sawmill, left on last evening's train for North Bay, Ontario. ' Roger Powell, Indian, was fined $10, wfth option of seven days' Imprisonment by Magistrate McCIy-mont In city police court yesterday j for drunkenness. John Thorneyeroft, Vancouver W. H. Tobey ON it. divisional assayer, was a passenger aboard the superintendent, returned to the city Prmeess Alice yesterday going n Sunday night's train from a trip through to Juneau enroute to the ever the line' as. far as Prince Triple Island Dense fog, west-, Tulsequah-Polaris mine. George on official duties, eny wina, nve miles -per nour; , . V light chop. Mrs. Neff and two sons and two Mrs. G. V. Kanley Is sailing this Langara Island Dense fog, south daughters were passengers aboard' evening .on the CataSa for Vanmn. . southwest wind, fourteen miles per! the Princess Alice yesterday going ver enroute to TranqulUe to visit ' hour; barometer, M.W); temperature through from Vancouver to Dawson' with her son Pat Hanley, who is a KacirlpnrA I In Vt, sea- moderate. to Join Dr. Neff who is established natfent In the sanitarium there, Dead Tree "Point Part cloudy, i as a dentist there. light southwest wind; barometer. . Jj Andrew Thompson returned to 29.90; temperature. 59; light chop. t. C. Wilding returned last night the city on the Princess Alice yes- uuir HarDor overcast, wesieny;rrom a trip to England. He was wind, srx miles per hour; barometer, . Joined at Winnipeg by Mrs. Wild-. 29.84; temperature. 56; light swell, lng and son who have been visit- Alert Bay Dense fog, calm; lng relatives while Mr. Wlldin barometer, 29.92; temperature, 48; sea smooth. Estevan Raining, southeast wind ten miles per hour; barometer, 29.90. Victoria Cloudy, southwest wind. twenty miles per hour; barometer, 29.84. Vancouver Smoky, calm; baro meter, 29.82. 1 Prince Qeorge Clear, southerly wind, four miles per hour; baro-! meter, 29.80. Terrace Clear, calm; tempera ture, 70. Alyansh Clear, calm; temperature, 64. Anyox Overcast, calm; temperature. 56. Stewart Clear, calm; temperature, 59. Hazelton Clear," 'smoky, calm. temperature, 62. Smithers Part cloudy, smoky, calm, temperature, 61. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, tern pcrature, 62. was away. Richard A. Champagne of Water- town, Mass., a well known Amerl can radio entertainer, and Mrs.. Champagne and son and daughter were passengers aboard the PTlncess Alice yesterday going north to make the round trip to Skagway. Mrs. Ernest Gammon returned to the city on the Princess Alice yest erday from a trip to Victoria. Her daughter. Miss Gammon, wtU arrive in the city on the Prince Rupert' momlne I 9- from Kamloons4 MM1AMn.4 terday from a holiday trip to Van couver. Mrs. Thompson and family will be back later, Father James Gordon and Father Leo Bosse left on last evening's train for a trip to Leac 'They are being accompanied by ratner uarmy wno joinea mem at Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bryant returned to- the Hy on last evening's train from a ten-day trip to They report the weather dry with forest fires breaking out. Mjrs. M. A. Prudhomme of Mont- tnmorrnw real arrived In the city from the for a visit. I E38 on "day night's train and j Paris Has Fancy charge of fatally wounding an old j. l , Dl t barber who taunted one of them f OF lllglll DldCA with not giving a caste dinner on I CT i the birth of a child. ' c,,ms T Be Favorite Color Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. - ' li ll! Ease the Strain Tor Days Now Sixth Avenue Has Been Sold A Vt This Genuine, Official Detetto-Kil Contains : I bottle of Secret DickTrcv locmnU Q-i ''noueh to print I44picturw); 1 let of negatives for printing pictures of Dick Tracy, Te Trutheart, Pat Patton and Dick Tracy, Jr.; I official Dick Tracy Detective Secret Instruction Book; 1 stylos for secret writing; 1 package of Hypo-Fixative; 1 special printing glass; J set of four printing frames, clips and blotting pad. lis navine a visit for a few daysiBrile, Pittsburg; B. Christall, Ed n un ,rv wo. ni w.u imnm V with her father-ln-Taw. A. J. Prud- monton; Gunnar Johnson and Elno " - official of the Oranby Co. years ago- arid who fs now identified with the B, C. Equipment Co., was a passenger aboard, the Princess Alice yesterday going through frcm Vancouver to Juneau enroute to Tulse-quah. He expects to be back here on the Princess Alice Saturday afternoon and will proceed on the Catala Sunday night to- Stewart. wife of Mr; Prudhomme's eldest son. i J. E. Duffy of Winnipeg general chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and son, Pat, were visitors In the" city yesterday, Mr; Duffy being here In the course of a tour over the line to visit various locals. He arrived from the Interior on Sunday night's train and sailed yesterday afternoon on the prince George for Vancouver. S. J. Maver of Smithers. district chair man, came In from Smithers with I Mr. Duffy and returned to the interior on last evening's train. Howard T. Mitchell, editor of Financial News, .Vancouver, Is re turning to the city this evening on the Catala after paying a visit to the Stewart district and will be here until' Friday when he will proceed to the interior by rail and drive back to Vancouver, v. w. Lester; Vancouver newspaper andj magazine writer, after naving Deen for the 'past week - at Stewart, Is coming In. with Mr. Mitchell and will , be accompanying mm w..uw Interior and south. 'WORK WANTED WORK WANTED By young man with: several years' experience In general, store, driving, trucking and mining.. Apply Daily News. d FOUND FOUND at Salt Lake Sunday, Ring. Same can be had at News office by proving property and paying for this advertisement, (tf) 193839 Radio Licences Due and Payable G. CLAVRING For Appointment Phone Red 787 or Black 733 The Finest PIANO TUNING In tho country can be yours, as done with the Tesonoscope" by Q. C. WALKER rhon Blui S89 212 4th St The residence of C. H. Elklns on Sixth Avenue east of Hays Creek has been sold to W. S. Hammond who will shortly be taking up residence therein. Hotel Arrivals Savoy 3. Ortquist, Lewis Island; C. F. Smithers and Burns Lake districts, oiand, Smithers. Royal M. Murphy, city. Prince Rupert J. M. Cummlngs, Victoria. Central J. A. Philip, C. N. R.; G. B. Mc- . homme. Mrs. Prudhomme .. Is . ... theiriaapaia, crcy. CASE DEFLECTS KNIFE BROACH, India. July 26: (CP) A tobacco case In his breast pocket saved a constable's life when a man aimed a blow with a dagger at his chest. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tei, Mrs. July 28. F. M. Good, First annual Port Day Ball, Thursday, August 25. Moose Hall. Phones 18 & 84 P.O. Box 575 Money-saving Values Every Day At MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store v Where,Qqllars Have More Cents Quality The Best Service The Best Opposite Canadian Legion NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll,, Proprltot -A DOME AWAY FROM BOMT Rate $1.M SO Rooms Hot & Cola Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhon m wlbmih PERMANENT WAVES Mrs. Crlttali formerly of the Hudson Bay Beauty Parlor of Vancouver will be glad to have you caU at the .Rose Marie Beauty Salon and give you advice for your next Permanent Wave. Specializing In all textures of hair. For Appointment Phone 94S Upstairs over the Cut Rate Shoe Store Cl Make SECRET MESSAGES J' INVSIBLE.WRITINOand FINGERPRINTS appear like magic. Also print real pictures of Dick Tracy, friends etc onanyplain paper with this amazing new SECRET DISCOVERY ! mall t box ham iMiat OmIh Con FIckM, OaoVw Pitt. M wktot M Pn. Kit and t c wild (hit coupon lor yew , Dick Tracy Secret , D.t.cto-iut. . DICK TRACY, Boa 10O, Stslutooa, Sil. rinii rai roe Dick Tricy Secret Dtecio-Kit. I encloej 2 box tope from either Queker Corn FUkei, Qu.ker Puffed When or Qu.ker Paged JUce .-Hue. '.01 Ne . Slrttl smJ Sumbir IIVOIUVUVU WAS I I A MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE AUGUST FURNITURE SALE 6 ODD DRESSERSr-Walnut finish, priced at Phone 775 $16 50 $18-50 327 TniRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:36 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tiekets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 MILK We Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 60S For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy DecemberlFrozen HERRING-BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Am Intmutiotul Daily Ntmj-pr ft records for rou th. worWi cle. tarntruettt. dolnii. Th Monitor dot. Dot .xplou trim, or i.awtion Mithw do Ifr lnor Uum, bu dull eorrtl?el ltn th.ra. mtur.f for bur mm M U W UmUr.. Including tb. WMklr Mtlot StcUoa. Th. Chrlntl.n Belene. PublkMnr. On., Norw.r 8tmt Bolton, Uu.Mhu.tttl , Pl.. .nt.r a iubwriptlou to Tb. ChrtrtUn Icl.nt Monitor foe iVw tiaofl month tM I month W0t t W.dn.idir luu.. Including M.f .tint tlon: 1 mr J o. lrm. ... JUdrii. Ctti If you lose anything, advertise for It.