rlr Spanish Capital Prepares For 1 Without Fear Or Hop OR PI IFF A. IMMSMa IN QUEBEC UP tnnrn IU. , A ...... . MSt Another Hard Winter e uui Longing For 'Fighting to Cease Hy CHARLES P. NUTTER. MADRID, July 26. (AP) This city, the proud, beau- ...w.v m.wi iv Yl.au kvj . . , nf vanntrih Pt waters of Lake St. John over fd flooding pntlrft rnnntlps troyin" cattle and buildings and ,vilV farmers destitute, the P" talcs Many mlcratcd and 0:3 who remained did little to ravine its fnrn llffml hitnrl. . - w tllV(.U V V I I LI I I V VI Halibut Sales Rllltniiafv American- 11.000 nnnnds. a (j,. Canadian. a . , i luuiiua, - -u i.!c ancl 5c. Vlktnjj. io, 1 Canadian a summer-jus uHw' r.T . -'iiv.il uit-ir eiioris were us-i . . . u,.i,a -iinri mi,,- .u. .i . . UmiicPKnhandoncd churches plica villi ail ii'ili .iiirii ill ni:i ii . ... met cither their Isolated (n .1 ... . en Quebec City, one of tht I . . , n ,f-ltM inP nign WIWI SvajJlCO Vi city monotonously depends for life. Food" Is sliort In Madrid today and will be shorter through the winter. People probably will die as they did last winter, or suffer cold and nrlvatlon. but prospects are none 'The second anniversary of con- rinQ finds Maana Madrid about uouu. one- nniv about 1,000 per- British rick-a-Back Plane, Is Now On Its Way Back Across Atlantic Ocean BOTWOOD, Nfld, July 26: The Imperial Airways pick-a-back sea plane Mercury was here last night from Montreal In the course of Its return flight .to Ireland after a' transAtlantlc crossing to New York Another German transAtlantlc Inl nnd tratric victim of Spain's civil war, faces the third flying boat, Northwind. arrived at jar of the conflict, sick to death of danger, destruction Washington New York, yes .. t i mt. i. 1 .1 T..1-. 10 mof? 11 is far distant, ine war starieti juiy 10, iyoo. f IANGER OF FIRES OVER . . nirt- 4 t Forests netting Under Control Out of the chaotic disorder or the first months of the rebellion, in which many competent observers reckon that between 30,000 and 50,-000 persons were murdered in the a .i I. n nniinlnaiiln I 1- nl n.n n O U(. Klnr vltlinn ..111.. f - rrtm t hi l- It It ............ rrtMtiir MURDER IS ALLEGED capital during a term of almost Arrests Follow Outbreak Yesterday complete anarchy, the government in Which Governor of Puerto now has strengthened Its authority' Rico Was Threatened to a point where even petty .thievery has dlsaDDcared. t SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, July 2C. day when Major-General Blanton r secret poltce-authorlty; the' citizens cr6wd. " seem resigned to the killing of sey- cral hundred thousand more Spanl- IP HP A V ards while followlne out the eovern- I it T.A I ) I ...u V.UI.HJ v..-. mcnt p0llCy of-lighting on tin me wnnii oi uDor unucr j death. Search where you will in; Oreanizcd Plan Madrid todayi you xt no conclusive : i.i u: iar norm as uuu&uu ., .in....i, h. ni.in,inn tini !MD vhrr Quebec touches the I ' will! a"c" n eventually :!?ds:itr thrrc Is not one man f. , m.,..i,.m' Qu.br province Uvlng on dlrcci " , ' ef esc pt m Montreal area, ac-' Municipal auinonuea aircuay me sir- d hr Montreal Standard iwring iuuu auu uHH" 'et two vcar.4 acn at list 5.000 rylng Madrid through Its n la rural districts .were sup- winter of war. t?d w by the jovernmert papr:r ays. adding that today ars aboi iiiir six days a week, Present preparations indicate cr '-u;'ri? village, bulldlrg that long-suffering Madrid, by Honor, Says Chamberlain Ruuclman to Investigate Czech Problem LONDON, July 2G: (CP) Prime Minister Seville Chamberlain dared in the House of Commons t Once the eavest and one of the (CP)-Four members of the Na-, EATTLE, July 26. An extensive most beautiful clUe, in .Europe, S" t lire tn Olympic Natiopal Maana toaay nas reveriea 10 me " ,,t f rimm, vtPr. . , TO FIGHT ' evidence yet that the people will IONTR. AL, July 26: (LD v ,h renubllean cause col- rtrialn Wnnlrt .Sacrifice Peace Fot I . 11- - tf.. J. M War Discipline Accepted third nhou r nnd "transformlra iiohtpnins its belt even tighter, 'rctchrs Into maenlficcnt ' mnM 4nt nhnnt survive next win- where tourists will want to ter even jf isolated. The people ;er - - jhave' learned through experience ot cr.?v is t,he countryside belns to obey blindly government au-de attractive, the paper contln-1 ,K..rtt m.iniini for the common but aho the rugged Lake St u' hrnm(, nn nccomrjllshed ....... t U MVvaaav - - I n rtt;tiA i..t i.j ...itv ........ "-' 'aut" wi-.il f . amone the most lndlviauaus- ! a.w'" . easy acc4 aUthorlty-hatlng race In Europe. wnuumi ana otner marKe'M k n.i uhr.9t nnd no- rlltfi.M i. .i.uA .j j WiUl iVW' ' . I (tato " v crop uf In hand and assured of "mi uionrprs F'WIlltliJ nna I1UU siaxnrn ltVOlt1 II , ' ..... ... . ...j.m . ...m ...il irom vne vatvuwa an.i ..... I today: "Let no one imagine that, j , although we seek peace, we arc willing to sacriiicc, even ioi peace, British honor and British vital interests." This . statement was made by tht Prime Minister while he defended the foreign policy of his government. He asserted that the country's defences were be- ' : coming more and more formid able each day. At the samclime, Mr, Cham 1 if ! VICTORIA I i, Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Misty, southeast High 0:55 ajn. 22.7 ft. wind, eight miles per hour1; baro-mcler 13:41 p.m. 20.9 ft. 29.32 (falling); temperature. Low 7:30 ajn. 0.0 ft. j3 ! ;ht swen. 19:45 p.m. 4.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER X .-w XXVII No,. 173,N PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1938 PKICE: 5 CENTS ul an&oukuo Is Invaded By Russia ,m iriYiiii nii,ir rim THIRD YEAR OF WAR'S SIEGE; MADRID IS SICK MFRfllRY RETURNS I Anrrlrk-PvanoVi intigiu a. tviiv.it moving towards agreement on various vexed problems such as the Chechoslovakian minority question and other issues. DEFENCES Accord Hailed 1! BERLIN, July 26.- (CP) Proclaiming the visit of King George VI. to Paris a new success for the Londcn- I I BULLETINS BAD CARIBOO FIRE WILLIAMS LAKE The most serious forest fire in ihe history of the Cariboo blankets the dis- threatens lngly carrying out the frequent ing killed and many injured by private property u jumps and drastic wartime decrees of shots and rioting which followed 1'on.efly River. Vancouver 1s- government and patiently await- the Incident. The Incident wps land's great blare is still tran- lng the end. finally quelled by the police after quil without wind; Securely bound In the grip of shots had been fired Into the " FISHERMEN'S' LEADER DIES NEW WESTMINSTER. Leonard Petterson, 68, one of the founders of the British Columbia Fishermen's Protective Association, is dead. He was presi- dent of the Fishermen's Union j for twenty years. CRUMBLE IN CHINA Sergeant Ernest Gammon hns and dying soldiers on both sides, taken over charge of tnc city ponce flict f the Ume belng m addI- . - arrw&-'HAIFA HAS mert u;lif until . rPin'M n.1.. .I)r nrnnrr. niter being , , e , unemployed and . ii.i,viivV the inKS. nlfacked niv i-iyj f from ' the air , ... . W www II w. mwm TIMk mw living on repeatedly j ... H 16 ?r November, 1936, to February, Wither Weather loreCaSt forecast W 1LU I UVlL . - - l j 1937, has not now been oomo . fifteen months. nA.mfnt General Kvnunsls Synopsis The The nressu pressure sons have been killed and 4.000 to couver Is,and and has fallen on 5 000 Injured In Madrid proper dur" the north coast. Fine weather hi 8,lc lng the first two ye,ars of war. Ac- bpcn generai in An parts of Brl-ih. fipath and casualty list , ..mma. -3c i far creater. The government, to, prlncc Rupert and Queen Char- nrevent the spread of alarm, ha;totte Isiands-pitti 1 11 hi n. j r. 1 nn. i u i g . u ac 1 . toVne from miein Al, 6.00(1 rvi.i vUlu omragc, ana Fanny f 7nnn .,., . .v.iii- vr.w. 111111 pensive artillery shells to fill an, jjciuj . . u Thn The victim victims (Continued on Page 4) mill. -lviuutiiin; i.u neon Pearl 11 JTm" o, found lt convenient to minimize' nlmlzc southcast wlnd,, Hni shifting to sou'.h , w ..iitinni in rnrmii liuii. kiitl uuuuj. "i,v" - - .1 K,pn calculated that It DCraturc with some mist or light w ' . . . i i...Antlf OV. .. West Coast of Vancouver Island Moderate to fresh southwest qL tu n-comUtanU which winds, pt cloudy and .cool with fog patches. Racial Conflict Continues With Five Losing Lives Today Following Sixty-five Yesterday. HAIFA, July'26: (CP) Five more persons were killed today in racial conflicts which took sixty-fiv lives In Haifa yesterday. Three members of a terrorist gang wers slain In a battle with special constables whom they attacked and two Jews were killed In ambush. Royal Marines tour Haifa,. which' Is clouded by smoke of incendiary fires, In Jrucks. . PERISHED IN WELL Man and His Son Victims Of Meth- ane Gas in New Westminster Yesterday NEW WESTMINSTER, July 26:- Thomas Graham, a well cleaner, i Paris entente, the German and his sixteen-year old son, Fred press appears unanimous In perished, the victims of methane! editorial praise for Anglo- gas when working in a well here ' French friendship. Meantime late Yesterday. After others had! there seems a tendency for risked their lives In endeavouring' nations all around to be to rescue them, the bodies wert nnauy taxen out by members of the fire department. They were b- J yond revival by inhalator crews. tWPABIG WASHINGTON. D. C, July 26: According to figures made public yesterday, the Works Progress Ad Deal went Into ooeratlon in 1935 Vir I Via ctrtrl rf IVt a nrAcnn f f I o 1 York leads the list so far as Individual states are concerned with : California fifth. WAR HEROES TO TRAVEL n.l..:. r. ir.u... f -! off .24, and utilities, up .09. Today's Baseball National League Cincinnati, 6; Boston, 2. Pittsburg, 5;- Philadelphia, 6. Chicago, 10; Brooklyn, 8. St. Louis. 6; New York, 5. American League New York, 10; St. Louis, 5. Philadelphia, 2; Cleveland, 4. Washington, 5; Detroit, 6. Boston, ,1; Chicago, 9. Miss Ella Daly of Boise, Idaho, aunt of Mrs. W. P. Armour . nnd Five Golconda Mlnto -Falrvlewfewa: ! Convention in Toronto i- . " Canadian Corns reunion are a bcrlain announced that Viscount guarding Hankow from the East. iDowell, V. C, Montreal, Bcllerden Mercury Ruiiciman had agreed to become ' Today occupation of Kiuklang v. oauu, imiuuo, .investigator and mediator in the ;vas announced by the Japanese. dispute between the Chechoslo vakian government and its Sude-tan German minority. Sergeant Gammon Taking Charge Of City Police breaking the principal Chinese de fence line in the Yangste Valley the occupation of the city, 135 miles below Hankow, opening the, path for a major Japanese drive: on the provisional Chinese capital. Chinese military sources admit-1 ted that more than 1,000 Japanese! troops had gained the west bank( of Poyang Lake after a week-long battle. Waters of the lake wer? New York Stock Market Steady Rails and Steels React to Selling But List Otherwise Remains Firm Hour Battle Beattle Central Patricia Gods Lake r.. Little Long Lac McKenzle Red Lake .. Red Lake Gold Shore NEW YORK. Julv 26: Ralls and PirH Prmur .08 Noble Five .....l...::...:..... .03 Perid Oreille 2.30 Pioneer 2.95 Porter Idaho 03 Premier, 2.32 Reeves McDonald 41 , Reno .46 Relief Arlington .15 34 aaimon uoia ., mz 'Taylor Bridge 03 number of Canadian holders of Orandvlew the greatly coveted Victoria Cross, maian ."ivz Ouatsona CooDer .,:... ....... .04 Japanese Are Continuing Their iers have planned to travel to Tor- Halda Gold .... .03 ,4 Drive Toward Hankow onto over the Canadian National, - Railway. Those having so arranged Oils. - SHANGHAI, July 26: The spear- 'nclude Vice-Marshal W. A. Bishop,! ": ' honrt hf JaDanese Yaneste River v- u- . w.. u.. ocrBi. n, . r. - minmru smnshPd throueh the oitt- Ooode V. C. South Bathrust, N.B.; Calmont er line of Chinese defences east of Major Frederick M. Harvey. V. C, 'Kiuklang yesterday and begaa I Strathcona Horse. Winnipeg, driving a bloody wedge toward the Man.; Corp. Fllip Knowowal. V. C. 't,orf f that ritv, last stronghold Ottawa. Ont.; Lt. Col. T. W. Mac- C. & E. ...v 2.60 Freehold .05V2 Hargal - - .15 McDoueall Segur - -. .17 .ins Okalta -. 1-50 Pacalta ..V-. r 07 Home Oil 1-32 Toronto 1.22 2.70 .56 3.60. 125 .13 4.90 , reddened with the blood of dead steels reacted to selling off activity San Antonio 1-26 on the New York stock exchange ' sherrlt Gordon :. 1-55 yesterday but, on the whole, tbe;Smeiters Gold : 05 trena was steady. Tne industrial 1 McLeod cocckshutt 4.15 average at closing was up .67; rails, 1 nchpr 18 Oklend - 20 Madsen Red Lake 36 Stadacona - 62 Francoeur '. 45 Moneta 1-97 Bouscadlllac - i Waged Between Reds And Nippon Guards More Serious Border Incidents Soviet Troops Cross -Ussuri River Under Naval Protection And Set Fire To Two Villages TOYKO, July 26. (CP) Dispatches from Hsinking today reported three new Soviet-Manchoukuoan border incidents including a five-hour battle between three hundred Red Army soldiers and Japanese Manchoukuoan frontier enards. The disnatches declared that the trouble SPFNniNf1 1 bean wnen red troops crossed the Ussuri River under' ul LjL U 111 VJ protection of Soviet gunboats and set fire to two Mancho-: By End of Year $50 Per Capita Will Have Been Expended In United States For Recovery kuoan villages. The Soviet troops withdrew in an exchange of fire that followed. TODAY'S STOCKS ( Courtesy "B. D. John&ton Co.) ministration has spent $37 per cap- ' ita for every man. woman and n n Minvi ;rt ;d unilnr control last night, a lifeless, overgrown town squatting Wjnship governor of Puerto Rico, I tllct wllh heavy smoke. The fire child In the United States since the Bje missquh iU - A-tfl l- , Ar- 1 MAlif 1 1 II " . . 1 1 udcrcd ever Horsefly Lake Aztec Vancouver .09 .34 9.40 .07 255 year. It Is esUmated the total will -y , t Dentonla -U - .04V5 z HAD TINY MONARCHY Ruler of Leitchenstein, One Of World's Tiniest Nations, Tasses Away VIENNA, July 26: Prince I, ruler ot the tiny principality .'OToechtensteiiiu ,and .gne. oljhe '"'.wealthiest men Jn the. world, died yesterday. Born August 28, 1853, he succeeded on February 11, 1929, on j the death of his brother, the 89-year old Prince John II, who hsd ruled for seventy-one years. He married on July 22, 1929, Frau E!fa von Eroes, the former Baroness Guttman of Vienna. Liechtenstein is on the Upper Rhine between Austria and Switzerland. It was a member ct Xptt7. Tthl Premier Border -01,8 the German Confederacy until 1866. Sfril Zflt IZ f lZZt. Z SUbak Premier : 1.95 For years it .was a dependency, of world war who have planned to be ,,, . . , . . , . ..i.f- inTnmnttihiu-XpnH fnrth, Congress - 018 Austria but in 1918 it? complete HOme UOlu . Ul muepeiiucutc m It is .08 Yt Incorporated In the Swiss customs territory and Its foreign Interests are represented by Switzerland. PATTULL0 IS JEARD rublic Works and Increase of Military Forces Advocated in Order To Lessen Unemployment VICTORIA, July 26: (CP) Premier T. D. Pattullo thinks that British Columbia's unemployment problem could be lessened if the Dominion and provincial govem- iments jointly started various pub lic works projects and n the military forces of the Dominion were increased. The Premier announced In a radio address last night that he Intended taking up the province unemployment problem with the Dominion again. White Coat For New Post Office rainting of Handsome New Federal Building Here To Shortly Get . Under Way Thompson Cadillac - " outstde plastering of the Bankfleld v- , new post Office building on Third East Malartlc - - 2-04 ' Avenue Is nearlnc completion. In J Preston E. Dome ,. -90 J Jact there is oniy a smau amount Hutchison Lake 03 . at the back yet to be done. The Dawson White - Aldermac r- - -60 Kerr Addison 2-01 Uchl Gold 2.24 International Nickel .1 07 Hardrock I 2.70 Mrs. Max'Asemlssen, arrived In the (Barber Larder -28 city on the Catala Sunday night! Mandy ....,.-; and will be here Indefinitely. I Rand 'Malartlc .40 exterior of the building is now prsctlcally ready for the painter, Fred Scadden, to go to work with his contract which will leave tho structure a glistening and attractive white. Meanwhile, plastering of the Interior got.started today on the upper floor.