ae ey: ok Di Be nasi Save PAI DAILY Do You Want a Buyer for It? Ty the News Want Ad. Way. It’s a Goo ALLEGE BOYCOTT. ===> <== pa OROOROROMRNREEC BY SUPT. LOVE) “The News” Classified Ads. | | Use The Gem Desk Calendar i Three lots, % cash, Two lots, block bal. block cash, bal cent, block 22, section 5, $1,650; $500 bal, 6, 9, 12 months block 2, section 5, $4,500. Equity Fine view lots, block 6, section 5, $1,500. }, 12 months, at 7 per cent, block 28, section 5, $525 $225 bal, $50 every 3 months, at 7 per 7, section 1, $2,500 each; i, 2, 3 years at 7 per cent. 29, section 1, $5,000 pair; 6, 12, 18 months, at a My per Two lots, cash, f 3, Two lots, cash, $300 One lot, cash, cent, One lot, cash, One lot, cash, block 11, bal. 6, block bal. 3, One lot, block Section 6, $2,250. Half 2 months, at 7 per cent. section 7, $800. §200 6, 12 months; with cabin 16, section 7, $650. $300 cash, 3, 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 17, section 7, $1,600. third cash, bal. 1 and 2 years, at cent, Two lots, cash, lots, One- 7 per block 42, section bal. 6, 12 months, block 3, section 7, $650 each. 4 cash, bal.6, 12, 18 months, lots, block 3, section 7, $550 each. cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months, at 7 per cent. Four lots, cash, corner, Three lots, cash, bal. cent, Two lots, block 28, section 8, 61,000, One- 7, $550 each. block 3, section bal. 6, 19, 7, $3,000, 18 months. 4 Large % 18 months, at 7 per block 37, section 7, $1,600. 6, 12 third cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months. Cor- ner, Two lots, block 28, section 8, $850. $250 cash, bal. 6, 12 months. Two lots, block 49, section 8, $400 each. $50 cash, bal, $15 per month, Five lots, block 10, section 8, $275 each; ing out a threat to preveni Union Transfer Co, The writer for. the company makes his appeal with the sen- tence: “Knowing you gentlemen I do to be all just and far sighted to all matters pertaining as utilities and not being of a pat- ronizing nature,”’ but goes on to} say “of course we could mention innumerable instances there has been partiality shown} of your public works. But being} painful to oursel¥es, we shall not recall to memory any further of the injustices of this matter.” The letter was received filed. and bal. $15 per month. FOR RENT. Store, Second avenue at Sixth street, FOR SALE. Cabin with four rooms; eS uae OT ee: Jeremiah H.K i. Kugler, Ltd. Messengers and Newsboys I. W. W. meets at 14 a. The Local, m. All messengers and newsboys in| the city who are not already members are invited to attend to a for membership. COMMITTEE. Wishing you the Compliments of the season Holiday Goods at Less than | = sell at a price that Look Out for Bargains at Cost. We are not going to carry thein over, but have decided to will SELL them. | | | | BIG FURNITURE STORE | Second Ave. and Sixth St. Entrance on Second Avenue. — <= = ——————— ===: ° Phone 82. THE IDEAL FURNISHING BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE Harry Smith It Is The Trained Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! them a business training. (eae Clas i Hees} It is the nearest business college to Prince Rupert. It’s fees are within reach of everyone. Its tuition is personal, and develops the individuality of the pupil. Room and board is cheap in Nanaimo. The pupils are away from the distrac- tions of the larger cities ; 1 C. E. Perry, Principal Bree Sed ] To fit your son or daughter for a business The best place to send them to is the : Nanaimo Business College It It May | Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You Daily News for our booklet te NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE oer career you must give Ms tc sess cess see AN LL Byatt hos’ a |peril, strange adventures with! CeCe eo Se |creatures of the forest and the | sea; moving stories of life’s ob-| Our shorthand course includes tuition in | scure heroisms; stories breezy The Ben Pitman System of | with good-natured humor, quaint } Shorthand l and curious character sketches. | Syne Buguieh and Let- Now is the time to subscribe, | Catomareial Atithmetic for the new subscriber in Canada | Office Routine will receive free from the time | Spelling his $2 is received all the issues | peeing | for the remaining weeks of 1944, | } containing the opening chapters | ae |}of Ralph D, Paine’s great serial | UE ESS | story of the Boxer rebellion, | "The Cross and the Dragon,’ esau arene errereroen + And there is the gift of The Gom- ;}panion calendar for 1912, “On a ca aa nt at jthe New England Coast,” litho- aching how to write shorthand {graphed in ten colors and gold. ( { Nanaimo, B.C. i Union Transfer Co. Claims That They Have Not Got a Square Over the City Teaming. Besides their letter demanding any | city teaming from coming to the} to the management of the public | where | in the matter of the distribution | | jon will print nearly With glorious long serial c | Stories so varied and interesting; | | stories of coolness in the face of | scribers, vanced © Boston, received i iz i} —TH fulfillment of the coal contract, BSS the Union Transfer Go. addressed a letter to the City Council last night protesting against the al-} Phone 150 leged boycotting of their firm by Th | P le} Mr. Love, superintendent of the e nsurance eople| Light department. The letter Fire gives Mr. Love credit for succeed Life ia See ” hatin Marine ing “to a certain extent” in carry- "Accident Plate Glags Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Written Direct Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.—Houses and Rentals. Servian Labor Benefit Society | No. 195, S.S.S.S. Meetings held every Ist and 8rd Sunday of the month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZL UM, Secretary P.O, Box 991 President | OVER A WOMAN ‘Two Ranchers Near Reno Fight) | | | ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertio HERE ERE ARE NO “DE )NI | Ba a J { For Rent tt Ft Hk Ht Yd Ht eS For Rent—Two roomed cabin freshly papered and clean, o H F. McRae & Co. nly $1 t- } eo Insurance Pd Pd Ht Pt settlements. to McBride, per month. f rs Oe es PE et a OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just We write every known class 0! ~~ ~_— Rk Pt Pt SP et Be MURDER AND SUICIDE Tragic Affair Has Occurred at Queen Charlotte City. The wireless station at 3 o'clock this afternoon received a message from Charlotte City on Graham Island to the effect that | a shocking tragedy had occurred Insurance, The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. there this morning. | mersrmnsrmermaiernsomsrmsrmsomarmmsrmnsih | Wanted Ls eel anted—General Servant. ‘anole Mrs. L. W. Patmore. Maternity nurse open for engagement. Box 2159 News. Wanted. Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 294 Red. tf 6 room modern house, close in. Box 89. es Furnishings line, to take position Prince Rupert from Jan. 10th, 1912. 102, Daily News Office. 293-298 Other maid kept tf Apply tf Dressmaking, cleaning and press- ing, repairing for men and women. Mrs Charles Wanted to rent or lease by first of January, 5 or State terms to Wanted—Young man, thoroughly acquainted in In Write Box The water is to be taker one half mile above it | for developing power outlet of said creek TO COMPLETE RESERVOIR from the stream about outlet, and is to be used a quary situated at the ng the Railway grade 3800 in of the counting 1942. paper | the | they | than a you will} all hrown the In, rest and slories, the subscriber less aplece, ost ent Moreover ay ALPE D CHRISTIAN GARDE = - atec ov. 28th, 1911 d-27 Acropolis Hill Is Again the Scene Corliss Coon Collars dibs eR aior THERE'S NO ork 1s now proceeding with ‘ : GETTING ,; the excavation of the rest of the ET TI AWAS BS bs 3rd & 7th Acropolis Hill reservoir. Day from a labor is employed under city} 3: suppervision, Tool houses, pow- GREENE der shacks, ete., have been erect=| *_ at the work, and good progress ~ s being made, GUN Man or Woman What Is Your Family Worth? | No other g can equal the : | GREENER for regularity of pattern If your family is worth the best (i, @. even distribution of shot you can afford in house and food combined with efficient penetration and clothes, is it not worth the chat Ramon tp ter i. re mee best reading as well? And the Greener was the first gunmaker in best reading—best for boys and wore Prion Chena Inte ee girls, best for men and women—|f pf his mip tamed “system (Of ‘choke - al ys rs soring, “pattern” had been the gur }is to be found in The Youth's makers’ “will ¢ the wisp,” ww 1 Greener made it his servant and all 4 Companion, the world’s greatest honors have | r stories ¢ , The 2een Won with GREENER GUNS Of stories alone The Compan- | rhis is the kind you want W. W. GREENER 63-65 Beaver Hall Hill Montreal, P.Q. ook long before you will find| nly $2 now to Canadian sub- but on January 4, 19142, he subseription price will be ad- to $2.25, The Youth's ompanion, 144 Berkeley 8t., Mass. New subscriptions at this office, | | | | DRIED BREWERS’ GRAIN Clean, bright and wholesome in water and carbohydrates, taining nearly double the amount of fat and protein, pound for pound, than the ordinary feedstuffs in local It Meets all the Requirements of a Profitable Dairy Feed and compared in price asked for other feedstuffs is triple protein value for your money, Its superiority lies in the fact that feed low but con use with what is ing it increases both the total di gestible matter and the amount of fat and protein in the daily ration AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 6O PER CENT ON FEED. You should not be without tt Malted grains, fresh and sweet from the brew kettle dried in a continu ous vacuum process by THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD Co, Limited Dryers of and Dealers in Feed roducts SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS VANCOUVER, B. C. | | | bylaw Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that William Moore, of Saanich, B. C,, occupation farmer, intends to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the | southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset In jet, thence east one hundred chains, thence south sixty-four chains, thence west to the | beach), thence along beach to point of | commencement, containing six hundred and forty (640) acres, more or less WILLIAM MOORE George Young, Agent. Dated Noy, 14, 190114 15, 1911, Sealed tenders, addressed to the under- | Signed, endorsed “Tender for Dwelling House” and accompanied by a certified cneque for 10 p.c, of the amount of the tender will be received up to noon on _ecember 318t, 1911, for the erection of | less ; Government Wireless Service, murdered a young white girl, the | daughter of a resident, and has |committed suicide. The name of | the Chinaman and the unfortun- | ate girl victim were not given in tragedy. DISTRIBUTOR WILL LEAVE is to Be Taken Apart and Rebuilt on the Thompson River. re , lapte ac f ho arrived | | WANTED—Youth with business college Captain Jackman, w and Kill Each Other. | training to learn a wholesale trade in] ¢; « Prince Rupert this morn | n th rir I douse office Apply, with particulars, to box t met take the. Dia j ‘ » s eo 9 - s r as “o y oO 3 6- | (Canadian ides ‘Deapatdh. ) 13, News office. 289-293 NS, “Ass ‘Co! eae “4 Re Dec. 27 In a duel with | WANTED—A firm to sell the new model} tributor off the slip at Digby eno, ec. 27.—In a duel with Nc 10 Smith-Premier typewriter, the Island and take her to Vancouver. guns near Lovelock at noon ves- finest machine ever produced, James PF. 5% . _ . " vt | Morris Co,, 1087 Granville St, Van-| The well-known vessel has been terday Andrew Kilabrow and Wil-! — couver 204-230 : ‘ ‘ Wy . war . raped sold by Foley, Welch & Stewart liam Walker were killed. Kila-| wayrep SuMecient good second-hand iivohy Br ¢ Spokane. who brow was shot fourteen times.| furniture to stock three rooms—bed, | '0 wohy ros. OF Sport Bott } FP sd sitting room, dining room and kitchen.! wil] have the vessel taken = to oth men-were ranchers, amily Apply box B, News Office 296-297 g | ‘ ieces and sent to Kamloops, trouble is given as the cause of| struaTION wantea—yYoung man with ex-| P!"' onal the the fight perience in draughting and surveyicg| Where she will work on Ti : S06 ; , references Box 1226, News Thompson river in connection ARRIVED TODAY Sle apes Pam ale with their contract for the build ing of the Great Northern Rail | Prince Rupert Brought Back | F For Sale Way. { » passing of the Dis Many Old-Timers to the City, | remem eee h oe = i : J ae mi ripuUulor ere ‘emains Oo vu 3 es FOR sale—Furniture for 5-room house . : » s1e of all the The Prince Rupert's passenger Box 851, city 289-205 nia ~ ane satin of all tt oley ‘ich et. }list Lhis morning included Mr, A, | qermermerermermermermsrmermermeernmermnesl ; oe rh Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Robert | Ross, Mr, and Mrs T. J ne Stenographer WARNED STERNLY | nn : mond, Mr. T. J. Jackman, WH, | terme merece ere er mente sa 7 Midnight Visitor Let Of Lightly | | Law, H. D. McKellar, C. P. Merrill, | Bastern stenographer of wide experience | | . position. Address ‘“‘Stenographer,"’ 662 Cc Because of His Family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Monroe and Mr.| dovaSt.. Vancouver, B.C tr |} R. Cross. Se 7 ~ ee Magistrate Carss this morning jaidieliiieuitiens speceiladeiddict os | . : stor read a very stern lecture to the RUPERT BEAT BEATRICE j Business Chances j jmidnight marauder, Ed. Strom, a window at the home | Passenger and Mail Lists Light— ie : | Who broke ¢ a . DON’T worry about rainy days We do} of Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Sixth Beatrice Has the Xmas Mail. family washing at 25 pleces for one : : ae doiiat. Special care given fine fannels.} avenue On Xmas Eve Accused, Ate aee Y Phone 118. Pioneer Steam Laundry. ‘ ; rife ¢ j , e With.a rather light passenger 289-300 ‘ who has a wife and six children : was released with a nominal fine, list, the Prince Rupert arrived : . romising good behavior. He has | this morning at about 11 o'clock, Water Notice P . ani yes 2 e Mail brought by the Rupert was A lovely ee aes adi : h averare > - I, Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, oc-| FOL a8 a sort Of Amas bo) row average, the heavy Xmas mail! be- cupation Mining Engineer, give notice that on the | 1,1} son atin RRA ita THe athe ‘ing on the Princess Beatrice, | 28thday of December, 191i, 1intend to apply to| D/H when fT the Water Commissioner at his office in Prince | Santa Claus act through the glass which the Rupert passed on her Rupert fora license to take and use two cubic lwys . The pethet ivi eet of water per second froman unnamed stream | PUlie. way north. The Beatrice should | in the District of Coast Range 5. Skeena Division, | arrive this afternoon, 1-4 mile east of the Tyee Station, ( P. Ry. | RETURNED WITH THANKS | Two Montenegrins Who Scrapped at Kitsumkalum Go Back. Samens and Boydan Bjeeldich, accused of having used knives in a quarrel. They are to their preliminary hearing at of the scrap, Mr. Little being magistrate negrins, Joe | LAND PURGHASE NO’ Magistrate McMullin one WAS FLEECED [—— ieee ce et eee mt Skeena Land District District of Coa | Kitsumkalum of the two Monte- BY LO A N SH A RK Take notice that Miss Mary Muly Ireland, occupation spinster, inte | have | the George there, Where to Find Them. new city weigh shape rapidly on across Second John Hotel, The taikng avenue, from the St. scales are First street For Their Qwn Good. %& Protection of pipes from frost made compulsory on owners of premises under the new Water under consideration, is Dec ‘Department if the Vara Service RADIOTELEGRAPH SERVICE. ‘dwelling houses at the Government Wire- Stations at Prince Rupert, Cape Lazo and Point Grey, Plans and speci following places fhe Governinent Point Grey, Cape Prince Hupert. eouver, Nanaimo office of the rations may be seen at Wireless Stations at Lazo and Digby Island, The Postoffices at Van and = =6Prince Rupert. District Superintendent, ‘letoria, apd vartment of the Naval Service, Ottawa Jnauthorized publication of this notice wul not receive payment j DESBARATS, i. J, Deputy Minister of the Naval Service, ue ve A Chinaman resident there had | the flash telling of the awful) ithk sary to a well equipped desk as pen ri 0 ‘\ * " a * his automatic reminder will be your best a fr * Calendar of past, present and future month on ¢ s « a 1912 PADS NOW READY e + complete, $4 ORDER NOW. Price par - I> Price meormesaess McRae Bros. Everything for the Office Limited Red ac ree see rae race | The Best Procurable. AF Absolutely pure we. Ce ee ett eG PR gg a PF FIRST: “CATCH YOUR PRINTER” DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING A HARE FIRST: CATCH YOUR HARE” — | PBB R | | To produce good printing*you must ‘‘first catch your good printer. . . You can’t get good printing from a poor printer, even if he work with never so good an equipment, If he lacks the ‘‘knack,’’ the trained taste, the single-minded fondness for his work whic! real printers have, he will do poor printing for you If he has all of these, and in addition to them ade quate modern equipment, your printing will have | distinction, salesmanship, the lure of type-beauty | As this office produces good printing you may infer the presence of a good printer—who is ‘‘catchable FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE ‘* NEWS Jo! PHONE 98 Third Avenuc Daily News Building { ( { l { { | l ; | l { { l | j A cmncarinsetneemséonbertntomne meaeeigundiran fr ema lmnapnerieascentor at tedt me oratv estar! "7 e the foil ist i RoteeeeOn to purchase Co ommencing at a post planted one ch of the soctheast corner of Lot 552, t 4C chains, thence east 20 cha: the le & Poor Woman in Chicago Paid, | chains, thence west 20 chain ' mencement; containing eight os, $450 Off a Loan of $26, and, | Dated Oct. 11, 1911 MiSs MARY M Still Owed Nearly $900 When) | Pub. Nov. 11, John C. Mulv Loan Agent Died. | - Skeena Land District—Distri : | Range 5 Chicago, Dec, 27.—For fifteen| Take note that i John Aretr aclis, | penter, of ictoria, B. C., intend | years Mrs. John H, Murphy made | foy"hermission to purchase the payments to a money lender try SE eeaihink in) 1 post planted a omm«e a post planted al ing to rid herself of a debt of $25) and one-half miles northeast | 4 ut HKiver, on the ineurred by her son. In that time pntake (OF eat and about five } she paid the toan agent more pack from ithe warerfropt, the nee - 80 chains, rence es Oo ¢ n than $450, and when the pay-j north 80 chains, thence east 8 1 ) of co ‘ncement, containin ments were finally stopped after ton = he neta Ph eee . : 1 his death she still owed nearly | JOHN ARGIRA ee rec U0 ', . double the original amount, Dated Oct, 31, 1911 Mrs. Murphy struggled to get Pub, Dec, 9 together money to make the ‘ : Paine ricacsing ; ; skeena AML i ric Ss ct ’ ~ monthly payments, and when she | Charlotte Islands ; : Scott Young, did not have it she renewed the) ssanteh mC eenipatian farm nt $ notes wo apply for permission to purchase ¢ following described lands When the loan agent died a few Commencing at a post planted at te ‘ . 55 nee ! days ago his son called at the sorveast corner Of Letty eee ig Murphy home and demanded pay | cast along the said boundary 0 ab _ :" shor thet following along je Bn ment of the notes. Through the} the pomt. of commencement, containing action o fthe Legal Aid Society Hares hundred and sixty-one (361 i ’ lore 0 ess iu the noles were canceled yester- JOHN SCOTT YOUNG ki George Young, Agen may. Dated Nov, 15, 1014 Pub, Dec, 15, 1911 LAND LEASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Cassia Take notice that Clarence Boweb, Of atile, Wash., occupation woodsman n } tends to apply for permission to purcha Skeena Land District District of Coast, | the following described lands j jange 5 | Commencing at a post planted fi af ‘Take notice that I, Louis Caleris, driver,| miles east of the Naas Hiver and abou! of Victoria, Bb, C., intend to apply for per- os miles north of Mee ey chal mission to. purchase the following de | tents { nee isha aateas thence norill scribed lands sence eas e y chains, ; Commencing at a@ post planted at the | euenty chains to point of commencemen' southeast corner of Lot 1729, thence south CLARENCE BOWED nt 80 chains, thence west 40 Chains, the nee | H. P, Rutter, Age north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to Dated Oct, 31, 10141 point of commencement, containing 320 | Pub, Dec, 14, acres, more or less, vred t Boonie ne Skeena Land District—District of Cassia Dated Oct. 81, 4041. jowell, Agent. Take notice that Frank Furey, of Seattle, Pub. Dec 9. , Was h., oceupation chainman, intends to , ars apply for permission to purchase the fol lowing described lands Skeena Land District——-District of Cassiar., | Commencing at a post planted about 51x ‘Take notice that James Ewing Macrae,| miles east of the Naas River and about of Vancouver, Occupation real estate agent, | seven miles north of Aiyansh, thence north intends to apply for permission to pur-| eighty chains, east eighty ‘chains, south chase the following deseribed lands: | eighty chains, west eighty ehains to point Commencing at & post planted about | of commencement sevell iniles distant and in an easterly | FRANK FUREY direction from the eight miles north of thence north elghty eighty chains, thence thence west eighty PERAD RAD Naas Hiver, and about} Alyansh Indian village, | chains, thenee east! south eighty chains, chains to point of JAMES EWING MACRAE oti P, Rutter, Agent, $1, 1 1 Agent i911 Pr, Kutter, Dated Pub Oct ot, Dec, 14 ADVERTISE IN THE Dated Oct Department of the Naval Service, Ottawa, November 20tb, 1011. at Pub, Dec, 14 NEWS