published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, oy Prince Rupert Oaiij .New. Limited, Third Xwnue'K?' ;'(; H F PULLEN - r Managlna-Edlloi. , t. ADVERTISING KAlfch Classified advertising, per wore, per insertion .. local tt-4dttiv. iKt nut, per insertion aLtULHUUIUN KATS City delivery, by crrlei. trly periuo, paid In dvauce ' Paid lr advance, per we;t , . , , , Paid In adrance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbfa. the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year New Department TeJtpnone . . , ... . - 8 AdvertUlnr and Cuculation Telephone St Member of Andlt Burrau of Circulation! .02 .23 i waning iur tuiiitiiunx iu luiu ujj. xie is luutiy icirung a lead in the matter of defences which is meritorious but In the matter of unemployment it is charged that he has done little. The unemployed list is almost as large as ever in spite of promises similar to those made by his nrede-cessor. Mr. Bennett has been removed from leadership because in this one matter he failed to lead. Mr. King will follow Mr. Bennett into retirement unless he does some- iooks across the ooundan' and sees what has been appar ent failure of New Deal policies. He seemed to have set a, his heart on the great waterways scheme for Eastern Can-ada but that has not met with approval in the east, much THE STRIKE IN FRANCE It is with no sense of opposition to labor that we are pleased to see the strike in France broken. Those wlr look at the international picture as a whole must easilv see that a general strike in the nresent condition of in-Rational politics would have been most dangerous. All the neighboring countries are bending everv energv to arm and to produce food. For France to slacken off at such a time would be suicidal. While a working week of forty hours will probably come very soon for most countriesf.the present is not the time to slacken up when all the neighbors are working longer hours and straining every nerve for military and economic mastery. PARLIAMENT OPENS EARLY From Women's Angle at Meeting ine women's Canadian Club, was in . i t h p rfifllr A ua(. iu..i . ine women's side Army work was described ribed rarJianent o )en- rarlv next year in order to allow if t$ to get through ifs 'nHc ?n time for the Prime Min'Vpr and S others to mpet th" KIne and Queen whpn f vftif rn. th ad? In Mav. It will hp a great event and one for whih t being done In the way of reclaiming wayward girls. She also told the tory of how Mrs. William Booth, 5 the wife of the founder, had be- 1 - ni miny worn. s tw a m mt m ana . tiff T Tl ' 1- .la . . jcni 01 orn oi sanation Army riuscr, presiaent 01 tendered tendered to to Mrs. Mrs. Carpenter Carpenter on on mo- mo- f 9 Kicnv I'ici "auun win oe maae. in order to make it pos- sf sible to adfourn Parliament on time It will be riecessarv VI fo- some of the members to curtail their speeches. This will be no loss to the country, gr w Mrs. Carpenter Is Club Speaker S of Salvation tion of Mrs. C. V. Evitt, seconded by s! interest- Mrs. Jack Durran. The meeting 5f clos- W 8 jngiy Dy Mrs. carpenter, ;nter, wife wile of of opened opened with with "O "O Canada" Canada" and and cjos commissioner aeorge L. carpenter, ed with "Ood Save the King," m speaicing perore a meeting of the Mrs. r. A. MacCalium, following to local Women's Canadian Club in the the meeting, entertained Mrs. Car-city council chamber yesterday af- penter, Mrs. Ivan Halsey and mem- r ternoon. Speaking Informally, Mrs. bers of the executive of the Wo- Carpenter gave Instances of work men's Canadian rinh ?M- NEWS OF THE MINES Good Progress Being Made on Dismantling United Empire 3Iinc Hut Snow Has Caused Suspension Mining Road Work At Stewart Needed-Report on Polaris-Taku vlnclal government proceed i t na nncrnipiinn ni a nuir irn eight eold ore. Accodine to reoorts. they have sacked some five tons of. erallzatlon has not yet been deter- of mlnfd but ha been proven from an A comprehensive program :eva,t,on of W feet to a lcveJ- public works required in the Port- land Canal mining district during "?e lowest point yet prrstec! the coming year has been drafted ' v mw i a M . ,.u committee of f the Stew c.., yet developed on on vein 1 bo by a special fur hunded art Board of Trade and forwarded ttetA w t i.duMr.. mini.i.. riacemenU and iu nun. if. j, n;?&.ovuiv, lUUUTt f a of mines and member of the legls alon? Commsrclal fiw;re have been demon- thing. The Financial Post of Toronto has been urging iatUre for Atiin. The nroiecu are',trfPd d!e tut raT3,dlv ,n 2? that this problem be tackled with courage. Some seem'all for work to be undertaken lniof the "Ins and. from prerent in- to think a is Mr Dunning who is holding t ister back but Laurier would let no one hold him back amon? otner thlns-tnat H1? plerai be about eouivaient to their when he saw what he thought was the right course a i a i m a i I We have much svirmathv for the Prime Minister who ,nH thP mmni. n Am,riMB llralls hav 'et indicated of i a, aaawsaM a a v a ..l as a v a tiitivi aMa be ru- nanorn generally i i Tr improved, r i nrnvon t that n v r t the na , !'ctul a""Jk road be completed up American Creek as far as it has been surveyed and that the survey for a road be .less in the west where the people would pay without ben" I completed on the creek to the foot1 Hung, nt, uuuiuiess, iooks ai ine rauwav 10 unurcnii' and sees that, while the railwav has benefited mining de. velopment, it has not yet proved valuable for grain ship ping. That was one of Mr. Dunriing's schemes. What the country sees today is that many people arr idle and. having no Liberal leader, they are listening tr subversive leaders who will destroy them as those whr followed the pied piper were destroyed. That expression is from Mr. Hepburn. We are all looking to Mr, Kine for leadership. Will he give it? In Prince Rupert we he?-a rumbling of discontent over our national policy. All faces are turned to Ottawa for action. As Mr. Henburn says. Hitler and Mussolini gave a lead in Europe Wp dr not like their method of leadershin but, if the Canadian people cannot get Liberal leadership, they may turn elsewhere. No party can succeed which is not proud of th' leader Laurier "'as almost a god in manv paHs of Canada. He did not have to be prodded into action. Mac-donald was a great man prior to Laurier's day. We all want to be proud of Mackenzie King but he seems to V lagging in leadership. Is he really laying his plans and awaiting the proper moment to move? horizontal length. However. I, I,. J.t,. . .U...! fctf Creek, that the trail on that creek TT . .. . . - - . - irane win De mucn greater wanM that now developed. All conynere- W la' ninerallzatlon so far found Ij limited to an area approximately," of the Pimple. Other """V L ,T ' reou-sts are, . a! "the heart nf of the company's hold- htf that a survey be undertaken for road up Bitter Creek as far as the,SS,!j??U TJT'" foot of the Glacier, that the gor-"b" ernment carry out all work on the' lZ'Tr. m 1 7 J kvuv-ytkj 4v kj t a vau UlllllU necessary by the minjne comoanies using the road, that all work nec n, ZtVJZ carries more eoid Z ' .r 4.:u.- :;rr n In ' others. It ''" has never been Twenty -Five Years Ago .nnivonf nt onl,mmn ;.t f iu moutn oj me ajcecna ruver wnec .12 United hmpire mine at Stewart, has completed the work th tumine out of crushed cranite 50 as far as snow conditions will permit this year, he states, and sand as- wen as dimension rocK 3.00 8.00 Thursday, December 1, 1938. CANADIAN LEADERSHIP an ot uemg auie 10 get -guinea unui iaie, Mr. L.ove, owing prcssra.uncK ior uuuu to deep snow at the mine, had to leave some 1800 feet of f0 riirenienu. The plant ha twelve-inch wood stive pipe and bcen Purchased by Mr. McLeod D some five thousand feet of electric cien increa?d to two hundred tons. Vancouver and It Is expected to be power cable. The material salvag- Transportation has been placed en on the ground within thirty days ed and brought down the tram to an efficient. basis with costs co-n A.gan? of men U at work prepar (the lower terminals, where It is be- parable to those being achieved bj ,nR ine 5UC- Jng stored, includes compressors, man operations in less remote 'i blowers, rails, ore cars, transform- areas. Throujh methodical and Frank A. Ellis Is back from ers and motors and mining tools persistent study and research the Prince George where he conducted nvtrl aqm Afinliimant. nonartl 1 s Tm unmnla nAAlAnliMl nrA main ii.,ri a Diivate touiislttf sale. So Hon. Mitchell Hepburn, Premier of Ontario, IS Urging the prjng FOWr cah8. wood stave cal problems are being satisfacto. than $100,000 wai token in wlthlr. the need of leadership in this country. He says there are pipe and buildings will be salvaged, ily solved. Ore shocts so far deveN da's- The nrst building to b-- n nnfti nnlifiinl mnrf niAw tVi iitill tanri Viq nann o t n All h( mufhrnmi arm iinnnrit. nnPfl rn from ftftv fn Hon rt In CICVIW Will iC U IKVtUlU'H' i i.: i ...m. u:i:.. i.. .i u is In excellent condition. Mr. Love leneth with 'widths ranelne ta thlr- nair storey uesu ucuuii unless inusi: wim uuhilv lav uui mc uatii im - . J, , . . 7, . 1 L , .i XfcCafftrv ..... . r ..... r. . . mv Start nir his uTirlr hv rihnhll- tv.flvi" fit Thi u-nllr frpniintlv CV"ir. the people to toiiow. He stresses that it is the duty ot . thp mn V:H Mnln. In.h Qnrt . ,,, ' caffery of SV jtf jeno-pyrite, usually In direct rela- 2f lPf tiomhip to the amount of arseno- structure by James brother of M. P. Mc this city. Street tm politicians to lead. ment, amountlng'to some sixty tons, erable Irregularity Frequent re- .ProvemenU are already under way As we read what Mr. Hepburn says, of course we all on the tram to the Bear River road, placements and development of ore ,nc,udln tne grading of Oeorje turn to Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, who; The salvage work will be resumed in the walls of the veins add to the . Don't Buy Your SLIPPERS Until You Have Seen the Finest Selection of Slipper. Ever Shown In Prince Rupert Son of thi: ZT'-duZr an '"crfv brass.y st" zizizK Lake be carried out. ivumittivu wiin wic uauaj swrci ijray; I m . . ' color. r. are " i ore so far and are steadily extract-j fctf ing more. HELSINKI, Finland. Dec. 1-C S jP A proposal by the Finnish rL -..:, . Shooting Association to Include S? The mill on the Polarls-Taku "runner deer and clay pl?eoti mining property at Tulsequah is shooting In the Olympic Oamen W now treating profitably some six program In 1W0 has been rejected W thousand tons, of medium grade ore by the organizing committee. & per month, accorCing to D. C. ... f Sharprtone. consulting engineer TRAMPLED TO DEATH and geologist. Although still in its Infancy, Mr. Sharpstone states that WIND80R, England. Dec 1 C SI the outlook for a prolonged and lm-iP) Alfred 8harples, 21-y'ear-oid W portant gold mining operation Is, English Jockey thrown from his fsf exceedingly promising. The pro-! horse in a race here, was trampled y perty Just a year ago was placed. by other horses and died 10 mln- V in production at a rate of 110 torjsjutes after admission to Kine uau, inu raie naving jus recently , toward vil. Hospital. . iKl G oooLo 01 'street which Is expected to be the TAKE THE LEAD OUT OF YOUR LEGS Cri Oi;ti in T B1J m4 YmI Ot 6 ftf lht SmU Ttl BmmliAf Vf Um SUlri TropU aVs metlwr la i'tii 4I lifts k WB roiplulr ct S Inn Uwm. Ju urlf fun in (tovlf oik-liaf If toar M4 Unkt r4 orvrlt. Uri corpKlM rt your rf-crrti, Tktf nn tk tyin m Vrik la ta r tif part af yor mUH WUkaat at T rtwirnlu aorvud. IU. Ilf, immuk aaj Woatli low oVwa, Yar tiia fit ti. fabkr. efun plaiptr. Ytr Drr mar WmiM iilUrj (Ira qukll, lti 4tnw4. , Wkat TtW b Dr. Wlttlaa.. riak K1U. Tkm orU-fna UI iMlp mak Mr an4 Wtur r4 Ktwlti iM lkt iamtH tk aijfa-ramtn tr J oar Ma4. ;( Ir. WUIUuaa Kak mil t"Jf at drarviiL 5 raunott kmr Ullf tkl Umaira Wood -WW r HtHI M run kaktrrtF. C. l.OT f& We have Just received 600 pairs of Ladies'. Mens, Boy. Misses' and Children's Slippers In all the very latest styles, colors and variety of qualities to suit everyone. Paris Maid, Steel Arch, Rib. Crepe. Velvet. Bstlns, Kids in all Colors. Mules, Dorsays and Opera and Moccasin styles and Pelts. Your Headquarters For Slippers Ik Here jrrvrite present. While arsenopy- W M 1 KfffT 7 flllAr OTATVF mmltm thtrexi to lunctlon ec-l T--J V The Home of Good Shoes ltD Very few hleh grade aravsj ' ' Ohtalnad frnm thm vain, v-, 1 . . ' -5-TV'2l'i .Ty,-V "a-'"M John Lphbi nnri nlt. .r. Li" . . -,"0 4A P"V-jgoid content of the ore Is between M erty at Stewart on a lease basis' .25 and .60 nune- Z witn a view to shipping high srrade , SHOOTS ItULEI) OUT 9 CHRISTMAS CARDS Tags - Seals - Gift Wrapping Personally Printed Greeting Cards Boxed Assortments All In Gay Variety At DIBB PRINTING CO. Bwner IJIock Phone 231 rOAOlOaOOoPOi Give the Kiddies the Treat of Th Lives With a Visit to Toyland At eir KAIEN HARDWARE ft I I PAflF TWO - ' - - .. Jiffr: ' titt: daily .rws i. ,; De ,be THE DAILY NEWS. rKick utrtiKi . uRinsH Columbia ' . t it . ' December 1, IDS A local syndicate, headed by N McLecd. has secured a granlt main street, i . V. The recent disturbance In thf Kitwancool Valley. In which na Uvea there too possession of lit' it ft i t 0 n it ! RELIEVES Fiery, Itching Sldn Here li t clean ta strument and guns, has been setr . lrtlafL antiseptic now, dn.n,2'1 Police Chief Walter Owen who hat .ntPipr;;.' returned to tne cuy ine grievance neaimy heallna In on . ik. Tnrflnni h tnkn lir: WOUndS but hftlli nnA , '''',! are f relieved relieved ar Ernest Love, who has had six men employed in the i""? !?mlh u,antd, nfar utu with .i.u ik. the t.i.n Indian rumrimani Department. is charged with giving up tne role ot leadership ana tmid- - . -fl . V- SrS; range of commercial mln- Dl Hit ; and clean:, ''oSmI In i kin diseases th- ,v - Ectema b lnstanUr atonTif. scale off In a very few n,,: same .U true of Darbers lih 2 Itheum ond other l disorders. . You can obtain Xloon- E- ' Oil ifull strength- in the JL,:! bottle U Ormes Ltd "r .t4 iiriiv.iinraj - . Bulger's 95c SALE SATURDAY One Day Only 1 . m 1 Watch Friday's Paper For larger Ad !l fnuORiirm i :. . dEWELLEfvl?, int STORtvmiW.' Venetian Blinds Pioneer nrsnd PHIL LYONS Phone Orreo W A Hot Time it ,Wht You Wsnt Tbii t Winter lo ran get It by oln. famou Edvn, flulklf j VBfI Vatialn.n.Vrlllnftll t1L PRINCE RITKKT FEED CO. Phones ii of HEX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl at r. Rttemtioni Tbone m : i j THE SEAL wf QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Flneat Pink Salmon i Pakad br the OQI7 itlmo eanning company with afl ' the vear round p7roU Prince Rupert so