FOR RENT bit RENT -Six room fully mod i.ouse. warm. Phone uiui . IIU Sr KENT rial, a nwma. jhi ,e Wert, good location. Apply fc:3 .r,"v Avenue wesv w RENT Two-room ite Ph.we Red 444 furnished tf. t)R SALE For casll. IM0 Nash Ifiodan wood lathe. Dana saw. tin tube Victor combloatlon irhesurfleld suite, walnut living lr table electric heater. l:,!tv roUfr "lf nnu race- lr. : ,g. mitcellaneous nouse- drfltru Phone W4. M3 iifi. Ra'-f with Oil Burner 140. Phone Ul" DR PALE Five-room modern e Kr. hv Ave. Apply W7 A.rbr -t Ave tf. :jl f-MV One A volt 150 watt! light plant, regular perial IS9JDQ. also one ca;t Joiinson light plant r S04.50. special t&iSXi Ih: 1 new stock Writ or call I R Love Ekctrlc Co. tUO-V ' tur. tiTKr.Mr. rnrnr or iikitihii roi.iMni :v tliltrr at Ih -dmlnllrtVnn Ail" And Itw JUIIrr ( lh r.Ut "f IikWm, Inlrll "UC2 NOTTCT tlt bf cnW Of 1U i W C Rhf. o 11 uy of :z A D 1938, I ppotnU-l It -J..- of tb ot iw, jt1 to XuroWi Mtn prcpriT ' l a m on or brfor U 17th 1 1 : r.-tnbrr A D. JOSS. nrt mi i slrMrtl 10 t rtte r- X t j to tn forthrttli. NORMAN A. WATT OfHrlal Administrator. IMnA. Rivwt n C Itfe'Al ftU ITUi 0T of HowraW. A. MIMKI. U'T ;rORM P) Orlllir IralwoiMnml u Rar. MITHi: I 'M. tin I Riilnhbto NO. X Bul t. : ica Rutnhkl No. 7. No 8. BulpJU4 No. . 8ul T; 10 HilbihWUl No. 11 t 8. No. I:- -.- -I ltlnr&l nlmM iiuk In ! tawrcj uinuw Diiiion of lung. - r.ttJI njrT on or nr w TAKE Nfmrt tK I rmlfrlct - ttw uni for NorUin vait r. mr4 aid dtr from M f hmnf. tn mx)It to U Mlnln n-'fw- tor & orn ivwc ra iuiwi v.- J tJ tninxjrK; or oouunum - '.rant- m n umr v.j""- T mt hi, Rjl nuiM. t cuwnnK"i m ifmiaire of Orrtmw U laih riar of NovemJx ronM No. u (fWKJon No. 39 I.IMI AfT it.n- Dbtrlot ot Prtnc iwoxrt iJ ri KiVfr UUrty mlW frn wo m- Till nntfe. h.t Wrlv. WtllUm ';Tn.rp? (f vwwwiver. occune,tlon nun Enciiirrr. lntxM to APP'T for l"11 lnK t it plMtd t the E" curorr trf 307 U-lna i1""" no. 8 Mlnrrtl Clnn; um i ii r or m ha Uv Wrot oouiiu- ' U RLia.i,.. tiiMnl Claim . iha , ". . " ' I.f: ' 7iuti- ivu. Nnrt1irly IB . - 'U. .".I1 . , v ..... -v L-.r'. w 7 WUl B. NO. 1 rw k,7i ",!,ll Cllm to th Wi"lly L.-r RrlH H4v: UWCKin Wf-'.r'vl Nirti,rriy fejhxwlnj Hid SmT'1- 'no,' 1"" to Ul 80111,1 fc ivJ. w raid iimuuiirj I vmi Vntltm MP IMA. D4tl Novwjkbtr ath, 1838. comnlete en- com- lews. A great wave of bloody pof? oms, or massacres, occurred in hat country at Kiev. Terrible ner-wcuUon followed at Warsaw and idpssa Anti-Semitic societies felt the Jew was multiplying too fast wd achieving too many positions f wealth and Influence. Prom 1881 to 1914. 3.000,000 Jews 'led Central and Eastern Europe, V000.000 of them finding a haven n America. Theru during the ireat War Oreat Drltaln offset Oermon propaganda among tne Tews wiUi a promise to help them et thlr home In Palestine ann lnce the War Drltaln has been 'dmlnlsterlng Palestine under the eaguo of Nations mandate. But ho Arab nfn resents the Jew. Thus thrrc has been much blood - Ta romnlete the tragedy, the War left great Jewish populations vlthout any nationality unwaniea hy both victors ana vanquisnea. Thousands lost Ihelr lives in nev oproms. To cap tho c)imax tnn tnlled States slammed Ui Im migration door In 1024. Trv a Dnllv Nfwn r tamed ad Try a Dally News want-ad. 10 KM No. U (SmUon 39) I t VII APT a nt ninlrlri. land mirdlroT DWrlot of PrU Bupcrt Wl4 iltuMe i Uu mt bank of .U Eoruiii TiJi,, notice nw winu V , Md of VnUTrf. occmpoiUiin mining. n 11 yilnraX Ctoy. tc B 87 doKrmi w- BlnhW No 9 SKS-'SuST'to mW KciuU BlVcr: M""". ... i.. j rnt..rlir follow- ' . . - . is. im bound- of b. no. . follOin v"" .. . w-rttlrnuiJ. Bill- iral CUU 69 Oiftliw nw or lw to UM, twin o ,,vir. w. NOIITIIEIIN PY71ITE8 LTD , Nm1Ji AfWlt The Letter Box I'KIJVUNTINti DISOSE CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFK , Wy - W iiiam A. CJuethe commander of the Phlllipplne Clipper, is iliowi, delivering the first official trans-Pacifl- airmail pouh from Auttranu and New Zealand to Postmaster William H McCarthy, left of Sun Francisco, on arrival at Alameda, Calif. The mall was ilown troui Auckland. New Zealand, to Honolulu by the ill-fated Samoan clipper, from there by Philippine clipper. Phone 51 Tor Best Household Coal MKS. C F- BLACK R.E.Eyolfson Chiropractor 210 LinilTII avenue w. Phone HLiCK 318 rhonea 18 & 84-P.O. Hox 575 F0K SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality C.roccrics Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion " Try a Daily News classified advertisement for best results. r.isvT i;i)i)i;ii APPOINTED TO STATION Tyle ' A. Swatn Named SclentlfW; Assistant Sunderland Promoted Announcement is made by Dr Neal M. Carter, Director of ths Pr.nce Rupert Fisheries Experimental Staticn, of the appoint nent or tyls A. Swain to the potion of scientific assistant in n mlstiy on the staff of the sta-Hon. Mr. Swain is a native kki ofthU province He graduated from tht University of British Columbia in 1931 and received the nosfjraduaU degree of blaster cf Arts two year, later from the University. Several years' teaching In hlh shoots at ladysmith arid Vancouver has been followed by postgraduate .work aC he University of Wellington and oucis ana meir prwccssuig. r u. Ihte work .hflJi Den done in coi-. t lohnratlnn u-ith O. C. YOUne. as- sociate research engineer, and DrjjjT li. La, A. liiw, itiuiiib uo.wwr j Lars Larson was fined $25, with M option of seven days' Imprison- fjf Bui )one h.U out wlntt " ,eT ,J2ZS1, ftiocla 'n "I' P0"" n""1 11,15 ""'. ' ' i AiljfSc- BLENDED IVZ? BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND 1 I SkLsc This advertisement is not published or displayed bv the Liguor ( F 4 riml nninl nrl.v the Oovernment of British Columbia, I UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION IUTES, TO VANCOUVER FKOM PRINCE RUPERT FROM PORT SIMPSON S.S. $36.00 RETimN' '1;? CQO RETURN. Berths Pufft) Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1928 and February 28th, 1939, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1939. Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday. 1:30 n.m. Thursday, a.m. 3. CAROENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone 568 If Convenient Please Purchase Ticket? at Office Jr it nf TI rro Fresh Local Raw And . H. bULULK Pasteurized Milk Optometrist VALENTIN DAIRY Royal Bank Bldf. PUON1 7 I December 1, 1938 THE DAILY NBW8 .PAGErFTTt, idian Juvenile t iei vju Him jewisii m8omtion I FIKST airmail ARRIVES FROM -DOWN UNDER" Continued Prom Pane Onei Pompey Pompey and and his his Roman Roman legions legions ap ap- r - If Mmr , Ktr I miff . neared In Damatcus. two rival bro !orU5 "J vuult thers presented their eases tohlm : He nominated one to rule as a' An Indian lad of Juvenile age. vassal-prince. Bu as this did not' ai hod been charged with theft ,top the bloodshed, he capture! , .,,, turn with the burglaiy the city. 8ome 12,000 Jews perished t L, time ago of the residence c' jn the ensuing massacre, and Rom iv E V ll K" ' .Lih a warning by Maeu- n n few vi ar.tie 301)03 J Thomas McClymont slttlnp had been enslaved. I ,...,.iu ntirt Indue vester- PMMr rnrrlnw rwrtorM sr . - - " -- . .... t lUif"' ... .Mina Frnpit Mavnnrd. hut hi Heath was the stana! frit iy ;iUM""r. - - L .is recently arrested at Hope renewed war of Jew against 3n i . ..tion with the burglary until the Roman General Vespa. d bVautht backhere by Ihe po- alan. under Nero, destroyed Jem is still awaiting preliminary raiem in oa a.u. amm scenes o unparallelled horor. 1H On In Ithlnrland By this time, the migration of ihe Jews had become habit Colon ies flourished In Mesopotamia, CvDrus. Alexandria and by A.D. i. 400 they were established in Spam and the Rhlncland - the sarr Rh'neland where they now havi thtlr backs to the walL Jewish slaves were scattered through th Roman Empire. The coralnjc of Christianity heralded another era of persecution !ni? Church ki-pt adherents of Ju- dalsm out of noaltlons of authority and restricted social Intercourse i -lih thm niwrlmlnnllnn rlMfftir. FOR SAl.F latrd into oppression, wettem law L , . )eC8mp (mturatfd with the idea ol iR SALE Karn Piano, good con-JewUn tnferlorjly. A waVe of er-i - Phone Ied MS. '230) forefd conversions and bantlsm' swept over Europe. In those Dark Ages, the choice wat tiintlcm nf vr rMttrirtlnnt Including badges. Jews mostly ae-' rented the restrictions and weed in the lowly art of that university's oceanographlc - - ' laboratories situated at Friday nhntir Pan Juan Island. Wash- .-tit-v, r;irrf nirtnn Thl tt'nrlr Is PXOectfd tC & lead to the doctorate jri 4939. AlthaURh .eclalizlng irv c,nem- w Iclra Mr Rdnln hi studied in THa varii-us fields ' Including oceano- grarhy ?nd the Diocnemwry' ano K .physiology of marine life. In. be- g III I 1 JJ log appointed to a vacancy on me staff caused by the resignation pi Dr Rlddell a few months ago, hi ffff 1gtfflS!S work at the station will be chiefly g invpstisations con- A radish 16 inches long. 16 In- stantly arising in connection with ches In girth and weighing five:exitins and possible marine propounds was dug up by Mrs, J. H. ducts and by-products. Robinson, gardener of this dis'trict.' Mr. Swain will be arriving In neree and trade, about the on!v M'tor u'"y . of record size, was grown from seed and It is expected he will be ac- oursult left to thm by law. Whenl ..V"10 i SSSl Pleiad last spring. 1 Jcompanied by his bride, eommerce atu ned repecUblllty ' Sunderland Promoted tIllSnni benefldafeffects of a health JffiBRTH,MM P A. Sunderland of the Fisheries at Interest. Later(mrilan fin- LONDON, ft Dec. 1-lCPi-Harold Unknown , ul SUUon has been IT'tmodrow.he ?natPU feared and a health earn- bis. Charlton AUUeUrt eievet to the xn. Uh eompetiuon. drove the Jew tn ni.nll!,,nt ih n..h. winger, who has been out of f soccer ' ,faff wlth the mde of j. H"L ....ViXf1 lie with the early signs of disease hr some month through a broken SenUflc asslsUnt ta the mtestlga. 3 otU it and rofaj,s of combatting H,,eg ,naa,, ine '",ur n of fish specialty products, land in tn ma 1290. Other nations nations at- ... r iet3ln when he turned out for the. ., ,nnfiMin . .... before ll can get a noia nn v I rillf IC4 W Will WWIM hsift" to whisper that the Jews were .Tlc . . , v u.. ,w who have never W U the people ,nH uninif rhii-' polwnlng welU and killing cMIC-,. ......" 9rm .n ren U, get blood for their religious - " ntuau. ;:.":... J ,, v Rut the mast of Jews went to rPr?L? r;T"r Oermany. Riusla. Pobnd. Turkey "m "a'v " " V reserve team In a recent match. wWch Just n reCelved from ft ' . Ottawa. U retroactive to October I ONDON. Dec. 1- CP- Claude flf year u rgeiy m re-Falklner, noted blUtard player, who Ljion o me XCeUent progresi has been tou ot the game Jmide by Mr. Sunderland In the t eight years. Is making a comeback' . . . ,. .moked. Dickled' vt .7.- their, nd 1U co"Ptor n ,p)cedi frozen and canned pro- a and the Ukraine, where Ihey met "Ufc" ' 7 V" b" big matches this winter ,rPr1' lhan ould oainl be new persecutions. The massacre of , - ChmlcailK. Pouna. in imb arorr ; ... if DubJlc knew-an that science hem back into Western and Cen- " , ,'knnu-. sardine their Drevcntloi. :ral Europe. ... - nnr .WiM atm v fhat knowledee. This Jje JJ" Granted theVe is n0 known cure H U for that purpose that health at the staUon. fnr nf all nerseculion. Commercial . . nn hut vr . . . fnr mnrrr waniea we can- campnigi" 't i"1' .T' JTSL.ev taS ""I combat acute enterior pol- with the public fully Informed on , genius. ; nd..d'mf-np,,.y- .cmyelltis UnfanUle paralysis) ef- prerentaUre measures, I suppase "8 u-rmm B,,u flclentiy. granted that we have to one cannot hope to see tnose meas 1 It MSI lU v. I . . ... t . Tlrt v n f TOYS and Wheel Goods For The Young - MP Size 3 PEAS fa r the Ch rist mat Din opt Jmt the right iise jor'garnUhing m Suggestions For The Baby Baby Swings Complete wllli 8prlng. Blue or ffA Pink .-JIL.Z. Ol.DU Baby High Chair Enameled with ijg Baby Walker Very h'efpful to learn, how to QQ Youngsters Ageyrom'2 to 6 Wc Suggest Wheel Toys K" ' 82.75 Tricycles QR X(i C7 AH and CQ OH Solid Walnut End Table Coffee Table ....: ' Tea Wagon With 6las';; tray ; Living Room Table . Gladstone 'Bap. cowhide .v..iit.... $4.00 and $6.00 Gifts That All the Family Will Enjoy 1 '4 ! Doll Bustles (?9 CA OS AA Oft (( QQ Aft. Watons Scooters 5.00 and S8.00S ft W Occasional Chair QQ nS and Q-f 4 fS And r'or Gentlemen -Size 24- embossed etk-graln $6.50, $9.00 $10.00 I $24.75 8 $12.00 g Gifts Fashioned (b Her Taste g Twin Set. Luxurious; tweed covered matched luggage sets viil LTte - 'S12.50 and $18.50 9 $22.00 1 h Remember!, This Is the Time to. Buy Start Now! A Deposit M Will Hold Till Christmas I ELJO'S . I & Hours From 9 a.m. tq 5:30 p.m. j S THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert $ "IS THIS A B. Gi PROPUCT?" For most of our domestic needs, the answer can be "YES." There are few staple food-stuffs that are notproduc(d or processed In British Columbia; few of our everyday, requirements that cannot be supplied by our own factories. Every purchase of a B.C. PRQDUCT helps the local producer to Increase and Improve his output. More B.C. PRODUCTS will be stocked and sold, more of our own people will find employment, If we all form the habit of asking "IS THIS A B, C PRODUCT?" The Department of Trade and Industry E. O. ROWEBOTTOM. Hon. W. J. ASSELSTINE, ' , Deputy Minister. , -i Minuter. If you lose anything, advertise for It.