riiis May April 29, 1938. Births Almost ouDie yearns Is Announced For 1937 In 1'rinre Edward Island CHARLOirU V.f. April 20 rp Tne Dinn raw; uwnui. uuuw - X, . - : PAGE FIViS THE DAILY. NEW3 had id the death rate for the yeai fcaKcnger, . Seven persons dlsem- j0j7 accoruing tu talked ficra in vessel, one takjij Public Hnalt' . Ji,p Department of frrt u Babied in the Prince Edward Islana future. EXi:ess af births over aoains m , c p u. ueamir Princess Adelaide.! C81t. llenry Anderson. U due inl population for the year, the repot iid This constant increase aur . M 11141a pu1. 'the nj '.lie win i -w jrcai mwi miwu hi wn t--"'H jv me esumaic ji to: illation of 93 000 apportioned he province from the DomlniQr ,Wcau of statistics at Ottawa fni H tentative" summary" of births!"1 and marriaees pave a tot w spon broadcast behalf of the o British ... u on ,, 085 births 1.088 deaths and 57 . Wlrplp. fnnri fnr t.hf hllnrl. t Ibirth: : marriar?j numDer.ee. j yei 29; havs acre RLasslFlED i the FOR SALE 4th Avenue near McBrlde; com - P!e: in excellent condition; re-ja1 " niplprt- rpntrnl wplUrent- e3 excellent tenants; economl-f.j future commercial site. Com bed income property. Reasonr bij -priced for quick sale for .uhor substantial payment, con- .Jering revenue possibilities. Address 139 4th Ave. E.; PjO, Box 233 phone 427. Mrs. Mary A. OB.i White or brokers. 61 Tlilrd Ave. West (near Royal B-nk-. Lot 8, Block 33, Section Store with dwelling over. TT: d .irable property for sale at aj icw price and on easy terms. '.itercst on balance as rent. Also Iks 11 and 12, Block 17, Section n with house 1140 East 6th. Ave-'-v" for $700, half cash and bal-a-e $20 per month. Geo. H r 'nro. 4240 West HUi Ave., Van-' c uver. B. c. If Interested In 1 'icrty in or near Vancouver, communicate with the above, j (10t)j TOR SAL& Complste furnlshlngsl i' iix-room house, Including;) ' .te field suite, piano, electric ( vw;ner an ironer, electric range. fn- Excellent condition. L. H. Ha worth, phone Green 325. (103) FOR SALE -20 hp. 1 cylinder 4-le semi-dlesel Haines engine. Ideal for sawmill or boat. Apply 11 Erickson, Co Ed. Lipsett Ltd. (105)' FOR SALE OR RENT POH SALE OR RENT Com fortable. house at Seal Cove, four rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, shed and, garage Good deal for steady ten-a Phone Don Passmore, .Gre;n 510. m male help wanted WANTED fr Skeena cannery man to do lathe work and welding. AUply Box 19, Dally News, If. LUMBER AT MILL "'mil aml 8..lu,h n (in ipapUntrlmned 1UU, ;0-1 Common 2-lnch CIO AA 1 lluth cur pi,..., O JLO.Ur Prince Rupert Delivery Phone IHI.LMOR Billmor Spruce Mills WHIFFLETS From The AVaterfront C .Pit. steamer Princes Louise, lri pert yesterday afternoon south-! be and Xrom Skagway to Vancouver, a light list or but thirty-five hl. . i at 3:45 this afternoon irom' south and will sail at 10 p.m.' i PAV AMI PAY IOU BLIND I TMoxf (fMJ1 115'T h heeri sub.scribed - malum Lu.iii.i LONDON. April 29, (CP) Cost to taxpayers of maintaining historic buildings and monuments of Orsaf, Erltaln In the 1938-39 financial! will be 16.875 $84,375), iin in-' crease of 995 ($4,975) Page Kin; Canute HORSEY VILLAGE, En:. April (CP) North Sea tides here swept away breakwaters con strutted In February and again In April, the latest break putting 7,000 of land under water. LIVKSAVER DROWNED RAMSEY , Isle of Man, April .29: CP) Jack Lord, coxswain of the Ramsey lifeboat, was drowned in harbor nine days after his wedding. RAR SILVER NEW VOKRl C1) -Bar H f,"e T?1 N mnrket today' ; I WANT TO WORK FOR YOU I am a salesman. am considered the greatest salesman in the world. visit thousands of jour customers and prospects every day. am always available tp tell them about jour products or service. offer Infprnialion and gui J-ance on "what to buy, and whero to buy if. have made a treat deal of money for thW who employ me Kteadily. - am well known to you, for I you see ine every day. I I am your newiaper, TIIK DAILY .NKWS; "TILLIE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION FOLLOWS TRAIL OF TORNADO 1 '-pnty-live of iple were killed and more than 4C injured by a tornado that swept through the little oil town of Rodessa, U.S. leaving In Its wake death and destruction. Above is shown a iectlcn of flooring that was driven through an automobile by the force of the raging two minute hurricane TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. JohnMon Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .15V2. Big Missouri. .36. Bralorne. 8.75. Aztec, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 2.18. '. Golconda, .05. .1 .., Minto, .02 Va. Fairvlew, .03. . : .-. ' Noble Five. .02V2. 1 , Pend Orielle. 1.55. Pioneer. 3.00. Porter Idaho, .02 '2. Premier, 2.00. Reeves McDonald, .26. Reno, .59. .Relief Arlington. .14. . , , Reward, .04., . . .. , ; . . Salmon Gold, MM. Taylnr. Br4dv01 rtciiUVT Suidor, .01. Rilbak, Premier, 1 .05. . f Congress, .OOi " f Home Gold. .01 V. t Grandview, MM. Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .0214. ' Haida .Gold, .07 V2. Oils A. P. pon.. .20. Calmont, .40. C. & E.. 2.30 ' Freehold, 06. McDougall Segur, .19. ' Mercury. .15Va. Okalta, 1.62. Pacalta, Mli- Toronto Beattie. 1.08. Central Patricia. 2.52. Gods Lake. .45. I'm? Tone i."c -.20. McK-mlo R?() I'i'je. m. ppd Jake Gold Shore. .19. Pickle Crow, 4.60. Fnn Antonio. 1.25. Slierritt Gordon. 1,00. Smelters Gold .01. Melccd Cockshutt, 3.35. Oklend. .18. 4,5 V Xtoshcr. .34. Madscn Red l ake, .32. . Stadacona .70. Franexwur. .28. . - oneta Pnrcuolne. 2.13. P)USC0dill9C 08U. Tljomn-on opdillac, -tOVi, Tnnkril.fl .no. FTst Malnrtlc. 1.57. preslon Edt Dome. .70. Hutchison Mke, MK. Dnwson White. .Ot-Aldcrmac. .43. Knrr Afldion 1.70,. Tlnchi Gold. 1.59, Int. Nickel. 45.00. Noranda, 57.00. THE TOILER" The Letter Box 11 1 KEK-HEADED M ONSTEIt Editor, Daily News: I was delighted to read In tht Prince Rupert Daily News thai Canada's chartered banks valui my goodwill and Invite me to talk over my problems with my loca. bank manager, and that he will be glad to answer my questions from tthe standpoint of his own ex perience. Some time when I'm m your city I win ao just tnai meanwhile It would be Interesting j to know what the bank managers i ininK oi ine mree-ioia prumcm which is worrying most of us at thls'time by which I mean unemployment, poverty and insecurity. The way I see it this three-head ed monster has been permitted to enter many homes where the citizens are sober and steady, not through the faults of dissipation and laziness, and as the chartered banks are In control of the na tlon's supplv of buying power per-hacs they, throush the local man arers, can .explain how this sad state of things has come about? "CITIZEN." Oscar W. Pearson, district man- j ager of th2 Swift-Canadian Co. for British Columbia with headquarter- in Vancouver, sailed by the . P.'ncess Louise yesterday after-, r.frr. on hir return south after a , vl"it cf a coilnle of days to th- : cc .'.vpany's local business. Cons. S.nelters. 55.00. Athona, .10. KardrocU, 2.12. Harber Larder. .39. Rand Malartic, .42. Phones 18 and 81 P.O. Box 575 I Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vesetaliles Fruit Confectionery Tobacco ' 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion ALL DEPENDS WHERE ALDERSHOT. England, April 29: (CP) Flying Officer Arthur Clou- ston, acclaimed for a record Eng land-New Zealand round flight, was fined for speeding on the highway here. HALF LIFE IN JAIL BANDRA. India. April 29: (CP) Eighty years old and charged with housebreaking. Gafur Abdul was said to have soent 40 years of his ufe m prison In short terms for various offences, I Six Nurses To Graduate From Local School May 9 has been set as the date for the graduation excerclses of the 1938 class of student nurses from the Prince Rupert General Hospital school of nursing. The exercises will be held in the auditorium of First Presbyterian Church and will be followed by a reception In ; Oddfellows' jUalL The graduates this year are Misses Elizabeth. L. Cameron, Ida K. Giraud, Elizabeth S. McCubbin, Mary E. Mollqy. Lilian A. Moss; and Margaret A- Pallant. Catholic Tea And Sale Successful Many Ladies Called at Home of Mrs. William; Brass In Spite of Inclement Weather At the home of Mrs. William Brass, 733 Sixth Avenue West, a successful tea and sale of home' cooking was held yesterday after noon by the Ladies of Anriuncla tion Church. Many called during, the afternoon, despite the Incle, ment weather, to lend their patron age to the affair. Mrs. Charles P. Balagno was In charge of the tea room and Mrs. F. St. Amour and Mrs. E. J. Fltz- patrlck presided at the tea table which was tastefully adorned with' pink carnations and tapers. Ser-1 viteurs were Mrs. Ian Fraser, Mrs. Eugene Fitzpatrlck and Mrs. G. P.' Lyons. Mrs. T. Bussanich and Mrs.l A. Domlnato were In charge of the kitchen. Mrs. William Rogers was - cashier and conducted the rattle or half a ton of coal which was won by Mrs. Joe Garon. Mrs. Arthur Murray and Mrs. William Whlf fin were in charge of ( I the sale of home cooking Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vendors or direct from "Mall Order Dept." Liquor control Board) 847 Be'atty Street. Vancouver B C GRANTS gpk PROCURABLE M tm.Knnl s... J.I...Unfi.l.ll-h X. , 4 t.' B I Mii.l laleni-.lrnlirl itllrrlrM, M ;: vX:.:;:::- fM M L 1 llulTlimn .ml W & M , fhis adveriibement Is not published or displayed by the I.lquni. Control Board or.bv the Government of Brti.sh Columhla, GRADE A MILK Give Your Raliy Fresh Milk Daily Our milk is produced twice daily from our own Government tested cows. DOMINION DAIRY BRUISES ThcfVa aetlitar t toual ' M 1 , 1 1 Anutpuct oohio(t ht aliaf. V i CW quick rtlicf I l-iU i.i i -r i r r The Finest PIANO. TUNINfi In Ihe country can be yours, . as done with the. . t "Kesonoticope" by C. C, WAI.KKK Phone Klue 389 212 4th St. Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is tiood The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service. Friendly Tin Rales Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL II. Brasell N. M. Brasell . REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE 658 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFK Phone CI ror Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pask'tirized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONF 57 HYDE Transfer :jr SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Light Delivery Coal .7 Wood Phone 530 T'' L (MR SHiPKIMS.I JCM Votl'CC AO-I I 'ZO I'ME COM- TO A- DEClSlQM I l f j BOX Hp'tSIMPK'Mii-: i'E UOUUTELY RIGHT AROV My WOT V ' ; , fM DECIDED' TD XV SO VM . iSAV ON TV1E DAMCIM STUDIO -$Bg SPIRIT, TILLIES KNiV A feF r-T pimp ,jr -4lrkX C pefiRer giwiMoop rf y prr? ; . . .