' " A W i Pvlslor ------ nmi m v iirimi if Trvmv inmt I i i I . ONNKLllUN W11H NUK1HLKN uumaon rears HIGHWAY BEING ADVOCATED!: Canada Will Not l .i-j Ainim , iiiiu i iiiii-i iiinini' n fii iiiiui i in it uiu ' - . . a. rn r.. . ject Work Proceeding East ol Usk It - ' ' u H a 1 Im nrtft n n n t i it ii '.i it: i. ii iiibii tv vv. w from a standpoint of coast : in the event of the railway 0a m)les northeast oJ thC ml Ch nn-.n .,.Il,.l --uu, sent. 21 r CPlYnrk niu r i' w 441,1: 1 11 vn riipnivnn uom res dents ntmnt thn w 11 IHTl Chn.l . 4( 111:1 i'!i iinn ...in .n nU TV11 IIUV U0U tTV Pro- TPTmACR. Sentember 21. The feeliner is expressed r uiuv vw x i a SCHOONER BEACHED Constance II. Ran on Rock Near Klcwnuggct After Selling Halibut in Rupert 1 nil I. Hill. Ill LUULlUlAlllU. , . ... ,iULlinJ -W'-I'-' " - . J .. 4V.-. kit jatlon of the Skecna River scnoonw uU.u..tc ' . ... nnnvnr fnr n tr n nrlor to her lasti TODAY'S STOCKS lOourteMJT B. D. JohnMoli ju.i Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .06. D. C. Nickel. .29. Bralomc, 9.00. Aztec, .OG (ask). Cariboo Quartz, 2.20. Dcntonia, .04 V2. Oolconda. .07(askl. , Mlnto, .04 (ask). Falrview, .00. ' Noble Five, .02 Vi-Pioneer, 2.85. Porter Idaho, .02 V2.' Heeves McDonald, .25. Reno, .35. Relief Arlington, .14 (ask). Reward, .033i. Salmon Gold, .10. Hcdlcy Amal., .W. Premier Border, .01. Sllbak Premier, 1.75. Congress, .0034. Home Gold, .OOVi-Quatsino, .03. Oils A. P. Con., .13. Calmont, .25. C. & E 2.06. ' . v. Freehold, .04. : McDougar.Segur,:i4V2 (ask); Mercury, .06 Vi. Toronto Bcattle, 1.10. Central Pat.. 2.27. Gods Lake, .38. Little Long Lac, 2.85. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.09, Pickle Crow, 4.75.' San Antonio, 1.16. "., Shcrrltt Gordon, 1.12. Smelters Gold, .01V2-McLeod Cockshutt, 3.20. Oklcnd, 17. Moshcr, .20. Madscn Red Lake. .42. Stadacona, .38. . Francocur, .23. Moneta, 1.40. Bouscadlllac, .06. Bankfleld, .45. East Malartlc, 2.05. ; Preston E. Dome 1.31. Hutchison Lake, .02 V2.. Dawson White, .OIV'2. Adermac, .45. . Kerr Addison, 1.83. Uchl Gild, 1.85. Int. Nickel, 48.25. Noranda, 71.50. Con. Smelters, 50.50 Hardrock. 1.75 Barber Larder, .17. Fcrnland, .15. rTLA-n it lurin lico r ic Tmr in fYTfnKirin 111 i.ni rii;i(i 1 . .... 4 1 UtniAAn T)lnn T?lirort With ft i. MiArini rvf Vir mrmwnv & &t.4I.h1 I Support Empire: LONDON, Sept. 21. Britain, worried enough by the Czecho- slovakian crisis, has begun to fear defection In the matter of Emnire reSDonsibilltv. Canada t is losing face in London but no 1 guarded opinions. Desecration Of Cemetery In Quebec Parish NEVER IN . .. CHICOUTIMI. Que., Sept. 21. 1 Terrace t0 tne coasi, mere " v. . ,rL.r a. , r0rt hPrP in' ,, . ri... Klewnucitet sne ran on a rues, uuu-connecuun wim ucaraauun ..v. ... , j , had U) be neacnea ana uapium parisn cemciery m livc kjv.. 1 - 1 1 n 1 nnrrr nnn rnc ri i' u 111 1 111 nii'ii 1 .tiiiui imali ii.l nil. 1 thi railway might be subsl- plin-rt vnstftrdav on an I tombstones and monuments were ; ia cuiiiici-uwi. w.v-wwj- ortiirnpr! or hrrvkfin -a n 1IIU1UI1 uuair. . u.w. Trrj!- Thr nrenment mav ber---'ar In 'Prime uup'-ri, Rupert, It n c r: n ri innri rfiuu ijii- ' from here to the coast, :r'y around the mouth of Skeer with lt heavy cost. Workinc East of Usk I tth 11.1-1.. r ... nm 1 til i..:n: 1 inri.v-iivr iiii.ii 1.111 WW... . m 1U1 L,llMaua' w " I Sfnkpicl of New llazclton,! : L tiw In nrocrcss cast, of, on the cap In the norinern nd Cedarvale -a distance of connected up with tne out- world bv highway. The ap- take ti five or six miles beyond icq 1 linn rt t t n a t n nF miri TT h . 1 1 . 11. 1.. .11,1 of the KltzcKukla brldcc which swept away by the flood of the mr rt 1 nop a ..u nn no Of wt 1UJ1J1 UKl. ( I are to ho nut. In fhl. fnll nnd be put in, Totlav's Racphall American Lcaeui t.UilKJ tUUl'U 111 111 til Ull asmngton-cieveland, rain. ational League '. Loul! 4, Boston n -"v. ,CUI IL'K u IUIII, - mi 1 . postponed on tir fit: ri -""uuAi, sept. 21. A mobile e column, well In the vnn-of the main campaign Hankow, was rpnortud last v mrcaicnins mo citv 01 The 'Armour Salvage boat Fear less left early this morning taking .,Mii nf tho . . view to salvacinc ner. DIFFICULTY Matt Tcigen, Trapper for Wliom Anxiety Was Felt, Reaches City "I had no idea that any search would have been started for me," says Matt Telgen, well known northern trapper, for whom some anv-lety had been felt when he failed Lake. Telgen, who arrived at Kis-plox about a week ago to report his safety, arrived in the city fromj Hazel ton on last night's train andi will proceed to Stewart aboard the) cti9mir Prince Georee tms aiier- noon enroute back to Telgen Lake. JHe explains that he came out to iKlspiox instead of at Stewart be-I cause it was easier to get out that .way. He had had plenty of sup-J plies and was never in any danger or hardship. He was surprised mai anxiety should have been felt for him. I cn.oVinir nf the disannearance of lOtto Adler at Klspiox, Telgen says the circumstances are quite baffling. He simply went away one 1 morning for what was mougm 10 be a short walk. TliW was three or four weeks ago. No trace has since been found of him despite Intensive search. Adler last year had suf-tA o nvtpnsivelv fractured skull and it Is thought posilblc he might have suffered a collapse oi some I kind. The search is continuing. Publisher At Halifax Dies HALIFAX, Sept. 21.-D. Fred Pearson K.C., eminent lawyer and former publisher or tne iiaiuax rhmniric. died at his home here after a long Illness. He wouia nave been 61 on October 6. 45. Threatened Storm Turned Out To Sea JACKSONVILLE, Sept. ,21. A severe tropical hurricane, which gave concern to residents of Florida's rvt. inst nleht turned on a wide northward arc and apparently headed out to sea. A i r w VICTOR VABC hone OB P'""' - 80 Taxi Tomorrows Tides PAY AND NIGHT SERVICE High 12:10 p.m. 2U It. Careful and Courteous Drivers Low 6:01 ajii. 3.2 it. W 1938 Plymouth) 18:26 pm. 3.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WErSDAYljSEPTEM.jq3& PRICE: 5 CENTS eibnite Plan Now For Conference utnrMTn A TIAXT AM TCDD A PC VI r" l I lM I II I I 11 1 I l.llllHl.li i , KITWANCOOL TO ALASKA eorge Little of Terrace Advocates Western Route For Highway TERRACE, Sept. 21: Speak-ins this week, George Little advanced the advantages of the Kitwancool Valley as the starting point of a route for the Alaska highway. lie ' would go north from Kitwanga up the Kitwancool Valley to Meziadin lk. north Stewart, and on have been no press comments and men in high position re- . 10 " 4. f tr, tIp anvthin.r h,,t mnt. ! Hootalinqua and Telly River system and along to the Yukon below Whitehorse and thence to Dawson. This route, which would involve construction of a bridge across the Skrena, probably at llazclton, would have'thc advantage of olcn country, fairly fre. of no'.v aii'l comparatively easy construction. Further connection with the Alaska Tain Handle and even Northern British Columbia coast points would be considerably easier. , Halibut Sales Nornen anci 6c. J Hipper II, tsc ana oc. Canadian 10.000, Cold Storage. 8.7c 7,000, Cold Storage TODAY'S WEATHER ,rprP r-invriy. calm. 48. Alvansh Clar. calm 54. 'ic Arm pnrt. e'oudy calm 53 Anyox Part cloudy, calm. 50. Ftewart Rainlner. calm; 47. F,'7PHon Oloudy.ca lm.4 8. Smlthers Clcar,c aim, 48 . Burns Lake Cloudy, showers Czechoslovaks From British Ed en Tobacco Combine Is Alleged By , Commissioner OTTAWA, Sept. 21. The exls tence tente ot of a a price piiue maintenance inuimciiantc com Tnice In Sight Of Trucking Strike NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Acting Mayor Morris said last night there was "definite hope" for a truce ln the six day old trucking strike which has cost New York an estimated sum of $620,000 dally. Pressure Hrouirht to Hear on. Prairuerkovcrnment Hun. garian and Polish"Deman(is Chamberlain Goes to Meet Hitler Tomorrow LONDON, September 21. Up to last night the 1 1 1 ; . . .a 1. 1 ! ,,nnAifn1 f Vi n nrnnncnlfl 1 to come out this summer from his rp. . . IP A 1l trapping grounds at Telgen Lake.i 'OltUatlOn In LUrODC AS It forty forty miles miles nlorthoast northoast of of Bowser Bowser! i . . mi i Was Up lo Last Night When Ihe Outlook Seemed Most Chaotic Yield To and French; Warns Against Pressure Anthony Retreating STRATFORD-ON-AVON, September 21.An-thony Eden, former Foreign Secretary, declared his "conviction that continued retreat can only lead to ever widening confusion. The British people know a stand must be made. Pray God it be not too late." PRAGUE, September 21. The Czechoslovak govern- turn- mcui, aiiiiuuincu xu.xiiaiij' u ."- .. viu - " v bine in the Canadian tobacco in- standard time) its acceptance of the British-French plan rlnstrv te alleged In a renort bv F. Lf ii a t nul. TJJfln.. fTVio . .. ' r , j lor meeunK xne peace terms ui uiiiuitcHui nine. meXeiTSX"":; decision came at the end of three dayS of fateful discus- was made public here, in the re- sion on the proposals agreed upon by the British and port presented to Labor Minister ' rr-r Trench leaders In London the ' price for maintaining peace in Eur- Rogers commisloner reports: THffri IM A combine within the meaning of KIIIVlP IIM ope- the Combines Investigation Act ex- 111 I News of the capitulation cam? to the Czechs by radio broadcasts car- products by the Imperial Tobacco I I 1 A I VllNr ried thr0Ugh loud skeTS ln he Company of Canada Ltd. and the WnJU cr0wded Prague streets. The de- -mperlal Tobacco Sales Company cision to yield was communicated to of Canada Ltd. and the Nbrthern , , the British and French foreign Three Miners Killed, Others t May ministers. Jobbers Aoclatlon have knowing- as Ilesult ol Explosion at A communique Issued by Premier ly assisted in the formation and Cal Creek Hodza said: "Our friends to whom operation of this combine. we have been attached for twenty years vcrnain ana r isiitcj mii rtUNIE, Sept. 21. A party of us to secure peace by making tei. 'JnTncrsluiif IcohTpaiiy of fecials probed Ho. 1 East mine of the Crow's Nest Pass Coal Company at nearby Coal Creek, B.C. ior the cause of a bump which last night brought death to three miners and trapped four others for hours. Two of the trapped men are injured seriously and may die. Twenty-four men of the afternoon shift had just entered the tunnel when a bump rumbled through the workings like an earthquake. Seventeen of the men made their way to safety. Two were brought to the surface dead, one died enroute to the hopital. others were dug outv The dead are William Brawn, 63 years of age, a bratticeman; Thomas Mailing, 55, a miner; William Green, 50, a pipefitter. The injured are Thomas Bid-dulph, 55, who may die and Joe Pallonc, 45, both miners; Lulgi Schfonni and James Roberts. The last two mentioned suffered only from shock and bruises. izecuusiuvaKuui uuuiiicl iuiu nut, tu.v.t-ji.cu wn- i wjjuom.u made by the British and French governments in regard chamberlain W Lilt: Lt-Ooiuil ui kill uuvik.kii uivuu w w1- - ' ' , of the members of the Freiicji cabinet were not in agree-! ment as to its terms, it was announced here last evening. It was reported that the reply to -, the Czechoslovak cabinet, while it left further discussions open, did not accept the proposed plan. The British and French ministers called on Premier Hodza and urged the full acceptance of the terms Immediately. It is reported that the Czecho- slovakian reply to Britain and Fiance asked for arbitration under the treaty of 1935 with Germany and confirmed at the time of the Austrian Anchluss. It also asked that it be submitted to Parliament where a three-fifths majority was necessary before it could be acted upon. The claims of the Hungarian and , the ministers from Poland had in tcrvlews with Chancellor Hitler and It is understood they received assurances that he would support their claims, Goering was present at each of these Interviews, In Poiahd a "strong" campaign is made stronc urotests from Ger many at two incidents In which Czech troops were said to have at tacked Germans. All Czechoslovakia!! citizens In Warsaw have been recalled for mil- And Canning Use Same Words Edward G. Hawke, writing in Overseas, says: "I may mention that Professor Temperley, the new Master of Peterhouse, called atten In his reply to the leader or tne tkm jn The Tlmes of July 28 to Opposition, Mr. Atlee Mr. Cham- almost -verbal identity between berlaln yesterday stated that dlf-, Minister's ages in tne Prime ficult and delicate negotiations ch of July 26 on forelgn were in progress which could not cy and passages in canning's be carried on if he had to attend speeches of 1823 and 1826. Mr. Parliament. However Parliament Chambe,rlain referred, as did Can-would have the opportunity of ac-,nmg( to Great Britain's 'tremen-ceptlng or rejecting anything done dous powcr" and said that "al- Mr. Chamberlain announced tnai strencth, It is tyrannous to use it rousn ruusu minorities minorities arc aiu aiso uiso peine DeniB i ie WOuld leave lor uermany on a giant." One mignt well nave t strongly urged. The Premier and 1 Thursday afternoon to discuss the though that the Prime Minister Foreign Minister of Hungary andDr0DOsed oroDosed settlement settlement further further with with was was aUoating nuoating from from his his great great pre pre- Chancellor Hitler. He will be ac- decessor. And jet it was not so. companied as before. IMr. Chamberlain wrote to The Right Hon. Winston unurcnui leu Times to say mat ne nan not reoo for Paris last evening jths speeches of Canning to which It is reported here that while Professor Tamperley had drawn Soviet Russia has said she would attention. He said much the same Mrrv nut hpr oblieatlons under the, thing and used much the same being waged ln the newspapers for treaty with Szechoslovakla, the words as Canning had a century the return of .territory populated government has not yet taken the I before because British foreign pol- u.. ni i nubile ..uii- meetfoes it'i:.'J j. -12 '!.'. '..ti..i .Anln, country liifn Into fholr their Ipv rlirht.lv rnnnelvpl. is the same by Poles and "de-'l neoble of that manding It have been held." confidence and not a word has yet TheGerman minister to .Prague ) (Continued on Page Fmir) now as it was then a policy of ' peace. Titorial secrifices. Czechoslovalcla suggested a settlement by judgment of the international court, but that was rejected. What is to be lost Is still the subject of negotiations. Your government in the interests of peace decided to make some sacrifice to avoid suffering and loss of its whole existence. Czechoslovakia was threatened with violence. Destruction of the state was threatened. Existing laws prevail. All officials retain their positions. Normal functions of the, state carry on." LONDON, Sept. 21. With the acquiescence of Czechoslovakia Prime Minister Chamberlain will . meet Chancellor Hitler tomorrow with a definite policy. Meeting To Take Place At Godesburg LONDON, Sept. 21, The meeting between Prime Minister Neville .Chamberlain and . Chancellor Hlt- ler to! further discuss the Euro-ipean situation will take place to-) morrow at Godesburg, Germany. Montreal Man Gets Good Job OTTAWA, Sept. 21: A. S. Kirk of Montreal, long connected with water transportation both on the ocean and the great lakes, has been appointed assistant director of traffic to the department of the Board of Transport Commissioners. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Water, Telephone Notice No Discount will be allowed on Telephone, Water or Night Soli Accounts after September 22nd, and after the sixteenth of'each month thereafter. CITY COLLECTOR. Ft-