i , ; i 1 : PAftE TWO Shoes Of Distinction STYLED BY PERTH Receive The Utmost In COMFORT, VALUE and WEAR by Purchasing These Delightful Shoes In All the Modern Styles And Shades Sold By F ABLY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue fl. F PULLEN Managing-Editor News Department Telephone , Advertising and tticulation Telephone".." I Member of Audit Bureau 01 Circulations DAILY EDITION 86 9i Thursday, October 27, 1938. DON'T BE A SUCKER SllSLi!8 Paper toId ,how two Canadia" women won them orf2 S SWetstake ticket 'hich cost them ? - -? P16ce- U sounds tractive but the but HpW Wmmng are S Sma11 that a Person m5t easHy buy tickets on every race for the rest of his life and yet not gei near any of the monev. TVo MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Juvenile Seafrass Rocker Chairs Reg. $2.25. Special $1.95 Buy Now and Have Them Put Away for Christmas Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE THREE WAY BOWLS TIE A three way tie between Offices. Mechanics and Transportation for leadership of the Canadian National Recreation Association's Bowling League developed as a result of last night's play in which Maintenance took a two games to one victory over Mechanics while Transportation was winning two games to one over Offices. Individual scoring was as follows: Offices 12 3 Mcintosh 135 150 143 Skinner 130 153 99 Blake 179 113 104 Jurmain 122 141 104 Franklin ..; 132 122 124 Handicap 6 6 6 Total 704 685 650 Transportation 1 2 3 Raabe 120 179 151 Whiting 129 154 111 Ried . 108 82 91 Mair 107 109 137 West .146 144 Handicap .... 75 75 Total .7. W...685 743 Maintenance 1 2 .Long 112 114 (Zaderoskl 101. 116 jfiesKo 124 76 LeRoss 94 93 .Gardner ..1 100 119 Handicap ..H7 117 Total 1048 635 Mechanical 12 3 Lowrie 141 114 102 Rogers" "'..Y. '..7T127"'i28 138 Samuelson 113 179 124 Bond ..150 124 133 Paul 191 170 159 Handicap 50 50 50 Total 772 763 7 Of. The league standing to date: ( Lurkr l.aerr ia W Offices 7 Mechanical 7 Transportation 7 -Of the country, if the aPPnt .r.Z: Vi Maintenance .3 honest or incomnprpnt tv.0 xi J . . , , , -----v.. uiuiicv never ucLa inere no JitSn l?fSLJ W'We toxoid kindle 'p",r tf nanc,Je tne money are dishonest. .People are buying sweepstake tickets who need the money for other purposes and they get nothing for it ' Sft H qUtC,kIy' S they keeP on sPendi"g their monpv that money If way. a person can afford the money and get a kick out of the gamble there is nothing to be said, but for neon p whn noori v,0 i.b , ' u . ""-v4 c jwuiicv iu iane sucn lone v ..Mwv.wo 10 ucnueujy iooiisn. 1 IT WAS CLOSE RACE The race between the two fishing schooners Bluenose and Gertrude L. Thebaud was very close this year. Up .to yesterday each had won two races and the final went to the Canadian vessel. There were a number of days! iieiithAre was not sufficient wind for a race and it was' tcUJeU Oil. The boats are real fishing craft, one flyine the Canadian flag and the other the American. They have raced on former occasions with varying results. Canadians, and particularly Nova Scotians, will be glad to see their own ship win the pennant. A BEWILDERD PEOPLE Commenting on the wonderful reception given to the Chamberlain Deacp. annnnnppmpnf in Pvi'toi n .;f ..v-....v,.. v "1110111, a 111 ILCI ill one ot the leading American newspapers suggests that the British people were bewildered by defeatist propaganda and intimates that they should have been told that Britain in conjunction with the American democracy, could dominate not only the seas but the world economy and on such foundations could build a guaranteed peace. The writer criticizes a world peace based on increased armaments and thrn concludes: "How democracy can recover from the blow it has sustained rather from within than from aggressor nationsmust turn cn whether the British people can feel their strength once iore and in conjunction with the United States take tho initiative in planning a world settlement conference in such form that it will remove the menace, of right by connuest and bring back to the world a regime of international justice and security for peace-loving nations." L 5 5 5 9 feelly halantrd hrtr in etrry rtpct. It U nrither ,too Mtter nor too wrrt . . . too' heavy nor too light. That' hy It U nrltWh Columbia's rnoat popular lugrr le. Mft and r 11 ri If Guaranteed hy $10,000 Bond COAST BREWERIES LTD. VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINtTr VICTORIA Tbi advertisement it not published or displayed by the Liquor C6ntrel Board or by the Government of Britiih Columbia. Pt.S 7 7 7 3 ' 1 . 1 Jn&msm . mm .is 1 YuMk 1 J& t r DAILY NES .lJ.Jiil'i ...v RUPERTIA Ubyssey Wins IS SECOND PotbaI1 From ,., 7 ,kt, r...d Saskatchewan Showing in Race at Vancouver Prince Rupert Man Enjoying Sport In Auld Scotland . Alex Finnle. who left here some months ago for Scotland, has rent FREDERICTON. Oct. 27: iThe fire loss in New Brunswick's capital city during the ten year period 1928-37 was $751,278, according to a report read at an October council meetine. The heaviest loss, $406,755, occurred in 1929 when the provincial normal' school was burned. ' . M The Dally riews Is an A. B. C. Daoer. QJfssiFjE FOR SA L FOR SALE-24 Ford Engine. 982. ft. Cabin Cruiser. $125. Phone Green (251) FOR SALEOne walnut vanity! bureau $12; one Nesco elec-t trie oven perfect, cost $27.50 for' $15; one Spartan Radio $25 Baby's bath. Phone Red 578. (251 FOR RENT FOR RENT Thirty-six rooms, redecorated and mostly furnished in Alder Block. Some capital required for new mattresses, 'etc. For particulars see W J. Alder, City Hall. (252) THREE-room suite with bath, fur-nished. Phone Red 444. (251) SITUATIONS WAITED"! HOUSEKEEPER, boy 9, wants posi- tlon. Phone Red 821. (249) PERSONAL SCOTTISH Country Girl wishes I correspondence with young ran- j cher. Reply to Mary Bruce, Cas-j siegiiis, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, i Scotland. (255) AGENTS Wanted " CHRISTMAS Card salespeople. Big profits now. Sell the most complete Christmas Card line. Make big money every day showing season's largest selection. Printed to order Christmas cards, with sender's name and address. Designed by leading artists, values unequalled at our low prices. Four attractive lines including 25 for $1.00 Personals. Also many different boxed assortments, all big money makers. Canada's fa- vprlte "21" card assortment Is I finest ever produced, sells fnr 1 $1.00, your profit 50c. Make big: money for Christmas. Start now ' Cash In, on. these- fasti .selling 1 lines' published by-the; (largest' company of its kind in Canada. I Branches frpm coast to coast. Get easier orders. No experience necessary. Write for free sample , book. Agents also wanted in 1 smaller towns. Liberal' commls-. sion. Friendly service Premier 1 Art .Guild, 576 Seymour St. Vat'-' couvex, , . tf VANHOIIVRR Cict 27: ed for three months a shooting bnx about fifteen miles out of Aber- Each having been successful In 172 deen where he has been enjoying bagging a fine moose,. Capt. Sin 75 himself with his gun and dog and clair (Red) Pierce and P. J. Mc-a brace of ferrets. He tells of hav- Cormlck are back from a ten-day 3, lng bagged eighteen partridges, hunting trip to the country be 188 seven hares and thirty rabbits. He 'tween Endako and the east end of H8 is enjoying himself immensely and. Francois Lake. They went in from in exDects to return to Prince Rupert Endako and found the district an after 149 1 New Year. 117 736 FIRE LOSS REPORTED excellent one to travel and hunt . ... 'T ' A A I n n I . . . W . .. i m. mac la piciujr ui game 01 a.'1 kinds and, in addition to the! moose, the local men shot a num-j I ber of grouse. They did not trv for (Cp)'any geese or ducks. 9 REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rnone281 P.O. Rnr ioc A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can eet It by uslnr our famous Edson, Bulkiey Valley or Nanaimo-Wellinjton coal. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. 1 I," I FURNITURE ! MOVING Cartage j Light Delivery I Goal - i Wood III ! Phone 580 IHHHHK. Full dtlaili pJ tht Plan in auk Vkkt 'W'HMBm Saundry 0f Vancouver, saUing his Teated University of Saskatchewan - I Urmnt.0J WifVi Ivor, was the winner of the Dom- 13 to 13 in another football gamello liUllUrcU If lLfl inion championship for six-metre here yesterday. Saskatchewan had' - model yachts In the race run on been leading up to the last few, AllOUlCr uhOWCf Lost Lagoon course here. Rupert- minutes of play. Last Saturday; la hpionpinir fn a J. Croxford of British Columbia had defeated! Prince Rupert, was second. Saskatchewan to win the Western ' Canada intercouegiate title. Good Hunting Near Endako Red Pierce and Pete McCormick Home After Bagging Moose Apiece In Interior ldMiss Ella Steen were onpneri hv - '. j gue..T of 1 1 at the opening of the pr,:J ine evening was then lMt1 "" wnugv ana court hu winners being Mrs. J, a Bam Mrs. Charles Hayward. r refreshments we'e sened Those Invited Mr pMr,, Mrs. Charles Havward w. .1 . . ' M Mrs. George Peters and Mrs, Me"or- Mrs- I Rons Mi j j Tommy Fraser were joint hostesses Brown, Mrs. J. A, Barry Ma ' ... I 11 1 a, . . at a ucukiuiui ii.iwciiuiicuus 1 nam uroounnnir u c-u. shower at the home of the latter. . klns Mjss Elleen Q " 'Fifth Avenue West, in honor of Klf ll.il. Ella RtPPn whose m9rrla.to tcs "SS FSe C 1 Miss Lorraine Brockw.iv : Atjr kjbv. v i. wilt hfv vaning jiat , . .1 on November 10. Manv beautiful Mataonaia, Mrs, J R M- 6 gifts suspended from a prettily dec- Miss Chrlssie McLeod, Mia eJ oraieu pniK ana wnue umDrena ine. Airs. Aiex Mit :nell, 3 M 0 i P.O. 577 USED CARS 1 Come in and See Them Not ROYAL MOTORS Phonf SI UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION HATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT RETURN. Mesj (jjgg QQ FROM PORT SIMPSOV ctntx mm uitiiiiv Berths ?OUiO included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also sddIv from intermediate points Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1938 and Kebruirj I "'"i . inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, J. Children Hqlf Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.!" S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office December Frozen HERRING BAH Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C.