Saturday May 1. M; PX6S TffAk PRINCE RUPERTS ARMY first Line of Defence tty CIVILIAN oooo 60000 oaoooooooo oootoo WdWM Whw ovOo ooottowHsov He was sleepy and weary from labors of the previous day with people about whom nobody else, except perhaps policemen, cares. But true to his calling and the code of his Muster he sprang to attention at the call to duty. He opened the door shelter given and the employment and extended the Hand of Help to found by the Salvation Army for a dejected and outcast man fleeing the very dregs of society. The from the urge of self-destruction, practised slogan, "a man may be Soon a warming fire was kindled, down but he's never out." has re-hot offee prepared and a hopeless moved from you a heavy burden man poured out his distress to one of personal charity and respons'-whom he knew would understand. bility and given you better cltl-When the city awakened a man zens for the building of a Corn-had been redeemed by one of your rnunlty. fellow citizens. , Investigation of work carried on localIy the Salvation Army has The cry of suffering men, wo- men and children uttered In one J;evealed countless meals for the 4 tltlttn i - 4 IhnhA Kama V... J hundred languages Is heard an.t uw" ' heeded In ninety-five countries. Thousands of tireless soldiers In a mighty Army have been ever or. of service Do you know these sol- Jto, f,he sic,k a"d Ade'ectfd- Fof thF dier j of the "Helping Hand". and what they have done not only for the world at large but your Community and yourself? They are thu ,l-ier cf the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army provides food and shelter for all who ask It maintains industrial institu tier, hospitals, refuges and orphan.; homes: if locates the miss-lr.? for anxious relatives and fticnds secures employment f-jr the unfortunate and rebuilds the live . of those who face a hostile w:rld after a prison record. Jc ens rardless of race, creed of pciitlon has sunk too low In the tcilc-; of degradation for the as-tl:tance of this Army. How has the Salvation Arm; benefitted you, Mr; Average Citi-ten'' Less money has been taken from your pockets by taxation be- eause of this Army's prevention ot trime and reconstruction of the criminal, Your streets have been cleared of beggars and thugs and made safer for your wives and daughters because of the food and The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Holiday Camp Mrs. Dunn Announces That Her SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Near Massett, Q.C.I., is open for visitors and advises early booking. slty, hampers for Christmas cheer location of missing people, placing of many jobs, s'ervices at the jail every Sunday and comforting visits soldiers or tms Army there is no rest; twepty-fouf hours on the 'firing line' as the cry for help comer at all hours of the day and night The laboring officers in the city of Prince Rupert receive no salary merely a maintenance pittance of $5 a week from headquarters. Tc care for the many needy who con stantly require aid, donations are :ourageously sought. If these art nsufficient then the meagre live lihood rfiust be drawn upon. Thf ife of these officers is one of ceaseless work under the most de pressing conditions; their weapor Is the glowing smile of lnvlncib't optimism fired by the light of in spiration. To them the Army of Salvation Is an inspired calling, nc! a position: self 'sacrifice is thf command. For the soldiers of the Salvation Army every week is self-denial week. For us outside the rank' only May 7 to 14 has been v- aside so that we too may share tr assisting others. Knowing wha' these warriors to, surely no citizen can reruse the opportunity to join in extending the Helping Hand r the unfortunate ones they serve. Prominent Supporters By supporting the Salvation Ar my we ally ourselves with such outstanding Canadians as Sir Edward Beatty, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway and chairman of the Montreal Salvation Army Advisory Board; Wallace R ramnhpll. Dresldent of the Fore Motor Company of Canada ano 'chairman of the Windsor, Ontario (Salvation Army Advisory Board; Hon. R. B. Bennett and our own premier Pattullo, who have ex pressed In word and deed then appreciation of the work of tht Salvationists. Help the Army of the Helpinc Hand to make the coming Self-Denial week a victorious cam palgn! LACK OF MINERALS CAUSES DISEASE The famous author. Rex Reach, some time ago published a very interesting article explaining this vital matter, also, the. dis M.D . re Norther Charles i, covery made by a famous Physician. eardlng the lack of Mineral salts in our every day foods, and tne consequent serious effect on human health. NO MAN CAN EAT ENOUGH Most people think that all fruits ahdjegejables contain the necessary for health and but tte ct nutritive properties for. fruits i ana enuBh as pointed out by Rex Beach, no man can e w vegetables to supply his system with the Minerals required. maintain perfect health. FOOD DEMINERALtftED Mineral-salts as supplied by Nature are the foundation of all We and vitality In the human body, and it Is a. """"bies million of acres of land on which fruits, .grains and vegewn nemg are grown is deficient In these vital elements. Jhe result SUDjtanu that our bodies are actually starving f'J1hMt"al es which form the whole basts of the cell Structure. MOTHER NATURE DOES PROVIDE The genuine healing And vitalizing gl6h of JMgSJ as a preve Springs has been known for centur es-both against disease ahd in giving teMross Continents on ments in the human body. People tI a springs, these of spring the advice of Physicians, to take advantage LANG'S MINERAL is NOT a patent . . . - has nroven a blessing " nas been used for over nny yew " r, "7bv assisting M- years years o OI.U..W.---. bon': ,t to thousands of people after tut to do fftr own wonderful work In the human U6n suffer mer with with indifferent indifferent health. heaitn. Write wnie us iot LANG'S MINERAL REMEDIES 916 ROBSON STREET VANCOUVER, RC. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Tonight's train, dut from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to time. be tunning on. Martin OTlrlen, rather of Mrs. "lielp! Get me in somewhere!'' In the cold grey of be held at the new c- N- B- Tef" early dawn on a recent Prince Rupert morning a manC " Cou"f Suny' ,May J,1;? in- f.. AurntPtiwI VmJl Pubfic 15 cordially hv t Vila nrv nt t h rlhn rtf M ,shai?- Miss Honora Silversldes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Silver-sides, has returned to the city from Victoria where she has been attending Provincial Normal School. day afternoon at the home of Mri. Peter Lakie. Fifth Avenue East, by the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church was a Very successful affa'ir. Numerious ladles called and close to $40 was realized. Mrs. D. C. McRae poured in place of Mrs. H. N. Brbcklesby. (Hospital Women's Auxiliary Bridge Affair Last Night Successful With Play at Thirty Homes and Many Donations A vow ciinfftccf ill olortVinnrt bridge party was held last night I by the Women's Auxiliary ofj tuc riuitc nupcn- ucucidi xiuajjitai, vith play in about thirty homes In addition, many donations were received. Mrs. J. W. Kllpatrick was general convener. The prize-winners were: Contract First. Mrs. J. W. East wood, 9220, playing at the home of Mrs. J.W. Eastwood; consolation Mrs. J. Q. steen. playing at uif home of Mrs. A, T. Parkin. Auction Ladies' first. Miss Doro- hy Ballinger. 3820. playing at the home of Mrs Sam HaUdenschlld consolation, Mrs. George Adams 149. playing at the home of Mrs. C Graham. Clearance Sale Monday May 9 at 2:15 At Jimmy Watt's House, Ambrose Avenue Consisting of two only 4-foot Beds complete, Davenport, 2 Arm Chairs, Wicker Chair, one 4'-6'1 Bed complete with Slumber King spring and spring filled Mattress, Sideboard, six Dining room Chairs, Range with Oil Burner complete. Six Kitchen Chairs and Table, Wheelbarrow, etc. Must be sold, owner leaving country. Geo. Dawes Auctioneer Him i in 'mi wiMmMMnfir- Short Notice AUCTION SALE Household Furniture Junction of Summit Ave. and Tay lor St., Tuesday, May 10, 2:15 p.m. Instructed by the owner L. H. Ha-worth who is leaving the city at once, I will sell by auction: Chesterfield Suite, Electric Range, Cream Bed and Dresser, Walnut Dresser, Living room Carpet, Two Windsor Chairs, Bridge Lamp, 12-guage Shot Gun, Wicker Chair, Tools, Dishes, Etc. Must Re Sold Geo. DaWes Auctioneer The Dally New has an audited circulation. Play safe! Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's, tf iTheo. Fortune, left on last Inlng's train for his home at Ver- i An American Tournament will non. Mrs. rortune accompanied him. William Kyle will arrive In the city on tonight's train from Prince George to join the staff of the Canadian National Telegraphs office for relief duty. Mrs. G. Martinson and son sailed last evening on the Prince John for Kelleys logging camp at Tan-noo Island where they will join Mr. Dr. Hugh Morrison, inspector of Martinson. schools, who stopped off in the Bel- la Coola district on his way back Up to two days ago there were to 'the city after attending the re- flocks of birds all over the city, eent teachers convention In Victor- Today mahy seem to, have disap-la, returned on the Cardena last peared on their northward flignt evening from the south. and the gardens are more or less deserted. Possibly more may come Th tea and sale of home cook- yet but the probability is that most ing and fancy work held yester- nf fhpm hv. one Mrs. Mary Holland Cox of Ottawa arrived in the City on the Princess Adelaide last evening from the south to pay a visit here with her sister. Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, Fourth Avenue West. Mrs. Cox motored all the way from Ottawa to Vancouver a distance of 4300 miles, via the southern states route. J. Hotel Arrivals Royal Cameron, Carlisle. Central E. Ryan, Squadaree. Prince Rup' rt R. H. Wilson, F. H. Wiley, George F. Tough and M. H. McLean, FOUND Red News, FOUND cap, apply FOR SALE I Mrs. George Rodger sailed last night oh the Princess Adelaide for , a trip to Vancouver. Daily tf. 611 THIRD AVE. "WEST (near Royal Bank), Lot 8, Block 33, Section 1, Store with dwelling over. This desirable property for sale at a low price and on easy terms. 5 Interest on balance as rent. Also Lots 11 ano i2, Bfock 17, Section 7, with house 1140 East 6th Avenue for $700, half cash and balance $20 per month. Geo. H. Munro, 4204 West 11th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. If Interested In property in or near Vancouver communicate with the above. (109) FOR SALE Half-ton Ford" Model A truck In good condition. Phone Green 346. (107) WORK WANTED WOMAN With two children wishes housekeeping position.' Bachelor preferred.. Pihoh 421 r Vernon Apts., Second Ave'. ; v (107) FOR RENT BRICK house for rent. Apply J-Currle, McBrlde Street. (108) PERSONAL MEN I BEWARE LOW VITALITY If easily exhausted. Try New OST-REX Tonic of raw oyster invlgor- ators and other stimulants. Get vim. vigor, vitality. If not delight ed maker refunds price, $1.25. Sold by all good drug stores. At WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Lei ter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can i help you. Write us for. proof and free Information. M.C.C, l Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. Oldeat I in Canada. tf PRIVATE HOME KINDERGARTENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. tf Sunderwodd Studio Ahnounces that their new equip ment enables them to develop am: print any size of Roll Films at 40c All Work Guaranteed (Next Rupert Hotel) Mrs. Jarvis H. McLeod sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a two weeks' trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Drake sailed last night on the Cardena for a brief trip to Butedale and will return, on the Catala tomorrow The party of the 102nd Battery sailing last night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria to take a course of training in practical coast defense operations consisted of Lieut. J. T. Harvey, in command, Second Lieut. T. D. Johnston, Battery Sergeant Major James Hadden, Sergeants A. S. Mitchell and T. W. Bryant, Bombadlers Angus Mac-donald and J. Mussallem and Gunners H. Attree, Donald Blake, William Blitch, Walter Cross, Jack Garrett, William Glover, F.R. Huht-ter, D. M. Houston, Walter Johnson, G. P. Lyons, A. MacFarlane, T. A. McWaters, C. Marr. Duncan Miller, D. E. Norton, D. J. Passmore, C. Raabe, W. Slater, E. E. Thompson and J. A. Unwin. Card of Thanks The Ladies' Auxiliary of thr Prince Rupert General Hospital wishes to thank those who so kindly contributed in making their telephone bridge the succes it was Announcements All advertisements in this col-jmn trill be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. Peter'fi Bazaar. May 10. Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 13. Snowball Moose Hall. Frolic, Friday 13th, Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at Mrs." J! Jack's,' Angu.1 Apartments vfay 17. Canadian LPgiori Tea May 18. May 20, C Y.S. Dance, Oddfellows. Gyro "Maytlme" Dance, May 24. Rebekah Tea Mrs. Bert Mor gans May 23. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD lava mi Kraa EUatrW and AetylM elding. BpactalUta mi SawmDI m Miotnf Machinery. AO Tjptm mt Cm EnflMa mn4 Overhauled. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE ' MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor 11:00 Sermon Subject "En Liten Stund" 7:30 Special Mother's bay Service. Vocal and readings and recitations -AH Are Welcome mmm asmk. tmm ran ten IV in ii mm way r B w am tf NEW ROYAL "HOTEL J. ZarelK, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1.00 Of SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 18 Norwegian) Instrumental 1 music, ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. n. Gibson, Dean Choir Leader, A. J. Lancaster Organist, Peter Lein 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion "" - ' 10:00 a.m. Sunday School . t 1 1 Cr n RlfkuMtnir Dr irAi t A Cnrrann ' s Dav May 8th Remembrance Suggestions Page & Shaws, Sapps, and Neilsons CHOCOLATES Y ARD LEY'S Lavender Perfume L From 10c Bath Salts $1.10 II Z7iP- Pioneer Druggists The ilejll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 .m, 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. ELIO'S FUR Sets From 85c Bath Cubes 55c and $1.10 NITURE Trade in Your Old Spring .and Mattress for New Standard Equipment third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. i 7:30 p.m. Young People's Service In Charge of Anglican Young People's Association, Preacher Bob Yerburgh Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkley Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Company ii- " il Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator i -tit 1 mt