II it Todays Weather prince Rupert-Cloudy, nortneny ,lnrf tWO mues jiuui, Haivw L3; sea smooth. SING UP temperature, vm$ I SUGGESTED n.i,i Asks Germany To Regard To Minority n i 1. Notes Ar6 Sent ,;i u-nnht Rive Hitler Free Join Tact Vice cnanceiior Herman uuer . . ii. rtl . i . II TT. t A4 Off - ouf,wv-w. ein rorrarH tji thp flerman min- ... i ro i.i. mu.t in uzccno-oiuvaKiti. xuai, uic demands on the Czechs be was urgea. Erratea :e French and British got erq- i i i. i j i i t - v n;iri iiiali liulcu liluii tiiii- l - l i 1 1 German minority in Czecho- How Italy Feels sources, nas agreca 10 give anv a iron narm in i:prim- Mussolini Is said to have prom-to bring diplomatic pressure to iiiianm - in rnppi lnir i f'riiiiii is said the Chancellor Adolf ft nas mi imatort me uii nncrnpss oin a four-nower nact involving man w rviiT rn inir nniinr in;ii. considers it essential that an Clashes in Prague unuur,, May I, IKifl lucre uecho-Slovaklan capital, be- in m ilk ri' i ii TRIP PLAN - w j Prince John mmcif ma L 1 L . ..1 I nrr " ' Juno a k.. un tiritiro The Junior nhambor will be ?Thc detntte Mjorn Inft fnr fho pn- 1" was also suBoested that a trip a t?1. . - wacriiii iiiirmtT t r l r xuiiiuitrL. Public Notice notice is hereby given that A. IULi:t'Ull 1.1 win uc '-xvi.il inrqinr nil r4inirnva fill Pronertv in tim c.nu nav Arp.t tcr May 15th, 1038. Please govern Fsolf accordingly. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C, " h day 0f May, 1938. W. J. ALDER. City Commlssionf. (107) BULLETINS SEhe KENTUCKY DERBY WINNER LOUISVILLE Lawrin was first Dauber second and Can't Wait third in the Kentucky Derby WOMEN FOR WAR LONDON lit. Hou. Leslie Hore-Relisha, minister of war, last night intimated that plans were under way for the training of British women for non-combatant service in the event of war. TRUST TO NATURE CHICAGO Chicago parents have refused to submit their child to an optical operation, preferring to "let nature take its course" although surgeons have, advised them that an operation for removal of the eyes will be the only means of saving the child's life. Unless the operation is performed, the child cannot live over two months, the doctors declare. CAPTAIN EDEtf SPEAKS LONDON Speaking to his Warwickshire constituents last night, Capt. Anthony Eden, former Foreign Minister, urged greater national unity to meet the threat of a totalitarian state. It the people could unite in the emergency of war, they should be able to, unit? for peace. anoMo prcserve liberty which was the British heritage. BIG SHOW OF MIGHT ROME Having seen Premier Mussolini's show of naval strength on Thursday and his army yesterday, Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany today witnessed Italy's air force in action. It was an impressive display of aerial military might. Okanagan Fruit Situation Good Everything Fine in Southern Interior and Fruit Ranchers arc Optimistic VANCOUVER, May 7: (CP) -The condition of the Okanagan fruit growing industry was never better than it is today, declared Hon. ui. K. C. McDonald, minister of Agriculture and member of the Legis lature for North Okanagan, yesterday. The fruit growers, the minister said, are feeling very, optimistic. There Is every Indication that there will be a complete and satisiaciory disposal of the apple crop. TODAY'S HASEIIALL ' American League Detroit 8, New York 12. Chicago 3, Washington 3 (going Into tenth inning). Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 2, Boston. 7. luruvi; fourth win with no defeat.) National League New York 6, Pittsburg 5 (Schumacher suffered cracked rib). Brooklyn 7, Cincinnati 4. . Boston 4, Chicago 5 (ten innings). Today's Weather Terrace-Cloudy, calm, temper ature, 48. cairn, ia. Alyansh-Cloudy, calm, 45. Alice Arm-Cloudy, calm, 45. Anyox-Cloudy, sou h wind, 48, Stewart-Cloudy, calm, 50. Hazelton-Cloudy, Smlthers-Part cloudy, calm, 53 calm, 47. Burns Lake-Clear, NO VOTES Damaged By Fire S.S. PRINCESS JOAN cally mentioning them by name. Twelve Forest Fires Burning Itcport of First Week of Season in British Columbia Made by Forest Branch vtrrmnTA. Mav 7: (CP) The Forest Branch yesterday announc ed that there were twelve rqrest fires reported throughout the province during,, the, first week of the fire season-i-nine in the Kamloops and Prince George districts, two in Prince Rupert district (and one in Vancouver. WINNIPEG GRAIN PRICES WINNIPEO, May 7: (CP) Winnipeg grain futures were Vic higher to Vac lower yesterday, May" closing at $1,1534. V. , f VANCOUVER, May 7". (CPl Considerable damage was done to the Interior after part of the steamer Princess Joan when fire broke out aboard the vessel as she lay moored at her docK. Smoke Issuing from the vessel's vents and ports drew a large crowd of spectators. It took an hour to extinguish the flames. REBELS ARE PUSHING ON '.nanlsh Loyalists Retire Before Driving Offensive of Insurgents "' In Spain1 ' HENDAYE, Franco - Spanish Frontier, May 7: (CP) General Francisco Francos veterans rougni their way steadily through driving rnin vesterdav toward the main Teruel-Sagunto-Valencia highway inflicting heavy casualties upon the loyalists, particularly in the vicinity of Teruel. mere were au raids on Valencia and other gov ernment seaports. Government dispatches said tnai General Miaja's militiamen were withdrawing slowly from fortified mountain peaks before the insurg ent offensive. F0RD0UKS Amendment Of Dominion Election Act Excludes Them from Enjoying Franchise OTTAWA. May 7: (CP)-oufc- hnhors will continue to be exclud ed from the franchise In Canada II the House of Commons adopts an ampndment written In the new Election Act by the committee on electoral matters. A sub-section unanimously inserted into the clause treatina with disqualification embraces Doukhobors although not specifi TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .15. Big Missouri, .35. Brlorne, 8.70. Aztec, .072. bentoma, .04 VS. Minto, .02VS. Fairview, .03. Noble Five, .02 Vi. Pend Orielle, 1.60. Pioneer, 3.00. Porter Idaho, .02Vi. Premier, 1.98. Reeves McDonald, .28. Reno. .52. Relief Arlington, .17 S (ask). Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .06V2. 1 Taylor Bridge, .04. Premier Border, .01, Silbak Premier, 1.75. Congress, .00 Vi. Home Gold, .01. Grandvlew, .06 Vi. Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .02V2. , Haida Gold, .07, . Oils A. P. Con., .25. Calmont, .40. C. & E.. 2.61 Freehold, .06. Hargal, .20. McDougall Segur, .21., Mercury, .10. Okalta, 1.63. Pacalta, .08. Home Oil, 1.34. Toronto Beattie, 1.08. Central, 2.60. Gods Lake, .46. Little Long Lac, 4.20. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.07. Pickle Crow, 4.75. Red Lake Gold Shore, AlVz-San Antonio, 1.25. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.12. Smelters Gold, .01. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.35. Oklend, .21. Mosher, .43. Madsen Red Lake, .29. Stadacona, .70. Moneta Porcupine,, 2.08. Bouscadlllac, .09. Thompson Cadillac, Bankfleld, .77 y2. East Malartlc, 1.62. Preston East Dome, i Hutchison Lake, .05. Dawson White, .0434.' Aldermac, .48. Kerr Addison, 1.70. Ucht Oold. 1.72. Inter! Nickel, 47.25. Noranda, 6155. Smelters, 57.00. Athona, .10. Hardrock. 2.22. Barber Ellis, .39. Mandy, .15, .30. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1938. IROUTE BY HAZELTON TOALASKA i Juneau Chamber of Commerce Takes Action and is Backed up By Prince Rupert The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its monthly dinner meeting last night, endorsed a resolution coming from the Juneau Chamber of Commerce asking that the route over which the Alaska highway be constructed be not far ther east than by way of Hazelton and Groundhog Mountain. The Juneau resolution read as follows: Resolution "It appearing to the members of 'the Juneau Chamber of Commerce I that several routes have been pro-j posed through British Columbia land Alberta, Canada, for the con- struction of the proposed Interna-. tlorial Highway between, the Un-jited States and Alaska; "That the most westerly route from Hazelton, British Columbia, via the Naas, Bell Irving and Is-kut Rivers, would be the most ad vantageous route to both Ameri cans and Canadians. the Klappan Valley, appears from the official reports of the proposed routes to be the least expensive to construct and maintain, and that it would be of more value to the Dominion of Canada, the United States and the Territory of Alaska than any other more easterly route. "That the two most westerly proposed routes above mentioned would be of the greatest possible value from both an economic and military standpoint; that they connect by navigable rivers, on which transportation lines have been regularly established, with Prince Ru pert, Wrangell and Juneau; that these routes are connected by rail talnly be available If either of these 'western routes are selected. "That from a dominion and territorial defense viewpoint, the pro posed easteai routes would be of no value, and that the timber' and mineral resources, for potential de velopment in the more western area Is much greater than In east ern British Columbia or Alberta, "Now, therefore, be it resolved by! the Juneau Chamber of Commerce, at a regular meeting duly assembled this day, that this Chamber of Commerce go on record as opposed I to the construction of the International Highway over any route imore easterly than the two routes above mentioned, and that copies Tomorrow's Tides High 8:38 a.m. 17.0 ft. 21:19 p.m. 18.7 ft. Low 'L 2:19 ajn. 7.3' ft. 14:40 p.m. 5.9 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS ulties Are Facing Highway Further Negotiations Required Before Road To Alaska Goes On Premier Pattullo, HoweVer, Has Hopes That Something: May Materialize Would Involve Expenditure Of $25,000,000 VANCOUVER. Mav 7. (CP) Premier Ti D. Pattul lo said today on his return to British Columbia from the nsr. tw "there are difficulties in the way" of commence ment of work on the proposed Washington-Alaska highway through British Columbia. He said in a prepared statement that he hoped the difficulties could be overcome - -but it will require further nego- ' Japan-China War Outlook in. Japanese DROWNED INRIVER Member of Parliament Lost His Life While Fishing in Quebec OTTAWA, May 7: (CP) The body of Fred C. Betts, Conservative Member of Parliament for London Ontario, who had not been seen since Tuesday, was drowned while fishing In Quebec. His empty roadster was found near the river and an in tensive search conducted by the of this resolution be forwarded to Pce resulted in the finding of interested civic bodies In Alaska, British Columbia and the State of .Washington, and be likewise forwarded to the official representa- ', tlves of the United States most vitally concerned." Interest Is Shown the body today. Mr. Belts was 42 years of age. LONDON METAL MARKET LONDON, May 7: (CP) Losses were general In the London metal s. F.. Parker SDoke of the Interest market yesterday. Bar gold was being taken in this subject at the off 3c, closing at $35.01 per fine present time. Mr. Pattullo had ounce. made two trips to Washington in regard to it. The views of local Alaska. He moved that the Juneau people were in line with those of resolution be endorsed. The reso- the people of the Alaskan Fan-( lution was-seconded by J. J. mtie. handle. The Turgeon highway was' The Chamber also endorsed a being built-as a mining road and 'move to have the .highway east to serve the Peace River and had from Terrace completed as a mill? nothing to do with the route to jtary highway., tlatlons." The Premier said that, if work' was started on the highway project, it would cost $5,000,000 annually for five years. iu ed I ERASED SHANGHAI, May 7: (CP) With the legend of Japanese .. shin.s EnEine ra . .... .. .,.. invincibilitv smashed as the. c- And 1. Is mat me next most wesujuyi : . . t from u.nm Hazelton, nrith British Col mi. invading armies stand dead-.. j route umbla, directly northward to Groundhog Mountain, via the up per portion of the Bablne River, atrjeeasXprk pI-theN.aas ,Rivier and locked if not falling back In Fine For Taking Snaps Given Freedom south Shantung Province and TOKYO, Japan, May 7: "(CP) the Chinese imbued with the JoseDh Gllbertson, Vancouver rwhft'tiad3jfien.JielcLJ -the Sino-Japanese conmci en- t . . in- Q j Acrll 17 for tered its eleventh month to- truding upon and taking photo- day. Interest now centres on graphS 0f Japanese warships and Peiping which It Is said the fortified zones, having paid a fine Chinese may endeavor to re- ot thirty yen, was released from i capture. The rumble of dls- hotel cust0dy last night, it was tant artillery and reports of a reported in unofficial but authori- powerful and wen equipped t Native quarters. Gilbertson was force of Chinese Irregulars fourth engineer of the steamer closing in on the North China Heathcote. capital caused a near panic at . Peiping today. All gates of -the the city were closed and per- (LI A jlrt DC O sons entering or leaving are Vllrlf lOLliV being questioned and searched by the Japanese militarists.. WAS K I IaY Unconfirmed reports say that l,iO kJJO 1 Chinese Communist guerrillas are are in in the the n hills ils eight eight miles miles w, well Attended Catherine At Din- .wlth Prince Rupert and Skagway.1 ! Alaska, and could easily be made to fst and twelve mjea rf . the preparing to close city -. with ,(, Atlin, 4m T.iMMnh Telegraph connect Creek and Stewart, B.C., by road, 'and that tourist travel would be much larger If It is possible for tourists to use motor vehicles, river boats and coastwise steamers in making any one or several alternate route trips, which would cer- Unless the ner Last Evening Dealt With Many Subjects are immediately and effec- , There- a fairly iarge attend- tlvely reinforced, the outlook is anCe at lhe monthly, dinner meet- that It will be a long ana lnc of the Prwe RUnert Cham- bloody conflict, ber of Commerce last evening In the Commodore Cafe, President F. A. MacCallum conducting the pro ceedings. A good deal of business was attended to and three new members, were added to the roll. These were Cecil Fitzgerald, the new manager of the Home. Oil Company, Axel K. Nelson, barber, and Thomas Wallace, cannery manager. Present at the meeting in addition to the president were Peter Lakie, City Commissioner V,V J. Alder, T. J. Williams, Richmond Mortimer, W. J. Raymond,. A. K Nelson, Theo. Collart, John Bulger evic evidently iSr- J- E- Boddie- C- S- Minns M' neaT ''S- E . Nicker- Bnche RWer Buckingham fery. J. A. Lindsay, C. V. Evltt, John Dybhavn, W. O. Fulton, H. F. Pullen, J. J. Little and Arthur Brooksbank. The president referred to the loss the Chamber would sustain by tVe departure of L. H. Haworth from the city. He welcomed home M. P. McCaffery, O. W. Nlckerson and George Bryant who had .been holidaying In the south.' C. V. Evltt reported in regard to (Continued on Page Two) 4c. 4c. Halibut Sales Canadian R. W., 9,000, Cold Storage, 6c and Ringleader, 1,700, Atlin, 6.2c and