PAGE TTTO 6aiLy njifibK ber of pedole on rplwf If It Is In RUBBER FOOTWEAR We Have It Now Is the Time to Stock up While Our Stock is Complete Family shoe store ltD. The Home df Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fRINCl RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Pr'lric Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Atsnue a P PULLEN - Managing-Editor Ketrs Depahmeni Telephone , 8t Advertising and Ciicuiation Telephone M Merabtr 01 Audit Bureau tr fclr eolations Monday, October 17, 1938. Ido PI tV rttc?t-vTr.i- JftttoS1 '" a y - on.y store; there SeVmn Cal? St0r4S ahd hU8e artment nnf ti k-h'c " a mice nupen, wno nax'e 4. , K ;iS.tA5.1n.d 5f W delsei oil?; -.v. iu ue iwo siues to every picture. "Thpr, SPN'S??VATIVE TYPES I All-CaTnhaedf ffhly by thej who often writ Srtwi iSSJ.. haan ed,tor.lal writer .. U T .. . . ." v 3 article on 'ThS only two paraT'" 4rora WMC" Ve spa.e fof nJ' Con5errative, in the general sense of the term hi one disposed tu hia htain existing inrtihrtL. .i?1 senSP. ir has nn hrt JUhI !: " 7. mat. they are often termed ndteaoSrie? but their attitude much the same in otLr aTSfon-every group hag th it some members who are naS chned to set themselves against nhv new pS tioh itSSQ tL1 one the impression that! by solledformeTS: m B be sabotaged by feds and radicals. ,naust;ial sm, 'There are otily three conservative tvo the io-yorant man. who Understands nothing, but LlinctiveU;1 Im! Uutrd plflnJ the"'tired radial who nd t& ent through discouragement; ahd-the worst offended-1 the mf 1V?. wfl t0 existing iiSltXs W S?Zhf wJd h,sW eaed the sUftift Ws am 1 bition, dnd Is afraid hat any system of equitable dist rl bution of the good things of life will inspire his fin.lnc nl standing BY his pride ill thinking htnself a sUtoehnati He actively opposes progress, while the ignorant and dig- couraged are, for the nibst part, passive. He gains his ends by anneals to nrpmrliVp w wvinn u i. ting up various bogies or even by making direct threats." The Letter Box I REPLi1 TO FATllEtt GOttbOX Editor, Daily News: It was quite a rude shock to me" when 1 read the vehement statement coming from the distinguished Rev. James Cordon of the Annunciation. Church that he should be duty bound to draw ft lance oii jbehall of the Spanish rebels and me intervenuonlsts of Germary and Italy who are at this moment doing their utmost to destroy Catholicism In Austria and Germany. ' For already these same for- ces, which Father Oordon so gals lantly goes to defend, have destroyed one of the most deeply religious peoples known to out tlmes-lhe flashes - and their towns arid Cities. Th ohiT trim 'these devout people were or coutri nave Deen accused 01 was thati !the dared to defpnrt ihoif Hnmti ;and towns' against fVancos "Chris' tianiring" black Jegionalres front Africa ahd Miller's and Mussoiiril'i troopers. j i find, however, that Father Gordon cMuld have found strorigfei ' and more authenlie lnfonMuofl than thai originating front & dej; E Flour All brands. 24-s 49'c Soflk Biscuits MdCor-micks. Large pkt 93c Sl79 19c Palme-lire Soap Reg- 4( uiar size. 3 for 101 diaht size. 3 for Old Dutch Cleanser 2 tins 23c 19C Tru-SIIlk Equal to Klim at a reduced price. CQ m 8-lb. tins. Each Fresh Frozen Peas Oafden fresh, all read to AOn cook. Pkt. mm Try This New Product Everybody's Talking About Fancy Pears IS per basket 23c TiiT hAIL?" X7TT5 Mond - y u. i i 1-1 -- OUTER DEKKNCti PLANNED IiV LS. viti i 7 pct "aRBOrV jfJ ' chi r i t senses 'a , C ,wmmmn-rv fv- . I -Vi, .I1KIAHL HABHOD I I erter from the Loyalist AHriji : ! Could he not instead have cofl. tfa J Si stilted for instance & noted jbiin US6tl Lfl60Ue$ nalisl like Ernest MemmlrtgWdy oi 4 the Duchess of Atholl who ten A RAAlH4hJa the way. a Conservative member rk 17UUAUmi rltht iHr ,t fun kf m k. - v Kfuto- . - CANTON L J it 'PACO PAGO.Sawoa J5J fW .rm ' bom'' for sums These are ohlv a .: ,who cannot be accused of be ng CAPE WWK, Oct. i7: (CPl-It'd'tedVn S ' j associated with the communist? MM hafre been betUr for W 11ns dS ihul man. mnM .-.iikti iorW u.L. u by D' Prsons no no- Almost Imn all Isupplied, authorities' Who will look prominent lawyer had cashed tne same way at the blptuff 1 .cheoues Ihsteaa bf uslhr thni fnr in aaauion tney round that Ud- i Referring to me as belrig lm jpattlal wotild by no means be cor rect. icti. u If a a man man Is is Imndttinl impartial u? V, ,er most favorable conditions some article i1,!5 . . stattment 50 promptly after ght be u sold cheaper by cutting- nnf nvSnh.ft- he lthe meetlne at which i sr. if ? would be ven-L-E 23 ...o. so seems to sponsor, had been in e n V1 nce KUPert too manV rn-ocer. fnn fu maJorlty ln sPaln. obviously many businesses hahdlih? clnth fnn LSE!IS...r)?.",ereUId ha no rebel. men, too manv in alrrint p.,. j" l,ara ware -non. This brings us to the con- know of novhlvhU' 116 f ertdayor yet. we, fusion that defending a minoritj hch withont without oZ J improvement could be made rouP ta revoit pias a defender causing great hardships to very manv nenn I in such llght M to advocate n-We pride ourselves on our freedom yet we cotLflt pll'iar acUon 1x1 thu or an oth;' for restrictions, usually on the OtherVartv V? """onally governed country. h most strenuously if anyone tries tn rptt,i'- Reanlln8 "cusations of deiib- UeStstt US in our work. derate destruction of Jut now if I- properties, nlftpi S ai!nounced that restrictions churches, -etc; tinted I nh -i are to be can it be hio hS 011 comPanies. We are not defending them out that ever boS feT la?i.not oreus all the information tte crian wUon think that if there was nin macwhlne-gunned - children a lafee very marrin nf 0f ' Other people would be in tho A" ?,rgln Prot,.Pr destroyed churches when thwe that, if prices S to hfi.n r' We SUSt is afr were not used for fortresses rtf I nrLholi.?- CXl 00 ?asolmet e may find the asainst them? cannot be proven alWS iCe f ther Pr0ductS Sh bUt U the fas- affect 5 ? ?nd dfesel 011 to make up for it. Hov UV will "m th' the hundreds of n0nniQ ; -tnat - . Jf t D bffore Unlted stiU-a' Congress to provide for Lrti !S6 wfi-P 10 0Ter e PacJf,c for about S-600 mll nrth ahd south. Wllh .l Ihe main base at Pearl Harbor, other bases, under naval plans, would be established as Shown above. The northernmost would be at Kodiak and Dutch Marbor, off Alaska To the south. i.epO rnlles from butch iiarbof. would be another with a third al VVaie tslahd. another 1.000 miles, in the South Pacific there Would ba a base at Canton island, 1JJ00 miles from Wake, and a flhil one al Pago Pago. 700 miles further on. - i using cheques as bookmarks 'was legendary (but no one placed, much belief in the story. His ex -I ecutOrs found it was true. They, discovered hundreds of cheques,' in books, In his files, in the origi-' Doolunafkl mgion naa usea proceeds from Miiedtors tf Ifpirtgtori's esUte hls lucra"ve practice to make an foiihd Ihe distinguished kinn's cnmous 8lft of as much as 52,- he wnsei reii notning oi great value vw " tt lu"c lu ne consia-never goes forth to fight the battle Asides a f ihe taw librar and tred worthy causes. His only re-of a people he earnestly believes sporting prints. 'latives were two sisters in Eng- k j- r- nave a Just cause. I frattkly! ine eccentric lawyer's habit of ""1U ana a newpnew in tne tendency admit that I ; Transvaal. am partial and I also - - r partiaL If he were not sThTmosI JSTm "i 15eop?C " tagels- likely would not have come in rith pe"tI"1. Everybody reads the Dailv Ne -- - - " " " impmipa ann Tha a slaughter that took plate there, is V. III. .IS!- people, Barcelona, Mardh 17-13) m n.r Mattrr f th- -tdminiwrttion this year; the destruction of the Xrt" beautiful city of Alicante and num erous other acts of violence will remain stains on Franco's name Dad's Cookies Oatmeal br Cocoanut. in ceiled ttf pickets of 2 do2; Thrift Coffee Ground OOn daily. Lb. tdDK, Santa CUra Prtiries Medium l"L 17c Salmon Sold Seal Bockeye, l's Custard Powder Creamola. Pkt. 33c 14c Super Suds They're easier on me nands. oi Pkt. Toilet Tlssue-J.8anl-White. 3 rolls 19C )lnh Mallows fresh Moon- light Mallows, Small packets Mb. i packets l 3-!r. T tins 9c 22c 84 c Utah Celery-iu ripe when Its Oreen and almost (g strintless. Lb Juicy Sunkist Orantes Large Doz 35c .tna In lh Auikrr or tht CiUtf of Manifl TAKE KCYTTrT . Ki w. . . tr t. irrespective u hat tum hkiaj'SSani WaST wiU take To accUse the SrlanLsh nmni nf beihg "reds" Is just the old Ume- Torn trick rf rim Hn Vi.-n tna t-j ijr ir Ootcbcr 1938. I w! fpor'rd A4w netor ef ill tb E.l hln KitKh caluaiata tf th Tuksa' ri Sttr.. B?r' Columt' In ffoht of peoDle's eves, i eon- Al! '. 't'-i te ciuae mat. Father Odrdmv in mttf4-. f-.w,. - - . ... ...1. riM4 . ealeh of . eViderice against Repub-. rrK? hTio -s -o , oi: the w 'ican Spain, oufiht to HaV tmi 'I .... .i,, ----- -i .triy vcr.nta. in rc; tm one inofe objective and niore reliable imtth from tb firr. pubiics.tton of sources than statements coming' !wU r 1 ' ' s tr-iut :n ef from a deserleh 1" fc m,ai Utel,t xours for a true picture. pww Rupert, b. c. th1 TED OUNRUn. ,sth d,y Thrift Cash & Carry Extra Good Food &t fixtra Low Prices SalU-2-lb. cartons. Each 6d Thrift tea Our new AQn Orange Pekoe. Lb. "' Pearl Barley Fresh 4 & clean stock. 2 lbs. M.D GORMAN A. WATT. O.ficlsl AdmtaUtrator. Prince Rupert, B. i 'In the sirREME cotrtT or nrtiTin IULUJIIH. 15 PROBATE In thf MtJtfr of the -Administration Act" , And In the Mat if r of the Ettate ot John A. Sn-anson, Deceased TAKE NOTICE thut. hr nrdrr at l Honor Judge W. E. Plaher Loan Judt of th Supreme Cburt of ErttUh Columbia in and Tor the County M Prtnc Rupert, I vas on Wednesday, the Sth day of October 1938. appointed Admin tatrator of the EsUte of the late Jobn A Sanaon, Deceaaed (aomeUmet knofra u John Alfred Swanaon) with the wll annexed. All person having data against the Estate are required to pre nt tbetn to me property TerlfJed on or before the 6th 'day of .November 1938. and all penona Indebted io thr Estat are required to pay their to. debtedneag to me forthwith DATED thU Sth day of October. 19V. norman A. watt. Official AdmlnUtrtiSf KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERVICE . Modern fiquiPMEXf REASO.VABLE ttATES Phone BLACK lit Powddr- PUff Beauty Shoppe PermanenU, Marcels. Finger-wayes, etc. Children's Hair cuta a Specialty. Phone Green 883 for Appointment Muriel Eby 437 Ith E. I HAWUUtl AINU Uandhi's Mahab Ch uaile, niiLU is made Ufficial rislian Vcuth dcIc(j- liart Oa; Title of "Great ; ETer.:nscn Friday Officull, On Friday evening the Christian Youth Society held its annual banquet and dance In the Commodore Cafe with about Ihirly-fivp people present. Miss , Edith Johnstone and Cliff Madill were In charge of the evening's proceedings and Lewis Cromp acted as chairman. After a delightful dinner. Miss Winnie" Cameron gave the annual report which dealt with the society's acUvlties during the past year. The past president. Ken Harding, spoke of the society's success during the year and the new president, Tom Johnstone a.ked for the support of the mem bers to help make the eniuing year as successful Rev. J. C. Jackson gave a few words of encouragement to the youn? people. ' Cliff Madill. as master of ceremonies, led the partv In community singing. Miss Joy Oreen en-.tertained with a solo and a hil-iarious duet was rendered by the Hamblin sisters. The remainder BOMBAY. India, r : Mohanrfa v r. .. Ui title of Mahatrna .CT'': corded to him by a.." ' .1, nany ofr'T? ! years, now is luniiiitr c: ft. T6S eovemmiini . 'Provinces. Pandit p,,, .hukla. has ordered , Iffleia! Mrteijwndence Ct..," jn future .to be dp - "l hatma Oandhr as a '"courty and respect I V nt Tr,rfU f.-J... H- A. Thaln and Mrs o p; sail totncrrow aftertic 'ala for a trip to Vai. uic evening wa ,:jf :.r "ng, novelties and x. adding to the toilltv The party came : a midnight after a guv t enjoyable evening ' it "MEN AT WORK!" The most cheerful sign on the road "MEN AT WORK" is an rncoura?in?, cheerful sign upon the highway It is the happiogt gign on the huines highway too. BiisineM enterprise, making wise u of l.anlin' frvlce, is the mainspring df employment. The contractor repohsihle for that "Men at Work" sign gets the job of building that stretch of hiehwir ny lein the lowest responsible tenderer. .Vol for, dork h hkH the trtuiy nwney to bur ad ihe lie fort to thtbank and, hanng a.t, and a ,. repufe. I.on, ha nefonate, $uch advance at he maneetl. He orders materials. tU men to ork. A the job proceed, engineers' certificatesenable him to collect from those with hom goes on. Te hiphuar finUhed, the bank is repaid. Such repayment enable the bank to Supply credit to other responsible borrowers. A' manufacturer pels a farpe order, ith an early time limit for delivery. With only a hun-drrd men, his factory cannot turn out the articles within ihe time required With, more men he can drt it hut he larks sufficient cash. Operating his faclory as a going concern, with a profitable order and having a reputation for integrity, he aske the bank to lend him what he needs to pay wages. The bank makes him a loan. He takes on more men. They get wages. The goods are turned out, delivered and paid for. The manufacturer repays the hank with the agreed Interest. He has his profit and can spend some money developing new business to keep his men" employed How dt a birtk make these advances where does the money come from ? Banks, having branches throughout Canada mobilize the surplus funds of millions of depositors. Urge and small, and, based upon them, make credit available throughout the coun try as may lie required. Millions of little sums repre-ent the toib production and lifetime savings of Canadians your fellow-citizens. Safeguarding thtse deposits Is the bank's first care Deposits of 11,000 or lesl--most of them much lessare owned by 3J70,O00 out of Canada's 4,081,000 savings dc positors. The total of all bank savings deposits in Canada is nearly $1,581,000,000 Ihe aver-age savings deposit in a bank is only $387. Wisely safeguarded br Cana-da s chartered batiks these de posits furnish credit that keeps men at work" when used by Canadian business and industry producing new realizable wealth from Canada's greit w sources. The country anJ all iu people Iienefit. In the field of Wincn df 660,000 "current" accounts, 596,000 amount to $1,000 or less. Savings deposits are. primarily, the basis on which hanks ran make loans. Only the confidence of tlx people and their willingness to leave their money on deposit, enable a bank to lend nioneT and at small profit-margin to itself serve the community. We have mentioned the contractor and the manufacturer. The same process stimulate employment throughout the whole fabric of production, industry and commerce. Loans to agriculture and f marketing agricultural product totalled in 1937. $88J!9 1.000-9.0 per cent, of all ordinary hank loans show n on the return to tw Minister of Finance, Octolper 31st, 1937. Of this sum $57,490,000 went to farmers, cattlemen and fruit raisers and $30,801,000 to grain dealers, seed merchants nd grain exporters. Other bank loans went to municipalities and school districts: wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers of and dealers m lumber, pulp and other forest products; fishermen: fish f' ers and curers; public utilitif including transportation companies; stockbrokers anil bowl dealers; provincial governments; mining men; churches, parishes; hospitals; and to dun-table and religious institutions-Canada's chartered banks uV-fend and protect the safety the funds of depositors- the millions of thrifty souls we have described, whose life-savingi they entrust to their banks. No Canadian depositor, through the world. shaking events of recent vears, has hal to fear for the safety of a single dollar lodged with Canada chartered banks. The fumls of debitors are their own not a poI frn which everybody may draw " win fnr any and every new ln-anclal experiment. THE CHARTERED BANKS . OF CANADA Your local branch bank manHfer trill rW $lad to talk Unking xnlh you. lit trill ba glad to mn$utr your quelii. from tha ttandpoint oj Mi oien riptrience. The nett article In ltd, ,,rit$ Watch It. trill appear In tiia nipoer. Jor ICS