n 'i ?Acr rorz inE U AlLX .STCWa Man in the Moon Keep the doer shut li s ebilrr' .The taag of fas OQC raOfe OUT ear The AaA BiBoween sa. cf the bid -natter. .taBBC abret as atm r is the air bt&TT ttotljti tor state sad Queen Of Port Is ! Honored At Sons Of Norway Social FaLicrsrin? a lodge raf-etmc Saturday. he Sou of Norway Lodz? held aa enjoyable sets! psxberiiig ittfa about one handred -persons in them attendance, O B. Satber. areadeat m is tfait MB SO veddtegs con- Mirriiee Is a- jn-luas hHw' :he singing of t Canada"; a talk 3ria$e the meals." "Tes. ft is seeteas.- rented tfat bride. "Tea viB find a teat as dif ficalt is i do To tbI bare tt esJ the meals I cook." I onre w at a urddtog -rhen the .from vantted to tera bar on the urddteg day bat that fa: a Itssz iirr.e ago. ln hearen peopie rsajr bare toj psa snncs 10 fei one 01 jeos. -VThzt fobV Thai of harplsL- Oisrsssins leafteg bis Jeb. Pat raid his errspiojFfrs did not sees a bit surprised. "He knea- It before 1 did he repaed. aifeen oaesMoced. - There Is a rederal Ba039g asd a 'Federal Bxi aa the est ad the -IsaaMtegT at bigger than thehtoek." "araaier ff ve ooaM get a nin iiet ef the trom to opea the nev Federal BaUae. TCe sdeht then ttM hfa abaat a lev ef the other tUauji -se vaat m tins dtf. 7 zsaglat even tat? has oat TCaatap: Bnad. ard aieiat be rcaeapted fe Priaee Baperi to "Take a teak at those salaer There's todas- trj 'jk ymtr ilirj. -Baafs the those eoirsebs a the -I doet kaan szeims ia- the hease. S tse Bead the snz ads Peter Lien end the singing Xor- irepan songs. A pJeasaci featnre ot lhe eTen-J2g'5 prceeedtngs a-a the presen tation to Hiss lis. Slatta. Qoeen of i the Part, of a beasUfd black dia inond set. October 13 and 24 't Anrvs and Stmrt Sanday . . Wednesday From Aayaz and Stevart LINOLEUM The Ideal Floor Covering We Carry a. Iinlenm at $1,40 Per Sqaare Yard Many delightful patterns are available in this long-wearing, practical and inexpensive floor covering. Drop in and inspect our stock. We also carry a good variety of Congoleum Rugs in the newest patterns. GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET h " ,1 I . 1 Bridge League Entries Close he chair a the nesting and tan ' PIit VTHI Get fader Way lev members eren SloS and DtU 3endiksen ocred the lodge Pfresfcmects vert stiied nrf. a) ponta hirh fe&rred Inctadedj Week Kith Eiiht Teams Competition atedfertheoccason. DIUC DUIIlDcrS bers The eoeninittee in charge toasSst-! ed of Mrs. Larrj Arnold. ueorge Ancerson. mss uatan Yire-j berg and R. HrxndeJde. George An-! derson presded at the door. Mail Schedule For he East Monday. Wednesdsy. and Friday From the East Tuesday, Thursday Satarday For TancouTex Taesdsy Thorsday Friday October ?. IS and 3 from TancoBTer Scnday Wednesday Friday 11:69 aa GIXUCESTEH- Mass. Oct. IT- I 4 PJ3 Phone 311 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, S alpha te of Ammonia, Snperphos- P hates. Complete FerUIheri Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Siirer, Electrolytic Lead, Einc. Cadmium, Bismnth. Foe and lack of -raid eaased thei 4 pra fl afmaa fiBfl H8 O Good Ranre of Prices Ranging 45c Per Sqaare Yard t X j FOR SALE OR RENT This La The entry nst for Prince Rapertt usr psay dartag tbK rrmarfcfd fee eras "When wi en the theVery cf America by lief jeoariag winter doted Satarday ire married reu vffl ban to etral Ittksca by Oscar Bather: vocii soi-;nfaht aith no farther teasas la. ... , J- T i C 1 73., ' " ity ' " MtTII AWC lTH WUflUA IHHi ankd by Peier Lien: piano safes by. prerJoawry been catered Mas- keieem. Caari an lagaon. Grotto. Caaadfrn National Recreation Ar- sceiataoh- Ramblers. Sans of Xor- Win Mrks Over Rou?h Riders Seore f It to fi m Western Canada Cnferenre FotbaH Satcrday REG DC A. Oct. 17: CP Wlaaf-p?S Btoe Boaabets defeated Berjaa Boaffa Rkiers by a seore of 14 to C la Western fonaaa eoafereacel foothal here Sataraay. RACE AGAIN BECALMED .1 1UTJ -a JFOH SALE OK RENT Hoase ii - epjn.) vith harbor Tier. fs2 crvncreteJ r Aaas Krrer ana fori iimpsan i basement For infonnation call Sunday P-3 ai 975 Ambrose Are AGENTS WANTED 2C CHRISTMAS Card salespeople. Big profits cor Sell the most complete Christmas Card line. Make tig nwoey eTery day shoaing season's largest selection- Printed to order ChrwSrnxs cards, aith sender's name and address. Designed by leading artists. Tatoes Bneqaalled at oar krs- prices Fosr attraetire lines indsding 23 for Personals. Also many different boxed aasortaents. all big money nairrs Canada's fa-rorite "21" card assortzient is finest erer prodaced, sells for Sim yosr profit 50c Make bta tnoney for Christsas. Start norx Cash in on these fast sellng lines pablished by the largest company of its kind in Canada Branches frora coast to coast Get easier orders. No experience necessary. Write for free sample! book. Agents also iranted !n; smaller tara liberal 3oo." Jrlendry service Premier Art Gaild, 576 Seymour St Van-coarer. tf LOST LOST Roll containing 1S2 in bills beta-een Edaard LipseU's and U. & L Cafe. Rexard of $39 offered for return to Dafiy Kevs (243 LOST Parse containing money and Waltham aatefa. Retarn to Mrs. Softraken. Priaee Rapert Hospital (243 FOR SALE BOY'S blue reefer coat and brera tveed suit Size 12 to 14. Apply Box 23. Daily Nero 245 HOHKER Piano Accordian. 123 Bass Xearest offer to $90.00. ! free lessons. Apply Daily Jfears. 247 FOR RENT FOR RENT 5 large rooms apart ment hot water heating, electric store. Centrally located. Ideal for a couple. Cottart & MeCai-fcry Ud. tf FOR RENT Modern House -alth basement, Biggar Place. Phone Green 378. tf. CLFAN. well - famished raoderr apartments. Phone Red 444. (244) I SPORT . SPORT CHAT D Craren. latemabona; rarby caataaa and dhettLc of phyacaJ 33 '$i55t. LIT: Rsieri Dairr Learoe nUr win- be aT gates. eommfneed an Fridaj nifht of tisH' veeJc and die fixture Bat tCI be Itissc for rr"c a-as prcrided iade pabBc in the neantcae hj Mrs. J. & Black's Orchestra. I The hall Vas atlracfdrelT deenr- Til Tk rttt Brkx.-Gea. A. a Critchley gary-bora soldier and Mrher mr Ttv-V'-- than 1S2Z afcheBEh bad arathec I Gerntan girls took the first foarl : places la the vaaen'S Darooeaa ' ffeare ror skatiag ehaaaanahQai in Manchester. EnUand. They eare! the Nanl palate be tore starttns thelrj exhaatiaa. The toariac Iadsan soccer teaai players really can take it They played in Mtbarae. Aactraam. recently In bare feet and raw a Victoria teas a great battle before 4 tor Cal- and hts aife, Dteaa Fithaiek. the PPed ftiuati- Bitoah mlfer. eospeted aa the annaal ore& scratch nixed The eight Tape brothers ehal-.eaged Sussex Road school to an nght-a-sade s-sinrsaax team race at the arxual Wbnhaag school gala The Tapps lost by 12 yards. Docks -Ecrc pttuUfai vhen APT Chapman's erkkat eleven played Chabham. Fangfaad. G. Chalk sit oat for a "dack hi each Innings and von the mystery prise a fat dock. The Wbcoaobe' fatnBy attracted' IjOOB spectators at Porter's Park.- Tondon. recently. Father and son- Hddie. lost to Reg, opea golf champion and Chants 3 to 2 fa the mora-! ing bat ion the afternoon round: 5 and 4. I Miss Diana Taylor, partnered voh R. B. Weston-Webb, von the. Central England rafxed foarsoraei golf rhamptenrtnp. She has too the toamament three tfcaes vtth dif-1 ferent partners. i ? Robert Blair, too claims 74 con-, secatrre golfing years, said to be' a record in England, has challenged "any saan of my era age to' fence. Mr. or play goil." He's 68 years old. Professional at the Temptenex-, sam goif coarse at Leeds tvo years. Percy Alhss. tntemaUonal golfer.! is resigning becaase ""my serrices baTe not been appreciated." He :ookin for Taore congenial vork."i Steamship Sailings 5 rer Vanrctrrei" Tuesday Catala 1:30 pjn. Tharsday Ss. Prince I George 11:15 pa Friday Sj Prtn. Adelaide 10 pmt ss. Gardeaa 10:30 be October 7 Ss. Princess Louise October lR-Ss. Princess Louhe Z October SS-Ss. Princess Louise ( 5 pro. . 5 pra- 5 pa. Ernest Croma-elL cplered. fori supplying fiqaor to Indians, a-as( fined $100. with option of one! months imprisonment by MagJs- irate M-Crrmont in ritr rxtr (court this morning SNAP i t a riNt 0WDER aaaa Tvs 4 Tajm aaq Umoi FOOTBALL Beta and Honors psraaeat af defeate aill Jdy lihjiatal traaateg methods as D-. Honors SATURDAY! Gamma Orates Dirtied in lllfh School Play were again divided la Bad. Cetaaay. Deamart and Sar-,the Booth Mraeral Hash School jfeeibsJI aMs on S&tarday vhrc Ueicss represeattaf the Beta Boase IVaBaer of the Fxtalish coaaty rset teams fraa the Casaa erictrt coeapeUonn Toftshlre,s Honse. In the tealor aae the matches tni year netted tZ- Betas defeated the Gaauaas by a score of three to ail 'cfaBe. in the tenter gase, Gasssaa Hoase iras the Tletftr by a score of frre to The teator aasv started Hh Beta Hoase presstog and Stonnd-oa ssorlag to the first tire mte- atea. Crerar cleared suunghi1 and atay tor a Uae centred aroaad the Beta seal Garrleh sawed acfi and rare MeRae a food chaarc at he shot across the goal to as bested. McAfee, pmytnc nice foot- far a begteaer. broaght the ball near bis opponents goal and; centred caeverty to Mah bat the Beta backs. Bird and Perkins. Tere safe and chared atroncry Sbaan-1 caagat Mcleod's centre and throagh bat OriauBson bias near the goal. Hall : Beta. 1: Gamma. took the off enstre at the nauoaiLS gdf toamaaient at War- brinnJn rf half and ptesdoa October Ml ,Mah tested the Beta goalie bat lOTJeffl vac safe, A fine ran by TT-rr ti iarrls McLeod. endina with a , poRponenKm yeswrtntT in -.w-. -fc. K. ptoeed centre, vas Stoooed by Bbd It today of the International flsher- pj raen's scbocrr race be-arec BHe- 4 pa., nose ar.d Ger.rjie L Tebaad ring tro Tears aaa. ns fonid rtMif m vhese Strang drires avre a a raSaay line Id England. He had TOBf,to Kingston been oat of vorV luxrfr u mMh 0PPfd Suaandson who a?as al -rays danceroas. Pierce esaon and centred to got poa- ne seared his eeaad eaaL M--Kwra placed -aeD and Pierce farattg a shot as fnsa the goal an, aaaost scored. Before faE i ' taiae. Stanndsors srered a third WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- A4 YomH Jwmp Oat of Bed ia Um Mornisj Rtria to Co TW fcw Ml I"-- mi Hnii W it f rwrr rr f m4 tn. fwekmar. V--. r"! Ra(W EmM omf r M tb M. ulmM mmr. t" Inrt aa wl It ttfcn tan aH. al rvirfalilMttlmtriaiati, iSZ5l"" -Hma nt Ma. ikr, "k tfc turm trmt, TWr aV tar f acl i,. tMueaart amn ai Gm. Ami far Curv , tintr fii w, :uruMwute a Sic Walker's Music Store Large Stock Made Ileintxman, Nordbeimer and Lesace Pianos Piano Tuning with -Resoncope" Phone Blae J 212 ith St CRAFTS MRS. i3gctibf;' Classes In Leather Work Metal Modelling, ete. Phoue BUCK SM Be tbe Life of the Party Play Fhdo Popular Music The Professional Stjie HAROLD DAYEY Teacher of Piano and Piano- AccordiciD Open for Enrarements Parties, Dances, Receptions, etc 3Ia$Jc With Rythm Reply a? the Nexs Cap This Ad for Bef Musi 1C Ruth Nelson A.T.C.3L Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Phone Green 390 goal, fcavteg Ids beast the fener of a turn coals to nlL itaL Bay. The teeied. SenW Game three Boase PBatoto; Crerar Giimiaaai: MeLaeMaa. Hkigstor McAfee: Asuina. Clark. Man. Las-dry. Wonc Beta Bawe OTfetB: Perkins Bird OarTfeh. McAae; MeKeoarn jMeLeod. Pierce Saaandjea. HoCke- new vas arH cbtt- both IcasH tarntoe In a Rae gaaae of football Dick Cain-eron starred for the Cassias scoring all fire goals. BL recelring a nice pass from Haagan. scored he only tally for Beta. J. G McKinley refereed the unlor fasse and W W C OTCeQl the senior game Iinesner. arere K PiTtlkis and 3 Zbora A .1 KM a f EEC Bowling Alley rorHeaMhariaTrj Line Brr Ft Reerraans rbwt i Preventive Medicine Is the Keynote of .Modern Therapy. See Your Doctor Regularly Modem Pharmacy Is Prepared to Supply Purest Drnfs Vital to Health Ormes Ltd. The .Uxn Store rfeoBes: tllD Open DiDj Prm ta. U9 It ya BiBdays and BoUdayt frota It aa ta t ia. T ajm-tai MORE HEAT FOR Less Money Help Support the Region that Helps Support You. Think This Over.Then BUY KsnaaaaBBaaaaaamvaaaaawamasaaaawA Canadian PHARMACY WEEK October 17th to 22nd BULKLEY VALLEY COAL UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamer Lea re Prince Rapert for VanconTer TS. CATALA EVERY TTES- TJ. CARDEXA ntlDAt DAY. 1:31 pja. 1I:H pjn. Doe Vancouver, Than, aja. Dae Vaucoirtr. MwdT -H-. If Conrenleht, Please Parrhase Tickets at Office Farthe information Regardteg ReserraUons and Ticktis T A. W. XEW3LX, Prince Rapert Agent Third Are. Thtmt 5 CENTRAL HOTEL I j: H. BULGER ROOMS and CAFE r I sef Phone 51 For Best HobmboU UptOlTiein5l CU fcaril Brl Baal p BU MRS. C E. BLACK 4 aaaaMiaaaaaaaaaaaaaUaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " If you lose anytiLng, advertise for it