iic-i'ar Fpbru?ry 15. 1938. TS2 DAtLT "paoe torse Canada's Favourite Tea LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cambrai Chapter J Valentine Dance imi if ah ah MM AliAUA . . .J.II l 1 i - nr laKini: uieir cue. A a warn v w v -x TEA Anglican Young People Valentine Party Is Enjoyed Fun and frolic prevailed at the nT lean XUU11K I'wwrca 'ciiunr A, KJ . ...w.- - i fHM T ti A ITam ah )l iYl J - . ho evoning's festivities of typical On arriving each couple was he names oi iamuus juvenj. Succeeding games Included Adam and Eve and the Apple," Longevity Is Common With Lanark Family M. M, McLachlan, manager of the local business of Brackman-Ker Milling Co.. was recently In receipt of word from Lanark, Ontario, of the birthday celebration of his first employer, George Bond who was on that occasion 100 years old. lie was spoken of in Lanark newspapers as "The Grand Old Man of Lanark." A dinner was given In his honor on which occasion the guest of honor contributed to the musical entertaln- he Tv.i. ine rejresnmcnts were w wi-hwu uaya. inc tcuuru- . .. I it, 1 am JImh nff (IThah orlin'c trnvyA t o Via mo o 1 ft rwA thr Wolf from the Door." Thf'hls father 07 years old when for Husbands," or washing up, I present at tne ceieoration were jR6 years old and Mrs. John Tho-'bum of Vancouver, a sister, Is 90. HALL IS OPENED In connection with the opening 'of the Boston Hall, which has been taken over by Benny Windle, an enjoyable dance was held last night. Dunsmuir to C. Hygdne Who sons In attendance and music was Will Reside In It t by the Seranaders' Orchestra. Geor Dicks has sold the house TEAK CAS PROHIBITED n i in Avpnnp wpsl npnr uiins- w " iik spa n Tr n nnn nn i.i'.,. ".-'ni. in ii Mifii iiv f nrnntr uiivprnnr K r lui . i r K niiriiiMin ,s-c t il be used by Mr. Young prohibits the importation If t. . 111 iraiU 11LC. Ul H- LX 1 UUO 111 jJ A. L 1111VJ4AV4. mmm m VICKS Va-tronol hefps prevent many colds mm WICKS V VapoRub helps end a cold quicker J ult Octdtls vj thi Cton in tach Vkkl 'fliJt'J 91 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPKCIAL WINTKK EXCURSION HATES TO nio.u i'kinci: kupert VMM POUT SIMPSON VANCOUVER $32.00 $35.35 RETURN. RETURN. All meals and Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November lst,.l!)37 and February 28th, m.18, Inrlusive C.ood (o Return up to March 31, IMS. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: S.S. CATALA Tuesday, l:.,fl p.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Ar. Vancouver Thursday, a.m. Sun., Midnight Tickets and Reservation from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone 5G8 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office HALIBUT The 5ource of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Tonight's train, due from the Don't miss "One Delirious Night." East at 11 o'clock, was reported The heroine Is an hallucinating fthls morning to be running on kleptomaniac. ... ... . (3) time. ; ' I Mr. and Mrs. Peter Solem sailed I Mrs. Noel Traversy of Hyder Is yesterday afternoon on. the Prln-la visitor In the city, having ar- cess Norah for a trip to Vancw I rived from the north on the Car- !ver and Seattle. 'dena this morning. I j A. S. Nlckerson returned to thn H. S. Kelser of Inverness can- city on the Cardena this .morning nery sailed yesterday afternoon from a week's business trip to on the Princess Norah for a visit Anyox and Stewart. In Victoria. I . City Commissioner W, J. Alder Sojourning Brethern who have will be sailing Thursday night on not received an Invitation to the; the Prince Rupert for a trip ti Masonic Ball may obtain same by j Vancouver and Victoria on citj I phoning Blue 909. (38) James N. Klllas, who has been turned to the city from the north on the Cardena this morning. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternorn the fire department had a call to the' corner of Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street where there was a grass fire which did no damage. T. A. McWaters, local managet of W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd., returned. to the city on the Cardena this morning from a business trip to Stewart. Joe Brown, who is receiving treatment at Tranqullle Sanitarium, Is reported to be making excellent progress. It is possible he may be home in a couple of months. Grover C. Winn, well known Jun eau attorney, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yester day aiternoon going through to Seattle in connection with a court case. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Drake, well known residents of Juneau, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to California. On their return north In about month's time, they will spend couple of days In Prince Rupert. S. W. Irwin of treasury depart ment of the Department of Trans- oort. after having spent the past few days visiting the local Digby Island agency on official buslnesy left by last evening's train on hi. return East. On his way to Ottaw? he will be visiting Reglna and othe points. Miss Gladys Brewls of the Alaska territorial auditor's office at Juneau aboard the Princess was a passenger Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle for a month's vacation trip. Miss Brewis was born and raised in the interior of Alaska and this is her first trip to the United States. She is looking forward to the sights and activities of the big cities. Provincial Constable L. A. Requa of Stewart was here aboard the Cardena today going through to Vancouver with an insane patient in his charge. Constable Reg".-3 also took south Robert Innes and Norman Lewis, Indians, each of whom were sentenc ed to terms of three months' Im prisonment by Judge W. E. Fisner In County Court this morning In connection with breaking and en-terlng.and theft from Claxton Can nery. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central B. O. Albertson, city. Prince Rupert Harry McCavour, Claxton; Richard Van Cleve, O. E. Erlksen, B. Knutsen, A. Seymour. C. Knutson, J. II. Engdal and Isaac Bastad, Seattle. Royal L. Olsen and H. Izuml, city, Mrs. N. M. Traversy, Hyder. Prices i)f Raw Furs Up 30 Ship Your Coods To G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable And Be Sure To C!ct The 30 per cent for Yourself buslness. Mrs. R. B. Skinner, who has on a business trip to Premier, re- jbeen spending some time at Pre mier. returned-to the city from the north on the Cardena this morning. City Commissioner W. J. Alder will be In session tomorrow morning in his capacity as a city council to authorize, sale of tax sale lots, pass accounts and transact such other business as may aris'. Autarev Simmons, enller.tor nfl customs at Whltehorse. wa.s a pas-J senger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a vacation trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Rev. Father Garlty, who ls; act- ling as parish priest at Stewart during the absence of Father An thony Meulenberg on a trip to Belgium, arrived in the city on the Cardena this morning fr6m th north for a brief visit to town According to a statement made at the City Hall this morning, an order cutting the relief allowance of single unemployed men applies only to men who have been con vlcted of drunkenness. i Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh L. Bernard of Juneau were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday af-terneoa golng.4hrewgh- on- a trip which will take them as far south as the Mexican border. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Masonic ruary 17. 5. t. Ball, Thursday, Feb- February 17 and 18, "One Night," United Church. Varden Play, February 18. vVomen's Canadian Legion Bridge. February 25. . - Norkap's Basket Social,. February St. David's Tea March I. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, -March Presbyterian ' : Shamrock "tea. March 11 and United Church. 12. CIRCUP. St. Patricks tea and social evr ing, Catholic Hall. March 17. Orange Spring Sale March 25. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April . Salvation Army Sale April 'IZ. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL, Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only fidmon canning company' with n &U the year round payroll la Prince Rupert' Fifty Couples in Attendance at Enjoyable Affair Last Night Cambrai Chapter, Imperial Or-: der, Daughters of the Empire, held its annual Valentine dance last ev-; ening In the Oddfellows' Hall where i about fifty couples danced to the: strains of music by Mrs. De Carlo's orchestra from (ten o'clock until two o'clock. ! The hall was attractively decor-J ated in red and white and the emblems of St. Valentine's Day under the supervision of Miss Lois Mc-Rae. Refreshments, which were In charge of Mrs. Jack Garrett, were served at midnight. Mrs. J. A. Barry was general convenor for the affair while Robert Irvine presided at the door and Walter Smith was the ever genial master of DHE1 FOR SALE FOR SALE House and furniture including piano, radio, etc. Apply 625 8th Avenue East. (45) iO Piece Layettes, complete for baby. $25 up prepaid. Also Shopping Service, charge 20. P. j. Box 381, Victoria, B.C. (2iM I 2 LOTS ON Digby Is. Low for quick sale. Mrs. Letnes, Seal Cove, PR. Phone, Black 482. (41) FOR SALE Oak Dining Table and four Chairs. Phone Green 939. (43) WORK WANTED GIRL Desires employment. Bookkeeping, stenography, clerk oi housework. Phone Green 9G2. 39 FOR RENT CLEAN, well-furnlshed modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (39) WANTED WANTED Good strong girl to do general housework, family of four. Apply Mrs. J. S. Nelson, c-o Hudson's Bay Company, Kit -wanga, B. C. PERSONAL MEN! To get vigor, vitality, try raw oyster invlgorators and other stimulants In New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, exhausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results, maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk nothing! Sold by all good drug stores. (tf. ...WORK WANTED CAPABLE Woman wants house work, steady employment. Phono Green 609. (43) is tiik srri:Mi: roi ia or rmmsn COH'MIHA iv I'uoiiAir. In Tlif Matter of Tlie .VilmliiMrnttori Art" Anil III the Matter of (he Estate of Adolfo " ' l.diili l.n.iirottt. Iereael TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor, W E Fisher, made on the 29Ui day ot January, A. D. 1938, I was appointed Ewwutotx of the estate oi Adol-jo UbMls Jjuaiarotto. deceased, and ail rrfi Kavlnff olaJms aealnst the said estate ane hereby required to furnish om. properly Verified, to me on or txtfore the 3rd day of March. A. D, 1038, and all parties JaidebWd to the estate are required iw pay tne amount ul their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED tile 1st day oi reoruary, n.u 1038. MAnm, IOWA. Executrix. c-o Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, ITince juipert. n v. NOTIfK TO CKF.IHTOtlS In the Estate of Harry llnx-k KoclieMer, I)eeeueil AH- persona having claims against the fvitau of Harry Brock Rochester, De- cil. late of the City of Prince Rupert.' BrlWsh Columbia, who died r.t . . . ... . . no.w victoria u?uin iamumimu wi uu? oi... day of July 1037. are required to send held. If any, and verified by Satutory Irlara,Uqn. to the under-signed on or before the 31t day of March, 1938, aN ter wblQh date Die octets of the Estate may 1e distributed among the part'es nUUd thereto having regard only to the claims of which the under-signed shall then have notice. DATED at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 1st day of February. 1938, AdNES A. ROCHESTER, Administratrix. Bend claims to Messrs. Brown & Harvey, Prince Rupert, British Oolmu tola, solicitors for the Administratrix. Of JUSTICE Girl of 19 Kruschen is a combination of several mineral salts which your body must get, in some wiv. tft keen the hlnod Dure. TASTELESS IN the inside clean, and the sys- COFTEF.oitTEA tern generally toned up, but whichiyou can't get in Nature's own way without ' ' IN THE HYGIENE COURT Accused of Bad Complexion (Before Mr, Justice Kruscheti) Juoce: Jane Smith, you have had a fair trial and you have been found guilty of the charge made against you. Prisoner : Y-y-yes, my lord. Judce: Very well, then. Your crime may not have been deliberate, but it was one of serious neglect You admit that though you do not get enough time for adequate open-air exercise you have never troubled to take steps to prevent constipation. Your complexion inevitably suffered. Counsel roR the Deeence: My lord, I protest that there a at other causes. Jcdce: I said that constipation Inevitably causes bad complexions; your client admits to the cause and plainly suffers from the effect. Prisoner: It isn't my fault, my lord. I couldn't help it Jl'dce: You could help it and you shall help it This is the first time a charge has been made against you ; let it be a lesson to you that young women may not neglect and spoil the good looks that Nature gave them. Your duty to your parents, to your friends, to your future husband is to make the most you possibly can of yourself. (Har th prliontr eartrad her fac with her hindlcerchlet nd wu handed a glaaa of water.) Judge: (continuing): You will be placed on probation for 3 months and I order that you drink one cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of water at breakfast every morning . J Prisoner: But I always dot v Jcdce: (sternly) : Don't interrupt I One cup of coffee or tea or a glass of water every morning into which you shall put as much Kruschen Salts as will lie on a . 10c piece. You will get rid of constipation and when you do you will never find yourself in your present predicament again. After consultation with counsel, the judge announced that costs to the extent of less than lc a day should be borne by the defence. "I believe I am right in saying," said his lordship, "that a 75c bottle of Kruschen contains 96 doses. That is much less than 1r a day." The prisoner left the court smiling. KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism abundant exercise and fresh air. You should have those salts every day : hence the importance of the "little daily dose". Every drug counter sells Kruschen in 25c, 45c and 75c bottles. It's the little daily dost thai does it. ffi ELIZABETH ARDEN Aniuuncti thai ter txfuutir VENETIAN TOILET PREPARATIONS for preserving And enhancingthebeaotT of the skin, may always be had at Ormes Ltd. tr? Pioneer Zfrtuzpt'afs The ,leiU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 6 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. FEBRUARY SALE 10 BEDS COMPLETE 2-lnch Steel Stead Walnut Finish, Cable Spring, All Felt Mattress. Regular $27.50. $23.75 SALE PRICE MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Phone 175 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 327 THIRD AVENUE The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK