IINOLEU Dttln illnttretti U Dominion lnttid Li tltam H. 7041, tvikblt fa en tthtr lolourinf. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. 'Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Bloving. Coal? Coal? Take advantage or 'jfow pf1? t6 put' In jour Winter lupply, KDSON and C.VSSirY-WELMNO-TON In any qunntltln. Abo Hour, liar, ttraln and Ied. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Ae' Home Furnishlni and Departmental Stores Everywherg Even the vacation failed to help WHEN they went on their vacation, they thought the rest and change would restore their health and vigor. Yet, when they returned, they were no better off than before they went away. Listlessly he went back to his business. And she wondered if she would ever regain her youthful beauty, and health. What a pity they didn't know that constipation was the cause of their unhappi-ness. Headaches, fatigue, bad complexions are a few of the symptoms. If allowed to continue, serious illness often occurs. Yet there Js a prompt and effective way to banish this evil. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to relieve and prevent constipation safely. Onl; ALL-BRAN gives maximum results It is bulk that relieves constipation. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN supplies bulk in generous quantity. In a part-bran product the amount of 9 ALL-BRAN ' ( PrtsS. more 1 than ever AO ..'ti.':. bulk is usually too small to be completely effective. That's why doctors recommend ALL-BRAN. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is totally different from dangerous drugs and pills whose dose must be constantly increased to be effective. It works as nature works. A pleasant cereal. Serve with milk or cream. Delicious with fruits or honey added. Use it in cooking too. Mix it with other cereals. Try it in soups. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily chronic cases, with every meal. The health of the entire family can be maintained by serving ALL-BRAN in some form every day. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is sold by all grocers. Served at hotels, restaurants. On diners. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ALL-BRAN ii 1 Guaranteed! K.H.tr. ALL. BRAN Im $M with thl& d,fi. nit Mrinll t II mcfrdhtg (rffrtctfent. (f 4 ml rtllm itill rlm4 Ik pvr-, Dr Alexander PHONE 573 nr.SNEU IILOCR DENTIST Buy from the merchants that advertise. Their stock is fresh. Church Leaders Coming Next Week To Prince Rupert Rev. Dr. Cochrane and Itev. Dr. G. .A; Wilson Will Visit This-. ( ' City and Haxclton 4 Prince Uupert and Hazelton are two strategic points In British Columbia. Thcv are to have spec ial visits from two of the leaders of the United Church of Canada Rev. Dr. Cochrane, the newly ap pointed missionary secretary of Toronto, and Rev. Dr. a. A. wu son, superintendent of missions for British Columbia, will orriv In Prince Uunert from the south on Wednesday's boat. Oct. 22. Special conferences will be held here when a number of church workers and leaders will be present. On the fol'.owlnz day. Oct. 24, they will proceed by the Canadian National Railway to Hazel-ton, where a service will be held In the evening and a confevenoe i with the workers will take place, j On Friday they arc to proceed tc j Smlthers by auto and will take the p.m. tram for eastern points. They are visiting as many Important centres as possible with a view to speeding up plans for future activities in connection with some great and growing organizations, of the church. Rev. A. Wilson B.A. chairman of the Presbytery of Prince Rupert, and Rev. T. H. Wrisht B,A, secretary of $he Presbytery, Hazel-ton, will have the honor of entertaining the distinguished guest from the east. Dr. Cochrane is regarded as r Christian statesman, a hard worker and keenly alive to the neel-of the great west as well as tr the needs of the eastern provinces of the Dominion. He was pastor of Augustine Church. Winnipeg, before entering into the new work as secretary of home Lief Erickson Holds Informal Meeting at Metrbpolc Last Night At the Metropole Hall last evening, Karl Dybhavn presiding, the Lief Erickson Society held an informal social In which a men's quartette figured largely. Three drawings tank nlnrp thp nr1za hn. ran by Miulson-JJoIin-torndiJ3W6tfre, respecWelsg'.' It was decided to change the meeting nignis or the organtzattnn to , the first and third Fridays in the month. ; Read Jabour's. ad. about his 85 (243 ' 3 sale ile. Children's union suits, two for $1.90. Wallace's. Week-End Specials MALKIN'S BEST TEA CI fir Mb. pkg OUl B. C. PURE STRAWBERRY CCn JAM 3W-lb. tin DOC I QUICK QUAKER OATS O Ap 1 Non-premium. Pkg Out COLUMBIA PSAS Sieve 5. COCOAMALT with shaker free. 1-lb. tin JOHNSTON S FLUID BEEP--16-OZ. bottle ROWATS WORCESTER SAUCE Bottle " HEINZ CATCHUP 3 large bottle 60c 81.00 15c 80c HAPPY VALE SWEET MIXED PICKLES K(n 2-lb. Jar U t CLARK'S SOUPS Now season's. 3 tins GOLDEN CHURN- OR BROOK-1 FIELD BUTTER 3 lbs. NABOB PUMPKIN 2s. 2 tins ! MALKIN'S RASPBERRY JAM 4 -lb. tin .., SUNKIST VALENCIA ORANQE8 5 doz IODIZED SALT 2 pkgs 35c S1.40! 25c 60c 95c LIBBY'S FANCY QUEEN S(n OLIVES 18-pz. Jar OXS COTTAM BIRd SEED 20C 25c GOLD DUST WASHINO' OCn POWDER Pkg,i:..J.Kj:....fOt bLASSC CLEANER'" ' 3 tins 25c Alberta Market I P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20S England Is Not Decadent Country Says Dr. J. A. West rnjoyable Trip to Other Side of Atlantic Described to friltotary Club " v'sHj Declaring that he had a wonderfully enjoyable visit, that Britain, so far as he could see. was not going to the 'demnitlon bow-wows' just yet. and that the country was fo , Interesting that Dr. and Mrs. Eggert, who had gone over on the -ame ship with him and planned to stay only a month, had not yet returned Dr. J. A. West told the Rotary Club yesterday about his' visit to England and' France In a 1 delightfully Informal and-humorous talk. The doctor told of the trouble of lettintr rooms in Montreal, of the splendid passage across on one of the C.P.R. Duchesses, where he met Dr. and Mrs, Eggert and, with 'mooth seas and sunshine and' plenty of bridge games .en'oyed' the trip Immensely. Incidentally lt; was noticed he did not mention! he return trip. i One thing that struck the nennl doctor was the rhanse in traffic Ince he was there before. He was much taken with the little motor -.ars, mostly driven by bie men. The cars were so small that. If ditched, they could be easily Dir ked 110 and placed on the road. I They travelled fast, dashed 'n and! out among the other traffic and tood a lo' of rough usage. There was an enormous amount of bullduiK going on In London. 1 apartment buildings were gong upjri an effort to solve the "ost of living and domestic help problems. Foreign, Land "England to the Eggerts was a foreign land," declared Dr. Weat. "isy hod to learn that an eleva-im.-. a lift, that two bits was a M'Ung that a street car was a tram and mnnv other differences of language. They talked to the policemen In ar effort to "stump" them but the Bobbles always had an answer ready. At the time the Wests were In 'ondon. the two great feature In the newspapers were the Sydney murder case and Pnowden t the inference. People In England had reared the accession of the Labor Party as being likely to upset b.ulness. but. Instead of that thev found the Labor Government tackling this question In a businesslike way and preventing France and Italy getting more than their share in the German reparations funds. So mush did the people admire tht stand that 'hey were absolutely a unit behind them and. If Labor had gone tc Mc country at that tlrae. they wu!d hare carried the country by 1 hu majority. Things In England did not seem to be going wrong. Monty was be-ng spent at the "drapen." people were driving all or?r the country and there seemed to be no hex: times. riitht to Paris Telling of the flight to Part-with his daughter, the doctor said they were taken out to Croydon in 0 bus. weighed, had their passport examined and then walked through into the plane. They had manatee 10 get tne oest seats in a French plane, the English ma-hines belne already filled, rev 'ew over the land at about 1000 oet and when they came to the raits they a""pndd to about 000. After landing, they were aken ' i a bu., t: the rrnfre o' "'arls the whole t.np taking four mm 1 I II ill Ii I 3 ..CI Itf ) OUR MAJjjY PATRONS will be glad to know that it is not necessary to buy a $5.00 order to get delivery. For the small amount of 16c. we will deliver any order. We feel certain this will be appreciated now that the stormy weather is coming on, esjeclally when a saving of 18c can be made on purchases of $1.00. Our Week-End Specials BONELESS HAMS Per lb RED ARROW SODAS Per pkg RASPBERRY AND APPLB JAM 4s BUTTRR Per lb r GAYU)KN PEAS Sise 4. 3 tins BEAN HOLE BEANS 3 tins HEiNZ PORK ic BRANS 8-02., 3 tins HKINZ PORK St BEANS ll-oz.. 3 tins ...t llv o .ca red ctttntt not ,isot' 30c 21c 45c 46c 40c 50c 23c 35c Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. 'w. FAGE SIX THE-DAIL? NEWS Friday, October u. DOMINION INLAID 1953 FUI. AND SAT TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. MATINEE Saturday, 2:30 p.m, VWVeWSAVVWwvwwJ "SPIES" WITH ALL-STAR CAST Comedies: "LADIES MUST EAT," 'TOOK I l" Scenic Admission, 15c & 50c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30, Admission, 10c & S5c hours. On the fast pianos it could ccptably twice, accoiup,.; .! 4. be done in two and a half hours. Mrs. M. II. Hlott. At the close of hU address, Dr. West was thanked by George Bry- 05c Sale at Jabour'i l i , i,,v ant. tne president, on Denau or aaturaay. the club. Mrs. F. W. Allan sang most ac-i Ladles' erepe mmu . .... -. .- 11 hi ct i-- a . SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Tutting, Workmanship and Sljlt All Runranteed SUITS STBAM Cf.RANEI) AND IMIKSSKD We Udiver lo An I'ait of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone S40 N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Murine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out f under roof where i.'.i: . not trouble; build W siic or kind at suj ot .: low prter&i ' .n Halibut, LiPIcasiire, TrylliiS Hoats V For Sale I generally have a i' suit any requirement.', M -lng spaces for boats .s' : quarters. Agencies any t-. glnc required. Kepairs Why pay more wh u : work can be d-int' r . ; better accumulation PHONE GREEN 12!) PREPARED CORN Pi I .r (Of i . Inrft T VCV"i. 0tWl'witI)CI u ill red Hlj-wsaasl g:H lurl lAtnUca J . 1 'B """" EBBaa "ss' mmr mmtEtmr lW I