lday, October 18, 1929 I! This finest blend will be your inal choice SA tP Bk 1ft Mil TEA 'Fresh Ercra the gardens' Original Chocolates Ltd. MADE BY R. C. PURDY 1 lb. boxes $1.00 2-lb. boxes $2.00 lVlb. boxes $1.50 Peanut Crisp, lb 40c Mint Chews, lb Wc All Now in Stock Arriving For Saturday, Oct. 19 Frisco Chews, lb. 7oc Mint Mollasses. lb 80c ARRIVING FRESH BEST QUALITY yic Piohccr Drttqeists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST 1XLEPHONF.S 8?&200 UNION STEAMSIIll'S LIMITED Mulling t'fuiu I'rliiiti ItiH-rrt lor VANMIttKlt. VII'TOKIA, .hhui..oi uu. IlulnUle. Alert liny. etc Tur-iljy. 3:30 p iu. f or VAM'Olim. VICTOUU. Ilulrd.ilr. Mm IU). tie.. Friday nildmght fur AI.ICK ARM. A.VVO.V. MtWAKT. Nium liltrr, ISirt Mmpmhi. bun-da)1. :w d.iii 1ZI 2nd Annul- II M SMITH Agent lniiw Kuurft. ll.C Tl rvuch llrkct'- told to Vlrturlu ai Kruttl jtnU baisac checked tliruujch 10 (let! I nation. IcakacianJ LoiPiPlri vv nun tuji .iiiy V A. B, C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FIIOM PRINCE RUPERT re Ketchikan, Wranaell, Juneau and skagway it. 9, 19 30 I To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle Oct. 2. 13. 3$. Princess Miry -Oceani, Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria every Friday. Iu.uju. Agents i or All nearusnip Lines IV C. Orchard, Oeneral Agem, 3rd Arc Prince Rupert, Phone Si ANAD Ian National CThc Largefi Hallway System in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate point, cafh Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wedneaiajr. 4 pan. For STEWART and KETCH 'KAN. each Saturday, 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH Qt'ELN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. I'AMNKMiMi. tiui.mi i.rwf. rtMt m i sm UAtl.Y EXCEPT SINIUY at II:' in ht PHIWK (IMIIHii:. EDMONTON, UINMI'EU, all kIU tulerti Ca'na4. I'nltMl Statm. AnrM'V Ai.i oi;an rEMjiir nsr City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave- Prince Hupet! Phone 2G0 LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce. Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No . 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No.- 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2.G, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 8 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Sawmill and Head Office. Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Retail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EAJILY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. SCAFiB. . Or CHAIICJES The following is the scale i-f cluu-gea made for reading nrttifee . Brrth Notices COc dmis of Thanks. S2 I'um i-iil Notices 1. I'lim rnl Flowers 10c per M:.Miiiire and Enifiiirement . . .,....td o ' ' 1 Local Items '4 a Taxi Phone 4, Hie 4 Taxi, tf Read Jabour's 5c Sale ad.. '243 Bargains in remnants, Wallace's, nLadtes Union suits, .$1.00, CPA. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. 8. K,J3ray, is due In port at 5' o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and waypoints, and will sail at. 10 p.m. on her return south. JlM. T. H.'"Wrlorht returned to Hazoltan n f p , riava nan frnm Victoria, where she attended the yt.c.T-Jl. convention and also visited her son and daughter in Vancouver. Mrs. F. J. Haugh. who has been on a trip to Saskatchewan, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the east and will sail Sunday night on the Ca-tala tor her home In Stewart. Mlas Cora Hind, agriculture editor of the Winnipeg Free Press, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver after paying a two-day visit to this city in the course of a tour of the west. rale house here J. H .Plllsbrry manager of the Paei'b Stevedoring and Contract us Co returned to the cltjL, yesterday afternoon's train -jri a brief trip to Port S 'hr his company has been Reamer awarded a conrc jhv the frderil month. opDanment or ptiDlls works to build floats and approach. Ywterdav n Toronto poMce officer left the eastern cltv for nhr Do re district saperinten- aed last njiht- on the Prince Rupert for vdnjver r-. . w" mt t,h wiera' mnser. witt.it making his annual inspec-Wn.tr'ir of v-'-H. H""v ui-bn bad Irrtenrtorl mmlne to Prtje Rnnert ht the recent death bf J. T. Phetan, general aiqsninenaeni lor Britten Colum- pa. nas prevented ttls doing so. Males' 'ace's. hand' bags, $1.00, Wal- ' ANNOUNCEMENTS ; Elks' Patrol Team dance In Btkt Home, Oct. 18. Koyal Purple Bridge, Whsrt and Dance, Elks' Home, October 25. ' "'A .' Moosehean Day Observance, Sunday, October 77. j Hill GO Annual Basaar, Novem ber 2. Presbyterian Basaar November t:y i :v . I Eagles' whist drlm" and dance, November 7. . Rupert East United Church ba zaar. November 7. Premier Orchestra Dance, November 8. Whoopol Anglican vv. a. uazaar. govern ber 14. . ' - L.O.BA. whist drve and danci, 1? November 14. , ; Pyro Hoedown in Auditorium, November 15. (tf) Moose Annual Bazaar Nov. 21 ind .2 United Church Basaar, December 5. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Boys' sweaters for 95c at Jabour's 95c sale. 1243) Miss Gladys Valentine of An- Tonlaht at the Salvation Army vox arrived in the city on the Colonel Peacock of Winnipeg, will Prince Rupert last evening from speak. i243 tne smeiver town ana will spena a neiiaay iiere as tne guest, or Mist Ella Steen, 809 Borden Street. Silk underwear at bargain prices. Wallace's. Scandinavians! again tomorrow Moose Hall for a lice Let us gather night in the real good dance for special attraction in the near future. Aft a roftfllt nf a Anllfftinn with Ladles' flannelette gowns, $1.00, vests and .bloomers, jviuier weight, 75c each. Wallace's. Tonight Elks' moonlight dance. Everybody welcome. Snappy music. Elks' Home, Ilelgerson Block. All Canadian National Observa- iThe best hall the peppiest music tlon cars are now equipped with and the cavest crowds. Watch the new Victor Radio Eleotrola "fnmr Capt. Thomas Cliff tomorrow mornine '.I? (243) Mrs. F. A. Robsrte. Second Av enue, has received Tine sad news w M V w. M n .... ... another car on Wednesday, Thorn-: from Gait. Ont., or the death a as eervon appeared in city po- ;e W "S"."'0"'" court this morning on a,ale uaPl- A- Konens, wno lost charee of drivlne to the common his own life In a rallwi vay accident danger. He pleaded guilty and pear here tWflrear. was fined $10. m i The launching jortpe first Wo Mayor S. P. McMordle Is ex- of four large scows mat are be- perted to return to the city on the lne built at the local dry do"k former- s Alice. due in port from vno!. vep'en route to Alaska. The soi will make two voyares in lasica service and win be re laced for the winter by the Princess Norah next SCANDINAVIAN DANCE HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNER Proprietors 4 Alt Y. .'' Central Leslie M. Husori, Prince George; J. Nordby, Jim Davis and A. Ollgney, city. Frince Rupert Thomas G. Lennox, Edmonton; W. R. Munnls, A. E. Wilson, J. E. Archer and Harold Lannlng, Vancouver; D. H. Hamilton, Calgary; C. Grandham, Aleza Lake; Mrs. J. Milton Jr. and Mrs. J. Milton 'sr., Kaien; J. P. Hall, Victoria; George M. Lee, Anyox. Savoy J. O'Brien, Usk; Mrs. F. J. Haugh, Stewart; Mrs. Wilson, Ilerschel; Mr. and -Mrs. Pedersen, Hay sport; M. Erland, city. Royal Mrs. F. J. Salt New Hazel ton; R. J. Allen and E. B. Arnold, C. N, R.; Wan Soon, Inverness; diaries iLindberg and Pete Calburg, Stew art; E. cnurcn, city. Dentist, Dr. J. II. Gosse. C86. Fhone Table oilcloth, all colors, two for li.oo, Wallace's. L. W. Patmore salted last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. . Charles R. Cocks of Port Esslng- ton na& left lor, a trip to vancou ver and elseWhere In the south. Mrs. George Lee of Anyox was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert last evening for Vancouver en route to Denver, Colorado. She was accompanied this far by her husband who is smelter superintendent feu- the Granbv Co. at Anvox Mr. Lee will return to the smelter town on the Catala Sun- day evening. Mrs. G. A. Woodland will sail tonight on the Princess Mary for Vancouver en route to Los An- Prlnce George tomorrow morning for the Vancouver Towboat Co. is Bete where she will spend the Tom Harrison Hot Knrlntr whprp taeuted to talcs mace sldewavs "' ""V" t"- he has been attendine the con ventions of the Union of B. c. Municipalities and Good Roads League of British Columbia. H. E. DeWoU. who Is to be man- of the local branch of the W. rr Malkin wholesale firm, is expected to arrive In the city on fmm the hir hin shri within cnaiuze will De Deneiiciai to ner the next few days.. Work is being health. She will be accompanied led on the scows. r. T. H. HatCharrt and chUd Prince George arrived in frm the interior on y aiternoon'K tram to spl iiw r i nice unme vomorrow Hatcnard s Daren mornln from Vancouver. The street. Mrs. Hatchan weeK aner next. Maitons are to, y Miss Irene M1 take over the F. O. Dawson whole- L ZL ih ax inr as Ocean Falls by Mr. Woodland who will pay one of his regular. Dusiness visit to tne paper town. Y" Interest Is being sustained in Scandinavian dances hare as wit nessed by the large eroyd that at- Be Wallace's windows for Dollar t$ weeks visiting here with MnCrTJay specials. Mat S Horaen Backache! -Bladder Trouble! Sleepless Nights! i.Fruit-a-tives" Attacks the Cause Braces the System If you suffer from back-pains, wakeful nifhu, improper bladder and bowel kctioa mulling from kidney trouble, try "Fruit-a-tive". This wonderful medicine made of intensified fresh fruit juices and the finest nince Rupert to Ue Into n- medidinl ingredients restore normal tended the affair last nbrht in the 'odv .lohn Greens, who has been M fie toTr An actkm naturally . . . and quickly. Find arretted here on n warrant -bars- rar!on tL relief yourself. It has helped thousandsl in mm Wlin SIO.OW tnolt tr ui , Ret "Fmlt-a-tlvei" to.dav at vour Toronto. The o?fter is exctl here abrrtt nxt. Vnndav and will return east immediately with the prisoner. jjretent having a very enjoyable druggist's. IETTS mim mm ,4 - ILK1D)K Wrfll M 18-oz., $1.90; 26.6-oz., $3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 Th!s advertisement i not published or displayed by the . Liquqronyjo Joard or by the Government of British Columbia. JABOURBROS.' 95c. SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Oct. 18, 19 LADIES' DEPARTMENT LADIES' RAINCOATS Regular $7.50. --Sare-price-.T..- tJeteJ LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE Qff0 Sale price, 3 pairs for . wuL LADIES' SILK VESTS AND BLOOMERS- Qrn Sale price, per garment wwt LARGE ASSORTMENT FELT HATS Q4 Aff Regular $3.25; to clear ?JL.e7U 75 PAIRS LADIES' STRAP AND OXFORD Q() AC SHOES Regular $7.50. Sale price Id.UO 30 PAIRS LADIES' GAYTEE OVERSHOES - Black, grey and fawn ; to fit any heel. Regular AC $3.75. Sale price q&.&V 49 PAIRS LADIES' RUBBER BOOTS Blue, red, green, , rose. blush. Regular $4.75. 7 To clear r, O Twenty Per Cent Off Ladies' Coats and Dresses GIRLS' DEPARTMENT GIRLS' FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS Sizes 8 to 16 years. Sale price GIRLS' RAINCOATS Sizes 22 to 30. Sale price GIRLS" HOSE Sale price, 5 pairs for CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS Regular $1.35. Sale price 4 FANCY BQWLS Selling for JABOUR BROS. LTD. Local Items This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported early this afternoon to be on time. W. II. Tobey, CUR. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a brief trip up the line as far as Smlthers on official duties. There Is a slight falling off in the grain movement from the prairies to Prince Rupert. This morning 275 carloads were reported west of Red Pass Junction bound here. 40 cars having arrived yesterday. Mr. and Mn. W. V. Meeker of! Sioux City. Iowa, arrived in the1 city on yesterday afternoon's i train to spend a few day hew .-Mttng with Mr. Meeker's father.) J. A. Meeker, Third Avenue. They, expect to return east about the, middle of next week. i Lieut. Col. Peacock, chief secre-i tary of the Salvation Army for! Canada West, arrived In the city from Wlnnlpee on this afternoon's! train and tonight will address a public meeting In the local citadel, proceeding tomorrow morning on the Princess Alice to Petersburg. AlssKa. where he will conduct the annual Alaska native congress, as well as visiting other Alaska points. On his return from Alaska, he will spend several days here! before proceeding east. 95c 2.95 95c 95c BOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' SWEATERS All sizes. Regular $1.75. Sale nrice Oft C BOYS' PANTS Assorted sizes, 3 to 14 years. Sale price 18 PAIRS BOYS' BOOTS Sizes 1 to 5. Regular $5.50; to clear 95c 3.95 LADIES', MISSES' AND GIRLS' HIP BOOTS Going at $4.75, $3.95 AND $3.25 MANY OTHER BARGAINS ARE NOT HERE LISTED. WATCH OUR WINDOWS Many Bargains in Our 5c to 95c Dept. Such as MIXING BOWL AND BEAN JAR , np Selling for ..,.T..,..., UoC 3-PIECE SET Teapot, Cream and Sugar Bowl. All for 95c 95c I PHONE 645 3RD AVE. AND 7TH ST. Badminton Club Has Tournament Miss Dora Heilbroner and Harry Ward Win First Place Among Sixteen Couples The Prince Rupert Badminton Club held its. first tournament of the season last evening in the De Luxe HalL It was an American, mixed doubles event In which sixteen couples participated. Harry Ward and Miss Dora Heilbroner were first prize winners, while Harry Kennedy and Miss E. A. Mercer took consdlation award. Fight Against Nature In Wilds of Quebec By New York Writer NEW YORK, Oct. 18. Burt M. MeConnell. the writer who is making a right against nature In the wilds of Quebec, did not quite follow out the original idea. He took an axe with him Instead of making a flint axe, and he found an old moose hide cached in the top of a tree which he used for clothing. On the second day he caught a little rabbit in a snare and for the first tim he then made a fire by the friction method and cooked and ate his first meal. For the next two days he did not eat, but continued to perfect his living arrangements. There are 560 species and of monkeys. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" UKippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PKINCE RUPERT, B.C.