TOMORROW'S TIDES Saturday, October 19 High 1:50 a.m. 20.7 ft. 13:52 p.m. 22.3 ft. Low 7:54 a.rh. 5,4 ft. 20:24 p.m. 2.5 ft. Boston Grill LARGE CAHARET w Bptclil Dlnnen Thurlay and Saturdays Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to It Dance Hall for HIM Accommodation! for Prlrata Parties v i NORTHERN AND CENTRALJRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 Vol. XX., No. 243. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIPAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS National Honor of Canada and The Empire at Stake in Peace Pact Declared Premier Macdonald OTTAWA, Oct. 18. As to the capital of the United States, a few days ago, Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald of Great Britain brought to the capital of Canada his ringing message of peace. Rut last night he coupled with the wordJ'pcace" the words "national honor." Canada, Great Britain and those other nations which composed the British Commonwealth must mt forget, he said, that their sacred honor was involved in the crusade for peace. They must remember that fundamental thing that they were signatories to the pcacepact. "Y(ou sent your own prime minister across the ocean to sign the peace pact," he declared. "His name attached to that document is your name. You declare that war has been banished from your national policy. Is our signature to be a mere scrawl of ink upon a perishable document? The signatures of Canada, Great Britain and Australia and (other dominions have now become a part of their national honor," That was the position, the premier said, and he felt that the British Empire was prepared to perform sacrifices in order to insure that its national honor remained unsullied to the end. Mr. Macdonald was speaking at a dinner tendered him by the Dominion government. RUN'AGAIK Authorizes Announcement On Re turn From East Will Offer For Mayoralty Returning yesterday afternoon from a two months' holiday trir to eastern Canada. ExMayor S, M Newton announced that, he wouk again offer himself for candidature for the mayoralty at the civil elec Hons next January. He explalneo that It had been arrenged before be left for his trip that he should consent to offer himself: Mr. New ton, who Is thus the first candidate definitely in the field for the mayoralty, has already been chlel magistrate of Prince Rupert foi eight terms. Mr Newton stated that his tri) east had been a very enjoyable one He visited places In Ontario wher he formerly lived, including Whit by and Kingston, and also spent a while in Chicago. He is looking fit and refreshed. Premier Pleased At Admission of Women to Senate OTTAWA, Oct. 18. On learning of the decision of the Judicial committee of the privy council that women were eligible to become members of the senate of Canada, Premier King said he was very plcasccd. He added that it had been the intention of the government, had the decision been against the admission of women as members of the upper chamber, to introduce an amendment to the British North America Act providing for the change The decision of the Judicial committee, however, made this unnecessary. GOVERNMENT BUYS HOUSE Takes Over Residence on Graham Avenue Now Occupied by District Engineer The provincial government has purchased from Qeorge Clothier the residence at 1081 Graham Avenue wnicn is at present occupied by W K. qwyer. district engineer for the PUDiic works department The house was originally built four or "ve years ago by J. C. Oavlgan.. .. The purchase of this house Is in ine w'uV.a Policy which is being "uupieo. uy me government to pur- CnaSe rpslripnraa fnr tVis I. co nf nf. flcials who may be subject to trans fer rrom time to time. This. It is believed, will assist such officials who often find it difficult to obtain "uuscs wnen moving to a new place STOCK QUOTATIONS Court y of S. D. MbnMtm On. Ltd.) B. C. Silver. 1.53, 150, Big Missouri, 92.. 93. Cork Pronmee. 8. 9. Duthie Mine. NU. 4 OeOrge Copper, 3.00. Ooleonda. 87, WO. Orandview, 28 Vj. 24. Independence. Nil, 5. Intern. Coal & Coke. 30, 34. Kootenay Florence, 9, 10. Kootenay King. 17. 11. L. St L.. Vt. Nil. Mohawk. 24. 2. Marmot River Gold, 2, 2ft. Marmot Metals, 2i, 3. National Silver. 11, 13. Noble Five. 53, 55. Oregon Copper. 18, 20. Pend Oreille. 3.85. 350. Pioneer Gold, 135, 1.50. Premier, 1.68. 1:70. Porter-Idaho. 34, 35. Reeves Macdonald. 1.48, 1.50. Rufus-Argenta, 8. 9. Ruth-Hope. 28. 30. Silver Crest. 5M. 6. Silverado Nil. 70. Silversmith. 7 'A. 9. Slocan King. 3 ft. Nil. Snowflake. 19. 20. Sunloch. 1.10. Nil. Topley Rrchfield. a. 10. Tbric Mines, 40, Nil. Wellington, 3tt, Nil. Whitewater, Nil.' 40. Advarice, Nil. I.M. A. P. Con.. 230. XS2. Calmont. 1.78 1.80. Dalhousle, 1.90. 1.96. Devenlah, "25. 28. Fabyan Pte. 7 8. Home. 13.75, 13.95. Illinois-Alberta. 35, 39. Mayland. 3.40. 3.50. Mnoug.-Segur, 2.05, 2.15. McIod. 2 50. 2 60. New MrDoug.-Hegur. 66, Nil. Hantal 1.20 1.25. Freehold, 1.15, 1.21. Sterling Pacific, 1.15. 1.18. United. 91. 95. Dallas. 85. Nil. C. ti E. Lands, 3.10. 3.15. Brought In Geese From Porcher Id. George Frascr, J. M. Campbell and R. W. Cameron Hack from Trip to Welcome Harbor The first ccese to be brought to town following the opening of the bird season in this district last Tuesday came In at midnight last int wnen ueorge eraser, i. w. Campbell and R, W. .Qameron . re turned irom a successrni vnp iu umlftnme Harbor. lVfbt) ISlanfl! Thev were awav four days, having left last Monday. Rough weather featured the trip. JUDGMENT RESERVED IN GRAN RATE CASE OTTAWA. Oct 18. Judgment was reserved by the cabinet yester iv In the a-ai oi tne unuea Farmers of British Columbia, Al berta and Saskatchewan for re-luced rates on grain products vestbmmd for domestic use and for the abolition of the mountain NEW MANAGER FOR NEW YORK YANKEES NEW YORK, Oct. 18: Bob Shawkey, former Yankee pitcher, was named yesterday as manager of the New York Yankees for the season of 1930, filling the place of the late Miller Huggins, who died recently. U. S. Being Asked Investigate Firing On Canadian Boat WASHINGTON, Oct. 18: The Canadian government asked the United States tolnvestlgate the circumstances of the firing on the Canadian motorship Shawnee by the coastguard patrol off New York lyirbor on September 11 and to furnish Canadian minister Mas-, sey with the results of the investigation. According to Captain McLeod i of the Shawnee, the alleged firing ; took place 17 miles oft shore. The , ' Shawnee is listed as one of six : vessels in regular service between tot. nerre, Miqueion ana uermuaa.,, ' I f LOCAL LADY ! DIEDTODAYi Wife of Postmaster Passed Aw ay . After Long Illness The death occurred this morning of Henrietta May, wife Of J R. Morlson. postmaster of this citv! alter a long illness. For a longr time she had lived with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, at 1108 Ambrose Avenue. Mrs. Morlson was born at Rothe-1 say, Scotland, and had been In this ! country 15 years. She leaves one son, Bobbie, a brother at Prince George, and her husband and parents here. Here From South Africa to Visit ' With His Brother John Lamb, who for twenty-six years has been identified with the police in South Africa, having been for the past four years stationed in. the mandated territory which was formerly Oennan Southwest Africa. Is a visitor in Price' Runcrt with bn brother and sister-in-law. "MM and Mrs. M. M. Lamb, 1050 Ninth I Avenue East. He arrived here cn yesterday afternoon's train from , the east after having paid a visit1 to his native home in Scotland and i will be In Prince Rupert for about a week Deiore proceeding to van- couver. whence1 he win return to1 South Africa via Montreal In easy stages, GRAIN NOW GOES EAST Hair of Cars Westbound Are For Prince Rupert and Over Half Million Uushcls Stored WINNIPEO. Oct 18. - Grain is being shipped east on the lakes from Port Arthur and Fort William. Seven have Just left and six are loading, thus making room for more grain in the elevators. Cars to the number of 605 are in transit to the Pacific coast, of which 347 are for Prince ' Rupert. Storage at Vancouver is approximately eight million bushels and over half a million at prlnde Rupert. SPECIAL SERVICES AT NATIVE CHURCH HAZELTON. Oct. 18. There is to ; be a special gathering of natives tomorrow ana ounaay at mizeKU ecla in connection with the services in the native church under the United Church of Canada. Rev. T. H. Wright, B.A.. has been Invited to give an address Saturday evening dnd he will conduct the special services on Sunday. Luxury on New British Dirigible Spacious quarters of the R-l an hour when flying over London. cusspn lit the British press. WQMAflllS A PERSON Privy Council "ofVlreat Rrftain Says WomenJJVlay Sit In Senate LONDON, Oct. 18 Women arc elleJMc to become racmhrrs of the Senate of Canada, their Lordships of the. judiciary committee of the Privy Coun cil - . decided today ...I on the appeal oi live rcDixsciiMUTc women l of' AlboHa against an adverse! uecuion oi mc vanauian au prime 'court. . Contrary to the Supreme Court of Canada the Privy Council eame-tothe-onclu styn that the word "persons' Includes members' of both male and female sex. The Judicial committee's dent clslon emphasized that it was-, unwise 'to apply to modem Canada ; decisions which, had j,icn taken, probibly 'rirht by ' ft lose . applying the law in dif- fercnt centuries and under different circumstances. The privy council declared (hat the appeal to Roman law and early English law was not on a secure foundation t on which to build the interpretation of the British North America Act. Their Lordships did not conceive it their duty to cuf-dotfn' the provisions of the act by narrow,, , technical construction. ; They believed they should give the act a large liberal ! interpretation so that Canada i may to a certain extent be mistress in her own house as-the provinces are to a great extent mistresses in theirs. Power Company Planning To Heb i Make Prince Rup ert Grov and Will Get Work Under Way in Good Shape In reply to a letter from Trade congratulating them 1 which had her trial trips this This is the airship over which th RaT way Executive IJaaaWlr :aK:,DI iaaaiHMaiaMi (aaaaBM t '-. .w II; bs assistant to Prescient Thornton with head-'qBailcri at Vancouver. -iw ) Maternity Benefits Well as Health Insurance HARRISON HOT SURINOS, Oct. 18. A resolution by the Union of B. C- Municipalities endorsing the action of the provincial government In inpolnting a committed to report on health insurance also urged that the government should consider a pronosal that maternity benefits be incorporate 1 in the scheme. The convention also decided to r ask the government to call a con-, ference to consider a site for the provincial fair. the secretary of the Roard of on the report published by Crashed Riding Motorcycle Last Night, Vancouver VANCOUVSR. Oct. 18. George them and thanking them for the picture of Prince Rupert therein and the publicity eiven the city, James B. Wood- yatt, general managor of Power Corporation, writes as follows: ""Dear Mr. Brooksbank: "Thank you very much for your kind letter of October 1. We all look forward to co-operating with you in doing what we can to help make Prince ' Rupert grow. We will do the best wc can, and hope that the combined efforts of yourselves and ourselves . win accomplish something worth while. "We have been a little alow in getting under way with the oower development, on account of the delays due to the necessary formalities in getting our lease from the province properly straightened out, but we nope now that all these formalities are about completed that we can get under way in good shape without any further delay." DUCK WAS TAGGED WASHINGTON. D.C. SHOT AT VICTORIA . VICTORIA, Oct. 18: A mallard duck, tagged In Washington, D.O., was shot at Thetis Lake near here yes- terday by Charles Gordon of Victoria. -n ire cvHowenp. id years oi age. aieajheavy Weather south of Portland. tin illuming uiuii jujuuca icvcivcu last night when a motorcycle he was ririVihg with his sister Dorothy bn tnb sanillc, crashed into an automobile 6n Hastings Street. Miss Bowerlng sustained serious injuries. DIED AT SEATTLE, SEATTLE, Oct. 18. The death of John Miller. 59 years of age, a rail worker, todiy brought the death toll of the Portland Hotel fire here yesterday to nine. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER,, Otc. 18: The price of wheat here today was quoted at $1.37 V2- averaging abut 70 miles has been a great deal of dls- Duplication of Taxes Removal I Is Being Sought HARRISON HOT SPRINGS. Oct. 18, -Establishment of a Joint -commission consisting of federal, provincial and municipal government representatives to seek to remove duplication of taxes as far as possible was proposed in a resolution approved by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities at the clostns session yesterday. Members of the new executive in- elude Mayor McMordle of Prince Rupert. The municipal Officers Association meeting here elected F. r. Se-. well of saanich president. TORONTO STOCKS (McCarfery, Olbbon tc OolUrt, Lid.) Abana, 1.62, 1.64. Amulet, 2.89, 2.92. Holllnger, 5.50, 5.60. Lakeshore, 22.25, 22.75.' Mandy, 42, 45. Niplssing, 2.15, 2.30. Sherritt Gordon, 5.75. '5.30."" Treadwell Yukon, 7.50. 8.00. Mining Corporation. 3.85, 3.90. Falconbridge, 8.25, 8.50. ' Hudson Bay. 1625, 16.50. International Nickel 51 J4, 52.00. Mclntyre, 14.85.- 15.10.; Teck Hughes. 6.75, 3.85. Sudbury Basin, 6.45", 6.50. " Ventures, 4.55, 4.75.' ' Choice of Sites For Liquor Store New Structure Here May Not Go Up on Old Court House Square After All i Surveys are being carried out by Wi K Gwyer. district engineer for the --;vlnclal department of public wo-ks. ror tne purpose or cietermm- 1n a suitable site for the erection of i now liau.v vendor's store here H was at tint stated that the build- Ins would be -ut un at the north ""st corner of Third Avenue andi Third Street, on the old court house square, but it Is now learned that two other sites are under consid eration. One of these Is the double j rr J "SS"?1??'0 across from The Daily News office, and the other in the middle of the block on the south side of Second Avenue between Second and Third Streets The surveys now being made will determine which site is most suitable for the building. RUSSIAN AVIATORS LEFT THIS MORNING SEATTLE. Oct. 18. The Russian aviators in the plane Land of the, Soviets took off this morning for, Oakland, Cal., en route to New York. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 18:-Tho Russian plane returned to Pearson Field. Vancouver, Wash., today and landed after encountering BRITISH WILL PAY PENSIONS OVERSEAS LONDON, Oct. 18. Any widow who wanted a chance for her children In the dominions and emigrated or old people who Joined their children in the dominions would be paid pensions overseas, Rt. Hon. J. H. Thomas said in the course of a speech at the Mansion House today. B1KTH A son was born this 'morning at the Prince Rupert Geheral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Johns, Fifth Avenue West. COL HIM IS COMING New Assistant to the Pr-sirtcnt to Be In Vancouver End of Month : VANCOUVER, Oct. 18. Col. T. A. Hlam, whose appointment as as- int to the president of the Ca-1 hadhn National Railways, was an-,n,. lived early 'Tn August, is' ex-I pected Jlo arrive in Vancouver I October 28 and will at once assume duty as the chief representative of me executive on tne Facmc coast. Colonel Hlam's headquarters will be in the Canadian National station, where offices are being made ready for him. The delay In the arrival of the colonel has fv-n occasioned by the winding up ol Lis affairs as technical advisor to the transportation section of th League of Nations at Geneva, a po;t which he has held since 1920. HON. J. A. ROBB IS ALIVE TO NEEDS OF AIDS TO NAVIGATION The secretary of the Board of Trade has received a letter from Hon. J. A. Robb In regard to the aids to navigation in Hecate Strait He . promised to take the matter up jurmer ana recalled nis iormer discussions on the subject. GREEN RE-ELECTED FEDERATION HEAD TORONTO, Oct. 18 William Qrcefa was yesterday re-elected president of the American Federation of Labor. Lahor Council HqldsiMeeting Various Matters. Taken Up at , Monthly Gathering Last Night; . Peace River AeJlion. Endorsed There was a good attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades Labor Council which was-held -last night with President S. D. Macdonald in the chair. A cornmuraeb'tion''ft6m the Junior Football tteagpi expressing appreciation for Wpport given by the council -was received anil filed. The council decided to revert to semi-monthly meetings Instead of monthly. Starting in November, there will be meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays, i School board and hospital matters were given an airing, reports being presented to the council by labor representatives on the hospital board. The executive, as usual, will take in hand the matter of assisting voters to get on the municipal list householders. The council organized preliminary work that has been undertaken by the city council and Board of Trade with a view to bringing to Prince Rupert the Pacific coast outlet for the Peace River district Halibut Sales Summary American 56,000 pounds, 14j8c and 8c. Canadian 14,500 pounds, 14.9c ma 8c to 1B.3C and 10c. American Trinity, 56,000, Cold Storage, 14.8c and 8c. Canadian Tramp, 6,500. Pacific, 16.3c and IOC. Johanna, 5,000, Cold Storage, 14.9c and 8c. Margallce, 3,000, Atlln, 14.9c and 8c. Victoria Cross Men May Go From British Columbia VICTORIA, Oct. 18. Following the announcement by Premier Ferguson that Ontario would pay tho expenses of that province's victoria Cross winners who wished to attend the Prince of Wales banquet to holders of that decoration in London next month. Premier Tolmle yesterday expressed interest in the. announcement and said he was making inquiries as to the advisability of this province doing likewise. Two former residents of Prince Rupert, Col. C. V. Peck and Major John McGregor, will be qualified to make this trip if the government decides to pay the costs. IS PRIVY COUNCILLOR OTTAWA. Oct. . f8: Premier Ramsay MacDonald was today ftworn in as a member of tho Privy Council of Canada.