" May 15, 1030. I tooth kopt . . . bright and attractivo with tho help of WRIGLEY'S GUM. GET SOME TODAY! miiiara. well known Alas vjnu officer, was a pas aboard the Princess Louise :..mk returning to Juneau u fwo month's trip south. " t the time being spent rma. Fresh I,ocal Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 CENTRAL HOTEL KOOMS and CAFZ Fhone 51 Tor Bent Household Coal MRS. C. II BLACK MISS Yl!KI Dressmaker Ladies' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 727 I KASr.lt ST. LOCAL NEWS NOTES City ConnnlssUmer W J. Alder was In sesslqn as a city council thM jnonlng to finally reconsider find adopt the rate bylaw for the year F W Guernsey, who U develop ing me rjortnem Pyrites property qn in email River, and R anq proceeded early this morning by gasboa to the property for a visit inspection. 1 Barney Turbltt. who arrived in Ue city a couple of weeks ago from Alice Arm, left on the Princess Louise this morn Ins for the 8uaar creek gold diggings wh.ere jhe will spend the summer. , Cliff Rogers, general manager of the White Pass ti Yukon Route, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise this morning going through from Seattle to Skagway n company business. Tony Christian, followins his re-'cent Injury by accident, was able I to resvjme active work this mom-ilng at the Royal Hotel where he Is putting pn a new exterior fin- ,isn oi im;iaiion Dries, wnicn will (give a fine attractive new ap- tpearance io inai nosieu-y. ( A letter has been received by CUv Commissioner W. J. Alder from one of the lame Canadian j Insurance companies which he rju (been seeking to Interest In the financing of housing here by mak-'ntc pf loans inquiring as to what 'mprovement has been made In (he city's financial standing apd what the prospects are here for industrial expansion. HOLIDAY DECLARED t City Commissioner W. J. Alder his morning declared May 29 as a -Ivlc holiday In Prince Rupert to Turk the entry of the Ktng and .Quren Into British. Columbia in the tourse of their Canadian tour. The Prince Runert Retail Merchants' A'soclntlcn has decided that store thai! alto cIcm on the same day. .have to sell BABY FURNITURE CHILUS iir.II CUIK Eastern Canadian hardwood with aluminum tray. Color : ivory or g g 7 5 vw jihik. Enamel finish. Price BAHY with spring IJAltY WALKLIt Dimension: height 15' I' 12' . . lower IUHII nm 11111 iU ; , nei inrir wcikui. n.D... FOLDING qui!""- All ileel frame, with waterproof up-hoislery,' adjustable back and foot-rest with hood. Color: finish blue or maroon. CI Price Y I1AIIV PLAY YAi:n-Dlmenslons, 38"x38"x25',V; & thre0 .1.1 .icuf.ii in thp hmi.w or incnes rrom grouna; ioius ujj .tujujmw , ... --- out of doors. Keeps the little toU sife and out of qLschlef. nn-i h natural, varnish colored beads. $750 Price IIAIIY SWING-Flne quality duck, pink or blue, strong, well Kuppotica. uoiorca Deau.i. m JlXDU v. ' diameter to top rim This babv walker Is a - - ...... ..l.,- i nmtnrtM morlel. The .saddle lssus- Szt fill pended from spiral springs; steel swivel casters. Price TRADE-IN-DAYS AT EI.IO'S No nutter how old or what condition of your Ilanje, Mattress, Old l uriillurc. Etc.. we'll take them off your hands and give you cash allowance in fh r ',e B,,d l,cUrr U,ll"S' Service Includes . foil o.wi Annr.u Votir old Furniture. Yhcn We Deliver Your New Purchase We Hemove the Old. You et Possibly the Larjest Allowance from Us, William Grant of Hazelton through the city last week en- route to New Westminster to at tend the annual conference of the United Church of Canada as a Steohen Morrison of KUnlnv 1 nuuuu uie cuy lasi weeK ni.,.,( rri.,.A . ,w Sf: i"r 12 " New.Westminster where Catala lst nght from Vancouver oe will attend the British Columbia uxuerence of the United rurh of Canada as a delegate. B. f Read leaves pn this evening's train fpr New York where he will sail May 24 on the Queen Mary for visit to London, England. He expects to be away until August and will attend the New York World s Pair both going and coming. Round trip passengers for Alaska gong north aboard the Princess Louise which was In port this morning Included Ur. and Mrs. P. H. Btorey of Portland. Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayol of Seattle. P. Alden of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Woods of Adelaide. Australia, and Mrs. F. Skinner Mrs. Estabrook and Mrs. R. Williams of Saint John, New Party Is Given Popular Couple Mlssn Eileen and Phvlfo Hamblin Hosieries for MJss Wilkinson and Cliff Madill Saturday evening a delightful Tarty was held at the home of the Mines Eileen and Phylls Hamblin. Fourth Avenue East. to. honor the ipproachlng marriage pf two of the city's popular young people. Miss Edith Wilkinson and Cliff Madlll. The evening was soent in contest and In playing Chinese checker and mutje. A novej feature was he taking of Indoor pictures of the troun. , After dainty refreshments. Miss Phylft Hamblin nreented the MnNf. ..-4 K A tAA.iir..i AkU fM a uniimiui wuir lump. IftVIWlV r.flllt piiirr LONWN. May 1$: CP- .J Patrice of bar gold on the LondonenTn . metal market was down one cent jit $34.89 per fine ounce. Five thousand Prince Iiupit eople read the Dally News I! Ays to ,lt them know what you Wilkinson. Vivian Wrathall. Winnie Cameron. Venetla Feeeo. Edith Inhnstone. Man-belle Stiles Hlff . Madill, Tom ----- Johnstone - w.... andj Ken Maypu Peter's Ha June 3. ma urn im 1 1, i'i Hotel Arrivals Dally advertising in the Dallj News Is sure to bring dally 18. Knox J. Deane. Prince Rupert. , Announcements All advertisements In tbU column will be charged for a full month at 2ft a word. Orange Spring Sale, Metropol Hall. May 17. Bridge Drive 8:30 P-m. Norwegian Independence Dance, Oddfellow's Hall, May 17. Hospital Tea, Nurses' Home, May Navy League Ball May 19. Victoria Day Dance, Moose Hall, May 24. r Boys' Band bridee drive Leelnn Hall. May 28. . ;en Ft May 29." Jance, St Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion Spring Sale June 2. High School Tea and Display . m m vv ui tlUVItU4iai J i HcS,, 41 1 1. naroin?. Moriy vinebenr. Ken Da-, calderwood s June 7. kin Jack Fisher Jim Greer. George ' Madlll and Stan Saville Anglican Tea Mrs. Good, June S. Mid - MontK Specials Chesterfield Suite, Bedroom Suite, Dinette Suite, Specially Priced for Quick Selling I Sets Only, .3-piecc Chesterfield Suite Rep. $1:Vj to $1G5. Specially priced' for quick selling $103, $112, $120 5 Sets Qnly, J-piecc Redrooni Suite Consisting of full size bed, chiffonier, vanity dresser aiuj upholstered benph. Special 7 Sets Only, G-piece Dinette Suite Consisting of Buffet, table and set of 4 chairs. Regular from $89.50 to $75.00 Specially priced for quick selling $31, $62 " $67 TIIIUI) AVENUE ELIOS Phone GltEEN 91S Miss Ruth Wilkinson R N.. who! CaDt John MpDonnM r.nn w ' , . - Lowest Drirv taunt cost with no Mrrifire of , " VH, jis wim me service pr the Victorian Kay. Capt. C. M. Coghlan, Capt. , Order of Nurses in Vancouver, ar- M. Campbell and Capt. Morrison, rived In the city on the Catala all well known northern river boat last plght to spend a month's holl-skippers of the White Pass and iwwiis uer parenu, air. xuiwn oouie, were passengeis C. Closter and David McLean. " u v w,lllcnsd- and also aboard the Princess Louise this Billmor. Arne Arneson and H. Jo- 10 awna ln wedding of her sis- morning going through for the hansen. Prince Rupert; Mike Kos- ter- Mlss Edith Wilkinson, to Cliff summer's work after havlnz snen' ur. Terrace; Mr and Mrs. L. H. Madlll next week. the winter in the ' south. Swanson, Port Esslngton; Jarh-uat.' ton, Toronto; J. H. PenUand, Smith- - . ers; C. Peterson. Vancouver; Qer-. aid Bastien. Montreal; A. Upps. Vancouver. j Prince Rupert j S. 8. Sloan. E. V. Ablett. M. W 1 Welsh. R. H. Stewart and F. W. ' Ouernsey. Vancouver; P. Austin, I Victoria; H. M. Coure, Claxton; Chief A. L. Skadeen. Aiyansh. Uoyal Edgar J. Oreensill and Allen S. Lee, Prince George; Jack Yule, Port Edward; R. Rapp, city; W. C- Hudson. Porcher Island. Savoy F. Brown and W. Ferguson, Clax-tpn; .J. C. Carpenter. CJJ.R.; Ben Kay and W. J. Marshall, city; Walter R. Green, Pemberton. yy Model 94BT-1 An RCA VICTOR Only $29-9!; Complete with Batteries op ratine Rt RCA Victor quality. The rrroluuonary new battery radio that loots difftrrnt dij fatal. 9 Entirely ntw circuits coiU much Itu to oparat. 9 Prmannt paktr. magnet drnamle fModra niw trl cabinet ol fin walnut nrs. Gnuln ETr-radr batttrlti included. Come In. See it bear it at our store. RADIO For Every Place and I'urpgsc Cheap but Dependable We have a number of used sets, fully reconditioned and guaranteed. A few dollars will buy a good used set and provide cx(ra convenience. 1939 is a Big Year in Radio and R.C.A. Victor Leads the Way MacKenzie's Furniture IVe wi( fire with every purchase of a Simmons Spring Mattress, Slumber Kins Sprinj. Beauty Rest alattress or Simmons IJed complete .1 SOtTEMi: sroON of KtnS George VI. and Queen piibalwlli. lie have ony a linnted number of Spoons Act Early Phone 775 HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR COVERING Dominion Printed Linoleum-Square Yard. Special Congoleum Gojd Seal Rugs She rrifes 6x9 Special S5.25 7 -ix9 Special $G0 9x9 Special $7.75 9xl0i Special $9J5 9x12 Special $10.25 Dominion Inlaid Linoleum Regular $L40. Square yard, Special Felt Base Floor Covering-Special, square yard Enterprise Savoy 79c $1.26 32c Trade in your Old Itange and Save $20.00 or More on Ths Brand New s the Leader in Kanje Design for Over Forty Years Enterprise again offers another advancement in range design and construction, sturdily built for long- service, good welfbi. rust resisting steel, large pin water front, supplies abundant hot water. Regular Price Less Trade-in $20.00 CA? ft ft You Pay Only J1DUJ Karl Thlel. well known Wran. gell cannery operator, was a pas senger aboard the Princess Iuise this morning returning north after a trip to Seattle SPORTING GOODS 40 Tennis Rackets To Choose From SPECIAL FREE With Any Racket Over $10 THREE SPALDING Pressure-Packed TENNIS BALLS This Week Only Our Stock of FISHING TACKLE is At fts Best Now Come in and Look it Over KAIEN HARDWARE PHONE 3 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. LOCKWOOD'S FUR STORE NOW OrEX FOR BUSINESS Everything in Spring Jackets and Capes Selling at Vancouver Prices Bargains for Cash All Furs Manufactured by T. Pappas of Vancouver) Third Ave. Next Moose Hall NOTICE ! Commencing Saturday, April 15th, our CONFECTIONERY STORE Will Open Until 10:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion m ararrra imEsxnmzsnxBi ROSE BUSHES ! Dwarf Dahlias, Gladioli I Last Shipment Arriving This 1 Week I Wm. GAIR Florist, Seedsman Box 276 Phone BLUE 971 fa.:iiaaizi.iaii:iaBiiiw