vrerfnM'.tV. December 13, 1339. rliaracter t i a Specify WINS AND HOLDS! OH 1 J-- Ill 111 II I Am 1.1 Black & White is winning thousands of new friends and holding them I Character is the reason! A noble character never fails to please. 40 oi. $5.60 Ut wt?(' COCI 5." attm amiWr Ei3 BLACK & WHITE" OlSTIttIO, tllNDED AND IOTIIID IN SCOTIAND 'amos Buchanan & Co., Limited, Glasgow, Scotland This IdvprtiM-mmt is n't published oi (li.Nplayed by the Liquor Cdnlrol Board or by the Oovernmrnt of British Columbia New, Novel, Nice And Just in Time California Flower Garden i Four dainty pot containing , the nrcrtfy ch(0J4;au. planted and nmii tc grow Simply keep properly watered in suitable light. GUARANTEED lo grow Thi U not an experiment but a proven article Special price 95c Box Start a garden for youri-rir too Orows rapidly. SANTA ALWAYS SUGGESTS STATIONARY Many friends, old or young will appreciate an attractive box of good writing paper. We have a large selection In a wide range of prices Excellent value. MAKE CHRISTMAS UKIGHTEU Willi Plenty of Colorful Decorations Icltlftrkg. 5c Xma Snow Pkg. 10c Tinsel 15c and 25c Bcllt, Wrrath. Table Pieces, Garlands and Streamers Artificial Flowers LAST CHANCE to enter a Christmas Subscription to a favorite magaaine. Suluble gut announcement card supplied free. ACT NOW ! rno.Ni; 6 It'fl interesting tc know when reading the- Daily Newt! that tho people of the whnlo distrirt dnint rhp ! ,4- ft WAS TOPS IN ACTING (Continued from Page One) Ins For the Moon." "Modern Musketeer." "Hcadln South." "Mr. Fix It," "Bay. Young Fellow." "Bound In Morocco.- "He Comes Up Smiling," "Arizona" and "Knickerbocker Buckaroo." Produced Own Pictures Afterward he allied himself and other founders being Mary Pick-ford, Charlie Chaplin and D. W Griffith. Fairbanks was still one of the owners and producing members of this corporation. As his own producer and star. Douglas Fairbanks made such films as "His Ma- coddle." "The Mark of Zorro." "The !Three Musketeers," "Robin Hood." The Nut." "The Thief of Bagdad," 'Don Q. Son of Zorro." "The Black Pirate." "The Oaucho," and "The I Iron Mask"; with his wife, Mary jpirkford, he co-starred in "The Taming of the Shrew." all-talking j film version of Shakespeare's "glor-I lous comedy." j "Reaching For The Moon" follow-ed It was a comedy-drama, the j first modern vehicle Mr. Fairbanks had made in many years. Edmund Omildlng directed, Bcbe Daniels was leading lady. Douglas Fairbanks was always original and forward-looking in his attitude toward the motion picture, sparing neither time nor financial resources in achieving the particular end he may have visualized. He created a sensation by his produc- i tlon of "The Three Marketeers." which cost him $700,000 to make and which was highly spectacular. Not content with that he gave half a year of his time to research and production on a romantic drama twice the magnitude of the pictur- I ixatlon of the Dumas story, Robin Hood." This film had been re- ' Ivlved many times since its original W-tStClCStSSSStlgSCtSSiCSStSU presentation. "The Thief of Bag- uau waa idnuuuc. unaKiiiaiivc aiiu thrilling. The sets and effects of "the flying carpet" alone cost the star small fortunes. A pioneer. Fairbanks Imported from Europe three specialists in 'color work, spending a fortune-for , technical advice and experimentation before a foot of film on "The Black Pirate" was taken. Then he (screened the romantic adventure , tale entirely In Technicolor, contrl- butlng to the Industry, his genius I has soTarcely affected; the Ylrst full length color film by the new pro cess. In "The Oaucho" he brought for-(ward a leading lady named Lupe Veies. The Iron Mask" offered his voice from the screen for the first time, being a sequel to The Three Musketeers" and presenting him again or D'Artagnan. Thrice Married Fairbanks was thrice married. Ills first wife was Beth Sully whom he married In 1907 and by whom he was divorced In 1918. Douglas Jr. was their son. A year later he married Mary Plckford by whom he was divorced In 1833. In 1935 he married Lady Sylvia Ashley Following the divorce. Miss Plckford married Buddy Rogers, orchestra leader and screen actor. Hundreds of screen celebrities among them Norma Shearer, have been filing Into the Fairbanks mansion to pay their respects. The actor's wife is prostrated with grler. Only she and their 150-pound mastiff doc, Marco Polo, were prdtsent in the room when Fairbanks died; Up to the end. he had not realized that his condition was serious. Mary Plckford re mained In seclusion In a Chicago hospital, deeply shocked at her former husband's death. THl DAILY NT778 FAG1 TITfttt Telkwa District Being Developed Accountant For Telkwa Collieries Spent Few Days in City and Told of Work Proceeding There Joe Dockrlll, accountant of the all the section houses, stations and steam shovels. The mine employs twelve men regularly. Speaking of conditions In Telkwa, Mr. Dockrlll says that, since the Man in the Moon Soldiers who can sing can win. How about the piano? Those Britishers make me rather tired. The Germans have been laying mines illegally. sVnkTng British and neutral ships illegally ana car- his own producing company with (Bulklcy Valley Collieries, who spentlrying on like devils and then the United Artists Corporation, tne, several aays in me cuy, leaving British let the Bremen gei away Monday evening for Terrace I because they have no time to notl-whence he will continue to Telkwa fy her that they are about to sink tonight, says they have been ship- her. They're too blawsted honest. I 1 l L M I 1 I J ' nfner rpfnitartv ahmit fir hundred tons of Telkwa coal a month to! lestv. the American." "The Molly-jdlan National Railway uses it My wife is so economical we da different points fro mPrlpee Rup Without almost everything I need, ert to Prince Ocorgc. The Cana-J In I pjret VtILnrMt' Ariit. thrse cakes are as hard as stone."" Second Visitor "I know. Didnl you hear her say Take your pick when she passed them around?" creamery was established, the place The Russians seem to be experts has been livened up considerably. at carving. She cut Poland in two During the summer the creamery and now She is trying to do the was shipping four thousand pounds jsame with Finland. a wcclc but of course less lhah that I amount now. It Is owned and op- r erated by Alfred Miller of Prince Oeorge. In addition to the creamery and the coal mlnln. there' are a number of mining prospects being developed. One of these Is a property at Hunter Basin, nine miles from the coal mine. It is operated by the Con-West Exploration Company where six men are working. In the Bablne range sixteen men ar employed by Messner Brothers erect ing bunkhouses and. developing the property. Other prospects In the Bablne are being developed. There Is a very considerable Dutch colony being formed in the Howfcori district Already thirty families have taken over old farms and are extending them and Im proving the district. It's the cumuiatrtb elltct of advertising that counts. , WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of B4 ia tlta Morning Ruin' to Co ., ."-"T koM tw rmrtii of UmU bO lata roar bovcU atBr. If thi ka Mt Aowiat Mr, roar too: dam't tit ft. It lt d-rr l U kmlt Gu ktoau l roar tUnuMk. Toa t couUpu4. Rttwhl Mr, u ro fool Mar. Hlki4UM arorld look uk. AombimlasmMilimatilfinirt ttkroM.Towd oKMtatai Uilvor oo U Urrr a. II u UxtM no4. old C.rWi Unl I im TOim tin two ! of 0 lntr trrrir auk m 1rri"V BP.UtmlMa mmi gtmti. tin ok tW bilt flow frwlr. Thn ia Uw vork of ralonMl oat clonl or mrrarr In ton. Ak for Crtr UttU Li.tr PU) tr m t StuMoralr ro urUitB tlx. tU. Season's . ij' Greetings i From i MILLER'S FLOWER SHOP OPENING ON WEDNESDAY 300 THIRD AVENUE 5 With the Festive Season. Air. Miller returns with a larger and finer display of Fresh Cut j! Flowers and Potted Plants, jj Drop in at Rupert's new flow- cr shop and sec the assortment J MILLER'S FLOWER SHOP Stands for Satisfaction and Dependability i - none tti itox aib c KIDD1IS1 KIDDIES af?g.Wiif I o BSmy a o o Wmo ol o . oo o o 3 OPEN AT Kaien Hardware hit!. mrm am srv iseesesi aa- .aaaaaaaaaaaai COAL Gram FcCd Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 5 and 55 X NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue - Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated! Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress (Central Hotel) Buy Your Xmas BAKING SUPPLIES Now At Mussallem's Economy Store NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zari'lll Proprietor "A II0MK AWAY FROM HOME" Rate ll.oo up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red SocJteye : PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by the only salmon cannlnr company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert LADIES ! Here Is The Ideal GIFT For That Man In Khahki A soft, fleecy, eiderdown robe for those chilly nights wherever he happens to be stationed. A gift that is practical and Only $3 1 Kitchen Range 2-tone color and copper colls and cast iron top USED FURNITURE 1 Heater In good condition. At .- 1 Singer Sewing Machine- Special 2 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges In A-l condition G Radios Of various makes. From 5 Dressers Fxom i 1 3-Plece Chesterfield Slightly used. Special Phone BLACK 321 jCMrNtCAIIOMS I .95 If yon have any parcel you wih to have checked, wrapped for mailing tte drop them at our store. We will be glad to extend thes services to yon. William F. Stone The Store With The Christmas Spirit B. C. Furniture Co. NEW AND USED FURNITURE For low prices it will pay you to call at our store as we have the largest stock of household furnishings In Prince Rupert. 1 Pair of New Logger Boots Size 8. Regular price $18.00. Now $12.00 59.00 2 Sagless 3-piece Chesterfields In rust and Suez. In latest styles. 5134.00 to $145.00 New Walnut Dresser 19.50 2Lucrx4 $8.00 $6.50 $14.50 $22.50 to $24.50 $16.00 t0 $24.00 $9.50 (Next Door tc B. C Clothiers) To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Wav Ports $47.50 THIRD AVf; CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pfl.iClc SJ3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every" Friday 10 pjn To Vancouver Direct S.S. ".PRINCESS NORAIP December 7th. 13th. Januar' 3rd. 18th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1939 to Feb. 28th 1?4Q ffA1 nn Final Return Umit March 31st 1940 VjQiUU Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert. B.(i. If you lose anything, advertise for it. 1''! ( i 't:'.. I 1 it ft