Del - Debs ' and Julia Arthur Fall Creations DALLY EDITION IL P. POLLEN in All Their Splendor JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoea THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KL'PEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PubLEhl Every Afternoon, Except Sun Cay. by Prtne Rupert Daily Mew. Umltt Third Avenue Managing-Editor Member f Audit Bvxraa ot CireuUtWaf Monday, October 2, 1939. EDITORIALS niFFICL'LT TIMES It i probable that there never was such a difficult time a the present. It is not that we are fighting a war that ill difficult. The British have done that oft ThP difficulty is to know who are our friends and who are our enemies. It h quite easy to understand the position of some of tne maiier nations, 'I hey zee what happened to J'oJand and ar; told that, if they do not behave themselves, thf game thing will happen to them. That makes them un-?av. ;Great Uritain and France happen to be on the op-pomte jfiide of Germany from many of the smaller etates and It iB almost impossible to send them help quickly enough to prevent their destruction. That is why they ar willing to agree to terms with Germany or Russia. Germany and Russia are the ogres that threaten tr eat un the smaller neighbors. When the orgres speak the dwarfs tremble. It if to check the .wicked ogres that Britain and Vrsipcu ;ye at war. There is really no enmity between the Hritiflh M German people except that the German people are willing to lend themselves to such men as Hitler and the other war lords of Germany. INTELLIGENT PARTICIPATION (Translated from the French Language Paper . "lie Jour") When I gpeak of "intelligent participation." I have in mind the fact that there exist in Canada two national! tie of separate orifdn. who do not atrree entirely as to the military steps, and who must pot forget for a moment that the war isn't the end of the world, and that tomorrow when the smoke of battle has vanished, we will again have to Hve'sj'dc by side, sons of a common country, brothers Ip a common family, In these troubled hours, it is the dutv of the two dom inant groups in this country not to antagonize each other, not to aggravate grievances, not to wound each other. Tomorrow, we will live together. I reneat. If the French- Hpeafcing Canadians are asked to sacrifice their ideas at time to those of the English-speaking majority, it is euuujiy mcumpenc upon tne latter not to push the efforts of the country so far beyond its capacity that recovery uieruatier wiji oecome impossime. -Government leaders, men in authority, men of in iuuf Hunnw mm ijuojicihih. ail nave a sennns rpa- Hponnibility on their shoulders. They must know that the popuiace is m tne Highest degree fitted to hear and heed the language of reason, good sense, legitimate sentiment. and flfine and reasonable moderation. This sort of lan- tfimec rrcncn-speaKing Canadians can understand as well :ih English-speaking Canadians. And it is the only language which ought to be employed. Woe to those who, through demagogy, personal van ity or self-interest, may seek to fish in troubled waters I and create dissension among Canadians, Against suehl persons we would urge the most stringent application of the rigorous laws prevailing in times of national emer-1 irency. McClyaont Park Goes Into Lead i Is Now Out Game At rid of Fravr tnrt ia Junior ftatrttaU Lxia Baseball Scores 5ATUBOAT GAMES America Leacne Boston 4-4 New York 5-2 Chicago J-7. fit Jcjj -5. Washington 9, Philadelphia 5. SpWlY CAMS National. Lea (tie Cincinnati 9-0, PitUburg 1-8. Nea- York S. Eoaton 0. Philadelphia 2, Brooklyn 3. St. Louis 1. Chicago 2. American Learve CJereland l-Q, Detroit 3-1. Chicago i, St. Louli 4. WInstoo-PhiIadeIphia. Barton Key York cancelled pn account of rain. FINAL BASJ3ALL KTANDINCS National League ClnelnnaU v 67 j630 St. Loula 92 61 .605 Brooklyn 4 89 49 Chicago ;83 71 A39 New York 77 74 A10, Pittsburg. 88 85 .444 Boston . ' 2 82 .413' Philadelphia 48 104 .307 i American League ' " New York 107 45 .704. 104 . Botton 9 62 89 Cleveland . : 87 67 65 Chfcaeo . m 69 55 Detroit.,,..: ti 73 j25. Washington .65 89 .425 Ph'fladelphla 5 97 J57 8t:outo .v' 43 m XII OlrJ Country Soccer 0. 2. SATURDAY SCORES Swindon Town 1. Bristol Rovers Torquay United 6, Bournemouth Tranmere Rovers 4, New I. .Watford A, Northampton Town West Brwnwlch Albion 6, Stoke City 0. 4, Weetham United 2, MlUwali 1. Ayr United 3. Klimarnock 1. KJngs Park 4, Easterllne 2. Alloa 2, Stenhousemuir 0. East Fife 3, Raith Rovers D. Arbroath t, Brechin City 1. Dumbarton 4, Vale of Leven 2, Falkirk , Aberdeen 2. Edinburgh City 0, Lelth Athletic Dundee 4, St. Jphntone 2. Hamilton Academicals 2, Mother-w.ell 3; Hibernians 5, St. Mlrren 1. Morton 4, Rangcra 2. Queen of South 3, Preston North tyid 3, COAST FOOTBAUj ; Radlals, 2; St, Andrew's, 4. Victoria, ; 8t. Bavlourt, 2. North Shore Lions, 8,'; Varsity Thundcrblrds, 10. And when we have silenced the advocates of dissen-) ! " " sion and hatred, we "will be able to bring about the holy Mlss Blancne curthv who has union which we so greatly need in preparation for the fu a, trip !?"ihA Ttilltntdl0 ture. FoV Wc must unc-ingly pnlcln im thb tn.thV'To- ZEJTlSi 1', morrow. .wo must again live together 1 noon. DaCT niw9 SPORES! Average Crowd At Football On Saturday 3,000 Play-Pi f fctrie LONDON. Oct-ber 2 The Jucx Baseball esiutjn, looU raampionsxup aerie j esauou- Sk:urd4y l0M 1 yesterday riU) UoCtyzpaot Park 1nniGf snore inlc CP Ar- t. rZlt Antic iln ore- ocer Fxaf Fxavf BUH EUrtt Vj a .p n jsn. of li to C x?C thus soring I nny (jalBniO I Nn1 Meplaute a a two-eine iav-giz to lead in J afH- theories, A to w ?nln(T m:nf Jure been played bat it m post- UUili" JUliilU cod wing to the giwrjd fciag ; rtquirttJ I or trooa drtffint perposw. Plan, rrer. u Meet J LouH , Heavy hitters were Basscy far Mr- fa Another Title Boot Clymont Park and Scherk lor Frx- ier street NFW YORK Oct 2: CP-TlanT Uaedonald u on the masmrt Jor r i li aaii it k baw ton, at M:Cirraant Park and Ansey threatened vfch Fraser Btreti. eye a a mati of Tie game was ttraij tnotested ulard is M aut Mas. He as are- ran douj sjoej amnag nam 10 M-ist hewerer to jseei Joe lrixL in another title bout Tbe next fame wftl be played - next Sunday alternooo. XT n t Team yesterday ere a, feHot: IVOtre UaiUe W IUS UcOymont Park 2&nn. Ue- donald. fianterbftce. BHL Staund- llS fc VPenin (inpninrY (InmP Uailie sen. Baasey Klngtton and A Tai- Vtui Street Scherk. Amey. BUI. Lone. MeCWtw Klltav Parti tU. VuckorSeh. Brovn and Hawy Sererino Dominato vaa referee. Df feaird Pnrdae by Score o Three To Nil Cefore II. W Tan On Satarday NOTRE DAitE Indiaaa October 2: Notre Dame opeaed the foat-ball aeaaei) on Saturday with a three to nil rtctonr m-r Purdue before a crowd of forty thousand fana FOR SALE ' FOR SALE Approximately fou.-acrea including cottage and eon-' tents belonging to the estate of Erik Eneroth. Oooa Rlrer $225 Cash. Official Administrator Norman A. Watt, Prince Rupert, B.C. 'ji, tf. FOR S.LE AtcCIary range, grey enamel finish, almost new. Complete with oil burner. $75. Stam-ford. Prince Rupert Hotel. tf. FOR SALE Boat Edye Paaa with contents now lying at Ward Electric float Send tenders In writing to Indian Office, Prince Rupert, B. C. 1230 FOR SALE Kitchen range, almost new; kitchen cabinet; two dretv ers; two small washstands: one double bed; one sleeping couch; one brick-Uned heater; two rocking chairs; kitchen chairs; one washing basin. Above can be seen this week between hours of 1:30 and 4 p.m. at 745 Ninth Ave. West. (232) USED VicUr Radio for sale, tabic model. Price $12, Apply Dally News. tf. NEW American stamps for sale, ones and threes. Dally News, (tf I FOR SALE- Wealthy. Oravensteln and Mcintosh Itcd apples. 65c to $1.25 per box. Box 40, Terrace. B.C. 233!' FOR SALE 1023 Essex j-door sedan. Privately owned good condition. $115.00 cash. Pbone 756. 233 j FOR SALE Whole chimney sweeping outfit, complete. Apply Zum-khr at hospital. t.f BOARD AND ROOM FIRST Class board and room residences. Reaonabl? rate, clow in. Phone Green 865. 235) POSITION WANTED POSITION WANTED Returned man with 15 year experience In raent. WORK WANTED OIRL Wants Dally New, housework. Halibut Sales BMCh I Amide, BofaL leeny MlUy Ravaa. Caaw 9pear Summary JtM pounds. Mlkti tile ad Ousatfian -MJM pounds t isMl r at aa4 V j . . . lja. ixic and tc Caiiadian P. IP- "M and Tc 7c liar and 7c. I. M6a. lUe aad tc. J OoBtaa a. tm llat aad ic. n I1J0S. ItJr and 7c. Customs Revenue Showing Decrease Collection Tor 19 To Date Are raWns I'ar Short $ 1H iB atenoarisaB wu tarn. 44UU to lapteiiitirr MM veaee far tJbW year I date has g beaa 1MJS.U a acaaaat Sl(t - c XtM in ttie Orat name aagntiu at I ill i r tnttro TYING VP CARS LONDON llithwaj wcie rery quiet Sunday. At leat one-third of the traffic was laid off. It was the commencement of the licensing quarter and many did not consider it worth while to licence their can in slew of tbe petrol restrictions. moiu; cim imt LONDON Thirty thouiand more school children are being evacuated from the London area in slew of possibilities. TAKE OVER AIKCIUIT WELLINGTON All aircraft In New Zealand are belnr taken or er by the Royal Air Force. THE SEAL ' QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Rod Sockeye , PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all tbe year round payroll In Prince Rupert Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Kay IFT"l"OK HOT JEil STOVES At All IS.C. Stores BaBBVaaaaaBaaaaaaBaaaBaaaaa CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAKE Phone SI For Best llouxruold Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK accounting will accept any kind! in tub matteh op the khtatk op of c erlcal work. D, Tnnguay,. lAA peceabed, m- Phone Red 444, Palmer Apti. FOUND (232) lute TnJw NotU ttt by vlrtw of suth- orrty ot the Bii-rlrit!idttt onrl ot loOiuil AffoJrs, OUwwa.. I wm appointed MumnteVitAor o( ttie nA of Ell FOUND Yale key. Owner may ton nd m a provtncf ot xsrstiHrti have by calling at office OiumMs, and Davlnit for this advertise-. ..AU trw Ivln ctolnu . agslnst i nih mtm iwrty vrlfitl io nm on or , . befw Uu thirtWj y of UpUtpbr, Mid kit (vutita Uittil to th nrUti .r rr(julrnl in Mmi ijvlr inrtWUd- I SAFETY PIN FATAL 1 ' . k. iPDt fatatn 'oaltwar. died of pneymonla) ; contracted after an operation to re-' move a aatety pin ahe liad awallow- d The child waa slven ootton 1JV wool aandwlebea that the pin point 0 aat&rday . U 00 p m For VancouTer Taatda) ... - - rwajr October t, 17 and 27 From VancouTtr vNtecafer ... . Friday October 12 and 23 For Stewart and Premier Saaday . WedAiday 4 p.m. Monda -arM m amors , , ! CHILUWACK Oc lwo MUA Aj urn Four Injured In Traffic Crashes ciiiv n .............. tw perenns fr. r LONDON. Oct 2 CP Morn- injHrwi , tag anrte at WeaUnlmter Abbey he avrr the r. was areken when a woman about agP ,8 )(f v mm a cMirpjKx uuu jmud andAthraB c and flit; ervtfcr went on. Mail Schedule For e fjLtx Monday, Wfgnewjay and Friday , . . ITm the Ftt Tafbiajr. Tjiuraday and & pra 12:30 noon 10.15 pxi . 9(30 p m 4 pjn. ctheri Mclntwh Of DoUarton J. ano a companion n. nrrycle went m: Pioneers Would jName New Road 1 In Kings Honor 'CP-11e New W. r.. . . . Itaara' ft - - - - at aiar onwuiJOr 1 C- a hftHnff the new New "Jr Wendiutfr il. a r0W VI Wthway Jt 1 'U .th ttr4ftlt f ta. V,. w ipt Mir r .;j 7 pjn. Keep up u da A0v'j rttv 1 pni larlr 0OOO0O0OO00OOOO00WOOCOOlUOOiAOOOOOO0O9O9000e0MC4 MENTHOLATED FACE-ELLE AIDS DISPOSABLE HYGIENIC USE FOR HEAD COLDS NASAL INFECTIONS 15c Ormes Ltd. Planter Druqtjiats Tb Kesall SUet rnones; II P 0m Daily from a.m. till II p.m. Sunday and IMldayt from t noon till X ia 1 till 9 p.m. OOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000K000000000K SPECIALS Loose Leaf Recipe Books Ideal for kitchen use and for gifts. Standard three rings. Complete recipe Index and filler. Only Refill Sheets Pkg. of 100. Each Sovereign de luxe Cleansing Tissue J50 sheet box i i Fancy Tissue Lined Envelopes-Package ... Kelf-Heal Envelopes 2. pkgs Blue IJned Envelope Pkg Magic Slates 15c 35c 400 sheet box Dozen 25c 5c 10c tnd 20c Bridgeway Playing CardFancy backsexcellent quality Singles 5Q( DoublM 95C Betty Brlte Bake Cups-White Or Assorted. no in a-pkg. 1 1 fa, -Jtal, w. f-U - K 50c 25C 25c 20c 15c