CIGARETTES 5"l H tip lotel Arrivals prince Rupert E II J OUlen. II. U a Holland, D. It. j nrif f nlHtpr H( C .t ""i'- ' r t n)irV nnnrf A r Macmlllan, cassiar. : r Georgetown. Mr Carl Haltennan. J. ana J turner, van y x Rulun, Oraham Reld H i Georgetown: A. Attree i I M Oiggey. Terrace: Tyee. Mr, it. uian- r A Blair. Victoria; Mr. , T Ezakl. Bunnyslde; L. A. lr w; '.rr.orie; D. E. Maxwell, Central : Lewis Island: E. A McMxitrrs. Y. Slkl, ! i a J Notts, D. Leigh- ::1 Mr and Miss Ilagen, -- IM. tun E 'J Harbor: J llualo. B. . . F Mayer.; Ed. B Lake W Douglas. f B; J W Douglas. C.N. Sc, Winnipeg J Euan. MORE SUN; MORE RAIN Precipitation For Pr4tnt Year To I Date Almoa As Much An Fur 1 111 . 1 . A September 1839 was both more sunny and more rainy in Prince Rucert than was the nam mnnth last year. The sunshine this 8ep- lemoer aggregated 71.7 Hours as compared with 64.9 hours )n September 1038, The precipitation this September totalled 9.88 Inches as against 8 4 inches last September. Bo far this year sunshine here has amounted to 738.4 hours which Is a far cry below 908 hours In the lrst nine months of 1938, The nreclnltatlon for 1939 to date has totalled 7JJ59 Inches as compared wun incites in me corres ponding period of 1938. Indeed for the first three-quarters of this year precipitation in prince Rupert is within one inch of the total of 74 -M inches for all of 1938. The weather summary for the i month of SeDtember. as snnounc- ted by the Dominion meteorologist at Pigby Island, Is as follows: Highest barometer reading, ,30.-- 300 on September 8, Lowest barometer reading, 29.- 532 on September la-Maximum temperature. 70 on September 20, Minimum temperature. 40 on September 24. Mean, 49.4. Precipitation. 9.88 Inches. Sunshine. 71.7 hours. Maximum wind velocity. 23 miles per hour from southeast on Sep tember 19. MacKenzie's Furniture Used Dressers l4Drrer With beveled mirrors and 'with CC (1ft 4 drawers From, each PHONE 77S Smeked "Rupert Brand" nr i ci i. iwa urea oaimun j 15c pkg. For Lunrh 2ti Tonstctl Sandwiches or llors d'pcHvrc One Package Serves Four People Keps tor Weeks in Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage finer itupert Co Ltd. BrllU" mM ION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamer Leav I-rlnce Rupert .for Vancouver. U-Catala ftVEKl TtlKS T-8.B. CABDENA FlUPA, DAY t;S B.m. 10:30 p.m, P Vancouver. Thurs: n.m. Du. Vancouver, Mono.; I Convenient. rit furchau Tickets at flfllea trihei inform,.. ia u.ocrrtinp Reservations and Tickets From WNK J, Prlnre lluperl Axent. TbW Af- 868 UK CONSOLIDATE!) MINING, & SMELTING Ianufacturtrs of ELEPHANT Brand Chemt- .... 1 V 1 ! 1 ! a n cnU und Chemical r ctiuwio Ammonium Phosphates. Ammonium Sulphate. Superpbos- pliatei, Monocalclunt Phosp'e t Producers .and Kefiners . a of TADANAC Brand Metals . ,, Oold Cadmium - '""" Zinc - - Silver - Lead - Antlmonv .w.n Ruinburlc Acid and huipnur j!!?.'"' Office and Works H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank nidi. Kill Trail, U.C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mttk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE M7 Remember the TBalvatlon Army Harvest Auction Sale Tonight at 7:30. 230) For fighting with Arthur Jensen, D. Stalker was fined $5 in city police court this morning. J. Ellertsen will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Caiala for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs, J. Connery sailed this morning n the Catala for Mill Bay where she will Join, Mr. Connery and spend the winter. O. W. Laldler arrived In the city on the cataia tnis morning irom Vancouver, being here on W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd. business. There were no, further bidders nn hand at tne annual ciur J Church. He will couple of weeks. be away for a Advertising Is ar .ue'Snent. "Hulld !. a Payrolls" The Choice Of Four caio H I tVPtHf A letter from Mrs. F. 11. i "Since leaving the farm four have used no other otner milk. m. It u Is richer, nui, u has COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PKINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and SS8 Violin & Guitar Western Academy of Music R. Shaw Phone BLUE 992 Cookie's tomorrow. TBM DAILY KIWI i I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Coffee Shoppe opens (230) For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. tf J. Turner. Post Office insjieclor, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise yesterday frons Vancouver, . 1 ..I -1 " jut In. Deing nere on uiikui Rt. Rev. W. A." Oeddes, Bishop ol the Yukon, was a passenger aboard' the Princess Louise yesterday re turning to Dawson after a trip to Vancouver I Mrs. J. T. Soicltett. well known pioneer woman of Juneau and for mer postmistress there, was a pas senger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday returning to the Alaska Capital after a trip to California sale this mornlnit and the auction Don't Forget the Salvation Ar was adjourned until tomorrow, jmy Harvest Auction Sale Tonight at 7:30. 230) Mr. and Mrs. Ounnar Anderson rt,,m4 h rltv nn the Prin- Mn P M Mif!a.liim returned la ,.,U4II1 W w ' - - - - - " " " " " " - w cess Louise yesterday morning from the city on the Princess Louise yes-a trip to Vancouver. terday morning from a trip to Van- couver, accompanied by her moth- D. McCorklndale. who has been er. Mrs. Lemon. spending some time in Vancouver mmmmmm imm and elsewhere In the south, re turned to the city on the Catala CHILD S mis morning. ' i Mrs. James Morrice and sons. who have been on a trip south. jwere passengers aboard the Catala .this morning returning from Van- , 1 couver to Stewart. j t . W F. Eve. for vears Dostmasteri COLDS Relieve misery direct -without "doiiM". CPZlZ Use srUt-actlna VICKS VAPORU1 Miss Margaret Smith and Hugh I ..... r UL T 1 1. - m , V. n ' at Anyox. has jomea tne locai posn ooiHu piaycu mc iuuh, av mc office sUff. He and Xlrs. Eve have J dance which followed the Cana- ' taken up residence In the Leeds clan Legion women s Auxiliary Apartment. . j bridge party on roaay nigni. Titus Campbell, Indian, for hav- James Farquhar. formerly of this in. iimmr in hit tvuvuion. a-as.citv and for the nast couple ol tiTHA k utth nntinn of thirty years located In the south, returned days' Imprisonment, In cHy police, on the Princess Louise yesterday I morning from Vancouver.. He Is I here to Join the office of the North- i Alex Tumbull. Inspector of .ern Shipping Co. while P. M. Ray Is a . mm m l . . 1 1 au. A n n n n A 1 n Wf. 4ltt(Ao A t ... f ) 11. SCIlOOlS, anu MIS. lUniOUU IC- cnjau in uij uuuu q iajiuKi trnH tn th ritv vitjrdav after I lieutenant commander of the local a ... trip ..... to Bella Coola and Rivers, unit of the Royal Canadian .Naval 1.1,1 t.-i rAH.. iniet cnsiricis. iney are iamhk uu. vuiuiucc. trcjc. residence In the house on Oraham Avenue. Westview. Just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Borland. Only One Fire .Rev. II. O. Funston. pastor of Firstl Presbyterian Church, will leave on, A ildrni lorm 111 In 1T1UI1U1 Mnnth Friday night of this week on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver! tf attend sessions of British Col- n t , umbla Synod of the Presbyterian ar J" "c',a,,"'c Been Called Out Twenty-Two Times The city fire department was caflled out only once during the 'month of September, this being to a rubbish fire on comox Avenue which caused a scare. So far this year there have been but twenty- two alarms as compared with fif ty in the first nine months of 1938. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25j a word. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Eagles Bridge October 4. more flavor, keep fresh longer, J Empire Dance, Oddfellows" Hall Is more economical ;nan cows.jjcioDer o milk nnd poual to cream. My husband uses only Pacific Milk In tea and coffee." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7, Catholic Bazaar Octcber 11, 12. Lutheran Bazaar, October 14. Plays, Presbyterian Hall, Oct. 27. Canadian Legion Bazaar, Nov ember 3. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 18. Country Fair November 24. NOTICE OF SALE W. J. Alder. Commissioner for the City of Prince Rupert, vs. Royal Motors Tenders will be received for the nurchase of the Eauiument. Stock In-Trade, and Chattels of the above named Roval Motors, as a coins J concern, until Thursday, 12 o'clock noon. The highest, or any tender tenders to the Sheriff's Office, prince Kunen. u.u. nv person ae slrous of tendering can see the equipment, etc., by calling .ut .the Sheriff's Office. , S. A, NICKERSON. Sheriff. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 30th day of September, 1939. Fines In City Are Heavier Total For 1939 to Date Is $3825 as Aralnst $2702 In Corresponding Period Last Year Police court fines In Price Rupert for Rntmber this year totalled $f!2 as compared with $210 hi ttfe same month last year, bringing ine total for 1938 up to $3825 In com parison with $2702 in the first nine months of last year. Is Sent To Jail For Obstructing Police Officer For obstructing a police officer, Rdger Powell was sentenced to three months' Imprisonment by Magistrate McClymont in city po lice court this morning. The charge against Powell, an Indian, resulted from an incident last Thursday on' the Co Bay bridge when he bit Constable Jack Lockle and kicked 1 . . n a r t. M 11 ...4 uonsiaDie a. i. Munucjr oi iuc iuy police. Entertainment For Service Men Enjoyed The first of the weekly entertaln-nents planned for the naval and military units staying In the city was held at the Canadian Legion clubrooms on Sunday evening. There was an attendance of about sixty and all expressed themselves s having .enjoyed the program very much. The program was con tributed to by many of the leading artists In town with Sergeant J. A. Tene in the chair. In the course of the evening Rev. E. E. Brandt, pas tor of First Baptist Church, gave a short address that was much ap preciated by all. Soloists were airs. H.N.Brociues by. Mrs. Jarvls McLeod, Len Crlpps Ounnar Taylor and Sergeant Teng.l AccomDanlsts were Mrs. J. R. EHert.l Mrs E. J. Smith. C. P Balagno and he Misses Phyllis and Eileen Ham-Un were much enjoyed Favorite iymns requested by the audience were heartily sung. The committee in charge consist ed of Mrs. J. A. Teng of the Can-; idlan Legion Women's Auxiliary, and Queen Mary Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire. William Lambe of Toe H. and H. T. Lock of the Canadian Legion. Oth-1 ers assisting were Mrs. J. Preece. Miss Edith Gandy, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Klelback and Jack Preece. presi dent Canadian Legion. At the con clusion coffee and cookies were served. Dr. Henderson Best Citizen Veteran Clergyman Receives Award Of Native Sons of British. Columbia Vancouver. October 2: (CPi Rev. Dr. J. S. Henderson, veteran Vancouver clergyman, has been awarded the 1939 good citizenship medal by the Native Sons of British Columbia. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .10. Bralorne, 10.00,-Carlboo Quartz, 1.75. Dentonla, M3A. Fairvlew. .01 Gold Belt. ,24. Hedley Mascot, .35 (ask). Mlnto, .01 Vr Noble Five, S&. Pend Orielle, 2.95.. Pioneer. 2.10. Premier, 1.27. Privateer, .85. Reeves McDonald, ,45 (ask). Reno, .46. Relief Arlington, .15 ask). Salmon Gold, J04 (ask I. Sheep Creek, 1.10. Cariboo Hudson, .Olli. Oils A. P. Coa, .20. Calmoih, .45. C. & E.. 2.45 (ask). Freehold, .03. Home, 2.83. Royal Canadian. 52 ask)." Okalta, U5 (ask). Mercury, .10 (ask). Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldermacv .40. BeatUe, 39. Central Pat, 2.07. Con Smelters, 50.00. East Malartic. 2.16. Francoeur, 22. Gods Lake. 81. Hardrock, .85. Int. Nickel, 47.00. Kerr Addison, 1.78. Little Long Lac. 2.60. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.60. Madsen Red Lake, JO. Mackenzie Red Lake, 1.12. Moneta, .85. Noranda, 72.50. Pickle Crow, 4.10. Preston E. Dome. 133. Can Antonio, 1,70, Sherritt Gordon, 122. Stadacona, .36. Uchi, .70. Bouscadillac. M. Mosher Oklend, &5Vz. Oklend. .06. Smelters Gold. .021;. Dominion Bridge. 42.75. t PaVjE THRli EVACUATED CHILDREN REAL JOY Molhtr Find London Youngsters , -Do Their Bit? In New Homes " f . I , LONDON,Oct. 2: (CP) Efacuat-ed chtldren.are born "mothe'rV lit-ttle helpers" 100 yoUhgJfiitA"! . couples In Hertfordshire whn opened their homes to 213 London children discovered. "We were dreading the extra work , but actually they are so helpful we don't notice it," one . or the new mothers said. The children have lbeeh going about with the .butcher, I baker and greengrocer delivering 1 parcels and have also formed a garden squad to dig up weeds. Three times a week those between 12 and 14 years of age hold a raeeU , ing to discuss what they call "doing our bit" They have elected 18 prefects who oversee the behavior of the others. One of Ihe unwritten rules Is that ,no boy may bring angle worms in-: to the house and leave them on the. kitchen table. Another thoughtful plan, which Involves the Jittle girls Is the ing for the "under fives" during play hours to relieve their hostess "aunties" of added responsibility. The girls also wash their own socks dally. But. with the coming of autumn, the children will attend Hertfordshire schools to be taught by their I own teachers, who have been blllet- 1 ed in the same neighborhood. Five Hundred Men Job Up In C.O.T.C. Course at University of British Columbia is Proving Very Popular VANCOUVER. Oct. 2: (CP) En listments in the University of Brit ish Columbia Officers Training Corps have reached the number of I ilmrwt n hattallnn. Durina the Dast Dally advertlslnti n ttie Dallj I week there were 100 new Tecrults, News Is sure to bring dally re- bringing the total to over five hun-sults, dred. SPZU IT BACKWARDS' MUSSALLEM'S , ECONOMY STORE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Prompt Service After the show drop in and try our milk shakes, scdas and Ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 "And you get the word MILK", points out Eltic. the Borden Cow. "And that's just what KUM it pure, fresh, whole milk with all the cream left hi, powdered by removing the natural moisture content. Simply add Klim to cold water whiik with a beater and you have an instant supply of creamy pasteurised whole milk. I can't recommend anything better for baby, home or camp." KLlM 13 rti it's BonUn'$ it's GOT to b good" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FBOM HOME" Rates $1.00 op 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 B. C. FURNITURE Used Furniture Values 1 McClary Range In good shape 1 Majestic Range In good condition 7-Piccc Dining Room Suite In light oak . . 3 Vacuum Cleaners Up 2 Sewing Machines Up rbone BLACK 324 27.50 $28.50 $17.50 $6.50 $7.50 2 3-Piece Chester-field Suite"'. $36.00 $39.00 1 Stewart Warner C-f Q fZ(i Radio-Special ?Xtf.tlV 1 DeForrest-Crossley Long and Short Wave Cabinet, late $49,50 1 Radio Table Genuine walnut. Special , , . Next Door To B.C. Clothiers $6.50 THIRD AVENUE .