Tomorrows Tides 8:44 a.m. 149 20:51 pjn.. 18,1 2:21 ajn. 7.3 14:00 p.m. 85 L i ft 1 VS. V c - .s - MOTHER IS KIDNAPPED CiMornli Woman Auaucien mn htrrst(4 y wn son And ArcompllcM 5TOTKT W Cat. July 10: - jlrt E a unrry, oj, wrsiwi) wi.un widew, was orat-d and kidnapped Iron 'itt v. son and three accom-. r if .bird Mlddlecolf. 38. son i Mrs Emery by her first hulls j earned, bv Sheriff Marts k br ' 'f Bah Joaquin Count u - -,g leader of the kidnnp-pn Y ' S Mlddlccoff recently not !ad r'TP'd to hate hu mother i;- rr money and valuable r ; - 5 ivm but she had re !zx t rdm o Sheriff Aiu-bro ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION the lUMhfr Trip To fte Made By Aimiral Brrd On lnttrwrtion Of rretJdrnt RootcTell WATHINOTOK. July 10: Order-123 A ' P .'lent Ilnoevlt to sub deaths from drownings and prevj-a -ns to territory wlth-tralkm have been attributed to a . : :irre ,f the Monroe Doc- four-day heat wave, expected some - ' r A-'miral Richard Byrd, relief in showers. iz br- :. preparations to lead! v tx -' hi to the Antarctic and rt'.x An"- cn ttag ow Jandt v 1 "n! ---e nt thn land i "1 - be fch in mneral and that they wld also. i . l.kU .11 .1. U .. . . J" .rc ., ... f ''itwr war. The rlans to remain In the t a year I will leave TRADE WITH PHILLIPINES: tmr-nce nf Preferential Rela. tiont Would Mean Big Unt To United Slates ..a "'""- t ' f preferential reciprocal be yu - and five months, rancher Is ae-Cta?.-, tade rc:afiora betwern the Unl- Oklahoma three men and his companled by and the Phllllplnea fol- - J romplete Phllllplne lnde-j1u6ntr Pfrir-.-re in 1JJ would throw - v-of thousands of Amcri-, Twjnc Tn PmVP :ai of work. Areenlo N. Luf. 1 1 U I I UVC wrr'a.- of the Phllllplne-Amcrl-j wj. n I a Trade Association, said. That nJS OOn lnSane Si: 'aUon Is dedicated to the "henlng and maintaining of " prricnt. trade relationship. Luz Hlti that the Islands could ab-K: annually between $1,000,003 n4 $?O0OW)O worth of American it the trade should be prop-'7 developed, Young Bandit Is t Shot And Killed I . fiun Itallle Follows Robbery of Bank In Nebraska of From $5000 to $10,000 Sidney. Neb., July 10. A young "ndlt waa shot and killed In a gun We with officers here a few hours after ho and a companion fobbed a Fort MorRan Colorado fink of between $5000 and $10,000. Navy Planes At Ketchikan Over Last Week-end Ketchikan. July 10: Five ""w" states Navy patrol planes spent the week-end here She ft. ft. ft. A - i. - Court Upholds i: Oregon's Anti-Picketing i: Law I PORTLAND. Ore., July 10 Three 4- State circuit Judges, sitting en bano. ruled unanimously In a- 89-page opinion that Oregon's famous 4- antl-pkketlng law U legal In Its f entirety v HOT WAVE 4' - RELIEVED Itctplte by llrretes and Showers i- In Eat Believed Only Temporary 4 NEW YORK. July 10.- Cooling li breezes and scattered thunder showers brought temporary relief from the summer's severest heat wave to mid-western states but with prospect of soaring temperature In another 38 to 48 hours. There was no immediate relief In sight for the south, southwest and east, sweltering under tempera -lure In the nineties. Eight midwrstern states counted dead. New England, where 30 ADVENTURE BY ARCTIC 0ktanonw lUnehfr-ETangflht To Travel From Victoria Via Greenland In Halibut Boat VICTORIA, July 10: CP Dr. Homer Kellems sailed northward from Victoria Saturday In a rebuilt 38-foot halibut boat, the Pandora. In which he hopes to sail through Arctic Ocean waters to Oreenland and New York and back to Seattle by way of Panama Canal. Kellems expects to reach New Vnrlr In flvo Tnnth linlCM he If Robert Burgundfr. Former Seattle P.A, Endeavours lo Save Boy from Execution phoenix. Arizona. July 10. Robert Burgunder, former district attorney of Seattle. Is endeavouring to establish Insanity In the case of his son. Robert Burgunder Jr.. college student, who Is on trial here for the murder of two men. The father believes that the son was In-' fluenced by listening to stories of cases which the elder Burgunder i prosecuted In Seattle. Pattullo Unable To Open Hospital Hon. Dr. C.corge M. Weir Will Officiate At Function This Week Architect Also Coming VICTORIA, July 10: (CP) Act lne for Premier T. D. Pattullo, who Is unable to go north at this time, Hon.. Dr. Ocorgc M. Weir, Provln clal Secretary, will visit Prince, Rupert this week to open the ncwi Prince Rupert General Hospital on Friday, It Is announced. Henry Whlttakcr, chief architect for the provincial government, will arrive in Prlnco Rupert prior to Dr. Weir's nrlval la connection ""with the opening. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL MUTIS II COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JULY r Skeletons Are Dug Up I 4 While building the road to connect the fortification site at Frederick Point to the Mar- lne station wharf, workers of the Northern Construction Co. a few days ago dug into an an- clent midden on Dlgby Island, unearthing from a depth of about two feet, some ten r twelve aged skeletons. The remains were carefully re-ln- terred at a point close by. They were, evidently, extreme- ly old skeletons as the teeth bore indications of those ab- original days when the In- dlans used to chew hides to tan them. Bulletins JACK ritEECE CHAMPION Jack P recce won the championship of the Canadian National Recreation Association l-an Bowling Club yesterday by defeat ng Dave 21 to 20 In a close final, r recce, with Jack Frew, Angus Macdonald and Dave .MacPhee. will leave Friday for Vancouver to participate in. the Jtritlsh Columbia himplonhlp. Another local participant will be Louis Arrol who Is already In the south. HEARING DEFERRED The local hearing of the Alaska Highway Commission, which was to have been held this morning, was postponed until Wednesday morning. Headed by Hon. Charles Stewart, the Commission arrived last night by train and left this morning aboard the fisheries protection cruiser Kltimat for Stewart whence It wilt return here tomorrow evening, leaving Wednesday afternoon on the Prince fieorge for the Yukon. The Com mittee consists, besides Mr. Stewart, of J, W. Spencer and Dr. Stewart of Victoria. Also making the trip to Stewart are .Mrs. J. U Montgomery, Mr. Stewart's secretary; Arthur Dixon, chief engineer for the provincial department of public works; Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, and Mrs. Hanson and their daughter, Mrs. Don Sutherland of Kamloops, and J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works. EXPLOSION IN SPAIN SALAMANCA, Spain At least thirty persons were reported killed and about two hundred Injured In an explosion Sunday at the Tenaranda de Branramonte powder factory near here. MONGOLIANS DRIVEN OFF IIAILAK, Manchoukuo Re-treat of Mongolian forces from the battlefields around Nomohan Heights has been rut off, Japanese military headquarters announced Sunday. All bridges across the Khalka River have been blown up, It was stated. The Russians are reported to have Introduced great flying fortresses Into the fighting hut they were driven off. Fifty-nine Mongolian planes are claimed to have been brought down. Former Actor Up On Check Charge LOS ANGELES, July 10 Miirshal Nellan, former noted moving pic ture actor and dlre.ctortimiMttandi'aThe. flying boat trial on charges of cashing worth less checks to the amount of $100 I - - --. JPrison Wardens JiThink Alcatraz Should Be Kept SAN FRANCISCO, July 10: -Federal Prison Director James V. Bennett said twenty-five prison wardens here for their annual conference had inspected Alcatrar Island Federal Prison in San Fran- isco Bay and were in favor ol its retention. MAY WRECK ALL CITIES Dire Tli real Made By Irith Repub lican Army Leave Country In Ruins BELFAST. July 10: A speaker for the "Irish Republican Army broadcast from a secret "private" adlo station a threat to wreck fury of destruction on every clt In England such as would leave Mt In ruins." The "army" demands 1 that British troops and officials, evacuate Northern Ireland. Thjj mysterious broadcast also contain-! rd references to possible Irish re- lusal to aid Britain In any future ar 1 HI A K 11 IT I DljllVvJL) 1 IM rXlPT A XTrV Ill - OlULlil U:V.A4:,m Xprjxam-Jment left no doubt tht.Danzfc. inatlon preparatory to entering covered by Britain's mutual assist - One Half of Country Dims All Lights To ProTe Invulnerability t To Air Attack LONDON, July 10:-One-half of. England, comprising about 16,0001 square miles, was dark from eleven 1 o'clock last night until 4 o'clock1 this morning during air man -I euvros of the Royal Air Force.' As sirens sounded the beginning) -t the manoeuvres the lights were. extinguished. Automobiles were, as .ar as possible, kept off the roads In the area and trains were dark-1 rned. Houses, factories and streets' were in darkness. . 1 The air and light manoeuvres were to test the statements of I British leaders that the country could repel any fleet which an 1 i enemy might send against It Beryl Mercer I Critically 111 J Screen Actress In Serious Condi tion Following Operation HOLLYWOOD. Cal.. July 10: Screen actress Beryl Mercer is ln a critical condition at a hospital' following an operation, American Flying Boat For Royal I Air Force Back l Seymour, 39,000, Cold Storage.j fir'7-7c and 55c' i ?aw ntFnn Jniv in- Th fhhnftrut Sri i Ae8,r' 15000' Roya1, 8'2c and Ji L "J. ?-Ulii!w?r.". re 1 5.5c " 1 tlsh Royal Air Force, left yesterday for Botwood, Newfoundland, en-! route to England but soon returned after It was found that the automatic controls were not functioning perfectly. Ot was expected to make another start today. A two-hop flight to England Is planned with a single stop at Botwood.. The big 15-ton plane, piloted by a crew of four, will set a new long distance record for seaplanes If It makes the 3,300 - mile flight with- the plane wilt fly to Felixstowe, England. was built at the) Consolidated Aircraft Companys factory at San "Diego. I 10, 1939. i - - -- GT. BRITAIN IS WARNED Espionage Will Be Crushed Ruthlessly in Reich Berlin Annoyed I BERLIN, July 10: (CP Nazi warned Oreat Britain that a report-: ed attempt to saturate the Reich, with spies would be crushed as! ruthies-iy as the famed German! Gestapo secret police! stamped out ' underground oropaganda agalnstl the regime of Adolf Hitler. The warning was especially sig- nincent bemuse of the nmt Bri-i tish attempt, apparently wtth cv- SroXdllTZJ?.! neaas oi Nazi leaders ana transmit direct to h oerman pecoie an ap- peal for peace from British Labor jwhich was virtually an hiTiuuon, io reoei aainsi me nazu. Official circles were definitely an- noyed by the appeal and In private conversations bitterly assailed It i'YOUNG MEN 'I f T T-i t-v I A I I h i I yn 1 Y r.lululaU JL Between lOO.OOOand 150.000 Twentr ear Old dcrmans Summoned To Labor Army herlin. July 10: Posters ap- j'" n the streeu repeatln? the notice of sU weeks ago callinj " the fair milltiry.xlasses of, me r rwee Army in wciooer.ance pledge to Poland and that scheduled. It Is estimated the' classes win contain Deiween iuu.- 000 and 150,000 each. ' OFFER BY GERMANY .Non-aggression Offer Reported To ,Ure rn-en Made By Reich To United States LONDON, July 10: A report in the Manchester Ouardlan from I, ,. ,A . non-aggression offer had been made and that it was being dis - 1 cussed and discounted In diplomatic Quarters. The Guardian's dispatch alleged that responsible circles closely connected with the White House were discussing de-j tails. A detailed offer was said by the correspondent to have been made to the United States. The rs- port was not confirmed. Halibut Sales I summary American 113,500 pounds, 7.7c and 5.5c to 8.2c and 5.5c. Canadian 75,000 pounds, 6.7c 'and 5c to 7.4c and 5c. 1 , . American fASSOCiatlOn Foremost, 40,000, Pacific, 7.7c, land 5.5c. jc Jn Qpocinn Visitor, 6500, Atlin, 7.9c atid-lO " UCOMUll 5.5c. Roy II, 13,000, Booth, 8c and.nuai convention of the American today in a remodelled ;Bar Association which opened to- room at the Angel Island Imml- Canadian Finella. 17,000, Cold Storage,; 6.7c and 5c. Johanna, 14500, Booth, 7.2c and' 5c. Clipper II, 13,000, Atlin, 6.8c and 5c. Salida. 11,000. Atlin, 7.1c and 5c! Margalice, 6,500, Atlin, 7.1c and 5c. Oldfleld, 14,000, Royal, 7.4c and R. W. Sinclair, manager of Inver- ness cannery, was a visitor to the city on business this morning.. . Chamberlain Leaves No Doubt In Regard To Stand On Danzig 1 . Meantime Nazis in Free City Demonstrate and Pledge Th cnnnrt n .jT, . . Adolf Hitler LONDON, July 10; (CP) In a carefully worded statement Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain today told the House of Commons . , that Great Britain was "firmly resolwed ,.i. jh t to carry, out her pledge of - assistance to ,-., Poland Miould a German coup within Danzig cause Poland to tight for her national existence and independence. The iiaiimeni was aesignea io remove j all daub, cf the extent of the Ang- j lo-PoMsh pledge. It referred to the! constitutional situation at Danzig las "neither basically unjust nor Illogical" but believed it might im- j prove by negotiation in a clearer In- j ternaUcnal atmosphere. Poland's roianas amoassac ambassador to Great B'itn returned by air Sunday from frorn a a W,r.a3.. Warsaw POr conference which'.. might have had an lmDortanf braring on Prime Minister Cham berlain's declaration in the House 0( Commons. The Polish ambassa- dor had an opportunity to give Mr. Chamberlain a precise outline of tne present feeUng In Warsaw be- 4re the Prime Minister faced the House. "The Prime Minister's state- ' any attempt to alter Its status by force, either within or without the Free City, would brine Britain lm- mediately to Poland's side. Meantime Nazis of Danzig, at two mass meetings Sunday, thundered defiance at Poland and pledged blind faith in the leadership of Hitler. Ridicule was aimed at Britain and France. Albert Forster, Nazi district leader, advised citizens to smash Polish influence where possible. Moscow Moscow Negotiations Negotiations I Forster denounced Britain andl Poland in a speech" to ten thousand I enthusiastic followers. Forster, charged the British government with "stupidity" for Its attempt prevent the return of Danzig to Germany. He accused Poland of attempting to prevent Germany from becoming what he called "too great." Forster said "their designs are futile." At Moscow the longest conversation in many weeks on the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations for a mutual assistance pact ended at the Kremlin Sunday night with the outcome still a question. After three hours all that could be learned was that the pact had not been con- ciuaea oui inai negotiations wouia continue. Mill CI Hall Ual san FRANCISCO, July 10: Hundreds of prominent barristers and attorneys from all parts of the country are here for the an- day and will continue through un- tn Friday. Former Envoy To Germany Is 111 William E. Dodds Stricken With Throat Ailment In New York NEW YORK. July 10: William E. Dodds. former United States am - bassador to Germany, Is seriously ill here with throat ailment. Todays Weather Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to f reify southeast winds, shifting to southwest, partly cloudy and moderately warm. Probably a few scattered showers tonight PRICE: 5 CENTS 4. ' z C Urges Most & West Route HAZELTON. July 10: (CP) E. T . Kenney, M. L. A. for . Skeena. told the Canadian sec- tion of the Alaska Highway Commission here Saturday that the farthest west the road was built the better access it would give to Mazladln Lake, Hvder and Stewart, which dis- trlet represented a large part 4- of the area of the province and tyehrcTycrrtenUiCtJ- the the minei mineral wealth. Increased population and highway facili- (ties in this area - would In- crease mineral production and, t with another mine like Prem- ler. it would re-pay the road's cost many "times. t New Atlantic Air Service Aliaubut inaiimirjif' "ltu Pfl yQRK Ju, 10. pan. AIrara vant riinn.r inaugurated the first commercial passenger service to Europe via the Northern Atlantic route, supr plementlng the service previously established over the touthern route. BIG CASE GOING ON Deportation Proceedings Against Harry Bridges Under Way In San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, July 10: The federal immigration department has completed Its preparations for Jwhat is expected to be one 0f the nation's most controversial legal cases deportation proceedings asalnst Harry Bridges, west coast director of the Cangress of Indus- trial Organization, The hearing against the Aust- rallan born labor leader opened gratlon Station In San Francisco Bay. One of the nations leading legal authorities. Dean James Lan-jdls of the Harvard University Lav School, Is presiding. No arrests had been made up to noon today In connection with the burglary during Friday night of Ben Ferguson's news stand at the I corner of Third Avenue and Mc- 'Bride Street when $20 was takes from the cash register. Entry was 'made by breaking in a rear door below street level and forcing open a trap door Into the main store.