i PftOT Tiro TTTTTrTTitn TP K-w a. unsay JUNIOR RED Summer Shoes CROSS TALK BEAUTIFDL a. Mm Mzi t-in J'Mt Mwm aft Tt We HzTe ti Fiatst Yzrietf sad 5tj t- is Ssx&roer JtiAJV I Jfew S&ipzaest tf Were Heel. Delci Bex He& b Ckr Just Arrived Ase4srf r'.Moie' Woa&r Cora Cere Family shoe store ltD. The Ecrae cf Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rzxxct jxrnsx - rnnsa colcmeu PsMWi IC7 lear-as, Jxx-fi. Belfry, ij P-tene BEpri Itty Sfwi. LfaStsdL Tisri Aran H. P PZilxS .VrTTT-grg-Iitor CBf AJbuj: Sij esrrter, yasr yesM, pt42 Sa aSTtDor Jt fc&tc, t . Psjtf fe fcirEK?. cr seo2 2jr aA w H pert ctf Brtejra Catezctz. 3ri f:, zss ei gfftet, yetrly piaf to iircisr isy sag Jt. i Sbcr eaosir!. ptr jear 3Krs IrpzrlocBt TcirjitMBWf Ad-irrtisicE and Cmixaii Trpi3 Kos&itr AaAtt gem C Orrrirtitrc HUMAN INTEREST NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor -A HOMtfAWA fROM noiif Rates MM) np iORoona Hcfft Cold Water Princa Ropert, Bx:. Phone SSI P.O. Box IS M St COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRIXCE RUPERT FEED CO. Pbonei St and SSI tar Otoe aatertte? rfirrw a tfcr vm i 'rt Mr -l wart Tbr HMf . TaaVL-.t-' . 4.:1. JKUfr aee atart ?:- ra-ujwaxrrr llr ff fKp rhtaad ?: m a zjticie W 'Aaia oder oiwe Mexwrr ti kfiac "Leafae CffiBg" lest k v&tiedsshr farifat ?f 7; iff anirfe s&ea&ed he said BereTier Ndtol a&4e an qaest aad feaotifnifj' phrased speech, m frit f vfcioii! tJtoai aottxh' badrad to remrt it A sieh br to Ckxn- is eacUEe credk U Cmna ad t wa aa art al efcnra- ' rr aad eafehtenetl tf-intzrtL Lzltr ike aahasszAer vnf. loaA to eiupe out Lord QbzxTma for speda xseaija and, cm ud(s'4 so, raid: 1 have broken ray Mieimi pier e Mft is dtoie I am at leat m tie izihktn oi tbee (ii.' Lord CassaJfate, is repiyin? to a toast, said of CUna be 2wpd tfcai etmatry 'xo&d w be a land fkrwiag wkfa Mafik and TKo caiAg viivr. aceordtn? ta the accooat. restart' i: fat I am Unxd to confer that, wJiat wita lovia Chines, the Pole the French, the larks, the Gress, " the Brafyi- aad tin; Americam, a eaBftcientiemc BriDm has 2 bttto time these dayK." LIKK THE PREACHERS A&km zko te of a speech he heard Rt. Hem Rv B. BedoKt deSirer and; afs most local people have ahw Sed Mi - Reaaett fjpeak and they have ateo heard msnr preaeh-a who sfH to iiave eonife to 2fl end aid then tjarry o a awti gffmas, the; iH be- interested in the remarks about the former Prirrve MiniHer of Canada: "Mr. BenoeU does not employ the nseal artifice of jmlflkrtfeafttng. He deals with one thoaght at. a tiwe, Hfe rairj has jw vohfptttoos eurvez. He does not plan a oW' a r flirt with the effect of a Ridden silence. Like Ree4hventhe frtffeeMly comes to air end and then s?oe on afxin. When it all over one is conscious-of having Kt-eaed to a man of grand pirit and great Imperial viaon." A GREAT AUSTRALIA The tame v riter kas something to- Hay of Hon. R. G. Menzie. attorwry general and minister of industries in the new Australian government and leader of the United Australian party; He asks reader to note hfe name. He peak very highly of him and suggests that he will be Prime Minister of Australia before long, One triking sentence m his eulogy is: Hw irony a glorioug thing if aimed at someone elfee" Concluding" AtUct gaya: "Now he in the maefetrom of event and there will be no far": ther reace for htm. But that h the curee which falk on men whose gifts force them to outstrip their fellows." Dr. is : tSarl-" BOB rue B SMRIS aab.ll ," ins aaa) caw: aa-retf at Manpif-viailarr af-aas as auet&t as-uuuuMd a&tf arraiRiirr of teaJtfe am eaesy 4mj aat Straa jmbbbc aaaDBBB ansae nnsv whm Tinman ts fee sasBaiy cs tSw jaajaar' Ltjttti doc tor i&pur- IteMira Baritone. Spam ms held -nutMB w to tBuam yo- ittmri itoe r i tor- t a far- m i Macrae :an Cm: Aaar oats sad 1 1 A'JCii ft ivr ato"tTrwo- ?rso wtoMT mum wyr t5 J t: fc-rt lonwtf toy ttafrag tonoB raMeffirat A taut t ttor tor J war Bed Sxith wtii: Gorr MatoS reajMati- of loniT The trt. ptrcatw oJ tbf Tbe and-; tAe vt wwrt to P.oyaJ Faffltof tto? vrnmUj Vam rr.- ta cmnsl 3k tontt- fl'J and aaadivork Uaxrr re- vac dK!r rst br '-h artaV Tbcrv atoH bed to are the voeMr. tirk '.pTf rtrrrr twider Mn J H Iiw Ur F 3 I 141 VM VOTUt MCCALLUM pSt)&ctl0H SCOTCH WHISKY The teme McCallum's If rnporied lexJay - from Scotland in taped, sealed and. lain per proof botHt for yovr profedton; Each bottle hat a meaturing cup for your convenience; 26 ox. $3.23 AO or. 4.85 nfffiwwar MaflT Balk 4rx i. Jmbitj-ie - m an 11 ax., fffaa! Ofc ta r -r FOK RLVT MBf Bd 41 U F(JK SALE m WORK WANTED Jor j 1 mrni HBIJ CATRD WANTED !I, PERSONAL ran 6awR Tr- Oalra TaaVU 1 stExaiar.u frtac a 4 6jad sr body II not deLntrurd h rcaatu tint attorr xriaa4 tt Ibv Tm dwiT rttl a- fmnaf Cat -rr.-Jt M'vdMaA Drac BOARD AM) ROOM OOM K 9na-d wrtfit. "THE SCOTCH THAT ' CIRCLES THE GLOBE" BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND SINCE 1!07 1 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal 1 TbU advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Llqaor Control Board or by the OoTenu&ect or Eruuh Colombia. 3 e c c c o o 3 O 3 0 0 0 e c s e c 3 e l" e o o 0 (0 1 1 PUFFED WHEAT Safe J QUAKER (EC- I, I PUFFED RICE lb yj r-&op ci u t1 i Special . . . FREE Regular 25c Plate Brush Free With a Tin of DENTAL FIX POWDER Both for 50c FREE With Every pHirhaf of BRITEN TOOTH PASTE A Beautiful Decorated Tumblen With Erery Parrha? f Effervescent Fruit Saline Both for 39c A Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler Both for 29c Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Dnuzptsts Tt CruiB 5trt nMn tl A. C Opra tm t ut, 19 II pj. Sfidr and Hfidjir frvta 12 oa tM X M- &oooooooootxxx HERE'S THE CAMERA YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR KODAK 35 A BRILLIANT new miniarore" xs Kodak 35 Has the look and 'fetl of a camera worth many times its cost. It offers expert picrure-miking equipment for Wack-and-white snapshots or full-color Kodachrome "stills, and a choice of three lenses and shutters at modest prices. With .3.5 lens and 1 200 second shutter, it costs $37 with f.4.$ and I150-second shutter, $27 with.5.6 lens and 1100-second shutter, $ 16. UV1I be slid to show them to you. ( all or Write for Descriptive Booklet "Small Cameras for Bijr Pictures"