a Novemoer za, liup. eter ;s JBazaar cessful Affair Weather Did Not Prevent, nfc'il la ft SI r intAHillna . . w I t .1 fair juurxiaj nurruiwiu Vanvn' Auxiliary or St I .... TkllPlt. , d in spite Ql ycry bad a innw wmi :i irnorwtiirn. ( ladle and the affair W4i j cessful, Mrs. J. W. Moore -president of the Vomen's Lr: received Ihe guests. The Hall in which th itventi Christmas Cards That Arc Jteally Personal UMV fUlll Will liifc" n: card. if vou . i h v emir nvn nnmp it. as message. We a wide assortment actively Illustrated . n g expressing r.eitlment In cler-wUrn and sincere zrxz Order today ;.a personal touch L Wrapping, Tais and . . . i I n.H urarry, rouniain m Set Transferred To Manitoba Al Skinner, for the' past several years accountants the local pfflce of Canadian National Express Co., has hern apposed to the position of axent at The Pas, Manitoba, and will leayehy next Monday evenings train to asume his new duties tlwre. Mr. Skinner will accompany her husband' a's'far. as' Jasper ancj prp-fefd from there to Victoria to pay a visit witrr ner parent before go lad fin Ao The Pas. Abraham Bergman of Oona Rly ier left m last ntaht's train for p::s was decorated for the New York where he will embark wun law ijowers and on the Swedish-American Lin i.-i- A i - r r, ' 1 ' w ;e in cnarec ui uie tea . Mrs George Kelsey and Mr. ' TuUersal poured and serv- fod, jthe .candy aale. Mrs. Render- w-re Mrs. O. E. Moor and(an was In charge of the plant u lllil-JOUt iri. v. ana to a. uarue ana Airs . ...Li 1llt1lMM 1 1 U U II 1. was Ciuiurr. I'wu puiiiii, iuc iireuicvsuin. s. w J uincnani ana Mrs. yv. wi. uuuuuiu tutu wimi, c:iII conducted the sale of Meadows were in charge of the c r diking and Mrs. A. T. Crox- men's stall. DIBB PRINTING CO, ISesnrr Block, Third Street i ' ' PRE CHRISTMAS 100 Pairs Of BLANKETS Woolcot Wankcts-Satin bound. $1.95 v Each - . All Wool Grey IMankets-OOxSO. $4.95 Xicnunie Old Country HlanUcts These are high quality ahd will last a lifetime. C 7 5ft Size 72x00. Weight 12 lbs. Pair ' V ELIO'S FURNITURE niinn AVf.NUE to Join Annettes Stocking Club. PRINCE RUPERT J'J - - " I - I, I UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leayp rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CAT A LA i:yj!iY TUKS- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 1030 DAY, 1 :S0 p.m. Due Vancouver, ThVrs. pj,,. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Jf Convenient, P.ieas Pvbase Tickets aj Office Reservations d' TfckeU From Further intormaiionVIlcgardlng Third Ave. Phone 508 FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Aient. FRESH (275) Sleeveless Sweater Ited Cross Specifications Two No. 7 needles 'If tight knit ter. use No. 6). Nine to ten ounces four-ply fing ering wool (double Knitting). For back, cast on elgnty stiicnes. Knit two plain, two purl for four J inches. Knit plain until sweater measiires twenty-three Inches in " ill. Knit twenty-eight stitches and . slip onto extra needle. Bind off ( next twenty-four stitches for neck and knit remaining twenty-eight stitches for ten ridges to form shoulder. Then at ppening of neck knit six stitches, make one and knit to end of row. Increase as. above every second ridge until there are forty stitches on the needles. This will form V for neck. Break wool and Join to other shoulder and knit the same way as the other sjlde. Then knit the eighty stitches plain until, with the ten ridges of shoulder. It measures nineteen Inch es. Then four Inches of ribbing. This finishes the front. Sew up sides leaving eight Inches for arm-holes. Finish armholes arjd neck with one row of loose single crochet. Five thousana peopl read the pays to let them have to sell. jicn Rupert Dally News. It know what to Now Get Safest Fast Relief for Pain and Colds AT LESS THAN I A TABLET Dominion Druggists ooyv feature real quick-acting ASPIRIN in sensational economy bottle. No point in taking chances with anything el No reason now why anyone should run the risk of taking dangerous, strong drugs for colds, lieadaches and muscular paint and aches. Get Aspirin, rated by physicians the safest fast relief you .can use. at any druggist's today in the 100 tablet bottle for less than 18 5; jit It a Ubletl But remember, get Aspirin. Use it as frequently as necessary with confidence. Aspirin dors not kornt the heart. Aspirin is made in Canada and is the trademark of the 1 layer Company, Ltd. 100 tablets only 98 WARNING! XL If every tablet is nnt stamoed "Bav- er" in the form of ' a cross, it is NOT , Aspirin. Don't let j anybody tell you ' ills. I SHRIMPS Boat W.S.L. Daily at i pjn. TROTIER'S DOCK NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates S1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold, Bulger's, tf For prompt and courteous ser vice Phone 13 Taxi. tf. WANTED! Five hundred women Bowling afternoons and evening's Max's Alleys. tf. Your Christmas cards for Over seas are waiting ior you at in Dollar Store. tf. The "gals" will like the new elastic top chiffon hose at Fashion Footwear. Mice for Xmas too. tf sm PEROXINE . BLACKHEADS SALLOW SKIN Doal kmc bkillKwU'Cl daauln Un! X Uo ounrM (mto um pudr tt ay Drac Stan, tpiif iniUi vita but. Ml aiuU turn m mvmy 1 Timely Recipes Shrimp and Celery Tie 2 cups celery soup V cup milk 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped finely 2 cans (5 ounces) shrimp 1 cup green peas (cooked) 1 teaspoon of curry powder (optional) Pastry or biscuit crust Mix the milk with the celery soup; add the finely .chopped eggs, and curry powder. Put one-third the celery-egg mix tore in the bottom of a baking dish Then add one-half the shrimps and green peas. Pour on some of the sauce. Put In the remalnln fhrimps and green peas. Then pour aver the last of the sauce j Cover with a pastry or biscuit crust .and bake at 400 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. Serves five to six. Hotel Arrivals Central C. A. Lindstrom, city; J. O. Le Plnskl. Bruce Wells. C. M. Williams, I A. Rebman. E. Trefry. Sandy Ross 4-aJ& WUJahjon.. Fie tfcifrfc Point ' M OTtourke, Butedale;V" . Prlnee Rupert I W. J. Pitre. Vancouver; L. Saun-iderson. New Westminster: J. B. f Barclay and R Townsend. Btllmor: Harold Lanning. Vancouver. . BOB'S Beauty Parlor Next to Q.&S. Grocery Phone 348 Bob Ritchie Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Country Fair November 24. Eagles' Bridge November 29. St. Andrew's Dance, Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, November 30. Mrs. Jlanklnson's Varden's Entertainment Dec. United Bazaar December 7. Lutheran cember 9. Circle Bazaar, Dc- High School Plays, Dec. 13. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Dec. 14. Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 21. OUR CHRISTMAS ASSORTMENT OF CHOCOLATES Boxed by Lowney, Patterson, Molrs and Qanongs have arrived Each Box is Attractively Packed and Priced Moderately Low Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) DELIVERY OF SWINE Farmers of Central Interior uei- tlng Stock Under National Bacon Hoc Policy Fifty-five bacon type sows and three boars were ordered by far mers In Central British Columbia under the National Bacon Hog Policy sponsored by the Dominion and Drovincial Governments and the Canadian National Railways. The maiorlty of the pigs were placed In Prince George and Van- derhoof districts though sows will be distributed from McBride to Smlthers. Under the policy boars are to be supplied free to districts ordering a certain number of sows. Prince ueorge ana vanaer hoof have qualified for this con cession. The sows will be distributed by way-freight starting from McBride This shipment of breeding stock together with the sows already In the district will enable producers to co-operate and ship by carload to the processing plants, thus re lieylng an aggravating situation where the district Is producing more pigs than can be marketed locally and insufficient to ship out by carload lots. SPORT CHAT Colder. j Frank Calder. secretary of the old National Hockey Association, was elected president of the newly-formed National Hockey League 23 years ago this week. Montreal Canadiens and Wanderers, Ottawa Senators and Toronto Arenas were original members of the loop, now expanded to Include many United States teams but still headed by Goalie Norman Smith of Detroit Red Wings retired from hockey one year ago Thursday, following a souabble with manager Jack Adams. Smith refused to play min or league hockey with Pittsburg Hornets of the Intemational-Am erican loop-, declaring he was "good enough to play with the Red Wings or not at all. He went hack to his off-season job with a Detroit motor company. Queen's University defeated Ham ilton Tigers 13 to 5 to move Into Dominion rugby finals with Regina Rough Riders 16 years ago yester-. day. -They defeated the Riders and took the national championship for the third time since Institution of the Canadian Rugby Union title In 1892. They won it again the follow ing year. Dally advertising m trie Dall News is sure to bring dally 4k "-from 'ITS WOMEN JUDGE WOMEN by their ringf That is why it is important that yours be a genuine Bluebird. The settings are newly styled and hand made. The best artists in the trade are employed in designing these beautiful rings. Priced from $25.00 to S250JOO. ItflWlWMBjr 1 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCH This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board gr by the Government of British Columbia v Moose Christmas Cheer Dance Was Enjoyed By Many dancing was on In full wing. Music was by Mrs. Harold Davey's Orchestra and B. J. Bacon was master of ceremonies. Refreshments were dispensed from a hot dog stand. The committee in. charge consisted of Mrs. Hugh Smith, Mrs. Ole W In aid of the .Christmas Cheer Fund, the Moose Lodge held a "-- Mrs- Thmas Morgan presided at very enjoyable gingham dance last night Jn the Moose Hall, the af- the AooT- " ; fair drawing a crowd of some 253 persons. From 10 pjn. until 2 am Advertising is ar arttsunent CHURCH NOTICES SALVATION ARMY Captain and Sirs. Ivan Halsey Commanding Officers FOUND The devil's tool chest and key to It. This chest will be opened publicly at the evening service on Sunday at 7:30. Come and see-with your own eyes one of the most destructive and effective sets of tools in the world. Special Music and Singing M!r. and Mrs. A. T. Jones and their Musical Family will be taking part Holiness Meeting Will Be Held at 11 a.nwMrs. Captain Halsey will be In charge Public Meetings are held every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 pan. Special Preliminary Announcement ' Major Moses Jaynes. well-known Gospel Singer and Evangelist will be conducting a revival campaign a.t the local Citadel from December 7Ui to December 14th. The public are heartily invited to these meetings and if they have no ather church affiliations to make the Army their church home. SELECT v-she XMAS BOOK! now We have a grand selection, including the latesUbooks opflction. non-firlion- travel, biography, etc. Publishers advertised prices on all books. See our wonderful ranse of Children's Books Bhjfer books and better value than ever Ma;ic I'iint Books Coloring books . 19c to 50c 5 in 1 AcYy .Boxes Mother Goose, Story Books, Books to Paint, Attraaf ive sets. Each - 50c Alser Books, Jiel Morton Series, Campfire Girls, Hilltop Boys-Each - 23c Whitman Favorites Large size. Fopeye, Tarzan, Walt Disney, Tom Sawyer. King Arthur, Heidi. Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe and others. Each - - - "5c Golden Treasure Buks Ofxord Annuals for Boys, Glrs,. or Younger Tos. Each $1-00 and $L25 Nelson Triumph Series Nelson Ballantyne books 50c, 75c Wizard of Oz New movie edition - LitUe Dots Annual - - 51-00 Fairyland Annual - 51-50 Chums i 53-00 Girls (Boys') Own - - - 53.50 Little Big Books New series Just In. Each 15c Owing to the variety of Utles, number of each is necessarily limited. Choose your special books NOW. We will be glad to held them for you. wmmmmtmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmammmmmmmmm MacKenzies Furniture CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT LAST BEAUTYREST MATTRESS All sizes 512.50 DEEP SLEEP MATTRESS Covered in green Tweed 530.00 SLUMBER KING SPRING $15 No Advance in Price Known Every Place Built for Sleep Call and See Them Phone "75 AltWV 1 I COMMUNICATIONS I aaaWom I aWWMAnul CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental v . . , Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S5. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct S.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th S5. "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th, 16th, 27th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 &Q A A Final Return Limit-March 31st 1940 l?00,uw Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Ajent. Prince Rupert, B.C.