si page ror TK2 DAILY kH'a vrnu. siiy. j- WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Aai YWil J rap Oat 5d ia im b M bn Mr. ymmr tm4 ami nc It Jart ia tbr hik Cm Ueaa m r wii i a. T rlrliilit Htrm? imiipauaM.H4wMiif. Aambaniatffli4aHitaTUiit HatmIiiMMiaiaiMt a ta Hot wC II Uix taca m4 CiW UttV U-rr PaW U r tV- f ' 6-ia (Mir 4 Ma (- 4 p".WirwMM u4 mk tar a. fWr. Vary a U ww- Ai far Crur-, Un Uwr Pb fcr ua!tuUuVrMUUIfW.e. Mrs. H. S Parker ho; ri-ned o i a lea se on the new store boHdtag on Third Arena net: the ! News of flee which is betas bsilt bjr James Kill a-, Mrs, Pirlcer ezoeets to remore from Sixth Street to the ne- lo-ation at month. aaaaaWra.B, -aWaVOWaaaaaaSaaaaff JSBaaaaaaalaaaaoBaaafiaaaaaaaaato r Give Him a WRIST WATCH We can supply any kind Our stock thh year has orer 200 Hatches Bukrraj are wJl known and cost from t:t.:S to We also carry the Westrld which Is advertised to the magazines from 19-93 to KIM Roiex also from HM no. This make has receired more hieh gvzr&t at Kew Obserratorr tcan any other wrist watch. Walthams and E5rns aha betp eat oar assortmenL Glad U'Sbow Vou niri i rriO t sh writ Trt CLOCK. ICSMorcaiS Fire Department Has Fewer Calls Only Twenty-eirfct CIh So Far ; This Tear As Compared Kith CI Ia Corresponding Period ' Of in! vere Sa dat rre tatalVvl 2 artvmii s'rd and Simondson. 90 nercent: Weir. 70; Eby. 60. Class, arerafr. SO. Slrrol Flags McAfee. Landry and Breen, 100 percent; A. Mc Till Soon Be Completed --r-r P K Pond Renafnt LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dance Wop UiJ. Friday, tf. S. O. M. meeting tomorrow. Eke Uon of of fir 3S4 ' There were only three fire! Seventh Brtdee, Legtoa Hal, t-aiarnu in Prince Rupert this Nov- night 2S4 ember rod oone resetted in dam- - wftl need nerf Xmxs Oartta. here were iKtr-ofia in the first, A nJre pair of sects wW please elerrn months of 1333. iour boy mend. See the dtsptay at "PASS TESTS the Dollar Store. U Robert Teber is soihor lomerrow night on the Prtece RBcert for a hMidsy trip to Vaneourer. Res King, moootuist and 1m- p end of this ,, , . . . . personator, w8l entertain the ,T7 B'" Pr:nee Ronert Rotary Ctab at iU I n IF p P ski rf Viin irt SljnalBns Ete. Misses Betty and Molly Eitoon. Results of recent examinations- of the Pi3ce Rupert Sea Cadet i to Vancocrrrr. returned home from Corps are announced as foOovs: the soath on the Prince Rsmert Ccmpass and Heim Hamilton, this maminj. 75 percent: Wrath all. ZS, Ctasa at-' wae 565 . Mrs. Ceorre Peters ad (MM Rules of the Road Lambe siu1m m iiorr, Wilson. 100 percent: Eastwood. 5: Prtnr pn f. . -m Shrobsall. S3; Hale. 33; W Mc-courer and essewfiore ia the Leod. 25. Class arerage. C6. 'south. Soofadings R. McLachlan.Holke-( Mrs. C. Cannon, wife of Major Carmon. who is stationed here with one of the miMtia aa, returned to the Citr on the Print Rupert this moratng from a brief Leod. 80; Denning. 70. Class aTer-'trin to Vancouver ace 90. I Rifle DriB Dawes. 85. Class av-' J. A. Clark frmr n rate. 5. iSkeena Rhrer The corps areraee was Mi per-, and now kVntiffi thk v.i. - - a aCTaa cent. i Bros. nhri Examlnfn' officers were Sab. 'the dtr mi th TVirw. tj.w ki. Ueat Sd Tobey and Chief Petty morning from Vancouver befair Offker Instructor A O. Bird. h?re on busiseu For crofsot and entirteeas arr. BowHr.g afternoons and evenfnrV Wax AHeys. tf.i "Everybody On Parade" SUNDAY N1TE AT 9 PJW. OX THE ST.tCE CAPITOL THEATRE Prince Ropert Garrison Presents "Colonel Johnston's Scandals" SoMJer Cast of 75 Entire Proceeds Soldiers Xmas Cheer General Adrnkfion (By Tkket Only! Sfc Lo?M ;Se Tickets Now Se!lin( at Theatre No Bos Ofike Ticket Sale Sunday ill iif n i 1T1UU5C DUUHC Ulll Dance Is Enjoyed nee Phone 13 Tail ti. Series of Stwodl dents Held Uil Xliht Another to the rles of brktee jpsrtWs and dances of the Moos Mora Roller Skatfnr Arena. Cor. i1" was held a Mgnt. the mi ItlT a UrnJf1 4nd ner ner lad zaa. Are w tft Are and and eth. tit at at After- After-' ' asSOrtnlM at lnifOTfa "'iS? ous a, evening Open sfcr six alirms. alums. Alarms Alarou this this jtf jtnt Store- Stsre- u. tf Tb There were fifteen table of bridge and price-winners vere: " ladies' first. Mrs. Jack Lantern: av atcood. Mrs Twtvtk; soma first. Joseph Howe; second. C. R. Bf-gart C. Carlson was the winner of a door prtae After cards, refresteaents were served under the direction of Mrs. OUe Stecavff. aactsted by Mrs. II. K Chrtitrnsen and camaiHee. Daaeinf followed wtth ansaie by an reneou fnnsaHlm. of Mrs. Harold Davey and H. SosHh. J M. Morrison was master of ceremonies. Mrs. Hath Ssaila was eanveaer for the affair In raffles. Ssjb Hoagan wn a cocktail set with No 96 and Mrs Puller a kitchen set with Mo A. Trains Moving Again On Line Traffic Restored on Canadian Xa-J tionai Railway Fftllouinr Wah-outf at Klttumkalnm FbOowtnc the blockade becaase of washouu at KUsasnkahMi. traffic was restored today oa the tonal line of Canadian National Railways and me train Irani the East, whteh was f tha h ne of the Chamber of Commerce l. tom" ot PortStmo- ered there a number of good plan- shim, MaT ermine The barricade " ,U!Uces 01 Pce have hu and singers but they have no rv,rt. .-il.,: " " . lo. " hlcc.-.i or- " , - " woe retauvety smaH are tendinc to ease lo il tX, ijju the raflwav TT. Prson has a piano that is off fr t!.. ! comnany The matUr wa, left to th ku,L Chl,f r that he would be wOBng these "af U-ffrrt- eha'rjT, the civic committee of the chamber JS. L. raUT...d Arthur to donate or loan to the soldiers, mar? .11," aWraet CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver rU Ocean Fills and Wav Portr BS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pjtn. . To Vancouver Direct 33. -pRnfCESS NORAH' December 7th. 18th, January 3rd, 18th Winter Excursion rare Vancirver and Return. Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1839 to Feb. 28th 1940 CO if tI Final Return Limits-March 31st 1940 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Paoiflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. CCATES. General Afent Prince Ropert. R& QUALITY Counts in Coal For Furnace Or Heater Radiator Or Circulator Buy Bulkley VaUey COAL of the peace. It Is announced tn the due at 11 o'clock last nkgni, will be ia at 3:99 this aftoraeon. it ni. annooaeed by Sunertntendeal W H Tobey at noon. The train for the Cast Will 1m an tint C W.V Come vwwc and ana enjoy enjoy yourseu yourself at at Var- var- " "r,'u evening a A train iratn l kit it I for or thr llv l 1 t r n .. rishermens Float idaTaTttL 8 i Prince Prince Prince Rupert Rupert Runrt nm Oyro r.w Club. , n Jin of of the the ivoad is Keonened i PresWent rnztKxni vi u m. wttj v,aus r .chair chair and and thrre thrre was was f-v Ik Rirricade Removed Thh'pjests. mett jwwninr ana Keeondituininr I iZ8i waj in the 1 . a tar A at-' rtn l . I nnlr rp I oviro4o .tendance of members with a f .. . "huiuj -nBon .tauonai leterrapns from Edmonton, is in the city to- rQ pifip fnac f t t i t-,w. . . oay in we coarse of one of his UZ'JIS .S'nl?nt ot Periodical inspection trips. He ar- . the Prtwe "ince Rupert Kupert dry cryaoct. doetUmakrrrePraB u mak-rtrtjjftMs mondne tnornlne on on Se the Prt Prlrw U brcad which for som UVtlern Canad var i r . . .... ilft a atltfs-. . - . . " - ' . nme n oiocred access from the h , . 1? "w Kuperr rrora Vancouver and wffl Trade Rte In Vi-w of German nr doct road to the fishermen RS.bm5 tn lh" Prince Ropert leave or the evenln train fr th Alin, rwLi. "t -. removed tor.T it was . !W ne ,h er'd of East 1 nfymof this nnmin bv Cite w suryicai treatment I ryrraw OTTAWA. rw Dee. , - I Important to . . The saidters caartered at th nM Warfn o. i .i.. . . . " rn t fva m.. f. t. .... ami. i rir arp inww Tn r.-n mwr law m pumti. B. c nu. i . . hnwfrMtnrMntAtn.. M .cnartefs than former! .irnrthedlliVnMv .2?'''. a tt "rrT- Perry. 0re r- McCoU MT and W. mloned officers and men quart- "" irrT' nme f teids an the " UJC. u route, """" neu- ithe.vauve e Brotherhood" Brotherhood r, .. . convention f''SZSS: """""i law inure i wan .- one ,k.. nunarert rtni- yiM..n- T,rV,a"T T. a cteftd . . . . t a4ed ated ,M . and and . r I Eella as delezatea from their 7 " mot nn concentrated on their viliare. The convention lasti dona.. " "v! PnttoMe trans-Atian- a . . -. uinuj iiuuii uie ur iraae M Ii f resoluUof Dail -' and amntemenU will . to h the mstrument ttn he rum,, atr.e ef ! bf tri- Canadian Legion ChrUtmaa Tree W rt lt ne ,hat r'" ' Members of Canadian fsnn Women's Auxiliary should register the names of their children unde. twehre for the annual Christ ma; 1W.&t-th Mrs. Agnes Murray 1115 8th Ave. E, or Mrs Hueh Smith, 25 9th Ave. E. (2311 T. Kenney. MJA. for Skeena, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after attending the recent session of the Legislature In Victoria and will proceed to Terrace by the evening train, accompanied by Mrs. Kenney and young son who came here at the ena or tne week to meet him. Miss Agnes Oratton. for many years a resident of Prince Rupert and now In business In Vancouver Is spending a few days In town. She arrived at the first of the week from Vancouver and will be returning south on the Prince Rupert Thursday night. R. T. Forrest arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morn- t-.. ,c ,u,, oj. me Canadian .National Railways divisional freight ?indpassensei agent's ohf fire hpra In . .. - . ... ouncsamu io Morris IrvInK who left fin Tort i train for Vemon to which point uus open transrerred. Mrs Irr-Inpr will leave for the south next week. Five thousand l.lrfCh Rupert people read the Dairy News It pays to let them Irnnnr hl . L " " liak U have to sett. f G Tla &TCjaaaaaF RL You look oejy whrn you cough. Kp Smith Brotbtn Coufrji Drops baody (Blk or KicrwoLj ntutt lor lOf. SMITH BROS COUGH DROPS S WANTED Good Used Cars Our stock Is depleted and we are anxious to obtain a number of aood utcd cars. This is an ideal time lor you to trade In jour csar .ft partial payment on a new 1910 Ford or Mercury model. FAIR APPRAISALS ! aTl LIBERAL ALLOWANCES i. E. Parker Limited Remember "It's Ford for ID" The Oldest Established Car Dealership in Prince Rupert WHERE TOYS are TOPS Thl year's toys arc lictter built for better play Make your choice from our extensive line n riiable linn1 rn.ji t.ji. lrVU WeltaoM Uyeil Set-Compirte Ipy. Charlie McCarthyEach Washable Hebker Dolh Good flasper Doll Wyandott Steel Pall feys IlHbley Kiddie Tey SeU Shootinc Sets Arcbery Sets Sparklnt Airybnes ABC and PWtsre lUotks Aleceano Sets Meeeano Sets Cvatrr W(ns Toyland At 15 U II JJ I11S II M Sli sad 1IJ5 IIXS. ii m o f t!4 t ra tl5 mLSj r-5.7!. Dofft. boars. e 3S u $t Pedro Ualkinr Dor Mfekey M,rte. rspc,, Deaald Dsck To, He i UM i'f Saw c 2r. J4c. Jc ISc Kiacsbary Steel Wind-up T-y tM IM. till, K U M and II M 35c. te. sir $H f id r Vx. Sr. iV till 3&ewrts t f rrt SIM. HM, r M m FOR SALE 2 Winton Marine Deisel Engines 100 h.p. Kach Airles.n Injettion Compldc. fiuarantml in first claw condHkin 11 ' used very little ATLAS BOILER WORKS TOYLAND eMaeSmltd You wouldn't bnm five dollar bills. Why burn coal that xves jou anything leas than 1M per cent coal heat valwe? Our cmI ' carefully selected, clean.burninr fuel, xpeclally picked for mail-mum heat and low ash content. Costs no more than ordinary coal. Phone 116 or 117 Albert and McCaffery Ltd MacKenzie's Furniture CmuSTMAS SUGGESTIONS For the Young Sturdy Waons for the Boys Doll Carriages for the Girls-Tricycle for the active Youth KiddjCars for the very joung Furniture for Mother to be shared by Daddy and no doubt Daddy will help t0 pay. ' ' Visit Our Store and Let Us Sugil Large Stock rrlces Are iteatonabte Watch Our Window Phone 175