s C l OV DC0U15 ucceed In Their tests run n -4 r. Rupert TYpop pf , asln start regu-juit Martdajr In 6t. t ! - dr.il Hall. summer camp and . summer months a of i-U were passed , f First PrlnewRup-f the ttku pass- :iu were oa follows; Swimming W , d Hougan. Harold afford Wannamaker. ,.ud Hougan. Harold r liford Wannamaker. .it: and Carpentry . .! Harold Norton .V.tna maker urney. Howard, Hou- i Nurdon. FireUuhtliig Mar- HOTEL ARRIVALS Koval ; J. A. Mlchaud, Terrace; Lee Lar-on. Port Edward; Mr. and Mri. A jftrtrtmaiUfrfi, Osland; C. Graham aad W. Carpenter. DlUmor;; Mrs. ,E. A. .Smith. Vancouver; iA. Vogel !md E Ellertson, Ketchlran: A Hanaen Saskatoon. vln Caravant. Plrat Aid. Hemsbv Klnr anrf aeorge Rorvlk. CtmpoM. Uo Mkhaluk. In addition to thl Howard Hougan had the hnor of being the first scout of this troop to gain a proficiency badge. lie passed the test for the awlmmers' Badge with flying colors. These teata Include dlvln. swimming 100 yards and disrobing in the water. The Eagle Patrol, under Patrol Leader Harold fordon. won the special award offered by F. A. MacCallum for the outstanding patrol from the two troops at tending camp this year. OLDEST TWINS MEET AFTJR 52 YEARS i o be he oldest lit;ag twins vn the North American Psbert L Bond 'left., of Ottawa. Ont. and Richard ' Walla Walla. Washington, are shown after they met reunion In Ottawa for the first time In 52 years. The old. were born at Carleton Place, Ont., and recog-c 'her at once, when brother Robert greeted brother Ottawa railway station. Richard attributes' his brum born in Canada though most of his life has the United Stale. Robert, however, really doesn't r-.jde him live so long excepting "where I come from j ti an age they had to kill a man to start a gra ve CANADIAN PACIFIC .Transcontinental Trans-iUlantic Trans-racific UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. fxanjers Leav rrtnee Rupert for Vancouver: T-S S. CATAI.A KVKKV TUKS T.S. CAKDKNA FK1UAY, lAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:J0 p.m. "we Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. .Due-Vancouver, Monday a.m. H Convenient, rirM lurtlae Tlckel al Hfk . . . . . I r ' t -.. .1 - TtMpAa Wnm inr'rmaiion Kegaraing iteservunwi u h.ik ... "IANK J, SKINM ll. Prince Kupert Afent Third Aye, Phone 5M mi iMmrnr-rTTTT il T Vancouver, vj Ocean Falls and. Way Ports ' PHINCE88 ADELAIDE Every tTlday 10 p.m. , To Vancouver Direct i PH1NCESS LOUISE ' l.tcmber 15th, 20th. October 6th, 7th, 27th i i t-'f -t.lnn at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services TirkeU and llrnervatlons from W. I. C).Ti:s. General Aient. rrlnre llupert, .a i ' KkxiBaHBBBaBBBBBBBBBiBBBBk. mmmmKm'9m . I ' ---s-s-sb---------j-sb-s-sb-s, mi - ' , it-7 Harold Dayey . Teacher of Piano Popular Music iJ I'rar"; experience In Vancouver tr'e MuUc with Lesson No 1 Scal" 1 Th. n,v , Buaranteed course af brnefits you financially, t P'3: Ing for nartlcs. ete. tnrol Now! a ivih ( J I i.. It ai v Kama I I COAL J. H. BULGER Optometrist HOV-VI lUnlrtiM. t Grain Feed Seeds arubFcrtilitcr PRINCE .RUPEHT FEED qO. Phones 58 and 558 Tresis Local ?Raw and Pasteurized Milk VA IiENTIN l DAIRY PIIONK 657 LOCAL NEWS NOTES I on the Cardena for Butedale. Mrs. R. Wagner sailed this after- noon on the Cardena for Namu. i For prompt and courteous vice Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Sunday is Rally Day. Sunday School at 10:30. (223) Tonight's train, true from 'the ast at 11 o'clock, .was reported this afternoon to be on-time. i iDr. Verne Price sailed last night on. the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. evening's train on his return East. ,W. L. Stamford returned to the About one hundred persons were In attendance at the Serenaders Orchestra dance In the Oddfellows' Hall last night. Dancing' was in progress from 10 pjn. until 2 ajn. and all present had a very enjoy- jable time. " Miss Anne Fountain of Vancouver, girls' work secretary for thr Religious Education Council of British Columbia, arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide test night ! from the south. She win be here for two or three days engaged in local organization work before pro- ceedlng to Terrace Part of the crown's evidence Jn the appeal of M. Salka of Port Fu sing ton agatast a convlcllon a'rld! fine of 1300 for keeping liquor for sale was heard yesterday in County Court by Judge W. E. Fisher and the hearing was adjourned until Monday. W. O. Fulton is counsel Mr. and Mrs. Ounnar Anderson sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trlj) to Vancouver. First of scries, bridge and dance. Mrs. Jack Wpods (Annette sailed last night by the Princess a brief business trip to Vancouver. Adelaide pn her return to Victoria.' A. J. Lancaster, provincial eoliee J..E. Lafrancols of Montreal, whojior. will sail tomorrow night pn the has been on a trip to Stewart tOiCatala for a trip to Stewart on of-visit the Mountain Boy mine In flelal duties. wnicn ne is lnieresiea. jeu oy last Right. Rev. Anthony Tereschen- co arrived Thursdav evenlnz and I city on the Princess .Adelaide last Cathedral Sunday, 8 a.m evening from a vacation trip to Everybody welcome. (223) Vancouver and Victoria. ,Mrs. 8tamford is remaining In the, Mrs- R- M. McCalJum sailed last south or a while longer. Norman R. Brodhurst. who has been In charge of a fish packer out of Klemtu cannery during the jeilmnn rnnnlrur kmow l enlllnv 'this afternoon by the Cardena on his return to his home In Victoria. night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver, being called south on account of the Illness of her mother, Mrs. E. M. Lemon. Bert Jackson of Vancouver arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide last njght from the south and Is the guest of his cousin, Rev. J. C. Jackson. He will return south on the Princess Louise Tuesday af ternoon. Post-Nuptial Shower Held The Missfs Hallberg Are Hostesses Tor J Irs. Jack Armstrong The Misses Alice and Ingrid Hallberg were Joint hostesses at a delightful miscellaneous postnuptial shower in honor of Mrs. Jack Armstrong jr. at their home on Thursday evening. The evening was spent. In play- 'rig court whist, the prize-winners being Mrs Jack Armstrong jr. and Miss Margaret McMeekin. At midnight delicious refreshments were served after which a daintily decorated basket In pink for the Crown and T. W. Brown for j and white containing many lovely the appellant (gifts was presented to the guest of I honor. 1 ' ' Those present were Mesdamej -ooooooooeooooooooaooooowjJack Armstrong Jr Thorns Mc. KlijIK F. HEAPS g M?kul B Dalarno. J. Armstrong 2 A.T.WI. 21"" w w Wrathall, Robert Par- SVANA OLAISON A.T.C.M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Rifino, ifheory Harmony, lEtc. Enrolling .Students for Tall Term THOSE 843 Viiplin & Guitar Yest9rn vVcademy of Iusic It. .Shaw Phone BLUE 992 MUSIC Venetia Fecro A.T.C.M. Teacher of iPIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Phone BLUE 633 o o ker. ker. Hans Hans Underdahl. Underdahl. H. II. Ber Bergeson- SlPiann f .TriAnt-V mt S'ns Wick. Roy Carries, o : and "w1; a.McLeod, also Teachers" Training Claw Twelve Years' Experience Phone BLUE 997 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOftn DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy . Classes Commeii.'lng Sept. 1 Specializing Ballet, Mexican,' Tap, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 'mmmmmmmmmmmeammair Halibut Sales John iMPi pftd F. r L, 1 Wesch. Wftsrn James J.unps simn- ALL GRADES Slson. Walter . Longwill, K. Hallber? ph. nr n, in.fr m, o.and the NUsses Freda Mussallem. CroxfordMargaret Mc- Beginners from pre-school age Si"Ula.n u I Marshall, Marglt Ingrid and Alice o 8 Hallberg. American Vansee. 25 000, 12c and 6c. Royal. Canadian White Hope. 24,000. 11.9c and 5c, A!in. Advertising la an itiwsvtnent. Announcements All advertisements in this col-omn ,wlll be charged for, a full month at ?S word I Presbyterian Tea, Mis. Spencer's, September 26. Boy's Band Bridge Drive. -Eagle? Hall, September 27. Anglican Tea Mrs. Neal Carters September 27. Ridley Home grocery shower, Sep tember 23, 3 to 6 pjn. ; Hospital Bazaar, October ;4. , Eagles Bridge October.. Empire Dance. Oddfellows' , Hall October 6; C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar OctcbeMl, 12. Lutheran Bazaar, October 14. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 18. Anglican Bazaar November 23. Country Fair November 24. Fifty Girl Addressed ?By I Cash for OJd Gold. Bulger's, tt J. O. Watts sailed this afternoon' MlSS PoUIltaill Nearly fifty young girls' between the ages of 11 to 18 years, gathered last evening at the Baptist Church to hear an enjoyable talk' by Miss Anne Fountain, field secretary .or the Religious Education Council In British Columbia. Miss Kay Watson introduced the Moose Hall Sept 26. Admission ' peaker. wno Drougnt reelings 35c. Commences 8:30 pun. sharp. from the girls' groups in Vancou- (2241 1 ana New --wesunmsier ana .ira the girls In some amusing action songs. Miss Fountain then went on to w dlscunss awcunss ine the, .origin origin and ana or- lrs. R. Peters, alter a visit here J?tone returned to the city on the'on Corp. and JMrs. J. L. Bmlth.tPrlnceaa Adelaide last night from'.Kanlzation of the Canadian Girls in Training groups in lanaoa -ana told of the ideals and activities of the 50,000 C- G. I. T. girls 'in the Domlnlon. After the Interesting address, Miss Folutaln met with tljie .jgirls' leaders to discuss girls' ..wprk and to offer valuable suggestions. Refreshments were served jit ht will hold service at St. Andrew's P of tne evening. cViii-r i ! i ii . Queen 'Mary ika y Me iJHeia Successful Affair Takes vPlice at L,Iome of 31rs.vV.1J.jLlntham ', A very successful tea and sale of home cookery was held -,by the Queen Mary Chapter, imperial,-1 der, . Daughters of the Empire. 2 Thursday afternoon at the home of. Mrs. W. J. Lineham,;Fifth -Avenue ' East. The guests were received by t Mrs. Llneham and Mrs. J. A. Teng, A. 11 1 A Organizer Talks Before Meeting Of Local Craft William Page of Vancouver, international representative of the Carpenters Union, addressed an open meeting of local carpenters at the Carpenters' Union Hall last ance and Mr. Page's address was listened to with interest J. J. Gil-. lis, president of the local union was In the chair. New Japanese Minister Has Been Named TOKYO. September .23: An- .nouncement Is made of the ap-jpolntment of Admiral Minora as japan s new loreign minister. CANADIAN DOCTOR AIDS IN CANQKR iFIGIIT .Tbhbhbhbhbhbhv BaB3BK''Blar 'Bk 1 - - --ti . Dr. Frank Neal of Peterboru, Ont . is shown above operating a radium bomb at Chicago. The radium bomb Is used In the treatment of cancer. WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICES WINNI.EO, September 23: (CP LONDON. September 23: (CP) me rooms were lasieiuuy aecor-i higher vrrfav with rwtrv. r aiea wun iau nowers, me ocauu- cioslng at 741 fully appointed tea table being, centred with gladioli and pink tap- Mrs. C. E. Cullln and Mrs. J. Boddle poured while those serving were Mrs. J. H. Nordan. Mrs. J.L M. Lamb and Mrs. Strachan. The home cooking table was In LONDON GOLD PRICE unchanged at $3554. CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH " t1- rnrnr ih QIV. r., ,A-"' ".-Uk - Redente Kenzie was cashier. Mrs. D. C. Stu- art had charge of the raffle of: $5, which was won by Mrs. R. H.. Ad-cock with ticket 192. The winning . number being drawn by Mrs.. Bod-J die. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOJIY STORE 317-319 Third Avenue'West Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality iPfpmpt Service After the show drop in and try our milk shakes, sodas and ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 & 19 P.O- Box 575 80S Borden Street Phone tJ9S SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 .11:00 ajn. Divine Services in English 12:15 a jn. Sunday School 7;30 pjn. Divine Services in Norwegian IVEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 8:00 Devotional Meeting Bible Study The String Band will also appear NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A nOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $L00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IN B. C FURNITURE Used Furniture Values We carry the largest jstock of reconditioned household goods consisting of Kitchen Ranges pf various, makes, Remington, Underwod and Corona Type writers, Bedroom Ujtes, pining Room , Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Beds Springs, -Baby iGribs, Buggies, Radios, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. PRINTED ;L,INQLEUMS In assorted patterns. Special, Square Yard Phone BLACK 324 Next Door To E.C. Clothiers 39c THIRD AVENUE i SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 . 10:00 ajn. Confirmation Class Meet for Instruction We need more teachers In Sunday SchooL Please volunteer. All parents are asked to co-operate in making the Sunday School worth while. Help children with lessons at home. Help in making attendance regular and on time. Those willing to teach in our Sunday School please meet in church this Wednesday evening for conference. The attendance at our services is increasing but we have room for more. You are cordially Invited. We want to serve you.