' r vr Al tc Tomorrows Tides w. imrxfial Pars Her Vl.lt to Port of prune iiuperi modern ship of her type on r imperial of the Imperial uu r .d her first vUlt to Prince r voterday and attracted) i .t.ncxt and favorable com-Buili at Colltngwood and i many new mechanical tte is a fine, sturdy drti throughout her length . . . 1 - ft L. I .. f "j, ! t lier Dcam i rnuij- f f una her drait 18 lect six f t k f her hull and the red iperworks what wun we t .wtched blue stripe of her 1 r i iioni on we mac, .uu ig equipment U oi the date available. The scoomy and we!! -Tight- n.odatlw U provided for 1 rew which constsU of wo males, chief i n;nert. three oilers, irid cook and steward. . qua run are below j From his office h opens into the wlre-but no wireless operator the vessel Is equipped viephone and also under, each capable b offlcen of the ship, 'a. r,a cabin opens off his . m, ihe other side of the are quarters for the : :ft Three bunks are the viy one room In the crew's hud each bunk has its own reading lamp. There are hj'xims with hot and cold ,"cr$ Private lockers are each man. Heat for the is provided by a vertical boiler, the only coal on tHng that for the galley Luting quarters of the ship1 attractive with two large miss The galley has rc-' ir equipment, '.inker has a carrying ca-f 450.000 Imperial gallons cargo can oe cuscnargea in tan seven hours through the own motor driven pumps, axillary machinery. Including machinery, is also operated f rlectrlc power supplied by pendent dlwcl generators In er mine room. ti' order to Insure proper flrrpro 3:i a complete chemical fire The Officers The otflccrs of the Imperial, who ent to Colllngwood to bring the ,l ci around to this coast, arc CaPtaln. A. 8. McGaw. Chief Officers, C. I). 8ykcs. Second Mate. H. 8tafford. Chief Engineer, M. Wallace. Second Ennlneer. R. olive. The ImnorUI nf 1 , .i auiitu iiviv; u. . Lost Plane But Search Goes On broadcast In the evening,) To West Canada ing west. S-5 of Telegraph Office first been set for February 28. Revision Court In Session Here JUNEAU. Feb. 20: (CP)-Al- (though hope has been practically I Irst nhanfinnivl fnp tti nf.tu ( Mint a . V Milt, U ( ( iLen cope and lour pasAenjers. who disappeared south of here a wcck ago yesterday while on a flight from Ketchikan to Juneau, the search for the wreckage Is be Ing continued. King To Launch Mighty Warship Will Remain Open Until March End Court of revision on the provln .i.i mil fnr Prlnre HU been made, the court was adjourned until further Information Is obtained with respect to some of the apncals. GeorRC Crlpps, assessor. and E.O. Aves. deputy assessor, were, In attendance at the court but none of the appellants were personally uisninz svsiem is insuiiea.' .ih niiuuicnng gas can oe rcicasea a few seconds from steel cylinder through a system of piping and "orgies to any part of the ship by &e use of remote controls located at different stations throughout the vc ;cl I Bulletins . . .in ninvmeriL ill iuu wj i TREATY WITH RUSSIA LONDON Prime MinUter Neville Chamberlain announced today that Great Britain was opening trade negotiations with ItuMla. of Commons Takes No Ac- tion In On Regard To Resolution Union AcatiTil.es OTTAWA. Feb. the lilt third W.HU 20: iCP For I ?CW4 Ht A motion by 3. 8. Woodsworth. C C. - F leader, which would make It a iVort of rpldemle Appears To Be criminal offence for employers to Over In Ontario and Quebec interfere with union activities of employees, was talked out of Par- TORONTO, Feb. 20: CPi A hament at the end of the week. mild type of Influenza which has - - been oeen sweeolng sweeping over uyct Quebec wurwt and u VICTORIA. Feb. 20: CP Major Gordon Smith of the provincial Department of Trade and Industry is leaving Victoria this week to visit southern interior points with a view -to organizing of local j tourist bureaux. He expects to visit . other parts of the province later. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Moderate to fresh east winds, mostly fair and slightly colder. ' . Ernest Unwin sailed List night on the Catala for a brief business trip to Port Simpson, his intention being to return tomorrow morning . i OnUrio appears to have passevl fJatlVCS Ul IVltWanPa rpi 1 HUIK 14 peas ana u ucucvcu w w I Kailway bhould Kecompense Them For Pole Exploitation11 i were were The Native neonle of Kitwanea, picturesque village on the banks of the Skeena River, about 150 miles east of Prince Rupert, which for many years has been a point of fpjiture interest for tourists on the line of the Canadian ... . . - Mnf innnl T?n?lvvnvs nrn hPfrinninrr in fppl thnt tViPV are en-' HOlIIICauon naa orni in.ii'i itnv.. ..v..... .j ... -f,- f, j the deferring until March 31 of the titled to some recompense from the railway company and of the Government icie-'are making representations wun a . . . , . 1 UUVi ynA I . - i . L. . - I I 1 M A n,l.inC erUDuS oiuce ncrc ihuh view k uuuuimis i. tne me 4voiw-i 141 Capitol II! h 2:20 a.m. 20.7 ft. TAXI 14:33 pin. 20.0 ft. 8:40 am. 5.3 ft. 20:50 pjn. i2 ft. Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVIII No. 42. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1939. PRICE; 5 CENTS noter Crisis Appears Looming 'IKE. HLYV SHIP FOR B.C. RUN iope For Great Battleship of 33.000 Tons Will Be One of MlthtleU And Most .Modern Afloat , LONDON. Feb. 20: (CP)-Klng 'George will officiate tomorrow at -. ft I I - Li f ft u - ti hrr an attraetlte as weu ',c ui.chuik m mc run utwSc Mr,MrlnB veasel'V It will be one of the mlghtieit DIVER IS DROWNED LYTTON Emile Kene, 63, vet-eran diver, died in the Fraer Itlver Saturday when his air line apparently became tanked a he tried to salvage a sunken dredge. CUMBERLAND STIHKE CUMBERLAND Operations of No. S coal mine here were halted when 450 miners, members of the United .Mine Workers of America, a C.I.O. affiliate, walked off of the job in a work stoppage which union officials said was unauth-oriied and in sympathy with other workers in a transportation dispute with the company. ... J a . J k.ilt..UIH. llf . J .... ..LL. sine room are two 5ev-ino muv immr. .w OfJUSWOri n Hi 700 hp Fairbanks u isi "' C . engine which turn rearmament and defence pro-, . r.i..tinn ner.gram which U cola? on In Orcat An f erring thetr thrust d .c vkm. gear and electro-p coupUnas to the or shaft. At 125 revo-rnaiute. the screw push-. ,a) through the water i jis ptr Iwur. Britain It U a 35.000-ton vesel.'In connection with the launching, the King will be heard from C.B.R.' Vanocvuer at 7 25 Pacific Standard Time tomorrow morning with a, re- iu- Vi to Date Muipmeni 1 1 fl HV ha. etecuk tringintluenza Moves with head-man wneeis. Motion Again Talked Out NANAIM0 Tobacco Company ki TUU udlcator. don. - v .i r: b i vruwic Island Town To Represent British Columbia In Dominion Drama Festival VICTORIA, Feo. 20: CP-Th2 Nanalmo Dramatic Society Saturday night won the right to rep- George Sklllan of Lon- Would Organize Local Tourist Bureaux In B.C. oervice uivmena MONTREAL. Feb. 20: For the fourth consecutive year workers to the number of about four thousand In the employ of Im- lewiiv iiui wu. ... djTldend amounting to approxi-Domlnion Drama when Festival matplT i22arm mirMonthM iivt- the one-act play and a half perctnt of waH earn- from Voe" was placed first In the ed durlng M ,t w aanounced provincial eliminations by the ad-b tne Cnmnanv days, on mursaay niBui. uicjr ... - , ..cniutlon to this effect i been exnerlenclnir durlncr the commutation having been ex- nroceed to Ocean Prince George, "ciocK vesterdnv nlinin from ncpr nnop wj of . i the hp ("iiiiiiiiiiiv. comnany. Falls on inn tfent tfiAt? K n1vn rnntfHpratlnn tug tav -J v n TJrifrKf r XT 1 1 va"1 n ct n In the way of employment as ' pair. Some of them were embedd-1 Dert district was opened on Friday ."-.--- "v' Alltr a lt minor adjusimcnu iu,r ."vr, " ,p totems and damaging others. Now the railway company has expressed Its desire of again repairing the poles. The chiefs and people of Kitwanga, In meeting, decided that cr. u. r. "'"caif. In- they tney n had no objection J to the rail- tuberculosis officer of the Prov clat Board of Health. nd Mta .JW PJJ of tnelr fatners N arrived . w en Horence M. Erlckson R In the city on the Catala last eve-, n shape r nm from Vancouver to conduct d be given some em- " aclinic - here during ne n xt IOu ago this summer a big flood on the Skeena River went through the village. Inundating some of the: v.. nense. I was passed and Is being Imunlcated to the railway that was corn-corn - same meeting in the homt Chief Mathias (Ack-gaudi SjySt tit " WliftM when the ' i 1 1.. ...-..J ' , ' i . . . ,,.. . known as the Kitwanga Trappers m.j ; - Association, the main object of ' . ... remounting historic totem poles . ; jwhlch would be to seek recognition f Kitu-anea which at that tlme . . " ti .- ji 'from the the authorities authorities of or an area were tailing iiw okvc ui nun between Andimaul and Fiddler Creek in which native trap lines would be protected from the de predations of any outside people Dominion and provincial governments will be asked to Insure the natives of full trapping and fish ing rights. Conferred With Agent The meeting of the Kitwanga people followed a conference with the Indian Agent. Capt. G. C Mortimer of Hazelton, when the matters of the re-erectlon of the totem poles and the fishing and trapping rights were discussed, the Indian Agent being reminded by native speakers of what they consider are their Just dues. Re Terence was made to the economla recom- difficulties that the Indians have The Sons of Norway and Mount lOldfteld Ski Clubs held an ooen . cross-country race yesterday after-i noon which waspon by. E. John-. I rtn. The event was witnessed at various poinU by a lane number t -oectators. the weather being Ideal for the sport. The race covered a course of three to four miles commencing at the Sons of Norway cabin, circling around the Mitchell cabin to the summit of Mount Old-field and then down to the Miunt Oldfield cabin where the race terminated. F. A. MacCallum of the Bank of Montreal was official ter and time recorder. There twenty contestants, including kiers from the local clubs and also some out of town skiers. The race resulted as follows: j First E. Johnson. Sons of Norway Club, 29.2 minutes. Second J. Freldhelm. Sons of Norway Club, 32.2 minutes. Third tled R. D. Minion. Mount Oldfield Club and W. Mason Vancouver' 37 minutes. Atlantic Coast Weather Warm Unusually For Tills Balmy Temperatures Time of Year Being Recorded NEW YORK, Feb. 20: (CP Record warm weather for Febru ary Is being experienced along the Atlantic seaboard. In Philadelphia vesterday 68 was recorded and in New York 60 above. Kidnap-Killer Goes To Chair Franklin Pierce McCall To Be Executed Today For Snatch-Slaying of Little Jimmy Cash MIAMI. Florida, efforts to secure Feb. 20: All a reprieve or time of the depression throuch hausted, Franklin Pierce McCall, shrinkage of employment, parUcu- condemned kldnap-slayer of little I 1 1 .. I - At . 1 . . . I . r,.U rvAAO tn t rl f. .... many. !'4y uic saimou uMieries. ine wiiuuijr vasn, iki"' mornlni? she sailed for Stewart1 The matter . of the totem poles Is j co-opeUion and support of the chair today. Instance of the grow- Department of Indian Affairs In win return ito to loco .just another she win .return whence f a, .J of the Indians that' their representations was sought.! Rev. C. A. Hlnchllffe. Anglican -fi . I, a n m district man- they are entitled to some sort of Speakers at the conference with, with. oitiTon. 'o -Mew Deal" or more adequate , Indian Agent Mortimer t v -! ... .... . . Vanm.,:: : r' ""V,w ' 7.7..I. 'J .J. .V : Vh mterfront recomlUon of Uielr aoorigtnai enter do-wel-Lasque '-"" ia victoria ana i-urt.mtiuuiug ouiijij". ... , ,,,ir, Alice hiitttnn. - ... A. i ir.Hrrt Inmcct the.rlchts. Trapping Ule West Coast. At 3 o'clock this, vessel. question Church rector at Terrace, arrived included in the city on yesterday mornlng'3 (Oeortie H.I train from the Interior for a brief was anotner Moorei and Ch ef Ack-Quad (Mat-i visit and wm oe returning nomc taken up at,thlas Bright). tthts evening. i R. Benavides and other minis- t- ters had left the capital on a holiday trip. Ixyal troops i of the interior and an eld Many Royal Air Force Pilots In Crash Fatalities LIMA. Peru. Feb. 20; -CPi General Rodriguez was killed last night in an attempted seizure of the Peruvian gov- ernment alter President Oscar aUnowledgement as follows: A Friend. $2. Sons of Norway, S10. L. and R. Johnson. Osland, 50c. Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson. Osland, $5. x Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson. Osland. S3. Is Seen Following Conclusion Of Spanish Civil War pena: Tobacco Company of Canada Limited will receive a service nirfnfnru Fnrlo-iinnr.no- niffncn Tnfli va, v vr m im yj A' A All M. I U VIIVC J A. 1WUItlVi 44 cies Franco Ir-sists Upon Complete and Unconditional Conquest T rtTr XT Tl rss . ynn itfit m This service dhidend is. evidence uvnuji, reDruary zu: t,L-r; wun prospects 01 of the ocmpanys dere to reward an early conclusion of the Spanish civil war on the basis its employees for loyalty -nd ef- of an intprtn.flirl-.nn1 snrrpnrlpr hv rhp Invnliut o-nvpmmont nartlcipatedirKtiT1 iu'proS t0 the insurKent General Francisco Franco, the condition cerit of international affairs is developing symptoms of another payment of the Drwwnt ervice crisis oi major proportions, i oiaiuanan nations oi tne dividend brings the total amount -- - . of such dividends paid to date to KMOJOOO. Imprint Tobacco employees also ! benefit through group insurance. a sick benefit plan, a pernron iund and a weeks annual vacation with pay for factory workers. SKI RACING INTERESTS : E. Johnson Won Cross-Country Event on Mount Oldfield Peru Revolt w Is Put Down Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis, observers generally believe, are so moving as to diffuse the influence of such nations as Great Britain. France and United States. On the one hand, Japan is threatening to menace French Into-Chlna after having seized the forbidden Island of Hainan from China. Increasing of the Japanese pressure In the Far East U anticipated to result in the diversion of French fighting forces to that theatre, leaving the way clear for Germany and Italy to pursue their colonial demands in the Mediterranean and African area. These are among the disturbing t . . . i thwarted the efforts of Anton- , l nnrirlotin aho ora minister "c ul oyui u waj Precautionary Precautionary mea mea- 14 i' ma'or. 4' sure? have been enforced fol- lowing the short-lived revolt. ?. Enockson Fund Is Increasing Further Donations in Cash Good? Made Over Week-Eiil and reported last night would be followed by a conference either in or assisted loyalist Spain. r" 1 M LU smooth. the next Beni to Mussolini of Italy. Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany and General Franco on problems arising out of the conflict. Meantime French negotiations with Franco tor Spanish peace and recognition of his nationalist regime were suspended today after Franco ruled that only unconditional surrender of the Republicans or final victory for the Nationalists could end the war. This was evidently Franco's answer to a reputed loyalist authorization yesterday to have Great Britain and France negotiate a truce on Several more parcels havebeen the basis of only one condition Mt at the Dally News for the that there be no reprisals and that Enockson fund and monies have amnesty be granted all soldiers, been received since the previous officials and those who fought for Richard Butler, Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs, told the House of Commons today that the Italian government proposed to send 3C-000 additional troops to Libya In North Africa, Increasing the Liby an garrison to 60,000. From United States came word that President Franklin D. Roosevelt, on his way to the Caribbean Sea to review United States naval j manoeuvres, was prepared to re-I turn to Washington should the International situation, which he is .watching closely, appear to make jit advisable. The president left LONDON, Feb. 20: (CP)-Slnce Key West on tne battleship nous. the first of this year no less than tQn Qn Saturda and not QU8 'forty-five pilots of the Royal Air back until March 3. , Force have lost their lives In jcrashes. The latest victim is Flylngl officer Allenby Ross of Halifax; TODAY b WtAIHcK ac atUCD wno was Kinea ai tne ween-enu. In England while taking special Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light training. northwest wind; barometer, 30.41 liuciaiuic, u , gen ValHdry lUCIUldllldl Triple Island-Cloudy. - ' l J IF 11 Accept Vouchers Alberta Civil Servants Are To Receive One-Quarter Pay CALGARY, Feb. 20: (CP) Three hundred Calgary merchants have agreed to accept provincial vouchers In which It was announced at the end of the week Alberta civil servants would receive one-quarter of their salaries. t falling; miiu, is innt-3 per southeast hour; light swell. I Langara Island Overcast, east southeast wind, six miles per hour; Will Honor This Tender in Which barometer, 30.36; temperature, 35; light swell. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.41; tempera ture, 31: sea smooth. Bull Harbor Scattered clouds, calm; barometer, 30.44; temperature, 31; light sjvell. Alert Bay Scattered clouds; barometer, 30.50; temperature, 31; sea smooth.