nun VIRGINIA now in a FINE CUT handy 10? JPtiitcuUj6uy Baseball Standings St. Peter's Spring Dr Nalinml League W. .. t I. :ih .nail, , c ...yii ' 6 j delpMa Y-rk : h-ttt , ..... ... American !;;Yirk r y .,toii d phta 6 Leaf ae L, Pet Bazaar Is Success package Alio "Seal Tight" Pouci, 75 xh lb. tin 75 O Vigar were In charge of refreshments Mrs W II Ooodsell aiKl Mrs W V Tattersafl poured and serrlng were Mrs. V7. L. Line-ham. Mrs Garlic V and Mrs. O. E. Moore Acting as cashier was Mrs MS nriirhtfui txr xuiA i. r.i i n.i Henderson .545 olher tadi" wfre ln ehare M Woman'. Auxiliary Yesterday , 45 ! follows: Needleuwk-Mrs A. Barbc and Mi br of The annual sprint S M . WUIttm Smith. M2 Peter's Anglican Church yester- 4GJ day afternoon was a very success- , "0IWJC??kln?-M-,. i- X" J33 ful affair. It was opened by the-'0 nd Ht, Tout-. t.. n. rx..rA ! Candy-Mrs Shrubsall. RfT Durnford 757 !h. tntn. n.t. r r-Jv.rf hv 700 the president of the Woman's Aux X15 iilary, Mrs, W 3 Moorehouse. who 581 was general convener The hall ,429 was prettily decorated, the tables .417 belnc adorned with vases of daf-J23 fodlls 550 Mri Oeirge Krlsry and Mrs- V the sale of plants. Just a Vtw of Our Specials on Sa!c Salunlay F)ollar Day See Our Windows Fricfoy Dlsplayinjr Numerous Uther ii"ms lor ionar iaj MiMet Ilinnel Stacks e rA flsmnel slarks in shade ot . m. forest jtreen and navy Well out 'ied 8lfe 8. 10. CI Qf? ars Dolllr Day. pr Ladies' Flannel Slacks I -f wool flannel slacks Zlpp-r fasten w. l! tail rc-d In shades of loreM 4 16. brown and navy Sizes 51) 18 20 Dollar Day. pair Pure Silk Clilffnn I lose F. -P u: from top to toe All new spring '.ades all per't merchandise, crepe chiffon Sires 84 to 10. Q4 QQ lar Day. 2 pairs for Silk and Linen Table Clotli"t J- inrhrs by 51 Inches, assorted eolor-Ail fast to washing. Excellent 'j.ui' Dollar Dsv 2 for S1.00 Turkish Towels Pun of the mill, all perfect merchandise in plaint, patterns and lacquered stys 5 towels for 4 towels for 3 towetyfor 81.00 S1.00 $1.00 Men's Wool So4u Men's all wool worsted socks ln heather mixtures and browns. All sizes QIAO Men's Ores Shlrls Mrn rtreBi shirts, assorted colored tripes and plain colors. Fused collars attached, all fast colors. Sizes 14 i to 16, Dollar Day. 1.00 Boys' Sweaters Pure wool, asserted colors, polo collar, zipper fastening. Sizes 2 to C QQ Mrs. A, W. Allaire is tailing tonight on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Arthur Brooksbank Is making a business trip to Port Essington to day. NOTICE TO ANGLERS The trout season in the Bkeena watershed opens Ma 24. ROD AND GUN CLUB. ! Doien Pare Wnl Ankle Hse 1 pure botany wool with lastex tops ! Samples in aU the new spring colorings Ery r 1 r xti a opecial nm Udies' and Misses' Sweaters I Children's Ankle Socks . . . , I silk and lle ankle socks with lastex Pllle .,.,! and silk and wool boat neck JW ;,ir,.l -yle in pastel shades v 1.00 5 io 9. Dollar Day. rtft Fxt:ap(clal Donar Day. each ), 6 for tJ.vU trmbrcllas Linen Finhhed Pillow Cases Stubby styles fancy ravon silk top in Plain hems, linen finished, full standard b!on shade only. Wood stem, very size, excellent quality You have got to str. and durable. SI 00 this line to apprerlate J 'VU QQ XVV each quality. Dollar Day. 5 for P,.ra 1,1 Danar Day j Celenese Taffeta Slips e Knil poJ s,,irts Celenese taffeta princess slips, bias cut Heay quality. Sizes 24 to 34. colors neaUy trimmed tops, till sizes. Tea rose blue white and yellow. v S1.00 an5 w'mle SI 00 Day. 3 for Dollar Day. 2 for t,1,v" ,' " 1 . Luncheon T Set Glr,s Slicks , . w. Blue denim, white trim, full cut. Sizes Rayon and cotton mixture, fast colors. 12 years. 1 00 airted cloUi 3GXJ0 with fourr upUn DoU'ar Day.Jeach 51.UU Extra oeclal Dollar Day. j900 2 sets for - J Drapery Home Spun - Assorted designs, all fast colors, 30 inches ladies' Pure Silk llose wWe Dollar Day o QQ pure .silk hose semi-service weight sub- 5 yarda for A,U standards from the regular C9c quality. in all the newest spring shades Sbes 8? to 10. Extra special 39C ; Raysuede Panties, Briefs and Bloomers Dollar Day, nalr Tailored and lace trimmed styles ln - shades of tea rose and white. All Ray-" suede non-run quality Q-f Afl HH Throws Dollar Day. 2 pain for ?X.UW plaid de- . pastel assorted Part wool in S sTteen binding, very durable. Size Extra special Dollar Day, each , Special Purchase - 1 Men's Underwear size 81x94, linen finished. h hi bed Slmt ready for use Extra good tjual- Cream rib sUtch. Silk stripe and merino 5t Extra 55a special spccia. Dollar C"! AA i combination! Long leg, short sleeve lty $1.UU style. alUes. Harvy Woods O00 Day fach 1 and Mercury make Dollar DayAtUU 'COUNCIL IS ' ORGANIZED Body Comes Into Being Here As , Result of Visit or Organizer Of Young People's Work After an impressive and Inspira tion religious meeting conducted by Bert Fiddes at First Baptist Church last evening, representative from th variniin ehurrhet of the city gathered to discuss the Miss June Thomas, who has beca establishment of a religious edu-rvivinir ft vWt here, is sailine bv.catlonal council here. Mr. Fiddes the Princess Adelaide tonight on her return to her home In Van couver. This morning a shipment of very fine laree cuenmbera-' was rece and weigh slightly pounds each. - over three' Boys' Work Under Discussion ' of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association this week there was a conducted general discussion with Bert Fiddes. secretary of boys' work for the outlined the purpose of such a group and explained its advantages. On motion of Rev. E. E Brandt, seconded by Ned Tobey, V, was decided to organize such a eivedigroup. j ...... D j In the city from Sralthers for the Temporary officers elected wert i local market. They are about elgh-E m, r Yerburgh as president teen Inches long, straight and cleanfand Miss Phyfls HambHn, secret- I ary. It was decided to hold a meeting next Thursday to make further arrangement. Final Meeting A record audience assembled las; evening for the closing meeting of the leadership training course which has been conducted here th e" At the regular monthly meeting ) Fiddes. Mr. Fiddes chose for the subject of his final address "Worship." Those present were deeply moved and spurred by his eloquence. During an impressive lTf . candle-r.3ht ceremony those pres- Britlsh Columbia, , ui on .i,. the subject ...Kt ' of . . . . , . . ent dedicated themselves anew to ,. , , . , - J t r- C Jackson. . Miks N,.na Hndirson sailed las', boys work Rev niiht on the Prince Rupert for a president of the Association, was in . DOLLAR DAY Announcements All advertisements ln this column will be charged for a foil month t 25v word Milk Fund Tea May 6. Eastern Star Tea at Mra Sgt-I Gammon s home. May 8th. Presbyterian May 11. 12. Pea, Mrs. Lakle's Cambral Spinster's Spree, May I Orange Spring Sale, Metrcpolc Hall. May 17. Bridge Drive 8:30 1 P-m. Norwegian Independence Dance, Oddfellow's Hall. May 17. 18. Hospital Tea, Nurses' Home, May Navy League Ball May 19. Boys Band bridge drive Legion Hall. May 26. Women's AuxUiary Canadian Legion Spring Sale June 2. PRINCE RUPERT TO VICTORIA CHILDREN'S FUND EVENTS r, i May 5. Grand Dance. Moose HalL NEW I FURNITURE 5 STORE S Next Door to B.C. Clothiers New and Second Hand Fur 4 J niture Consisting of Stoves, f Radios, Bedroom Suites, Ches- jj 5 ferfields, Dining room Suites, .' P Etc. Stock Now Arriving WATCH FOR OPENING Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C37 5 T 25 V Hecu,"lBLt Municipal Chapter Meeting Yesterday trip to Vancouver She expects t the chair and business otherwise ' On behalf of the members of Arrangements Made For Empire be away a couple of months was largely of a routine nature, the training course the chairman. Day To Continue Supplying Ken Hardin, presented Mr. Fid-' yllk To children dea with a memento of his "visit t Saturday at Fraser & Payn S , , , . ..a The regular monthly meeting or This evening Mr Fiddes will MmW , Ch Imperial Cr. make hU last pubBc appearanfce;der Daughters of the Empire at the Boys' Rally to be held' in. t th . . of Mre St Andrew s Cathedral Hall for d-.v,k .. :.v- au boys or io u, 18 years oi age H - connecttd with churches oy Scouts This advertisement is not published or displayed by the ConfroJ Board or by the Government of British Columbia , Arrangements were made for Empire Day In the schools and the annual church parade. It was reported by the milk fund committee that fresh milk I'wlll be provided throughout next winter. ! Through the courtesy of the Canadian Legion the Chapter elded to hold a Milk Fund Tea on May 6. After the usual business of the order the meeting came to a close by singing of the National An-1 Constable T. A. Stewart, of the city police., left San Francisco yesterday for home after having been there for several weeks as a member of the guard of the British Columbia exhibit at the Golden Gate International Exposition. Mrs. Stewart Is returning wUh him. Daily advertising in the DallJ News Is sure to bring dally re sults. sm - m i l ht , n l irk I m i fa i I 1 1 ail VJl A.AJL1, i Florist, Seedsman f Box27C Phone BLl'E 974 f Orders Taken .Vow For jj .Mother's Day Large Variety Cut Flowers g and Pot Plants g Mail Orders Prompt Attention g Now is the Time Many Tennis Rackets are Ruined Each Year by Faulty Rcstringins. Do Not Sacrifice Yours With a Makeshift Job. Bring Your Racket in to us Now For a Perfect Job EXPERT RESTR1NG1NG Cut and Workmanship Guaranteed No. 3 Silk $1.75 No. 2 Special .. . $2.25 No. 3 Elastex ... $3.25 Sunerlor Ensllsh $L25 Australian Multi-Twist $55 ' Tracey Extra Special $6.25 Wilson Tournament S8J5 "Kllpsprlnger" $6.75 Armours Super $85 Again It's Slazengers Play With Slazengers For Constant Quality Let us show you the 1939 Slazenger Racket All new stock Lowest Prices While They Last Slazenger 1938 Tennis Balls 25c Each 6 for $U5 Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 W.'.V.V.W.V.WWAVAW DAY and NIGHT i 13 Phone Taxi i PAT MAZZIE 5 Opp. Post Office, 4th 81 V Friday. May 5, IMfl. THE DAILY NEWS rAOEJTHRFt; I Old i rn it o I 1 LUtiLJ t I