1 1 ms $ FORSYTH Shirt Special Fancy Broadcloths Made Up In Fused Collar Attached Style To Sell For 1.55 (Continued from Page One) or 2 for f ;$ters;made the names oj von Kluck, 3 j and von iiuiow tne butts of many Vpuns'i , , V'J Newspaper headlines In l&JI were greatly', different from nowadays. ' They told of grim battles In which ..thousands of corpses lay on the field "the Germans sacrificed . thousands of lives ln their efforts to break through to Calais. A correspondent recorded that 1,500 bodies were found ln a small area after several days fighting at La Bessee There were stories of atrocities, of spies-fT-men ani women shot behind the Jlnes. of thousands drowned when. the Bclntons cut the dykes after the fall of Antwerp and the 3.00 Bryant Company Limited Fbone 297 532, 3rd. Ave. W. P.O. Box 622 I planes were front page news. They were the days when .41 the W'C the Australian cruiser Svdnev nut. the high seas it took months of re 'entless effort on the part of Al jea warcrait to sweeD the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage VVyyy B seas Among those who will address the meeting will ,be Dr. O. Fer Rtmif Cr van fitnllr uroe nrotrlntia.l Abouklr andl, V',A I TTnonn oil n A .1 4.44004-4.4 -0v, 4444 auuuicu tiuiocrs, were1 Mlnlf 4r Ann rl n .. 4... . I Another recent wedding held! marine ueraan roo" away .from Terrace celebrated by, M,u"s 01 inc sout,, 5ea .that of Mr and irs., W. Carrigan Capt. von Muller ln the Emdenlwnt were marrled at Smithers a led the British a merrv danr in th short time ago. This also was held .the Crown Prince was caricatured ' Indian Ocean, sinking ship after on Wednesday. Mrs. Carrigan was w. .wje- u.own iTince ana young- snip of Hie merchant marine until J Previously auss r em uremour. an end to her remarkable career. t F tm Alirfinn In In the Atlantic were the Karlsruhe! 1ULUUI1 111 and the Leipzig with nearly a dozen. T II TV l l others on the oceans 1 eilCWa UlStHCt In the present war Britain's mas- ,f WM established'Fine Hohtein Herd Readily Sold- w, t uuwci years ago With Germanys war vessels abroad on . jj cme to the coast. Prisoners were heavy sacrifice of human 11m 9 mwmmmmmmr- Oscar Ekman Going South represented I household effects were disposed of - - wTorwvwwvvy SAVE OUR GOOD-WILL COUPONS With each 23c cash purchase, one Good-Will Coupon ls given free, to be redeemed for useful household. Items. Our latest Premium Catalogue will be available 'soon. Mussallems ECONOMY STOKE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 2" P.O. Box 198 at satisfactory orlces. THB OAILT NSWS News of Northern Districts Interior Teachers SMITHERS Meet AtSmithers I RD CRQSS ; Convention of Skeena and Ominera Organlied i-eaagofues 10 ne tieid ."Next i rtulklev Week SMITHERS. October 20: SMITHERS. For Active Work In Valley During War October 20: More The than seventy persons gathered In school teachers of the Skeena and the reception room of the Cana-Omineca districts will meet tn dlan Legion here on Tuesday eve-convention at the Smithers High rung to attend the meeting of the School ne. Thursday morning Red. Cross organization for the and It Is expected that nearly all purpose of electing permanent of- honor of the visiting splendidly and they were unanl-Steven Terrace Brides Given Showers Stolk. who has just returned to Terrace following her wedding re 11.. 1 J 1 1 -1 .1 .4 4 r.prmnne fmfcf K.4.1. cenuy au imumun, was 11cm ai war , kalcldlscope. T ZV aeainst f8nst Br Britain t7ln", s naval nnvXithf might. n Dur- , nn the WMlnps,av home of Mrs. Dudley ' a O. shnwpr Little m i. 1 -. 4t- 1 in? rnp nrst thr mnn h. tu... rreucii uuu oauui-uurrien were 44.u4.w4ij wic the idols of the British public In naval 7116 raids on the English & Tome o't Mrs. SSSSSl Sm he those early war days and almost coast- Allies equally welli known were Jof f re and i wnen Cressy. Foch of France. There were1 also Maunoury. Sarrall, d'Esperey, Cas-telnau and others. Von Falkenhayn soon succeeded the ailing Count von Moltke as Chief pf the German General Staff, ITT Kitsegukla Has Harvest Festival. Successful Affair Held In Village Church On Monday the teachers In the two districts fleers for the ensuing year and to. Morgan leading In prayer will be present. map out a course of campaign. I Refreshments were then served The meeting was called to order 'by the Ladles' Aid and a trio, by Mrs. A. N. Dando who had'Rosle Brown. Annie McDames and guson of Smithers; C. J. Fred- been chairman of the preliminary Nora Wesley rendered a selection prleksnn. srhonl Insnrrtnr nf Prlnrp most mousiy ciectea to continue lor me. aji tendered thanks to the very I ensuing year. Thus Mrs. Dando ! capable work of the Ladle Aid. was elected as president. Mrs. R. J. Colllson as secretary and Mrs., N. H. Kllpatrlck as treasurer of ,the organization. i A strons executive of fourteen members, representative of the Mrs. Peter van Stolk and Mrs. W. wnoie vauey from Toplpy ln tne Carrigan Are Honored east to Evelyn ln the west, was - - f- elected to work with the officers. SWIFT IN 1314? YES taken by the hundred and the early TERRACE. October 20 :-A show-! The Rcd Aviation tn BUT TWAS DIFFERENT WAR air attacks by ZeppeUns and air- er ln honor of Mrs Peter van the Bulkley Valley Is now off to a good start and it ls expected that It will carry on an aggressive cam- A good crowd was in attendance. Terrace Tennis Club Whist And Bridge Enjoyed TERRACE. October 20: The na h,h';,;: 'Tennis Club staged a whist and " n orcIcr t0 "anc Nearly one hundred members TERRACE E. Hamer, who set out for his mining prospect last Thursday, ar- rlvpH nt hln hnma In Tirrai. C.n. Mr. Ekman has been a weU,wlu make a Sreat Improvement on the old conditions. I the war. He expects to move to Vancouver Immediately and to establish himself there I Popular Smithers Couple Married SMITHERS, Oct. 20. A wedding of considerable local Interest took place In the Anglican Church in Smithers on Monday afternoon when Miss Winnie Hann became the bride of Oeorge Robinson. Both have grown up In Smithen and are well known by everyone locally. Ml.u'Hann has been a popular clerk in Eby's Hardware store for several years while Mr. Robinson ls a local carpenter. They left immediately by motor car for a short honeymoon and will reside on Broadway Avenue when they return to Weather Forecast Oeneral Synopslsj-The pressure remain's high over Oregon and low off the Queen Charlotte Isl ands. A storm passing Inland over Northern British Columbia has; caused rain on the coast. Light showers are reported in the ln-t fHnr I West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh- to stront: southwest to south winds-with mist and light rain. area.. completed this work, Miss B. Covington left for on Thursday. CONSTIPATED? "For years I had occasional constipation, awful gas bloating, headaches and back pains. Adlerika always helped right away. Now. I eat sausage, bananas, pie. anything I want Never felt better." Mrs.1 Mabel Schott. ADLERIKA Sold at all Drug Stores i CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Bay II7TFOR HOT JIL 1 STOVES At All B.C. Stores R. E. Eyolfson CHIROPRACTOR Phone BLACK 318 210 Eighth Avenue West uic uuu itiiitiicrs. oucce&s wn achieved in this reaped and an enjoyable time was spent by alLl The affair was held ln the Orange' Tall. T. A. Martin, visiting from Smithers. won the men's prlic In the whist tournament. The ladles' prtie went to Miss Peggy Ostrand-er. Mrs. Stanley Mills won the day evening a,fter having been lostk,ad'cs' Pri"ln thL brld8e tournc. in the woods to the north of " "c ": "'c town. He appeared not much the " worse for his experience. Although; L): f CWM he had fasted for two days the thing he wanted most was, he declared to his family, a good sleep. Search parties had been scouring! the nearby wilds without success A 11LC Wl JJULLCI Fat Is Mounting and a good deal of anxiety was SMITHERS. Oct. 20: -The price of felt for .Mr. Hamers' safety. butter fat has been steadily rising1 ; ... me oeginning or tne war and J The public works department har.the farmers will ohtnin mnM.r.),i. SMITHERS. Oct. 20. An autclon been engaged, on the Job of provia-I benefit ln this war A short Ume sale at the farm.home of Oscar Ek-lng bituminous surfacing for Ter--ago they were getting 20c per pound controfthfh' h psandyearst0Thursday afternoon created a good'though the work was begun vSM t! 1 submarine menace dca, of fnterest. weather was weeks ago the frequent and htAyf'1' Mmnla,' With the spectacular manOP,.vr.' a v,o, "rain. marf. nrnrr... .1. -n,.. . ."e. conmers may complain y fast-movlng armies and colorful 'aefanneo eadllyghthain road fron the Skeena BmSIS SSSXll linn n. . .. " v Hint . - ------ -v. ..Ui,,..4S ui mit nave Deen a ieature or tnis larm. ",c Sl'. w ucjuk ircaiea ana-i farmpr H . - presented .ilxsorbing editions but All All the the stock, stock, equipment equipment and and K 4ioi the w.c transverse naiuvcisc uiKiiway highway north norm. .SfkiiniLl1'? .in . . . ' " ."c events recorded i Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Luiu li on Toasted Sandwiches or ' Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Weeks ln Refrigerator and south across the municipal Tof,frJ B "0t K Ut o When .u. . , of qf the country , THE SEAL QUALITY 111 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockoyo . PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lustcrless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Bather and Beauty Shop PICTURES OUTSTAND Excellent Double Hill Urine Pres. I ented At Capital Theatre To- gcther With War News Keel l Two outstanding pictures "Dull- doc Drummond'a Secret rollce.' I another of the popular detective scrle wtth John Howard In the . . , . 20:-The 'title role, and "Love Affair." an- October KrreEOUlCLA oth.r dchUu, romaiice wlh Udles' Aid of KlUegukla held tU lrene Dunnfi flnd annual harvest festival sale In the doub,e bul a plcturc prj. church on Monday I gram at the Copltol Theatre to- A short devotional program, nlght An added attrac,lon ls a Sp!?!tih-e.e?w" reel featuring war scene in at the and a Chief f Sampart organ rf ftnd Franoe Boutlng the unusual setting of an ancient BngiUh castle wher? the detective and friend bavr rthered to celebrate h i marriage Bulldog Drummond a Secret Pdl- George; K. P. Caple. director of secretary, and Mrs. N. H. Kllpat- Sky." JlCe Z T J , I dult educafon: Prof. O. M. rick, as treasurer, read their re- Freddie Sampare. the auctioneer. .STlSL.!!" Shram, extension department, ports resulUng from previous was able to sell all that wwi .V 22 ouried far oeneatn ,h the castle and nivcrsltv of British Columbia and. mMni,. n.ih.r i n- .. u Dr. v iB.44..4lu ..4. 441. " "J .Ik. .. ...U I I l . H n K nir lH-hn rnl nrivWer tt iti f- 41 1 i ' n t j 1 1. ...rv- . I'"-" oiii iuuiiu it 14 mur- ... , - V.....VHB u L7i 1 11 vanillic lui Liir: cictuliuii ui aiuacs iiuic aiiu rviiiiir' Aiuuiiiesa. t Department of Education. ! the permanent officers the meeting who acted as cashiers.. Net pro-iu. cu: V. Howard " has "T There will be a banquet In the'was of the opinion that thos.ceeds of the sale amounted to.P'0' """"" A"N; "l " var" E. E. Bulklcy Hotel on Friday evening and a reception and dance In the Anglican "Hall later the same eve ning In teachers. who had undertaken the work and $24.78. carried It along so successfully In Brief the preliminary stages had done Alfred addresses were given by McDames, Moses Jones. Morgan and J. McEwen. dercd. as his fellow ner. Cllve. Reginald Denny and Elizabeth Patterson "Love Affair U'the story of the luxury loving fiancee of a wealthy business man who sends her on frequent trip to Europe to collect art objects for him. She meets a notorious continental playboy and a romance develops which sweeps 1 them off their feet. The plot de- I .! r ... -" " In Sh . IK h UH 111 llTlt C.N.K, TRAINS For the Kt Mondays. Wttr.j days .. From the Latt Tuedaya. Thurida: , twiuroiyi I "Love Affair1 With ClIAltl ES BOTli (At 7:00 ndj;J,, PI.IS ' -nuLLnon nnrxiifftw. (At III Onh FOX NEWS 1 11 Takes You ,S8mth'rf EncUnd and lnBf, COMING SAT OUT .-.,, i, irintfi N, 1 l.W.VU,HRtr velops to an exeir .g , "HI Dally advertuur.t m 0 rw- News U sure to bn.11 ii J At tk any locol rlctiw. KotJ eWt? "Y, mol y( own S Cow." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES $ "TUt fmtnl ftrm In kUk thf fn h nltlm Mid-Month Specials Seamless Aimiruter ltucs CxlO. Special Felt Bae Floor Covering - feet wide. Special, sq. yard ... S34.00 28c Washable Cotlon Mat-Slzc 25x48,. In large varle't :;f desrJ and colors suitable for almait any room. 250 Elios Furniture Free Delivery In City of Hug) and Unoleomi SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wiling it OCEAN FALLS ni POWELL RIVER Steamer lcares Prince Rupert tjtrj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Traltii leave- Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fares, etc., call or tcrltt City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. - . UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leavs rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver; CATALA CATALA EVERY EVERY TUES- TfJES. T.S.S. CARDENA FHIP1' T.S.S. hiv jo: 10:30 jo p.m. p.m. ". luv p.m. Dun V.inrnn.... fft t ifnndlT . inurj. p.m. una vancouTei. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket nn FRANK J. SKINNI it nrin... 4,i v.tA avu. rhon M It's interesting to know when reading the Daily that the people of the whole district are doing the Bam