a-. PAOR TWO Stock Ends Onyx Broken Lines Special Don't mlas this opportunity to buy the finest shoes made in Canada at this exceptionally low price. Reg. $2.50. stock End Sale $4-85 128 Wnwen's Pumps, Straps. Sandals and Ties-Regular to $5.50 OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO BECOMING A HABIT S2.45 Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE RUPERT - RRITISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue ' H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Wednesday, February I, 1939. CONGRATULATIONS i , SUBSCRIPTION RATES ! City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5 00 Paid In advance, per week 12 Paid In advance, per month Z""I " .50! By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire'and United States, yearly period, paid In advance J.00 ' By mail to all other countries, per year 9 00 ' aarerusing ana circulation Telephone 93 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations . This making of speeches relating to international Canadiens politics is becoming a habit. Statesmen take it in turns to aaciress the world and their words are listened to with eagerness. Almost every radio in the country is put into service when Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain or Roosevelt give an important address. However, we are gradually trettintr used to hearino- the vmVps nf these men anA ihr LOAFERS ji'USf GO , loaf On the lob tro. Nnt nnlv thnt, nut anv rlennt-tmani ot at Mnriti cit,i.tnn4 head who permits loafing on the job must go. Some of ..Tf S&f injUn"g m0ralG eNewt0Soulth "$ 5 n , , points to 16, gaining two of the it seems to be only in democracies that men are al- three piacings in every heat, lowed to loaf on their jobs. They do it with impunity and LOW BIRTH RATE . . French people are worrying over the low birth rate and efforts are likely to be made to effect a change. If i BOWLING a much greater extent than at present the people Who have 1 liUIUlltS SCHEDULE una ia uui uuiie uie nauon must evenmaiiv nnsc nitr nf dv. . istance. In German v and Itnlv h,V fmiZ : JL'ZZZ H01C1 r.l RAIIY UNHURT LONDON. Feb. 1: (CP) Annar The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Dailv a Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the T,hlle lts Tfi" hPPln-s- a Audit Rnre.iii nf n?w.,,1nflnc Tf J- fc the.month old baby was found -- - v. wiivumHwiiQ, u 10 mc uiujr iiijt;r iiuriii unhurt. I jnir. daily ntws Wednesday, r. t JJii p. AMERICAN GOLFKRSPND LOUD COWRIE CllAT ON LINKS An Interesting character study ofCvo, fin nous. American golfers, and a well-known Australian swiiiiiuaiii uuitiai. me piClU1 MiujJjJru much jirirn milts icmrci, were enjoying a JOKe with Lord Cowrie, the governor-general of Australia. Helen and Gene were touring thi Antipodes. HOCKEY TIE BROKEN UP Rangers Take Second Place With Amerks Dropping Into Third NEW YORK, Feb. 1: (CP) New York Rangers scored a 3 to t victory over Chicago Black Hawks last night and moved Into New Bantamweight , exclusive possession pi secono Oaudes of St. Boniface. Manitoba. Iplace, the New York Americans with Once A w a r t 1 it n-ronnd decision on Mon- more a citizen of Prince Rupert has been rec- playing a two-aii overtime draw day night ognized by the powers that be as worthy of special pre- with the league-leading Boston ferment. .The annnintment nf T, W Pntmnro K C. q Bruins at Boston. - member of the Utilities Commission is a recognition of Tmorrow f mes win be: exceptional merit and we take this opportunity of pub- S2. iSSSSJ J?d ncly Congratulating him on receiving the appointment. Rangers and Americans at New The only objection to it is that it means the removal of York- the appointee from Prince Rupert to the seat of govern- The league standlne to date: more is well qualified tojill. . Rangers . : 17 Americans 14 Toronto 12 Detroit 15 Chicago 9 7 2 7 3 8 8 10 5 14 5 16 5 17 G 18 84 77 78 72 CO 58 62 SPORT GHAT 83 25 75 23 99 23 do not stir us as they did. As time goes on we sha take I: !;tb'e d: who( th less ic&a and dim le!S ie.s notice nouce 01 nf what i nai thev mey say. ?iv HrSt welrelght championship of tn6 Amateur B5xln AsAo-iai0n in Sport Briefs WELSH STAR RETIRES LONDON. Feb. 1: (CP) -Vivian 'CP) Batting for Carnegie In city association cricket here, A. Mcintosh hit a bail hard and wa criv.n out. It struck his nartnpr' ha In this respect it is interesting to note the gradual T ln Kenya AlllcJ oSSS change that has taken place in Russia since the revolution. ,y purchased wven br00d caught'by the man who At first every factory was run by a committee of the em- , had bowled it ployees until it Was found that the system was impossible. Return middleweight boxing bout X777F mfJS TI Even ships had their committees with more power than In Bournemouth, England, between sydney Feb 1 icpL the captain. Today the committees have disappeared and JIefdI,M1,h a"d Y?rkfe,y Bently en.d scarf, former Empire P and na AusTra ! the discinline is Stricter than in rlemnPt Jn ,nf M-ao ; ed thcsame as the nrst encounter lan amateur . A; cler the capitalist system. All they ask in Russia today is ffSt eyes y W 10 0ym,c "P-enutive! turned for results. Factories must produce the quota. , fi XS? if " GOALIE DIES LONDON. Feb. 1: CP v,h (Ford, young reserve goalkeeper for Arsenal FootOall Club, died in hospital here. He was taken ill nftr a game am and the next day waa op- aired in everv nnssi h e manner Tn rinn,U Ua ,.u Ri,tPr v. t mlM.jl erated on for duodenal ulcer. is rtcog-hiKed by making an allowance from income tax w. -Annette , ausie"tour off for people with families but this is a small advantage JZt!JSi' aucd. Feb. i (cpi-bc compared with the expense of children. The probability , ZtTutnt an Ind,an team wl" is is that mat, W wunin th n a a few lew years Years the the state fttpfe will xr recocrhize nittA to i ettea vs W.- Rex. "0te'' Mercnanl' Zealand in 1040, New Zealand 'field) Hockey Association hat rip cided against Inviting an Australian quad. The usual arrangement is Interchange of teams every ? win cntly thrown' miuwii ucr over a a six-foot eix-iuov wa'l waij for an !"'e' afler aft.r f.otnrr belng 8tolen from , carrla ond year The Daily Daner. News' Is an A. B. C 'left' and Ocne Sarazen SKIING AT HAZELTON ,New Devotees Takinr np Sport Daily Meet to be Held HAZELTON, Feb. 1 Skiing in 'latelton Is proving the rttend- 'ine snort thw wintM- nA t -i, iJiatnn ur i anarinils,.neemri Lefty Gwynn of Toronto Lifts Title From Johnny Usuries TORONTO. Feb. 31: (CP)-Lefly Gwynn of Toronto is the new Canadian bantamweight ihamplon, having lifted the title from Johnny wered the call of the plank reetou ly. Snow conditions and weather have been Ideal and everything is .going aiong in grand style. ai a 4500-ioot level. Numerous parties have enjoyed thPTriTflv in Ikl. .ujij .1.1 ,., ... v. . , ! oiviiuiU MKl ground. Last week a jjartr eoflrat- lng of Rev. and Mrr. 0itly and Dr. and Mrs. W E. Austin loent t I few days as the gueu of Mr. and Mrs. Beruwn at ttorfr mountsUti cab-n and reobrt having a cod time. Accident have not bWn man and not too 'ertew ' " "Kratwur far Although ftiunmn uuicu MJiiuuii mcisn lull-' 1! back who has played 14 times for'Mr- Mt". a new member who wat 80 38 "a,cs "M annoancca nis renre-f "" a irai sner. was 63 27 ment from lntffntlonal rugby unfortunat getting a cracked competition. i ankle, he Iv now reported to be d- ing nicely and can hardly wait ti A HAZARDOUS COURSE (get out a1"- Audrey Bennm had CALCUTTA, India, Feb. 1: iCPt 'the "fortune to crack her i alo Sir Edward Bennet, Judge of the fcut ,s now WU on the way t re-Ailahabad High Court and a cad-l001 Dr. W. E. Austin, one of the die were attacked by a leopard on newer nmbtr. has proven hiauelf the golf course here. The animal natural alder and a vmlu&ble as-was shot after the caddie was sev- 5tant. erely mauled. ' Evervone l looking, froward lo the l-y-v i hi meet on February 8 NEEDS NEW SHOPS BOURNEMOUTH, Eng.. Feb. 1:' 1920, Is dead in London, England. , T ftanIey Andrews, unem- oloyed. trambed 2,50 miles to Leeds Robert Readhead of Oxford Unl- ,f! , ournemouth Pa' Lwds united nmrpri in In n Football rML. it a . . ,..uni..u.Ji.i.,,i .,. a AmnriiHn COAL IJOMREI) OLACOOW, Scotland, Feb. lp -ijuiiiiKi Bombarded rn pri u-nn with afM. dImm - tte .i. ediethas - - o-"" gone forth in Russia that people ivujjiw who Z1TSS compeuiion oi me uorvi; i"-:. i.j i 'enen sieve Fmtr an r..- . . tw i ... Of ,show and I don't mind the tramp if ?tte taken ,0 hwplUl suffering back home." wi"k and arm Ininrlei "WELL CAUGHT, SIR" CARNEGIE, Australia. rW Zealand. I 1. 1 I Old Country Soccer' English League First Division j Arsenal 0, Wolverhampton Wan-dedera 0. I Derby County 4, Orimbsy Town1 1 PorUmouth 0, Everton L English League Second Division West Bromwleh Albion 1. Huntley 1 m. venture nm One of the factors eoatribuUnit For Queen Charlotte ttand . i L . . . 1 Tor Vancouvri Tuesday -Catala .... 1:30pm Thursday -8s. Prince Oeorge 11:19 nm Frlday-Ss Prtn. Adelaide 10 im. as Venture . ... 10:30 pjn February 13 and 33as. Prme Norah 3 p.m. Trom Vanroutrr Sunday ss. Catala 4 p,m Wed. S. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 aan. Friday u Pr Adelaide 4 pjn. as Venture pjn February 9 and 19 n. Prlnee Norah am. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday as. Oatala 8 pm Wednesday S. Prince Oeorge . .... . 4 pin. From Stewart and Anyox j I Tuesday . Catala . U:30 ajn. Thursday S. Prince Oeorge . 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port STfmpwm Sunday as. Catala 8 pm. From Naas Knrr an Pert Slmpon Tuesday a. Catala 1:30 p m For Ocean Fall Tuesday-si. Catala 1:30 pm. . Thursday Ss. Prince Oeorge nnj pjri. Friday as. Pr. Adelaide .... 10 p.m. Itom Ocean Fallowed St Pr. Oeorge 10:30 am Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 pm 10 uie enmusiasm shown among February 10 and 24 Prince the local skiers is the cabin which John I0:30 pm was newly built at the Silver Cup From Queen Charlotte Islands Bunn on Nine Mile Mauntaln last fall by Allan Benson and situated February 8 and M as. Prince John am For Alaska-February 9 and 19 Prlncew Norah . am rom Alaska 1 February 13 and 23 s. Prlnces Norah am From Skeena River-Friday-ss. Venture . ... pm. Try a Dally el caxsined ad. RHEUMATIC PAINS Backache. LtimUto sad Rbenmatic pami art o((en due to congtfied kid 8 mediriMi ingrrdimt in Oia nib ttimuUte Vidaey action, tlimmitt fr an and tone no the Uood-Mrram. If toir Mt natter ia your system it rabnC you t(rrj tly, .ktrfKt i4ke Gin IMU. Two Sles Retlar. 9c and nw Economy Sire (doable the Quan tlty) 75c UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAT, ' 1:30 P m- 10:30 n. Doe v p.m. Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, M6nday am II Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket From . . ranee Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5C8 mm. ianaimo.Wcllins;ton Alberti Voolhills and IJulklcy Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. ieiepnone C51 or C52 CLEAN. Wclj apartments Scottish Cup Second Hound i l' UK a Lh ' Edinburgh OltH. St. Mlrren'!' .A .... B.C. the FOR HK.NT nun with an P. ! r- 1 Meamship Sailings1 jjj;;, FOR SALE It: table model Rnri i lion. Guaramr Plie Rnl 'A fbll SALE 5 tubr iiaaio U937 ft; vifHi new batter rotary sewtng m; Phone C78. Appw X)R BALE- 3 a: circular heater complete, apply A HAY For Sale A please write t., t n, c,. LOST LOST Whrat'ni tank truck Leav- PERSONAL We have helped i tain positions a.- L PoaUl Clerk. C'v era. Clerks and ' ete Fttr bookie M, C C Sho.a V Oldeat in Canarfa. A Balecman to rrpre known manufa(ur ' and boys work a; menU as wr ladies' garmmj? slon basis Mu P Hons in Norther: ly Building Va- HEX B 1 WORK WANTED WANTED-- Expe r ;. like hour work tlon. Plione- 573. OIRL DeIre hu s k r Phone Red 444. RETURNED Soldi' : iobs. Has too knowledge .f r troubles Phone F r-r Bowling AHej tr..iiL sr Line Dew EA lrAAav.IHH. rkaal ( FOR SKRVICK And SATISFACTION Try Mussallem's P. Ci.. i riiniimv .in -l Ilnllr llrl .11 Cents" Oualltv nnx-erifv-rrf Frrilts and Veiflab THE SEAL QUALITI raw I JlrulM l-"1 fcfli'i I Jk-r- i GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon .... !. Uttt vear round witt Prlncs Ruprt .n I I