PAGE FOUR V .a. HOT WATER ... all you want-whenever you want it -the ELECTRIC WAY Electric hot water is NOT expensive! We can equip your present tank with insulation and an immersion type electric heater at small cost A Thermostat for automatic control can be included at slight extra cost. Complete, automatic electric water heaters with Monel Tanks (the kind that never rust or wear out) are available in 24, 32 and 40 Imperial Gallon sizes. You will find the cost of operation surprisingly low for such, a wonderful convenience. Let us prove this to you with figures from the many satisfied users throughout our territory. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED OFFICERS !Kitwanga W.A. ELECTED Concert Was Much Enioved Wnman's Auxiliary and WTiilo Cross Society Hold 3Iectinfs '' '' wrrurAMArr , KITWANGA, Feb. 1:-The Wo- KrrWANOA. 1:-Rev. D Febuarry man.s Auxlllaryf under the direc. attended meetings to elect offl- onn o...j-.. cers of the native Woman's Aux lllp.ry and White Cross Society. The chief officers elected were. Woman's Auxiliary Honorary President, Mrs Shearman. Honorary Vice-President, Mrs. F Sampare. President, Mrs. M. Bright. Vice-President, Mrs. F. Johnson Treasurer, Mrs. P. Ryan. . Secretary, Mrs. Turley. Committee Mrs. M. Washburn Mrs, M. Williams, Mrs. E. Tait,' Mrs. R. Fowler. Mrs. L. Lelt. Mrs ! C. Smith, Mrs. J. Harris, Mrs Benson. Mrs. H. Daniels and Mrs M. Harris. White Cross Society Honorary President, Mrs. Semldecks. . President, Mrs. M. Wells. Hazelton Hospital Women's Auxiliary Mrs. M. A. Myres is Elected Presl dent for Ensuing Year HAZELTON. Feb. 1. Th annual tnearman presided and spoke meeting of the Hazelton Hospital on behalf of the Honorary Presl- Women's Auxiliary, was held In the aeni. various songs, stories and United Chnrph last ppv nefior.' LARGE ATTENDANCE INDICATES KEEN IIOSriTAL INTEREST (Continued Fro;n Pane One) in connection with the construction lessly adrift. I wisli to thank hlminosPltal music entertained a fair nttpnri. fnr th n'. .i..j .i line three for two and thrr fnr nni " ..v nv.w LtLi 1UJ-I " " Joni.. Art rtiil4nnilUn ' -- 1 IThl. n....! .mm.. .1 . i .... . rl . 1 1 1 . baIm v. .. t n n w ... a .luiiit ouiu uy 4. jiyan. everybody enjoyed the party and a vote oi manics 10 ine President. Mrs. son. n Bright, and the Woman's Auxiliary i . . . . orougni a nappy evening to a close. f . . Vice-President, Mrs. C. Smith. Honorary Captain, Mrs. M. Wll- S. 'Hams. M. Captain. Mrs. E. Talt. Treasurer, Mrs. P. Ryan. Secretary. Mrs. A. Matthews. Committee Mrs. G. Moore, Mrs. h Harris, Mrs. A. McDames, Mrs M. Bright. Mrs. P. Benson and Miss A. Tucker. iKeep the Furnace Roaring and Keep the Pot Boiling with Bulkley Valley Coal PrncMint ttr. v a mi... membrshin anri Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. E. Melville Mallns. 1 Purchasing Committee Mrs. John Newlck and Mrs. F. H. Go-lightly. Mrs. A. Orant was re-elected to the visiting committee. Mrs. S. H. Senkplel represents New Hazelton district. Dr. W. E. Austin, medical superintendent, expressed gratitude on behalf of the hospital, also a sincere desire for the Women's Auxiliary to achieve even greater ac complishments throughout the qoming year, an aim to which he ' Is giving wholehearted support. LUCKY TO LlVfc C AKT7 .KTn M Pnir. Foh 1. rn into a 100-foot ravine here slnri Christmas, Joseph Revlll escaped as the bus left the roadway. NAMESAKE HONORED LIVERPOOL, Eng.. Feb. 1: (CP) The cruiser Liverpool was presented with silver-plated bugles and other tokens by the Liverpool Corporation during a visit here. BURIEO BY SANII GREENWOOD. Enir Pph 1 Foreman of a glass-making crew,1 Journed. k. Manmaaie was crushed to death under 18 tons of sand when he fell' In a mixer. Try a Daily News classified ad- jvertlsement for best results. continuity of hospital board membership indeed some people possibly felt there was too much continuity. He did not see where the new plan eliminate any attempt at group control. The present plan of electing five members to the board each year he felt was quite satisfactory. On the resolution of Mr. Wilklnxnn being put, it was defeated on a de cisive show of hands. The election of the 1939 board was then proceeded with. D. O. Borland, seconded by Jack Preece. nominated the present members of tne board o, P . . . , ."c ., a. v w i i ti.ak. iiuiiiuiauLnii 'Driver of the second lorry to fall (close so these were declared elected . . . ..... rn 0 i. i nrl The boalrd. In addition. Include City Commissioner W. J. Alder and R. E. Benson, representing the city; Government Agent Norman A. Watt and W. O. Fulton, representing the I - .w.w.ii., ot, fi iiyiuat r HAZELTON Miss Peggy Draccwell is doing nicely In hospital after an appen-i dlx operation and Is looking for 'For unquestionable sound fin- ward to Betting on her feet again. anclal condition lull credit must bc given to the mam years of hard Mrs- Joe Allen also U maklnj work and able administrative abll-Gd progress towards recovery lty rendered by our secretary. Wlth-lrom her recent operation and will out his services we would be hope-,be welcomed home soon from the fnr hl atvna nnH full r-ruratlnti I 1 "I would also like to thank the'EIATr1 Cfl 11jfQ members of the committee for their i j f lLillllJ asmiance throughout tne year. My thanks Is likewise tendered to thrf mpmhert wVia en IHnrilv trnvtl of their time and knowledge to the! committee during the period the Uutxtapdlnr List of bond Issue was In preparation and the sale consumated. "To the chairman and members of the building committee I am especially gratefuL The businesslike manner in which they undertook their -duties commands thnnori that 1A notl.nt, "Sky Devils." cases had numbered 115. During the year there had been 552 operations 153 major and 399 minor and 277 x-ray examinations. 99 In connection with ,tuberculosts clinic. No students had been admitted during the year, six had graduated 10 Edear Ber- policy to disburse only those sums "n- "l McCarthy. Rltz Bro-whlch had been necessary to keep And.rea Urds and Adolphe the old building in a good state of Ie"," . ln "Ooldwyn Follies" repair. uccnmcoion. ,h... ,, February 11 Spencer Tracy In In hospital at the beginning of 1938 February and 15Oary and 52 at the end a total of mis (00nfr: Hathbone and Slgrtd' February 18 Joe E. Brown In "The Gladiator'' and Boris Kar-' loff ln "Mr. Wong. Detective." i February 20. 21 and 22-Spen-, cer Tracy and Mickey Rooney In uoys' Town." February 23 and 24 Shirley .n tad md r.miTc0T,? -SLiJSSS . . I and tne Jones Family In "Down mc icpu oi mc womtni aux- on the Farm" I lllary. sent by the secretary, Mrs. J. A. Teng, announced a member- booked. i ship of forty. The Auxiliary hadl February 27 and 27 and March been active during the year under'! iinv xfiiiar. t.- ....... ! the energtlc leadership of he presl- rav and Louise Camnbell In "Men' dent. Mrs. J. R. Morlson. Twcntv-' six mattresses had been purchased, March 2 and 3-Bobby Breen. a oaoy cnesi naa Deen esiaDiisnca. Dolores Costello and Charlie and $85 was being held to provide Ruggles In "Breaking the Ice- ani three blanket warmers ln the new i. Toe Pennex ln "Mr. Doodle Kicks hospital. J Off." i hiectlng Board i Other such Important feature O. V. Wilkinson's notice of mo tion would have provided for an elected hospital board of six mem bers, three each year for terms of two years' each, a start on the new plan w be made this year by elect- inounces. as "You Can't Take It With You," "Cow Boy and the Ladv." "Dawn Patrol." "Drums" and "Marie An-' toinette" are to be shown here In Ihe near future. Mr. Borland an- ther1ntwoIlidy W bef WW I I Hazelton Ladies' kiuu roup control. twinui, wr. Mr ! ... vice-rresiaent, Mrs. a. R. Ben- """wu ui t 1 . I Wilkinson felt. W M nrnam .nnU1 AlJ Llil It- aealnst the nronoxal. He thnuahtl UldLlo IIS there was already New Officers HA7.PT .Trw f.k I . J . , , , 4 tU, I . The wuulu i Ladles' Aid to the Unlirrf rhnh of Hazelton held its annual meeting this week with a record at- tendance. A splendid atmosphere for the forthcoming year prevailed. I Rev. F. H. Oolightly occupied tho, chair while the elecUoln of offl-1 cers took place. Mrs. Allan nn.i son was re-elected nrMHint ruu'5 and Mrs. R, Hunter as vice-president, secretary and t Tinker. Frank ... Dlbb, W. M. Brown, O. V. Wllkln-I X" son and F. A. MacCallum, Dean Gibson moved that nominations w" -'-v nia and H. W. Birch, managing secretary. Mr. Birch asked that he be granted a holiday this year, having not had one In eleven years, The unWarstanding was reached thai Mr. Birch would be granted a vaca- provincial government: Dr. J. H.ltlon at a rnnvpnlonf tin.. Carson, representing the Prince i Rupert Medical Association, and' : Mrs. H. L. Landry.eoresentine the Women's Auxiliary. O. L. Rorle was re-appolnted hospital auditor. A customary vote of thanks was' tendered to the Dress oreanlzatlon! J and Individuals who had assisted (CP); the hospital and the meeting ad-1 Tinker Again President Following the general meeting, the. board went Into session and O, P. Tinker was re-elected president with W, M. Brown, vice-chairman A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanalmo-Welllngtoit coal. PitlNCK KUPERT FEED CO. Thones 58 or 558 JANUARY WAS WET Ten and a Half Inrlie of Preclpl-i tatlon Recorded Monthly 1 Summary I Heavy precipitation features the weather summary for the month of January as Issued this morning by S. J. Mellor of Dlgby Island. Dominion meteorologist.. The precipitation totalled 10.51 Inches At .compared with 8.6 Inches In Jan- i ,lllIT, uary ia" jear-Tne ungnine for AlVCi LUlYillNll thls Janua"y 2" hours Announced 1 lne Wfalnr wmmary lor me by Manager I). O. Borland tmonm is as mnowt: The February list of moving picture bookings for the Capitol Theatre, announced today by Manager D. O. Borland, contain? some outstanding films. The lls lugnest barometer reading at sea level. 30.47 on January 23. Lowest barometer reeding at sea level, 24.09 on January 2. Maximum temperature. 47.5 on January 3. The general revenue account, i. . mw. Minimum temperature. 20 . . . IJanuary 31. rn;; Vor .nam LuTy Tur' ? $54,553.02 and expenditure of $54, February 2 and 3-Kate Douglas Z'&X"-317 Sunshine. 28 3 hours. 04. Pavinir thA .urnins of t?. mi.. 7 ? . L kjhi3 Momcr uareys unicK- 08. Under revenue hospital fees ens' and Mclvyn Douglas In "Fast were given ai sz7.8iu.88 ana grants Company.- ai s.4M.iu. m expenditure, sal- February 4-Bob Durns. Jean anes ana wages had amounted to Parker and Irvln S. Cobb in "Ar-$23,134.89. kansas Traveler" and Oall Patrick Other Reports and ud Nolan "King of Al- " The house committee report, pre- calrz' sented by W. M. Brown, was a brief February ' and 8-Lulse Rain-document. In view of the pending !f and MlI1a KorJus ,n The Oreat removal nf lh nnr VinenUal WaltZ." if u. 4,: February 9 and Whifflets From The Waterfront C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeonre Capt. H. E. Nedden. arrived in J port on time at 10 o'clock this; morning from Vancouver. Powell! River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon iior Anyox ana Stewart whence ?he will return here tomorrow eve- i ning southbound. 1 lf 4 I a . . . ... riai i a. vvaipriratMr imffnirr ipatlenU had been admitted during Aavcntur Mar-.Chllllwack. Capt. E. B. Allen, ar- I the year and 1139 had been treat- vl' , . rtved In port at 5:50 this mornln nnA 16 and 7-Margarct cd. The collective days' stay had ?.bar from Vancouver via Vaneuer I been 19.777. There had been 124 and Ocean Falls and l births and 44 deaths. Ambulatory qh" " "oUKIiU ,n,now discharging local caro oefor, sauing on ner return south. Whatever Soup you mako or buy ALWAYS ADD a little BOVRIL If will greatly improve fho richness, tho flavor and goodness and malo them as nearly perfect as thoy can be. Thone 773 Wednesday, February 1, ijji " h nun Ml LAST TIMES TONKillT Two Shows. 7:0o and 9lo S0NJA HENIE In 'My Lucky Star' Wllh RICHARD GREENE JOAN DAVIS (At 7:13 and 9:50) ADDED l ot Cameraman In "FILMING IJKi THRILLS" Crime Doon't Par Series -THINK IT OVER" Cartoon "Candy Goose and Doormday COMING THURSDAY IR, Kate Doutlat M'Utlni Famous Novel "Molher Carey's Chlrkenn" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zaretll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME? Kate $1.09 up 50 Rooms Hot it Loll Water Prince Rusted B P I'hon Ml P.O, Boi IM AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture At the Summit Apt, on Hiurwlt;, Teb. 2nd, Suite 3. Lommenrlnf it StlS p.m. Instructed by th owner I win by Public Auction contents -J apartment consisting of. One 1838 Victor All-Wave Radl I only Cherterrieki Chair 9x12 Ai minster Carpet. 1 Urge oak ta lath: Rocker. Hoover Caty 8weeper complete new. 15 (t m-mlmter Carpet Runner. 4-6x7.8 At minster Carpet, Mantle Clock. Dresier. 3 Oil Palntin2i. 1 Tri-I.!M 1 KKehen Table. 4 Chairs. 1 Foldlnj Table. Drophead Sewing Machine Carving Set. Single Bed. Slumbcf King Spring with Inner Spring Mattress. 2 small canvU. niank't Sheets. PoU and Pans. DUhe. eV Terms Cash. Th ewe goods are all neaily new and In first claw condition. Geo. Dawes ! Aurtlonrer oooooooooooooooooooroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MacKenzie s Furniture February Furniture Sale SIMMON'S r:i COMPI.CTE-Wa!nut finish bedstead Simmon i wujt oprmg. rcii Avmress. Regular $27.50. February Sale I'rlre Smoked "Rupert Brand" $24.50 327 Tiiuto avi:ni:e Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator 1 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I Co. Lid. S 1,r,nce "Pt n..l.K nJkla