Tomorrows Tides TFT . . . r ' ... ' 71 IT ' 1 -- w'rJch also included w x s sr.o w u. rTiuon, j . e fommuwe. un- tnzai: p oi r a. msc- 4U 4- UUtlE KUW mil' :.r to acknowledged A. M. . neiDI JI1TC11 UV .1UC 'r A r i-rr under the pres i , l am . J i MisiiMJii. uir -..rd rx - "nt work Of Miss l : RN lady superln remised or DEFENDED Rescue Party To , fit has been paid which '7 has materially assisted In instruction of the new build-Payments to the contractors Assist Trapper FOR WHILE' Pro Intc-Wide Survey of Utilities ! Kill Be Pint Function of New Board ( VICTORIA. Feb. I: CP The first function of the new public . . . utilities board, personnel of which u r, of the president. O. nM niunfd Df w v :rwed events In con- Carrothtr, M chalrman and L he construction of ... P.4nr(, r anA , r building which McDonald M members. will be to nder ray. A first ws, being obtained make a province-wide survey. It may be a year or more before the :wtn. Mr Tinker commlstlon seU EboUt to to Frank Dlbb. .but Uf of kU, -man of the build- HIS SHACK Kabert Creek Settler hsrYed With llavinr literal Still But Defends llinuetf Ajilrut Police " tr.i K W Birch, msnajlnt .V,J IT. , ar . as that of the 0VAfUV1- CanadUn Mounted Police - wa wuekreDlni vodPS thfln- ataff invtCatlon Robert Dunn, homesteader. ye of t-i cuncf lor the ho- OfrdlehrC MuMc. .Sr Er,e SKU Sea t bay all day - U4d"rofn "d VbSht here on the J police boat Imperator. which had financial Report ' been despatched to Roberta Creek . . . when the settler barricaded hlm- Jr.Z? H n a shack and threatened to -:rman. F A. MacCallum, of 0, h,m Qn chan;e IX5&csslon f ' ;.:'a irants from both gov c '3 tjid city through ehang an Ulesal stUL Two officers crrpt In at a rear 7 11 7." n p. w" Dunn Ulked to another policeman f. 1". some relief might u. be ' --.g through contemplated 4 . J' .-.i of the liosoltal Act 1 Anthmv I ,ormc r r.aa oeen a siigni aecreasc J-SfT hnmH,1 dint Hnrinj l I 1 I.- I. L-.i ... . iiriiiiiiciv uiiunii . I n n ni mwr niTini ' . t-?TJ as against 20.454 Inj -Ir.g to the flnaJKlal state- Mlnule Laboratory Tents In Tor- ronUnued the report. 'It onto Show Japane? Articles irrn trial ini financial ron To i:oniain ucaair inin 1 I- m1AXA kit iuamkIi' I silng on December 31 have, i FUd Provision for the first TORONTO. Feb. 1: (CP) miscellaneous disbursements Arduous Trip Being Faced By W6.968.74, and to guarantee ITT mnrr- It -.III I A iUmrm il win ue uubcu i in. v balance in the Building Fund .t65.02, the repayment of bonds so ucd life "it Insurance insurance policies poucica icciea for Party Destined For Cabin 21 Miles Northeast of Mission City i MBisfPtVSHssPjilB 1' S''BHBBsBlBBBaiBljB5 Following aj air raid rehearsal .i Chatham E:ig.and. a demolition first aid squad is ihown above rarr; a.g oat an injured" citizen after a supposed bomb had fallen on the home. The next day local air raid preeaut uns were given a test when the R. A. F. staged a mock raid on the "More passive air defence area" which comprised 200 square miles of the eastern approach to London Minister In Rough Ride At Meetin? I LONDON. Feb. 1 'CP'--Sir Klngsley Wood. Air Minister. h had a rough time when he at- j tempted to address a meeting in Whitehall last night When he started to justify the gov- ernment's foreign policy, bed- lam broke loose. Some started ! to dance the "Lambeth Walk" and others commenced sing- ' tng Tipperary." Then fists started to fly. Finally. Sir l Klngsley began singing "Ood Save the King" and order was , window to effect the capture, whll ' restored. Earlier in the day i thousands had participated In demonstrations in front of the Houses of Parliament and later j at Piccadilly. There were j shouts of "We want arms for 4 Spain." Security Markets Have Firmer Tone ... . r bjgiti-tii uu.v. ueaciion in rrmcipai wemrra iu ' 3ld in connection with the brushes, after close laboratory In-. ri.nrriinr intirr'n snrrrh b-..Jdlng, amounting to $476.68, goettlon. have been proven to con-, curpius of 1235.08. A lew types of brushes are Dcing cnecK-i . the moderate and concll- it mltr fn Itirai n 4 Urn ttol J KM ' M . . i i - IVSVUUO IIG tlV up Ull. ltal Bonds to the amount, S0O while He donations donations received received fd $750 ilatory tone of Chancellor Adolf Hitler's speech on Monday, Euro-Ipean security markets had a stronger tone yesterday. London led the way In buying with Paris TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver Pactrk Nickel. 25 ask. Big Missouri. 5. Bralome. 10.S5. Aztec, .04 ask. Cariboo Quartz, 220 ask. Dentonla, .04. Colconda, .044. Mlnto. .024. Falrview, JB4. NoWe Five, .62 14. Pend OrelUe, 1.58. Pioneer, 2.60. Porter Idaho. D2fe. Premier, 250. Reeves McDonald, 26. Reno. 56. Relief Arlington, .11. Taylor Bridge, .05. Hedley Amal., .06. Premier Border, J31. Silbak Premier. 130 ask. jfi Home Gold. .od. ' Grandview. .05V. Indian. Jim. QuaUino. .02 fc. OiU A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont, .42 ask. C. & E.. 2.10. MeDougal Segur, .13. Paealta. .06. Home Oil. 2.45. J and Berlin followins.UiL nut not 1 staaacona so strong. New Yorkan'd Torontot Francoeu Francoeur. markets were also much stronger. TODAY'S WEATHER TerraceCloudy, northeast wind, temperature 18. Alvansh-Cloudy. calm. 14 mtrrton. FVh I: (CP) A s-l Alice Arm-Cloudy, north wind,- . v..l,rjiv ' 21 . left here yesterday cue party per,n, have been taken trii -V .T.L.:lhls cabin twenty-four miles north- stewari-iouay. u r. u inc n05- Al inis " t ur. 5h serlouslv In- wind. 12. " not expected that It will. """I"";, Xt. U , to trft. Hazelton-Snowlng. calm, 0. toSHuXSr bosl -d fool. ncje-ry U.; verse country on which snow is a; m 17 ai 1 'HihT "north Smlthcrs Overcast, calm. 10. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 2 abovei Toronto Beattie. U2. Central Pat.. 251. Gods Lake. .23. Little Long Lak, 3.20. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.20. Pickle Crow, 5.20. San Antonio, 125. Sherritt Oordon, 122. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.70. Oklend, .25. Mosher. .16. Maasen Red Lake, .46. ...62. .18. Moneta, 1.33. Bouscadlllac, .08. Moneta, 122. Bosucdalllac, .08. Thompson Cadillac. .22 tj Bankfleld. .27. East Malartlc. 2.40. Preston E. Dome, 1.49. Aldermac, .45. Kerr Addison, 1.89. UchTaoia"; 1.40. Int. Nickel. 51.25. Noranda. 790. Con. Smelters, 55.00. Athona, .06. I i i ments policy of appeasement in Eurojeau affairs had been a success There was no Internationa! proWem whicjcQuld not be solved by amicable rcUicdsson and negotiation. Mr. Chamberlain decJam" The Premier admitted, however, that the time hid come when' ' Chancellor Adolf Hitler .of Germany should reinforce his words if rat wlJi def mite aetlof. " Mr. Chamberlain expressed satis faction with the peaceful Intensions of Premier Benito Mussolini jot Italy who had signified his willingness to maintain the Mediterranean status quo by adhering to the Anglo-Italian accord with 1 no territorial ambitions in Spain Sir Archibald Sinclair, Liberal Ueadw. did 'Ike P -., bertaln's foreign polky but he alluded to the Prime Ministers I ! 5 LONDON, Feb. 1: CP Plans for the re-establishment of Jew- IpTk Af inr.Ao In DpHfcri mufatlO nil Within two weeks a six-man mission will leave for there to look into the possibilities. Colonial Secretary Malcolm MacDonald Three Treasury Branches Being Opened Up Now EDMONTON, Feb. 1: (CP) Three new provincial treasury branches are being opened In Al-berta, It Is announced. They will be at Lethbrldge, McGrath and Raymond. Hardrock, 1.63. Barber Larder, .10. Femland, .104. Dominion Bridge, 33.00. Bulletins START CREDIT BUREAUS VICTORL The provincial government is taking steps to implement legislation passed at the last session to 'provide for the setting up of credit unions in. British - Columbia. - The idea is to make money available for .legitimate purposes at lower rates of interest. WINTRY IN EAST TORONTO Wintry weather continues throughout the East and blizzard conditions appear to be moving westward. The Chicago storm has evidently PRAIRIE TOWN FIRE DLNS.MORE, Saskatchewan Damage estimated at $:0,000 was done by fire which destroyed four buildings here yesterday. The fire started in a INSURGENTS DRIVE NORTH BARCELONA The insurgents reported today that their troops were still driving toward France. They have already entered Ger-ona province, the last uninvaded province of government controlled Catalonia. FORMER MINISTER DIES CI1ILI.IWACK Hon. William Atkinson, minister of agriculture for five years In the Conservative cabinet of the late Dr. S. F Tolmie, died today at the age of seventy. Turner Valley Oil Production To Be Further Curtailed EDMONTON. Feb. 1: (CP) Further curtailment of production In the Turner Valley oil field was or 141 Maccy's Coffee House . i 11:40 a.m. 22.2 ft. V.$h 5:30 a.m. 7J ft. 18:21 pm 21 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS II .COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "V Vi PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS II ' --A. -J nele Sam lO Help Democracies j a Keen Hospital Interest; Old Board Re-Elected Last Night Indicating a sustained and general interest in hosni- affairs, there was attendance of some seventy or so l.i nfnrlit ut fho nnniml moot tn it nf PvinnAi L rnnAKni Hnctttral AconAltlfinn in tViA nit,. ... tri VIvllviai iu2Jivai iiccuciaiivii tit nit ViUUIICIl nl LH. I ifuatliLoo kunci;tiu tmiiLii ui ivvitio Ull agenda. The various reports for the year turned cn ' wamuns- arums out ui'ai coiwtructlpn. The ., . nation, both as retards r fu shown to be in tx- i. r.'m U? It HmTi n V a P A. MacCallum rr A resolution, brought tx x IC 1r in win nn nntlr nf h mould have changed - :r'.,re "f the annual e!e-f tjt .on vai rejected by WILL NOT SET RATES "VICTIMS" RESCUED AFTER MOCK AIR RAID ms.?9!:Kl President Roosevelt IS SUCCESS Appeasement Working Out In European Affairs, Declares Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Gov't Upheld Outlines His Policy To Senate In Secret Intends to Aid in Fight Against Totalitarian Aggression liberal Leader opposed t rorei-n This is in Line With Already Indicated Plans Poliey But Pays Personnel Tribute tfl Premier And Umbrella ! NEW YORK, February 1: (CP)-United States sen-. ators had from Roosevelt vesterdav the assertion that London. Feb. i: cpt-in b's America will help European democracies to arm against peech in Parliament yesterday totalitarian aggression. The President was reported to Se8 1252.' TJSXJSS!: ha"I out,ined h)s policy along these lines before the Senate mmiar?' committee wnicn was sworn to lam declared that the -rorem- govern secrecy. ine latest reportea assertion oi the chief executive is along the lines of recent statements and actions in the way of proffering active assistance to the democratic powers as against the dictatorships. J Both the Herald-Tribune and the Times correspondents said the jPesidenV nlaced the United States frontiers "in France." . EYES ON :f IL DUCE International Spotlight Now Turns to Italy's Dictator His Utterances Awaited ROMS, Feb. 1: (CP The Inter national spotlight turned todays on leT-cr:Psent nmbreUa. asserting spread over .the Dakotas.Jnto itajietilasaoHni oLltaly-Juho wif unfit re signuiea -aeeerrcy. toiera- tkm and quietness" as contrasted to the noise and blataney nf thr dictators of the totalitarian states The debate on foreign policy culminated in the Rovemment be- Wyoming. Montana and Idaho. I expected to make a nttmber otJm-i Thirty-eiht deaths are reported - portent pronouncements In conntc-between Illinois and Maine. In . tion with the observance of the aixi .Montreal four thousand men teenth anniversary of the founding have been nut to work shovelling lof the Fascist militia. Hewever.'h; snow. There has been eisht in- refrained from speaking on this oc- .Ing upheld on a division of 258 to ch of snow at Halifax and Icasien. T 1 M4n,.M. . - 1 . . . .... uiuuuu 01 auJuui 11 motor traffic in the Maritimes 11 uuce, in ms cnaractenstie ment- Is at a standstiiL At Lunenberc 'manner, reviewed a parade of i a firrr rale irrnt rinriK anil I twentv thousand Black Shirt troons' Xi n 1.1 gear overboard from fishing ves- ,New oaskatcnewan j Forest Reserve 1 REGINA. Feb. 1:- 'CP Establishment of a new forest reserve .In Northern Saskatchewan Is Jewish Home In j British Guiana Possibility of Colonizing Refugees There Is Being Considered B1SI10P RESIGNS asm. LONDON Sir Arthur Win- ry Ct I J nington - Ingram, lor thirty- Dem? Uiarted eiht J"" BHhP of London 9 ! V, . .cl-n.J lh (... inz accepted by the King. lie is 4not resijrninjr because of ill health, the distinguished cleric says, but because he feels it is "only fair for an old man to make way for a younger man." Eighty-one years old, he plans a world tour. as iney passea we monument 01 the Unknown Soldier. There wre, the usual scenes of mass enthusl- Ywterday telegrams passed between Premier Mussolini and Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany reaffirming Italo-German friendship. More Motors Are On Alberta Roads Number of Vehicles Licenced Shows Considerable Increase EDMONTON. Feb. 1: (CP) There has been a large Increase In the number or motor vehicles licenced in Alberta. At the end of 1938 the total was 105,000 In comparison with 98,000 at the end of 1937. Weather Forecast General Synopsis A disturb ance is approaching the Queen j Charlotte Islands and the weather I has been fair over British Colum-jbia but decidedly cold in the In-' terior. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- ' lotte Islands East to southeast I winds, becoming strong at night, with some snow and sleet. West Coast of Vancouver Island Partly cloudy, cool, fresh to strong south winds at night, BAR GOLD LONDON. Feb. 1: (CD Th9 price of bar gold was down lc at $34.99 on the London metal market yesterday. , ' WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEG, Feb. 1: (CP) Wln- dercd. yesterday by the Alberta nipeg wheat futures were off lc j petroleum control board. . yesterday, May closing at 62?ec