You know LEISHMAN have earned their reputation for making fine clothes, and they do everything possible to keep that reputation intact. It is your guarantee of satisfaction in fit, fabric, style and tailoring. Your Headquarters For "LEISHMAN CLOTHES" BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED Phone 297 A ML 1 A 1 532, 3rd. Ave. W. PROSPECTS NEW FIELD Barnty Turbitt Here on Way Home i -jo Alice Arm From Yukon c P.O. Box 622 Canada At War 25 Years Ago J By The Canadian Press ucioDer 4. mi German uerman troops troops closed closed In in on on Ant- Ant- W u.k i,wu. u c The Skeena River salmon pack defendlng aeienaing Except possibly for a few scattered American catches, it is expected that mid-October will hare seen the end of halibut landings at Prince Rupert for the 1939 season. There are now about seren or eight Canadian boats still out on the grounds but it is anticipated that the ensuing 'veek will see them all back in. The most of the American boats especially those from Seattle. " xiH Drobably nm Into their home Prince Louise which was In port oorts without coming into Prince yesterday afternoon southbound Rupert.- Halibut landings at Prince Rupert V Wa 71, WP. eigiums stub- Up to the end of last week, mark- gin, field of Kathleen Lake, about bornly on a line between, the Rupel Ing practically the close of the sea- i?r-i!lHV,tS?tamfInev the Nethe agalnst Wnlch at-,8on " far as Pack,n th WS tu. Ct f1 ,l ,C Tu" tacks falled- Battle of " Vistula concerned, totalled 289.750 cases SS Tp ?"lrd lVhe RWer in Poland began' , for the Pnt season in compari- clty on the Princess LonUe yester-, j ; : I n 36QM1 day. afternoon and will proceed to- , ', 10,7 , , ,,,,, , to t W- n 1936. 235J92 In nlgiit tp his home at Alice Arm. Mr. ,CharIes, raham- npector of Turbitt located wme promising nes' returned W the l 2;2 In The Naas grolind which, however, will require Prlncess AdeIa,de yesterday after- Rlver fack th,s m 3936 lare scale development to bring It noon from a triP to the V CaMS '"cP"150" M 5376 la&iihiduettoTylkii dIstrIct oWWal duties. jcases last year, 24 107 cases In 1937, boxl. he was able to get some nine 9 f " f4? in or ten ounces of gold to bring out Keep up to date. Accuse regu- " 193' wlth.him. larly. ' I Passengers aboard the steamer ; MIT i, W 1 1 ... I ; . f . ;v n r , ,.- t It f :': ': t. ". . and . cranberry sauce When the first white settlers on this continent felt the urge to give thanks that their crops were safe-ly in, Father took his blunderbuss and shot a wild turkey while Mother ventured into the marsh for cranberries. Turkey and cranberry sauce did not come out of the storehouse so they became symbols for extra thanksgiving. As you sit back after your Thankseivinp dinner in m - O 1939, your pipe, cigar and cigarette give, if you come to think of it, cause for extra thanks. ' For the industry which supplies you with the peaceful pleasures of smoking now supports some 300,0Q0 of your fellow Canadians and adds to the work and wages of many thousands more on farms and railroads, in factories and stores. This is im. portant to you, whoever you are, because Canada is more than a stretch of territory. It is a community of interests, an organization for living through which we all make our livelihood and in which we dwell in enviable comfort and security . . . And all this has been developed in a lan which was forest and marshes when turkey and cranberry sauce became viands of thanksgiving. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED from Skagway to Vancouver, totalled 215 consisting to a con'derable -xten of Yukon tt White Pass ir to and lnelud'n yesterday had Route crews coin? south lor the eiched a total of 5.402,700 pounds winter. Two Yukon River skippers, is compared with 12.296.050 pounds CaP- Donald McKay and Capt. Nor-at a corresponding date last year. rnan. were among those on board. The Canadian total this year to Tcn passengers disembarked here date Is 6,947.900 pounds as against from Uie Louise and four went 5.696,150 pounds last year while this aboard here for Vancouter. year's American landings are 8,- , . . ," ,, .. again" J0 C ' tDtln- 454.000 pounds as 6.599,900 bJ, pounds . Canadian Airways seaplane, which is engaged In fisheries patrol work ... . In this district, was In port this For the pest week the landings morning. it arrived Thursday f-were light at but 230,500 pounds of ternoon from down the coast, which 132,000 pounds was from made a nght out yesterday and Canadian boats and 90.500 pounds back again last evening. from American. The high price of . the week for American fish was E. Davidson, formerly of the Can-13.4c and 7c which the Arcade re- adlan Fish & Cold Storage Co. staff celved for 14.000 pounds and the here and for the past few years low 10.4c and 7c which the Sentinel making his home at Victoria, has was paid for 23.000 pounds. For left Butedale on his return to Vlc- ' week was 13.4c and 7c received by the cannery and cold storage point uie iieeny Miiiy lor 10,300 younds aown ine coast, and the low 10c and 6.5c which the Nornen was paid for 6,000 pounds. no ot nalibut at the local Fish Exchange this morn-1 union steamer Cardena, Capt. in8- uanaaian boats Dovre John Boden, arrived in port from B- Ui 30,000 pounds, and Kalen. the south at 7:30 lest evening and 'lth 10.500 pounds were In but sailed at 10:30 pjn. on her return are holding over until Monday. o Vancouver and waypolnts. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8, D. Jotuirfoa Co.) raneonver Big Missouri. .10V4. Bralorne, 10.35. Cariboo Quartz, IM. Dentonla, ,Ql3,4. Falrview,'.01?i. Oold Belt, .27Vj. Hedley Mascot, Jib. Minto. .01. Noble Five, MV2. Pacific nickel, .14. Pend Orieller 2.65. Pioneer, 2.20. , Premier, 1J0. Privateer, .90. ' Reno, .48. Relief Arlington, A2. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek. 1.03. Cariboo Hudson, .OlVi. Oils , A. P. Con., 20. Calmont. .42. C. & E., 2.45. Freehold, .02. Home. 2.70. Royal Canadian, J2iy2. ' Okaltaj 1.30. ' Mercury, .07. Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldermac, .38. Seattle, '1.04. Central Pat.. 2.10. Cons. Smelters. 50.25. East Malartlc, 2.30. Fernland, .022. Francoeur. .31. Oods Lake. .42. Hardrock, .98. "I. .46?'8. Kerr Addison, 1.77. Little Long Lac, 2.65. McLeod Coclcshutt, 1.65. Madsen Red Lake, .30. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.10. ' Moneta, .83. roranda. 73.00. Pick I? Crow. 4 .10; Preston East Dome, 1.38. San Antonio, 1.71. 8herrltt Gordon. 1.30. Stadacona, .42. Uchl, .78. Bouscadlllac, .04. Mosher Oklend, .04 V2. Oklend, .06'. Smelters Oold, .0214. " Dominion Bridge, .43 Vs. Anton K. Money, well known mining man of the Telegraph Creek district, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday. afternoon going through to CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For ISest ffeusehold Coal MRS. 0. E. BLACK THE DAILY KS'A'fl Saturday, October Waterfront Tom, Dick and Whiffs Only Few Halibut Boats Still Out Salmon WW"" m i nTTmrnTiini rr r m Pack Figures for Skccna and Harry Say . . . Naas Hirers Yukoners Go South for Winter wmm Comer of Stewart. The bride was given In marriage by her father and witnesses of. the ceremony were the motners of the contracting counle. Mr. and Mrs. Comer will reside In Prince Rupert. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled W.tTKK NOTICE Dltrralun And I w TAKK NOTICE that OanadUn N-ticnaJ ItwJIwayt (OrtuX Trunk Pocidc Rlr Co.) tvtvjue addren it Prince Rup ert, B. C. will !ply for a Uewice to Uk nd Ui 25000 QaUotu of wtMTJ out of Tidal Inlet, Which flow Wevtcr IT nd dr'ji Into aictena Rlrr about 2000 ret ran C. N R Depot at Kwta- . tUa The water will be dlvcrtod from the ttraun A a talnt about 1600 feet H.I W, W. from (the O. N n. Depot at Kwln- IKM and win tie vea toe Inuuatml purjh upon tave land deaerlbwl a lot, 604 Ocnot DUilrtt, ThU noUt wa nutted ci th around , on the 27 day of- September.. 1839. i A copy or uu notice and an a:nll-, oalcn pumuant thereto and to ttvs YTtfjn Act" will Da filed In the office of tha Wafer Bcoonder t Prince Rup ert, u v. Objection Ho the appUcaUon mar ' bo flint with the nvld. WaUr Recorder' iff with the Conptroller of Water rutfntn. Parliament niixuw, victoria, BC. witliln thirty day after the flrt appearand of thla naUce In a local fiewnpaper, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (Oiund Trunk Pacific Railway Co.) Applicant By M. A Durbiuik, Dlvlalon Engineer. Agent em ... . . Tho ... ctat of th .llrat (lublltalIon of tin tvJtlc In Octobrr V1B39, H EG INS MONDAY FOR 3 DAYS Holiday. .Matinee .Monday 2:30 SHOWING TONIGHT ONLY RITZ RROS. in 'THE CORH.LA' (At 8:03 and 10:1R JONES FAMILY in "EVERYBODY'S BABYH (At 7:00 and 9:15 Wedded Quietly At Parsonage Miss Lavinla Ague Kdar Becomes Bride of Harold Comer at Ceremony on Wednesday The marriage took place quletlyi on Wednesday afternoon of this' week at. the parsonage of First Un ited Church, Rev. J. c. Jackson of ficiating, of Ml&i Lavinla Agnes-Edgar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.) Mark Edzar ot this city, to Harold I Comer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry COMEDIES FEATURED Entertaining Program Presented at Capitol Tonight A treat of hfht entertainment comet to the Capitol Theatre here tonight with two excellent comedy feature the Jones Family In "Everybody Baby" and the R1U Brothers In "The OorUla." All the familiar members of the popular creen Jones Family household celebrate the "blewed event- that come to Bonnie and Herbert who settle down to raUe a family but find the family endeavouring to raise the baby for them. Good-natured fun is poked at a scientific method of chlld-rearim; in the modem method. There is plenty of fun and excitement until the system Is discredited and the family 2 Complete Show TonUht at 7 M and :L DILJiiZj return to a horm.i 'more. Jed Prou'. -Spring Byington i Ken Howell Oeors Carlton. Florence H ; iMahan portray ti wtth Reginald Der.: .len. Oiatre Da Br 1 Stephen added to occasion. r Rltz mothers, in are three hatf-wi: get on the trail o! large as an eleph r J nasty. AniU Lout-' Lionel Atwtn, Beln ! Callete Edward N ; Vernon arc KPECIAL In Miss Nftta Li!" Tlicckla FVlton wil city on tonjchfi tra loock to spend th .week-end here wltii parent. Mr. and M ton. Elics Furniture MOOSE IiI'II,I)IN(i SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Stcnmcr Icnves Prince Htipcrt every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains lenvo Princo Htipcrt for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, (Tp.m Steamer for Ketchikan and tran J5l.c:nrt c?cry WJiUNKSIMY, 2 p.m. A'AzSS 1 jurcs, etc., cu i' uy liciici ujjtcct ota oru IL. vH r. ,2 v : i i !'"' A 3- Mattress Trade-in Offer ON SUNANAIK Boxspring and innersprlng in one unit. Regular Ctyl J?fl price $33.50. less for your old, $5.00. Special THIIll) AVFSlt I he Daily News is a member of the Canadian IJajJ Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of trie Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper nor " of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding member m these organizations. '