Tops to wear over new spring suits frocks all new styles Including Reefers, Swaggers, Toppers and BalraacaaiM impeccably tailored of wool fleeces and nubby woolens in kepy cheyion or Donegal weave tweeds All new spring colors. Priced from, up $10.95 HIS CAREER WAS HECTIC MIAMI, March 31: CP Swift transition from the presidency of Cuba to flight and exile, first in Canada, then in the United States next in the Dominican Republic and finally in Europe, with indictments for murder hanging over his head, was the lot of Gerardn Machado, former dictator of Cuba, who died here. He was the victim in August. 1933, of a revolt In the army men occupying the presidencv within five months. All dug inexorably into te acts of the Ma-e'iado administration. They accused him of lulling the Cuban people into somnolence bj an extravagant program of publis works while he and his intlmatei enriched themselves- They held him personally responsible for terrorist acts climaxed by a series of summary executions, indicted him on charges of murder and sought to extradite him. In the face of these developments Machado fled from Nas sau, his first haven, to Montreal lor re-election. Rut in 1928, tr-Cuban Congress, of which he had won control by astute party mt'i uvering. amended the constltu j ion making the presidential term , iix years. j This would have held him in of-: ice until 1931, but after the am-i .ndment was adopted, a fresh election was called. Machada ran for the full new term and was elr ected, thus extending his regime ostensibly until 1935. Meanwhile the world economic depression" had descended upon Cuba. The sugar market collapsed, distress was added to political un rest. There were revolts, riots nnrf ing officers. Machado's foes said that In most of these cases tha prisoners, forced to run, were riddled In the back at short range Eventually Machado himself fled Machado "w. was ".'J born at " Villa VUia Clara oiara then to Pouehkeeosie. N. y to New York, to Philadelphia and. MnehXVwJ 1 , rd finally, in July, 1034, to Sahto10 a"d Sen6rf Morales de Domingo. He remained in closely 1T guarded seclusion there until Nov-'" f f' ember 21, 1934, when he embark- h k denTtl led, ,w,th l free the "d ed at Puerto Plata for Hamburg ?nenme",5 f rom Arrlvlnp, in nOPm.nV n.v,., i? sPaln and t was said that in he he annnunVrd announced that 'hp he wai i ; -.,Vv "sirfc l-'"muuuu childhood the "ie future president presiaent sel 'rri"" m DAILY MTV FnVUv V. ,v, TE'S PRE EAST Printed Housecoats Ankle length housecoats in colorful gay designs. Sizes 14 to 20. Q-j Qff Pre-Eastcr Sale ?X.tJt Blouses New novelty blouses, all colors, some with Jabots, Crepes and Sheers. f QC Pre-Easter Sale ?-t7t) Dance Sets Novelty crepe satin striped dance sets. Blue and Tea Rose. Sizes small, til. medium 1II1U'U1 and large. Pre-Easter Sale 1.00 Canada's Royal Guest JUST ARRIVED! 100 Cotton Dresses 'i Gay florals, stripes, dots and patterns. Zippers and button fronts, plain or gored skirts in pique and broadcloth, etc. AH new styles. Pre-Eastcr Sale 31.59 Slips Elaborate satin lace trimmed slips. Reg. value to $1.95. Q-f A A Pre-Easter Sale QJL.UU FRESHENING UP ON WHAT TO DO AS KING COMES; LOOKING UP ETIQUETTE One Says Ma am Not ".Madam" to Her Majesty and three years was rurther ex-Children with Bouquets Wait a Bit for Their Elders 'tendtd in 1933, 8. J. :iunjerford. jpreMdent, states in tnj annual re- By MUK1KL ADAMS I Prt ot tne company mbmltted on mnH.,nD o, ,... .behalf ot the UoTd of Directors . 'unci ,j ,KI ln Ik. I r ...... r- . . . In passing, Their Majesties will tate f"itton. iuu hum wauiru Nttiw in me t tic a iiDuar iwuan ox ui tuiii uom. which had been the chief prop of attemp VassawlnatV Machado i"1 v Ma,".Ch 31 : (CP)-Etiquette hooks head on yesterday by Hon. C. D Howe. au.uu.uuuuuu. iw ueu congress granted him power to1 . ,,btH varU"s Circles OI Lanauian Society and, OJ iran.porv. tne com- J. . . . It . ...""I suspend constitutional guarantees! particularly in the Dominion canital. Pennle arn thnmh. !?nA.,?ad an PMn ""J1 " f"!i struck back at his enemies! nff the latest textbooks On whatW-hnt tn Vm V' 30 lncttM 01 587 702 ov TLti i "To 3ndi,rU,?u f COnfI?? in tHe l,reSenC(i 0f the King Oro operating revenue, were papers SSuSSJS vE i w they tour the country J- in May. J 'tmm agmtt $4,076,684 Jn 1937 Lie aUSb. I Librarl report a brisk business an increaae of $238.(571. Ow-r.t.,- in social behavior manuals from of presentation during the rova! t exnentea were 4 tea us Cited For Bravery In Action 'their shelves and queries as to vt there are no worries regard-J $4,018,146. an Increase of $150,909. inn tMh i i m t nahono. tro " 'u.b ur Ytm ana ine increase in operaunK ex Dense. opponents of hu adminUtrJ roUy ae "umerous- ltalhert to be worn by women at-, was 3.76 per cent as compared with n, n,M. amlnlstraon on Few 0f the thouiands who will tending the formal function. an Increase of 5 10 per cent m rev attempting to escape from arrest - - i' .. nnc uuc w uic nnaijn.j i Jiey should they will address her tlons will be worn by men attend- additional business and the rest r as "Ma'am." Sticklers on good the state dinner at Govern- ation of basic rates of pay breeding shudder at the thought of ent House and at the government After payment of bond Interest the abbreviaUon lengthened to dinner to be held at the Chateau but before depreciation and Jnterc t "Madam." Laurler should it be considered n of ' - , w U'-S UltLLJ. tilt' C MTti. 'available $276,239 which would be be greeted Individually as - Your Court train? will not be worn by paW tc the government a? interest Majesty, and should conversation tfte women but long white gloves n advan:es. The corresponding follow with the King he will be ad-'are essential. Oloves will also be Ngure n 1937 was $199,537 dressed as "Sir," a form modernized ' worn by the men and as in the case Freleht revenues Increased bv from the old-school "Sire." of members of the staff, their hands H7.578 during the year. Passenger Women will not be required to may rema,n gloved throughout the revenues increased $02,342 and m'-make so deep a curtsy as at a court repa8t- cellaneous revenue Increased $28, Ann 1 . L - . I 71 1 'TIA I rl JA flA.l - i.icai.i.aiiuii "" uui inusv "'- ue 'uy reaay 101 w in n fnnr!iinti Conversation iv h.htcu ucunv ..w,...,w.h.uc mnnuc man-Tnd inSSp? To .av 2 dom saw hl ther because sel- the make a d,3t,nct Wbob" with the body 'Al forma, Eather?nB. the Klnrt . wa .. PrlnclPay m export traffic Tu?e" colonel orally was In the field hrect and Mt knw bent half tJSlni thC report slale- In German Rnt .hlrp a !P soa f , ' Machado entered the strugcl- d the right calf should the King ia royal command t Z Pawcner "venue reflect' the con- inBVXWXu said he cou d stav ton? 'hi FSSJW"- seyerrtywound- Witru w jrom ine wai ine Ior- or bowing as the case mav be and v"'"'a"'0 oince jvj wished brmS?atfuta K?1 "T lo?When,f te for the men. !8haklng ihtfftee Jvenues have Increased , Wnllld ask fnr his ovtraHHIr,n onrl inaependence rinally came he held Emphasis Is being placed on din-'shall wait until on December 14 ffe left Hamburg Hlf ra"k J br,eader general. jjier behavlcr and It Is noted when opens the conversation thus avoid- bouquet to the Queen at numerous! 1 only few minutes before ,ecret nol- TTlJj l'? hta f to! Ff U' men l"K a"y Chance of nh"ent ov- stop's across Cand are be?ngprTm Ice ui. u-.i j.... wlth Win a a sugar sugar plantation, PlantaWon, cattle cattle I euests guests shall shall rise rise and and mrUv curtsy at at their ,4aua tt,L i"n visited, his hotel Five davs later former Havana associates S.T , Ve" anrt ,Ttr. PT to- the Klng before Po1 Ucs-"e becam nsr gen-.following the Queen to the drawing In New York learned he as in Switzerland young rePubllc s army room. Manipulates Constitution and 7'" of,thue interior, When the King rises to eignlfy Machado, an accomplished vote- llff 0 th,en ilber4J dl"ner U over' the me" 8ha bw getter, went Into the Cuban presl- h "1, " he Pass fore following out. dency in 1925 for a four-year' rirl Ktion ,uMatt" tof Cubas mth Presldent- Since c there term under pledge not to stand will be no court ball A nod or extended hand by Their lives. According to authorities on Majesties will close the interview rules of procedure for such cere-and the presentee shall curtsy or monies, they shall come forth to bow, walk backwards two or three perform their duties after the steps, and then rejoin the other Queen has greeted two or three of-Bucsta- Ilcials, allowing an opocrtunlty to Presenting Bouquets overcome a last-mlnuto stage viniaren selected to present a fright Purses Novelty patent and leather purses in Ja-ponica, Rlaek, Navy, Rrown. C-fl OC Pre-Hnster Sale fJJO Gloves Novelty fabric gloves. Some zippered in Japonica, Claret, Black, Brown, 7Qf Navy. Pre-Eastcr Sale g Bedroom Slippers Novelty velvet bedroom jilipfKTH. AH colors and sizes. A Pre-Easter Sale iJeJC Kid Gloves Novelty styles in all sizes. Colors Black, Brown and Navy. Reg. values ?-i A A to $3.95. Pre-Eastcr Sale . V-S-.ttJ Hats All new spring hats, straws O-fl Aff and felts. Pre-Eastcr Sale V-ltfJ ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO Next Door Bulkley Market We Lead, Others Follow iSTEAMSHIPS ! ARE PAYING OTTAWA. March 31. rhe annual improvement in the bigness of the Canadian Nation! Vest Indies) SALE Again we lead with outstanding values in Spring Apparel for Women. Below are listed a few of our many values in Coats, Suits, Dresses, Housecoats, Housedreu. es, Etc. Come and be convinced The EASTER PARADE starts at 9 a.m., SATURDAY, APRIL 1st - No Foolk' NEW Spring Coats Dresses Street and afternoon in flat crepes, prints and florals. All new colors. Qj Pre-Easter Sale QAVO approxlmau-ly SIW.CO0 per annum 7ne increase in nUsceUaneoiM rw-enue.s reilecu Uie charter ot siMun-t Cornwallls earrtaf nitrate from Chile tr Unrfcd BMm porU." The veaieU of the fleet at Uw end of 1931 numbered eleven with a icUl gross tonnac of 874 1 tons During the jrwu Uvty eompleUd I voyages, one more than In die 'receding year. Regular service were matotetnfd during the year rrnm Cana4a to Bermuda Qaham.T Jamaica. IHxt-orir .hi K.r- Ar.ugue. Ouade-loupe. Mirtlnlque. 8t Lurla. Dar-bad-i' Gt t:..: i T-'.'iit'.id Si V'.n-en' D.-n..r: ., M-xrra Dri'ilh 1 V 1! r'j; c Suit ft Strictly tailored S r c-Dressmaker made h new colors inclurii.i ' Priced from, up- 12.95 MASSKT (illlL Dll-S Beaate BeU. Ma way yesterday afur Prince Ropert Oenrrj H . Union steamer C.: airlve tomorrow m fiom the south ui.: 4:36 on her return and waypolnta Mail Schedule t'ot ne CH Monday. WrdneKfsy snd Prlday . Ptt f rom the l'jt Tuesday Thursday and Saturday nOOps Cu extra fine lo tnoggle smoothly info the paper, o roll quickly and easily Info a richer, mellower c.garefte thaf t Old Virginia, a more satisfying smoko every time. You'll praise the seal-tighf pooch. Llko a pocket humidor , it keeps Old Virginia always Iresh, And its so convenient you can luck a uuuu.c au.omai.c poox of "thanfeclcr Vogue papers right into it, MM or I5