i W Kosevelt 10 ANIMALS ; i4 Message Japan i i'n nltrnilr rrrsiir Extension rr.xiens.on V t ni .i.. " .... . ., i in roaro r an Williams of University of I British ColombU WASHINGTON. DC. April I I 20. It is renorted In author!- ' history of Amrrlcan tatlve quarters that President far back as an etl- Franklin D. Roosevelt is plan- - tr, uon years long be-' nlng the sending to Japan of ri '- '.re of roan on these, a message proposing peace p- if M. Y. Williams. along line similar to those r dmirtment of Efolocv which were dispatched last tha tfnlr.ll v 4' -pplr in nutminv inH Ttalv f xbia. gave an inter- ,-r- v extension lecture r'.ng in Booth Mem- E.hool auditorium last subject "American r i.tid Present " The r t,"dr the Joint aus-r :iro Rupert Parent A istlon and the Wo- mmals. Prof. Wtl- hud a long history : i a large number of Af-iran mammal of -kr- aald. were not i an their protenl- -r.r -o this continent i:t:g the lee age. n ihls. was tUmllar a; man on this ' Williams raid. d o nave come" by - Bfi.ng Sea brktee., ; vr the Iwb American Tlvis, of coutse. had A-, f years before the. Mrt first crowed the f . lowed later imbus in 1492. by .ams told of excavations nr animals In the Cy-: f Alberta In which he 1 engaged. Wyoming and in .he United States had valuable fossil spccl-t rm of mammals long Interestlnt Pictures c "ivr nnrtion or rroi. wu- - - - r ... Il1...t,nln1 nAiU 'depleting the various forms i -l life on this continent i h th nj tnfAe Deina 2 variety and of much Inter r 'blvsrcs and the carnivores. 1 lilnlln.J IUk. Kilano ni mr- was referred to on sev artst it i t iJ-.v.iuics Ul MIC ttiiuua-. cfl now inhabited the land and ,0' America and British Col- 1 motion of Arthur-Sutton, a thanks was tendered Prof. sr. Hub. Mrs. R. M. . Heveloproent t Sitka and Kodiak nt of the Parent " ; a': n was in the c '." a good attend- AIR BASES ON PACIFIC frmidrd for on Hill at Waihlntton WASHINGTON, D. C, April 20 Air base development along the Atlantic coast and up the Pacific as far as SUka and Wrangell in Al-aika is provided for in an aporo-prtatlon bill now before Congress. No provision Is made for the highly contentious base at Guam. bali7games ' WASHED OUT Ibntnn Hfen Score Cloe Victory Over rhlllin In Only .Match lenterday BOSTON. April 20: CP Again P;if Wttiums "yptlMday rain washed out almou i -v of animals wttn th ,K. entire schedule ,hi in In th the Majo Maior in from research with rocks had en- Tugues of baseball. Only one In 4Y,1 llulnii v. rougnly esUniAU and tne phim swung Into bomc radium aftlon for lhe nrst Ume this sea- Canada were eti- ,n ffauonai League at - . r a billion years old the Bees winning by the a thetr ag was estl- ck)se marBjn 0f seven to six. Six a billion years. Re- of tric ciubs in the American i mal life and plant League and one in the National id embedded In rocks navc not befn able to get In a " game as yet owing, to the wct( : said it was not his wcather which has been prevall-dtal with life of the lnR generally so far this week. rnptUlan or dinosaur -j-ne league standings: WDuid deal with mam- V bringing forth their; Art Treasures :r equipped with brain species even man be Reported LOSt In Sunken bhip LE HAVRE. April 20 - Valuable art treasures, which were to be transported to the United States. I are reported to have been destroyed (by the fire and sinking of the sabotaged French liner Paris. Weather Forecast rtf.nrni Rvnonsis Pressure re- main. hlch on the northern Brl-, and fairly mod- Columbia betwecntlsh .6- old conflict eraie ana warm cmw ; throughout this province. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Light northwest . niniii inir nna DecoiiuiiK w.v.. asions, Tne cannvmcs. - i . . , . r t v.niini vrr island' ' rame times people mignt re- -- .... and cruel, had their place in P'-'jOd upon the herbivore ac- - uc laikvi iiwu ut"" on the- life and habits of ai suit-ill, ttiiu iiijvtv r riVfn, Startlnir witK the anl- ware ware exunci, exiinci. rroi noi wu winiotn a musical nrogram in cluded vocal solos, "The Year's at the Spring" and "Hark, HarK, me Lark," by Mrs. R. G. Urge, accomr panled by Mrs. WX.. Stamford, and nlnnn duets bv Mrs. E. J. miui uiu'"-j w ... , , .. .. . . . nr t t. , M w. rm i np mi-ir 1.4 lite vile BUUJCiV Alikl, mjj ... U tf) . ... . . 1 , n . , r. - ll.a irlnrr MTS cd with "God Save the King,'' Mrs. C. H. Elkins accompanying at the At the opening oi me mtc there was a brief Parent Teachers' Association business session. Vancouver Big Misset.rfc.lS.- - ' Bratorne, 10.15. Cariboo Quartz. Dentonta, Mk-Falrvtew, ,03. Gold BelC -48. Hedley Mascot. 2.10. 1.14. Mlnto, m. Noble Five. J014-Paclfl? NKkel. .11. Pend Orleile. 1.34. Plonetr. 2J6. Privateer.. 1.10. Premier. 189. Reeve McDonald. .21 Reoo. J4. Salmon Odd, .10. Relief Arlington. .10. Reward, W. Sheep Creek, 1.03. Cariboo Hudson, .25. Hedley Amalg.. .04. Oils A. P. Con, .14U. Calmont,' 43. C. At 12.05. FrteholtT, .03,. Home. 2.20. Pacalta. .05. Royal Canadian, expected to do so. Fifty Years Old ! ...oaBK'-'aBBBBBBBBBk. ft , VJi f i ADOlr IkTLER BERLIN. Api.: 2 Oreat celebrations of a national holiday throughout Germany marked the fiftieth birthday today of Chancellor Adoll Hitler. There w. a hute review o! Www in B?r.ln with a foor-he-T orr-Htr The Oreat War corporal who became the amgmenso- "f he Reich." paraded a erow-sectlon of Germany . armed might before distinguished foreign guasts attending the birthday celebration. It was the greatest military review ever wltiwsscd In Bedtn. TODAY'S STOCKS .nvi- Okalta. 1.03. Mercury, .06 V4. Prairie Royalties. .19. Toronto Aldermac 30. Bcattle. 1.08. Central Patricia. 2.17. Con. Smeltcff, 45-50-. East Maairuc, Fernland. .03. Francocur, .15. Gods Lake, .25. Hardrock, 1.06. Inter'l Nickel, 46i0. Kerr Addison. 1.57. Uttle Long Lac, 2.70. MacLeod Cockshutt. 1.90. Madsen Red Lake, .31. McKenilc Red Lake4.,1.14., Moneta, .98. Noranda, 74.25. Pickle Crow. 4.80. Preston E. Dome, U0. San Antonio. 1.42. Shcrrltt Oordon, .94. Stadacona. .48. Uchl Gold, 1.20. Bouscadlllac, .05. Mosher, .13. Oklend, .08. Smelters Oold. .02. Dominion Bridge. 25.25, l Contest For I By-Election I VANCOUVER, April 20: CP Three Three candidates candidates have nave bsen u?en C.CJF. candidate. The election takes place May 1. & RATES ARE ; INCREASED Greater Cost of Express SVpm-.n TroTs Seattle May NotHonever, Be Permanent I SEATTLE. AorU 20. Loea! fish fhinotnz Inter rsU were alSvlscd yes terday by the InUrsut-tJpomsnerc or. I f T omorrow s ides 141 Capitol TAXI 1:55 ajn. 21.8 It. 14:35 pjn.. ".7 ft. ,0 8:32 9' ' ft. Maccy's Coffee House Mi 20:28 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER w " 111 iA ' A PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1939. PRICE: i CENTS alifax SI I S (IK Has Submarine Mystery i tJ GYR0S HEAR Undersea Craft Seen , Three Are i In A DAT IT PAIR . .. I. ALIVUX 1 .T1.1JL. Al Small Gives Breezy Talk to Service Clnb Impressed by Car-dens and Settings The eardens. illumination and gencrai general Mttlngs settings of of the the Golden Golden Gate Gate Small said. When he was such flowers as tulips, hyacinthes and daffodils were in the height of their bloom. There were new and novel colors Including the purple and gold of the exposition Shrubbery and trees were also described and reference made to tK nHan-tic preparations which had been trade over a oerlod of several years for the gardens. Tremendous tasks had been involved In the removal of the salt from the sand of Treasure Island and the bringing in of new ground. The Illumination of the great lair balWines by nteht made of the place a veritable fairyland in col- IComw Gaston that whlUoo move Mr. SmaU described .in. some de-' has yet been made to -reftore the tail the fair buildings and the gen- . rttea ogy PWSt&S&SXQr era! jeUap iSettQt to the Fist. Itrromne an Anion e tne exnlWts visited by Mr. Inert -e of 42-10e per roUnd. may small had. of course, been that not necessarily be permanent. CHANGE IN 1 MINISTRY !lHe Burjin To Head New Bri- tUh Supply Department Will ' Be New Transport Minister LONDON. April 20: I Minister Neville Chamberlain an- Old Country Soccer English League First Division ., Leeds 2, Huddersfield 1, Portsmouth 2, Grimsby Town 1. Entlish Leaeue Second Division West Bromwlch Albion 0, Swan sea Town 0. Third Division Southern Section Aldershot 1. Port Vale 0. Southend United 0, Ipswich Town 0. Scottish Leaeue Second Division Leigh 1, St. Bernards 1. MAY STILL C.ET JOB from British Columbia which he found to be the only official one from Canada. There he had seen Constable Terry siewan oi uih, city who told him of many Inter e&uns inclcents inciuaing inai ui , a lady visitor who had marvelled at how they had been able to "dig i halibut and salmon out of the icej whieh she thought there must bet at Prince Rupert when she learned t ' this Dlace was near Alaska. i Thor. tt-prs manv thlriZS In Call- i CP i Prime L . , to Interest travellers in that state NOTICE OF VACATING tiK Klack Advised That Her Is Not Needed But Utile Other Sign of Moving Tn fivp vpar lease nf the Dom inion government on the present Post Office building expires at the end of this month and Mrs. Peter Black, the owner, has been officially notified that It will not be renewed. Notice of intention to vacate by that time has been glv- ni.,uvT . ii n. inn p.. n iimrpver. there IS no lnaicauon ILEiLAliYAl. nVi Li -w. J ' jw-.- - ... I ' . ..... ' I 1 I... 1J n. .,'1 1 1 ...c-.r- iiitc k., Ih. k.mI nf hor tpnehprs:' that tne new leuciui uuuum6 ... L,ND or iiisirtu ; XnA Kv tnen Kn mnv- has women snouia nas oeerr orocrca i.um " - tnat Pvie says .new coae ).. ....j,., .v, eaijrAtri.THAn,lnir. Indeed sime of the fittings QUI. uii . Board. Jand furniture has not yet arrived. in .anaaian Identity Is VATICAN CITY. April 20: CP Pope Pius today asked . fnr n rrurade of DraVSX :nouncea in me uouse oi Prince Rupert.1 ""iTom such a place as ytar peacs guarantee . today a new ministry of supply to SmaU He had marTeUed- 1 1 ..i..ii.wi , n n.n.il I , ths man. UC CSWiUii-M.vU t..v ...... ufacturc of arms. Minister .Transport leslie Burgln is ap-I pointed to head the new ministry iThe new minister of transport ts not as vet named. A bill will dc Introduced soon to establish the j ministry. The new department will have ! three functions to expedite munitions supply, to administer certain urtnres for the war office and to find and store reserves of essential i metals and raw materials for war time use. Sir John Anderson. Lord Privy Seal, has turned down a suggestion from local authorities for Uie. construction of deep under-ernund air raid shelters. This means the distribution of steel 'huts for erection in backyards will be expedited. on the coast route. Mr. Small while away, went as far as Mexico. He told of the antl-j O.ibiMI " " I-" " . In that republic. j Guests at yesterdays oyro mn-fhAnn at which President W. M.l Watts occupied the chair, were Dr. C. A. Armstrong of Port Simpson, C. H. Orme of Victoria and Frans J. Skinner. Tt was decided to change the date of the ladles' night a dinner and bridge party from Wednesday to Saturday of next weeic A letter of condolence was ora ered sent to the widow of the late J. Lome MacLaren who was a charter member of the club and Its first treasurer. Local Soldiers To Guard King Does Not See Where Ten Year Tcace Guarantee Is Possible Rejects Conference Idea ROME, April 20: CD Premier Benito Mussolini, answering the appeal by President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United stair-, in himself and Chancellor Adolf Hitler for non-argression pieties, aeciarea ui cn was im without vithout consid consideration of pcssib,e possible IV3-)1UIC itlivut V -- '- 444 . UU.M -- , ... ... '.'at the six great bridges which were j tne vast errors of seo;raphy of pmssed oe as nn one Hrnve drove to to California California . kl.t, t... he contended, mnAA riirnrv Europe m was which, a victim. Mussolini inferentially rejected an expansive conference of nations but declared that, nevertheless, the Rome-Berlin axis stood for peace and inral 102nd Battery, the party con slktine possibly of some Illty men. will be leaving Prince Rupert to wards the end of May for Esquimau for their usual summer camp. The nartv will be away for two weeks and the trip will coincide with the visit to Victoria or me lung ana Queen. The local men will take nart in the guards to be arranged for Their Majesties. Bette Davis Is Sun Struck Screen Star Will Have to Spend Several Days in Bed as a Result HOLLYWOOD, April 20. Screen star Bette Davis will have to remain in bed for several days suffer ing from the effects of over-exposure when endeavouring to obtain a coat of suntan. naroor; Unknown - . . . . ,, , 4 nominated for the Vancouver international Exposition at San , Department j of National a. , Defence IS Making a lnorough ;entre vacancy in the Legls- Francisco proved the most Intrigu- Investigation of Report of Pilot and British ature taused by the. death of ,ng feature of the great fair to A. Freighter the late Aid. Fred'Crone. Two c. Small of this city. He so Inform- 1 the candidates are alder- ed the Prince Rupert Oyro Club Anril 90- iTP .TTtmn;t 'ihVnnpf i; he- fiTT OTTAWA, VJ A April U. (LF) Utmost Ullgance IS De- mfn-Halford Wilson, Conser- yesterday in giving a breery lunch- Rtive and h. l. crey. the eon talk descriptive of his recent ne exercised to establish whether a submarine was. really Liberal standardbeafer. Mrs. Stuart Jamlc'on. former Burn- trin in raiifnmto - -ifcrTif oA irrHniifnv Harhnr vpsterdav. Hon. Ian Mackenzie. The gardens were, indeed, a won- lllltll.? minister l 1 of JX. J1C4 national hlUllUi defence, UVSVilVWJ said. fcJMAUC Patrols have . t w been es- aby Juvenile court Judge, is the derful and colorful spectacle, Mr Mr' tablished but so far the Department of Defence has ceived no confirmation of . a report by Captain William Latter, - t a n nilnt pilot, th tnat on an nnHorcoa undersea Pope Proposes I Prayer Month I a craft had entered the harbor. Captain Mackenzie gave no de-taTs of the patrol but said that the destroyers Skeena and Saguenay were at Halifax and could bemused. Captain Latter told naval officers at Halifax that he saw a partly submerged craft with lights showing enter the harbor early yester day. He added that the freighter Cornerbrook had also reported.see- . ikMiuW th tcnrlH Hnrlner inZ the" Craft. May on behlf of -greatly Commander H. E. Reid R.ON, lened-tor Christian pea:e commanding officer of the naval. amttig all nations and people." dockyard at Halifax. Issued a state- . ' ment asking crews of all ' ships . . . ' which entered Halifax harbor TuSs- 11 DUCE SAYS "NO I; tery 5c. Halibut Sales Summary American 40.000 pounds. 7c and Canadian 69.900 pounds, 63c and 5c to 6.7c and 5c. American Harding. 21,000: Visit. 5,000, and Teddy J.. 14,000. Cold Storage, 7c and 5c. Canadian Helen II, 14500, and Edward Lip- sett. 11.000. Atlin, 6.7c and 5. Kyrelle, 12,000. Pacific, 6.3c and 5c. ' D.S.T.. 5,400, Pacific, 6.6c and 5c. Clipper II, 17.000, and Flnella, 10,000, Cold Storage, 6,7c and 5c ' TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, high ceillne. northerly wind, three miles ,per hour; barometer, 30.32 (rising); sea smooth. Triple Island Cloudy,; northerly wind, ten miles per hour; light chop. T-anirara island Scattered Annual Training Trip of M-terjS: of Battery Will Coincide With Visit of Their Majesties a fu- Point o.,,. Overcast, 1 Dead Tree The most of the strength of the northeast wi barometer. 30.25; temperature. 42; sea smooth. Bull Harbor Foggy, calm; barometer. 30.24; temperature, 44; light swell Alert Bay Overcast with drifting fog banks, northwest wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 3058; temperature. 39; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northwest wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 30.12. Victoria Clear, calm; barometer 30.12. Vancouver Clear, calm; barometer. 30.14. Prince George Clear, calm; barometer, 30.10. KITCHEN GADGETS FAIR PARIS, April 20: (CP) Half a million (more or less work savers, spot chasers, automatic shoe-pol- lshers. potato peelers, including all the latest electrical appliances were shown at a "Household Arts Exposition' here 5 y ttiiTl m is-